987 resultados para Resposta em freqüencia (Dinâmica)


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A análise fatorial de componentes principais (CP) foi usada no exame do relacionamento entre variáveis de um banco de dados da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Gado de Leite. As variáveis disponíveis foram relacionadas às vacas (dias em lactação, teores lácteos de gordura e extrato seco total, produção de leite, ordem de lactação, peso vivo e grau de sangue), ao manejo (dia de pastejo, disponibilidade e períodos de descanso da pastagem), ao ambiente (estação do ano, precipitação pluviométrica) e ao alimento (consumo de nutrientes do concentrado e da cana × uréia, consumo de MS de pastagem de capim-elefante, composição química e digestibilidade in vitro da pastagem e concentração fecal de PB, FDN e FDA). O primeiro CP (33,7% da inércia dos dados) representou o uso da suplementação volumosa (cana × uréia) da pastagem em resposta à redução sazonal da disponibilidade e do consumo de capim-elefante. O segundo CP (15,3% da inércia) foi relacionado ao consumo de nutrientes do concentrado. O terceiro CP (8,5% da inércia) representou efeitos do manejo sobre a composição química da pastagem. A interpretação gráfica dos resultados favoreceu a percepção mais dinâmica da intensidade da associação e do antagonismo entre as variáveis contextualizadas no estudo.


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A pesquisa foi instalada no Setor de Forragicultura da FCAV/UNESP-Jaboticabal, objetivando avaliar a composição química e a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica (DIVMO) do híbrido de Sorgo-sudão cv. AG 2501C, no outono e inverno. O manejo da pastagem foi conduzido simulando o sistema de lotação intermitente. O experimento foi desenvolvido de março a setembro de 2002. A forrageira foi submetida a nove tratamentos: três níveis de nitrogênio (100, 200 e 300 kg de N/ha) e três níveis de potássio (0, 80 e 160 kg de K2O/ha), em delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados e parcelas subdivididas. A adubação nitrogenada e potássica não foram significativas para a DIVMO. O nitrogênio influenciou a proteína bruta (PB) com valores de 15,1; 16,4 e 15,7 %, a fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) com valores de 65,3; 65,8 e 64,5% e fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) com 35,5; 37,8 e 39,6% para 100; 200 e 300 kg N/ha. O potássio aumentou significativamente a lignina das plantas. O melhor nível obtido foi 100 kg/ha de nitrogênio, sem potássio.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The importance of the airport sector in the development of a country refers to the need for studies on management of airports, to aid the process of decision making. In Brazil, growth in passenger demand is why investments in order to balance the capacity of an airport with air demand. Thus, the study aims to develop a model for Dynamic Systems able to assist airport management in Brazilian sizing subsystems an airport (Passenger Terminal, Runway and Patio). The methodology of this work consists in the steps of defining the problem, formulating the hypothesis dynamic building simulation model, and validation experiments. Finally, we examined the status of each subsystem in thirteen Brazilian airports in scenarios current, most likely and optimistic for air passenger demand


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O fósforo (P) é um importante nutriente para o surgimento de brotos em alfafa. Através do estudo da dinâmica do aparecimento de brotos pode-se obter informações que auxiliam na adoção de um manejo eficiente. Diversas fontes de P estão disponíveis no mercado, sendo que a eficiência deste nutriente é afetada pela acidez do solo. O uso do gesso com fosfato de rocha pode corrigir o perfil do solo em relação ao alumínio e diminuir a fixação de P. Num experimento conduzido em vasos, superfosfato triplo (ST), fosfato de Gafsa (FG) e FG com gesso, aplicados antes e depois da calagem, foram avaliados para se estudar o número de brotos laterais e basais em alfafa, assim como a dinâmica do surgimento destes brotos em função das seguintes doses: 0, 50, 100 e 200 mg P dm-3. A avaliação envolveu três cortes da cultura. A dose de 100 mg P dm-3 retardou em 6 a 15 dias o surgimento do segundo broto basal quando comparada à dose de 200 mg P dm-3. Os brotos laterais surgiram 24 dias após o aparecimento dos brotos basais quando empregou-se a dose de 200 mg P dm-3. A adição de fósforo aumentou o número de brotos basais e laterais de 1,5 e 0,5 broto/planta para 8,0 e 6,9 brotos/planta, respectivamente. Verificou-se um maior número de hastes basais com a utilização do FG (5,1 brotos/planta) do que com o uso de ST (2,9 brotos/planta). Não houve efeito do gesso sobre os brotos laterais. O uso do FG mais gesso resultou em 5,9 brotos basais/planta, enquanto que o uso do FG não combinado com gesso resultou em 3,9 brotos basais/planta. Não houve efeito do momento de calagem sobre o número de brotos da alfafa.


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The progressing cavity pump artificial lift system, PCP, is a main lift system used in oil production industry. As this artificial lift application grows the knowledge of it s dynamics behavior, the application of automatic control and the developing of equipment selection design specialist systems are more useful. This work presents tools for dynamic analysis, control technics and a specialist system for selecting lift equipments for this artificial lift technology. The PCP artificial lift system consists of a progressing cavity pump installed downhole in the production tubing edge. The pump consists of two parts, a stator and a rotor, and is set in motion by the rotation of the rotor transmitted through a rod string installed in the tubing. The surface equipment generates and transmits the rotation to the rod string. First, is presented the developing of a complete mathematical dynamic model of PCP system. This model is simplified for use in several conditions, including steady state for sizing PCP equipments, like pump, rod string and drive head. This model is used to implement a computer simulator able to help in system analysis and to operates as a well with a controller and allows testing and developing of control algorithms. The next developing applies control technics to PCP system to optimize pumping velocity to achieve productivity and durability of downhole components. The mathematical model is linearized to apply conventional control technics including observability and controllability of the system and develop design rules for PI controller. Stability conditions are stated for operation point of the system. A fuzzy rule-based control system are developed from a PI controller using a inference machine based on Mandami operators. The fuzzy logic is applied to develop a specialist system that selects PCP equipments too. The developed technics to simulate and the linearized model was used in an actual well where a control system is installed. This control system consists of a pump intake pressure sensor, an industrial controller and a variable speed drive. The PI control was applied and fuzzy controller was applied to optimize simulated and actual well operation and the results was compared. The simulated and actual open loop response was compared to validate simulation. A case study was accomplished to validate equipment selection specialist system


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The industrial automation is directly linked to the development of information tecnology. Better hardware solutions, as well as improvements in software development methodologies make possible the rapid growth of the productive process control. In this thesis, we propose an architecture that will allow the joining of two technologies in hardware (industrial network) and software field (multiagent systems). The objective of this proposal is to join those technologies in a multiagent architecture to allow control strategies implementations in to field devices. With this, we intend develop an agents architecture to detect and solve problems which may occur in the industrial network environment. Our work ally machine learning with industrial context, become proposed multiagent architecture adaptable to unfamiliar or unexpected production environment. We used neural networks and presented an allocation strategies of these networks in industrial network field devices. With this we intend to improve decision support at plant level and allow operations human intervention independent


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Artificial Intelligence techniques are applied to improve performance of a simulated oil distillation system. The chosen system was a debutanizer column. At this process, the feed, which comes to the column, is segmented by heating. The lightest components become steams, by forming the LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). The others components, C5+, continue liquid. In the composition of the LPG, ideally, we have only propane and butanes, but, in practice, there are contaminants, for example, pentanes. The objective of this work is to control pentane amount in LPG, by means of intelligent set points (SP s) determination for PID controllers that are present in original instrumentation (regulatory control) of the column. A fuzzy system will be responsible for adjusting the SP's, driven by the comparison between the molar fraction of the pentane present in the output of the plant (LPG) and the desired amount. However, the molar fraction of pentane is difficult to measure on-line, due to constraints such as: long intervals of measurement, high reliability and low cost. Therefore, an inference system was used, based on a multilayer neural network, to infer the pentane molar fraction through secondary variables of the column. Finally, the results shown that the proposed control system were able to control the value of pentane molar fraction under different operational situations


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In this work, the variable structure adaptive pole placement controller (VS-APPC) robustness and performance are evaluated and this algorithm is applied in a motor control system. The controller robustness evaluation will be done through simulations, where will be introduced in the system the following adversities: time delay, actuator response boundeds, disturbances, parametric variation and unmodeled dynamics. The VS-APPC will be compared with PI control, pole placement control (PPC) and adaptive pole placement controller (APPC). The VS-APPC will be simulated to track a step and a sine reference. It will be applied in a three-phase induction motor control system to track a sine signal in the stator reference frame. Simulation and experimental results will prove the efficiency and robustness of this control strategy


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Several research lines show that sleep favors memory consolidation and learning. It has been proposed that the cognitive role of sleep is derived from a global scaling of synaptic weights, able to homeostatically restore the ability to learn new things, erasing memories overnight. This phenomenon is typical of slow-wave sleep (SWS) and characterized by non-Hebbian mechanisms, i.e., mechanisms independent of synchronous neuronal activity. Another view holds that sleep also triggers the specific enhancement of synaptic connections, carrying out the embossing of certain mnemonic traces within a lattice of synaptic weights rescaled each night. Such an embossing is understood as the combination of Hebbian and non-Hebbian mechanisms, capable of increasing and decreasing respectively the synaptic weights in complementary circuits, leading to selective memory improvement and a restructuring of synaptic configuration (SC) that can be crucial for the generation of new behaviors ( insights ). The empirical findings indicate that initiation of Hebbian plasticity during sleep occurs in the transition of the SWS to the stage of rapid eye movement (REM), possibly due to the significant differences between the firing rates regimes of the stages and the up-regulation of factors involved in longterm synaptic plasticity. In this study the theories of homeostasis and embossing were compared using an artificial neural network (ANN) fed with action potentials recorded in the hippocampus of rats during the sleep-wake cycle. In the simulation in which the ANN did not apply the long-term plasticity mechanisms during sleep (SWS-transition REM), the synaptic weights distribution was re-scaled inexorably, for its mean value proportional to the input firing rate, erasing the synaptic weights pattern that had been established initially. In contrast, when the long-term plasticity is modeled during the transition SWSREM, an increase of synaptic weights were observed in the range of initial/low values, redistributing effectively the weights in a way to reinforce a subset of synapses over time. The results suggest that a positive regulation coming from the long-term plasticity can completely change the role of sleep: its absence leads to forgetting; its presence leads to a positive mnemonic change


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This work aims to show how the application of frequency selective surfaces (FSS) in planar antenna arrays become an alternative to obtain desired radiation characteristics from changes in radiation parameters of the arrays, such as bandwidth, gain and directivity. In addition to analyzing these parameters is also made a study of the mutual coupling between the elements of the array. To accomplish this study, were designed a microstrip antenna array with two patch elements, fed by a network feed. Another change made in the array was the use of the truncated ground plane, with the objective of increasing the bandwidth and miniaturize the elements of the array. In order to study the behavior of frequency selective surfaces applied in antenna arrays, three different layouts were proposed. The first layout uses the FSS as a superstrate (above the array). The second layout uses the FSS as reflector element (below the array). The third layout is placed between two FSS. Numerical and experimental results for each of the proposed configurations are presented in order to validate the research