999 resultados para Royal Commission


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Statement of cash account at the Royal Trust Company, Toronto regarding the estate of Hamilton K. Woodruff consolidated trust and capital account estates, Oct. 1, 1959.


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Newspaper clipping with photographs of the first Water Commission for St. Catharines. The pictures include: L.S. Oille, M.D.; S.D. Woodruff; Theo Mack, M.D.; H.H. Collier; D. Beadle and P. Larkin, 1876.


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Letter with the letterhead “Allan Line of Royal Mail Steamships, Hugh and Andrew Allan, agents, Montreal”. The salutation is “Dear Sir” and it is signed by Andrew Allan. Mr. Allan had enclosed $150 for shooting rights for last season and is asking if there are any rights available for next year, Dec. 16, 1886.


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Indenture between the Honourable William Dickson and of Niagara and Commander Thomas Bushby, then Lieutenant in the Royal Navy for land in the village plot of Sherbrooke – instrument no. 230. This was recorded on Sept. 15, 1843 in Book A, folio 281-282. April 15, 1843.


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Appointment of John B. Parkynn [Parkin] (J.P. Bradley’s brother) to be an Ensign of the 1st Company of the Royal Quebec Volunteers. This is signed by the Governor General, the Earl of Gosford and Governor General, Secretary J. Walcott, Nov. 27, 1837.


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Memoranda (3 pages, handwritten) with orders to officers of the Royal Quebec Volunteers regarding their duties at Quebec. This is unsigned, n.d.


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Muster roll (1 page, handwritten) of the Royal Quebec Volunteers of Company no. 3 with Captain W. Power, Lieutenant J.P. Bradley and Ensign C. Allegn, n.d.


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Printed Blank of an Orderly Officer’s Report signed by J.P. Bradley, Lieutenant of the Royal Quebec Volunteers.


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Certificate measuring 64 cm. x 48 cm. on the occasion of Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff’s retirement from the Water Works Commission of the City of St. Catharines. Mr. Woodruff served the commission from 1875 to 1899. He also served as chairman of the commission. This is signed by Lucius S. Oille, George C. Carlisle and Connolly B. Hare (members of the committee), Jan. 2, 1900.


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The effect of long discussions between commissioners with divergent views on certain issues is obvious in the report: it is more oriented towards the short term than expected. Undue attention was paid to trade liberalization with the U.S., a region of the world which the report describes as one in relative decline. The report does not deal with a scenario wherein trade liberalization with the U.S.A. is seen as a necessary transitory measure leading towards diversification of Canada's trade relation away from North America. Such an examination would point to a different approach to the U.S.A. in the short term. The report does not deal with services, information and te telecommunication which are fundamental to the economic development of Canada. There is also overemphasis on commercial policy and relative neglect on the use of domestic policies, among them industrial policy, in the pursuit of Canada's objectives. The report notes the interdependence between commercial and domestic policies and rightly recommend that provinces must, as a consequence, be involved in trade liberalization discussions. It is argued that the report underestimates the pressures for extra- territorial application of U.S. policies to Canada and the pressure for harmonization of policies which would follow trade liberalization. The report pays no attention to the implications of offshore investment going primarily to the U.S.A. and does not pay adequate attention to the role of investment to deal with adjustment problems. Available studies would have allowed the commissioners to clarify the determinants of investment decisions by Canadian head offices who have established subsidiaries in the U.S.A. but they were not examined. Little attention was paid to the role of transnationals and intrafirm trade in examining the implications of trade liberalization. The importance given to the reduction of regional disparities in earned incomes is welcome. However, the recommandation to leave regional development to provinces and municipalities denies the importance of national policies in the attainment of regionalization job equilization the impact of new CAD-CAM-telecommunications technologies on location decisions for the production of goods and services was not examined. Nor were the extent of and changes in interregional (i.e. interprovincial and more particularly province-state) trade flows examined. Knowledge of these patterns is essential in the formulation of industrial and adjustment policies in light of trade liberalization. The report recommends passive industrial adjustment policies focussed on the U.S., a reflection of the concern of the commissioners for the short term and the U.S.A. The implementation of the report's recommendations would lead to a centralization of economic power at the nationallevel, hence the need to establish a renewed senate to favour the formulation of regionally sensitive national policies.


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This is the full audio recording of the "Breaking the silence : International conference on the Indian residential schools commission of Canada" that took place at the University of Montreal on September 26-27, 2008. Enregistrement audio complets du colloque "Briser le silence" sur la Commission de vérité et de réconciliation sur les pensionnats indiens, ayant eu lieu à Montréal les 26 et 27 septembre 2008.


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La Securities and Exchange Commission a proposé au cours de l’été 2008 un guide permettant aux conseils d’administration des entreprises d’investissement d’appréhender plus complètement les devoirs qui s’imposent à eux dans la gestion – dans le meilleur intérêt des investisseurs – de leurs sociétés. Bien que n’entrainant pas de contraintes nouvelles, cette position de l’autorité boursière américaine rappelle non seulement les multiples obligations qui pèsent sur les administrateurs dans leur contrôle des conseillers en investissements, notamment en matière de « best execution » et de « soft dollars », mais encore que ce sont (encore et toujours) les conflits d’intérêts qui demeurent au centre des préoccupations.


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Les agences de notation de crédit ont permis la banalisation des véhicules de titrisation. Elles ont sous-estimé la probabilité que les émetteurs de certains instruments financiers complexes ne puissent pas honorer leurs dettes. Elles ont tardé à refléter la détérioration du marché de leurs notes. Les agences de notation ont donc été en partie responsables de la tempête que traversent les places financières mondiales et ont exposé les entreprises à un risque sérieux de défiance. Alors que les entreprises doivent à l’heure actuelle maîtriser de multiples risques, celles-ci ont été les premières victimes des professionnels de la notation. Pour apporter une réponse au risque de la notation, les régulateurs tentent de réagir. Par l’intermédiaire de leur autorité boursière, les Etats-Unis ont été les premiers à modifier le cadre règlementaire de l’activité de la notation. C’est ce cadre règlementaire, adopté au premier trimestre 2009, qui fait l’objet du présent papier.