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IPH welcomes the Planning Policy Statement 18 Renewable Energy (PPS18) and the opportunity to comment on the publication. IPH applies a holistic model of health which emphasises a wide range of social determinants, including economic, environmental, social and biological factors. IPH considers that the health impacts of renewable energy should be considered as part of PPS18. We wish to make the following general observations in relation to the Proposed Plan: IPH welcomes the sustainable approach by the Department of the Environment to encourage and facilitate the provision of renewal energy in Northern Ireland. PPS18 can support the move to reduce pollutants entering the environment. However there is a need to consider wider public health concerns in the adoption of PPS18. Encouraging renewable energy (while balancing this with environmental and conservation concerns) will benefit health locally, and on a global scale. Climate change has been identified as one of the most important public health challenges of the 21st Century and therefore any policy which seeks to address this major issue is welcomed.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) welcomes the call for submissions by the Government Alcohol Advisory Group and commends the Justice Minister, Brian Lenihan TD., for establishing this group. IPH aims to improve health on the island of Ireland, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. IPH promotes cooperation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in research, training, information and policy. A report from IPH, Inequalities in Mortality 1989-1998 – A report on all-Ireland mortality data found that those in the lowest occupational class are 280% more likely to die from alcohol abuse than those in the highest occupational class. The poorer you are the more likely your life will be negatively impacted by alcohol. In addition, alcohol is a contributory factor to deaths from accidents, which also show a pronounced socio-economic gradient.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes co-operation in research, training, information and policy in order to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. He Institute houses the all-Ireland population health observatory, INIsPHO. The Institute has enjoyed good working relations with HIQA and welcomes the opportunity to submit its views for inclusion in HIQA’s forthcoming Corporate Plan. Our response highlights the inter-relatedness of the four Functions of HIQA. The Institute believes that HIQA’s first Corporate Plan should aim to develop all four Functions in a co-ordinated manner that recognizes and takes advantage of their inter-dependence. For example; the Health Information Function should include a strong focus on, but not be limited to, information requirements to support the delivery of the other three Functions. As well as gathering relevant information in a complementary way, these other Functions can help define priorities for the Health Information Function. This approach will have implications for the organizational structures and processes within HIQA, and the way it conducts its business.
The Institute of Public Health was established in 1999 to promote co-operation for Public Health on the island of Ireland. It aims to improve health across the island of Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The remit includes; providing public health information and surveillance; strengthening public health capacity; and advising on policy. The Institute of Public Health welcomes the consultation on the Smokefree Elements of the Health Improvement and Protection Bill. The Institute strongly supports a total ban on smoking in all enclosed workplaces and public places. A total ban on smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces is the only way to adequately protect the health of all workers and contribute to reducing the prevalence of smoking within the population. The exemptions within the proposed Health Improvement and Protection Bill will fail to protect many workers particularly in the hospitality industry. These workers are often at greatest risk from Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) due to the extent of their exposure.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE), Review of Housing and Health – Towards a Shared Agenda policy. The Institute aims to improve health in Ireland, North and South by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute recognises the potential health impacts linked with housing and welcome the proactive approach NIHE is adopting. By identifying the wider determinants of health, the NIHE acknowledges that as a statutory organization they have a major role to play in contributing to improved health for Northern Ireland. There are many causal pathways linking housing to health and due to the nature of social housing, a number of vulnerable groups, for example those on a low income or the Travelling Community are subject to NIHE policies. Overall the policy outlines a number of key recommendations. The Institute advise that the Implementation Plan which will incorporate the recommendations should outline targets which can be measurable, for example, under Objective 1 which identifies the reduction of fuel poverty. We recommend that key targets are outlined to show what action the NIHE has set in accordance to measure a reduction in fuel poverty.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Draft Guidance on Health in Strategic Environmental Assessment. Our organisation aims to improve health on the island of Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute applies a holistic model of health which emphasises a wide range of health determinants, including economic, environmental, social and biological factors. Our work is based on the premise that improving health and reducing health inequalities can only be achieved through addressing these broad determinants of health.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland welcomes the opportunity to comment on the consultation paper on the New Strategic Direction for Alcohol and Drugs 2006-2011 (NSD). We particularly welcome the approach taken in the strategy, which, from the conceptual base of the Programme Logic Approach, is firmly based on desired outcomes and the pathways leading to them. The Institute aims to improve health in Ireland, North and South by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute applies a holistic model of health which emphasises a wide range of social determinants, including economic, environmental, social and biological factors, as well as the health and social services. The Institute’s work is based on the premise that improving health and reducing health inequalities can only be achieved through addressing these broader determinants of health.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland works to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health in Ireland, North and South. The Institute applies a holistic model of health which emphasises a wide range of determinants, including economic, educational, environmental, social and biological factors, as well as public services. The Institute’s work is based on the premise that improving health and reducing health inequalities in a sustainable way can only be achieved through addressing these broader determinants of health. We believe that the strategic direction of public spending in Northern Ireland has enormous potential to impact on people’s health, well being and prosperity. We welcome the opportunity to comment on the draft priorities and the associated budget for 2006-2008 as set out in the consultation document.
The Institute of Public Health in Ireland aims to improve health in Ireland, North and South, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute’s work is based on the premise that improving health and reducing health inequalities will be best achieved through taking a broad determinants of health perspective. It applies a holistic model of health which emphasises a wide range of determinants on health including social, economic, environmental and biological factors. The Institute also recognises the importance of accessible, effective and efficient health and social services in determining health and the quality of life experienced by people. The Institute of Public Health welcomes the consultation process undertaken by the Department of Health and Children on a National Men’s Health Policy. In our response we focus on how inequality impacts on Irish men’s lives and how, as a consequence, ways to combat inequalities need to be at the heart of a health strategy for men
The Institute of Public Health welcomes the Consultation on a Draft Strategy for Children and Yung People in Northern Ireland. We believe that in addition to the human rights to which we are all entitled, children and young people constitute, in many instances, a vulnerable group within society and therefore special effort is needed to ensure that they are able to maximise their potential and live healthy, fulfilling lives. In our response to the Consultation Document we will focus on how inequality impacts on children’s lives and how, as a consequence ways in which to combat inequalities need to be at the heart of a strategy for children. We will also highlight the potential for strengthening the strategy by increased cooperation with similar initiatives in the Republic of Ireland.
The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Giving every child the best start in life is recognised by governments worldwide as the most effective way to improve life chances and health outcomes. This is one of IPH’s key strategic action areas in our Business Plan and we endorse the need for early intervention, particularly in tackling health inequalities and improving the health and wellbeing of children in the most disadvantaged communities. International evidence is increasingly pointing towards investment in the early years as a critical component of any sensible approach to improving population health and tackling health inequalities across the life course (WHO, 2008 and Marmot, 2010). It is also apparent that Northern Ireland public policy is now reorienting towards achieving better and fairer outcomes in the early years, as demonstrated through the recent draft public health strategy (DHSSPS, 2012a) and the draft early years strategy (Department of Education, 2012).
The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. IPH have previously responded to consultations to the Department of Health’s Discussion Paper on the Proposed Health Information Bill (June 2008), the Health Information and Quality Authority on their Corporate Plan (Oct 2007), and the Road Safety Authority of Ireland Road Safety Strategy (Jul 2012). IPH supports the development of a national standard demographic dataset for use within the health and social care services. Provided necessary safeguards are put in place (such as ethics and data protection) and the purpose of collecting the information is fully explained to subjects, mandatory provision of a minimum demographic dataset is usually the best way to achieve the necessary coverage and data quality. Demographic information is needed in several forms to support the public health function: Detailed aggregated information for comparison to population counts in order to assess equity of access to healthcare as well as examining population patterns and trends in morbidity and mortality Accurate demographic information for the surveillance of infectious disease outbreaks, monitoring vaccination programmes, setting priorities for public health interventions Linked to other data outside of health and social care such as population data, survey data, and longitudinal studies for research and analysis purposes. Identify and address public health issues to tackle health inequalities, and to monitor the success of such efforts to tackle them.
In order to determine the best type of rabies vaccine to use as a booster, 78 serological samples from singly vaccinated cattle were analyzed by counterimmunoelectrophoresis technique. The animals were divided into several groups, received the first vaccine dose with modified live virus vaccine (ERA strain) and were revaccinated with inactivated virus or modified live virus vaccines. Boosters were given at 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks following first vaccination. Results showed high titres in the cases of booster with inactivated vaccine. In all cases, however, detectable antibody titres declined quickly.
Stem cell antigen-1 (Sca-1) has been used to identify cardiac stem cells in the mouse heart. To investigate the function of Sca-1 in aging and during the cardiac adaptation to stress, we used Sca-1-deficient mice. These mice developed dilated cardiomyopathy [end-diastolic left ventricular diameter at 18 wk of age: wild-type (WT) mice, 4.2 mm ± 0.3; Sca-1-knockout (Sca-1-KO) mice, 4.6 mm ± 0.1; ejection fraction: WT mice, 51.1 ± 2.7%; Sca-1-KO mice, 42.9 ± 2.7%]. Furthermore, the hearts of mice lacking Sca-1 demonstrated exacerbated susceptibility to pressure overload [ejection fraction after transaortic constriction (TAC): WT mice, 43.5 ± 3.2%; Sca-1-KO mice, 30.8% ± 4.0] and increased apoptosis, as shown by the 2.5-fold increase in TUNEL(+) cells in Sca-1-deficient hearts under stress. Sca-1 deficiency affected primarily the nonmyocyte cell fraction. Indeed, the number of Nkx2.5(+) nonmyocyte cells, which represent a population of cardiac precursor cells (CPCs), was 2-fold smaller in Sca-1 deficient neonatal hearts. In vitro, the ability of CPCs to differentiate into cardiomyocytes was not affected by Sca-1 deletion. In contrast, these cells demonstrated unrestricted differentiation into cardiomyocytes. Interestingly, proliferation of cardiac nonmyocyte cells in response to stress, as judged by BrdU incorporation, was higher in mice lacking Sca-1 (percentages of BrdU(+) cells in the heart after TAC: WT mice, 4.4 ± 2.1%; Sca-1-KO mice, 19.3 ± 4.2%). These data demonstrate the crucial role of Sca-1 in the maintenance of cardiac integrity and suggest that Sca-1 restrains spontaneous differentiation in the precursor population. The absence of Sca-1 results in uncontrolled precursor recruitment, exhaustion of the precursor pool, and cardiac dysfunction.