993 resultados para Residential sectors


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Este trabalho tem como propósito explicitar a relação de injustiça ambiental e as controvérsias entre atores sociais com distintos modos de significação e apropriação territorial no contexto de um conflito ambiental na localidade do Pontal da Barra, praia do Laranjal, Pelotas - RS. Desde uma perspectiva etnográfica, objetiva-se incorporar a dimensão do conflito enquanto elemento central de análise. Para isso, partiu-se da proposta analítica de explicitação do conflito como forma de mapeamento dos diferentes atores sociais em interação, contemplando suas visões, posições, interesses, discursos e estratégias de disputa e legitimação no campo ambiental. Consiste em um conflito ambiental que insurgiu a partir da proposta de implantação de um loteamento residencial no contexto de urbanização do balneário do Laranjal durante a década de 1980, envolvendo os seguintes atores sociais: moradores removidos e os que permanecem no Pontal da Barra; membros da comunidade científica e movimento ambientalista local; empresário do ramo imobiliário e turístico no Pontal da Barra e a intervenção de instâncias públicas. Destaca-se a posição dos moradores, vistos em situação de marginalidade, que passaram a representar obstáculos e entraves, tanto para os interesses imobiliários e turísticos na localidade como para uma parcela significativa de ambientalistas que visam à preservação integral da área do Pontal da Barra. Em conjunto a essas iniciativas de grupos organizados sobressai a posição do Estado enquanto mediador desses conflitos e agente que procura executar estratégias de controle e planejamento do espaço, envolvendo as disputas territoriais e os discursos ambientais em questão. Perante esses órgãos do Estado e setores da iniciativa privada, a situação desses moradores caracteriza-se pela irregularidade fundiária, no qual seu espaço habitado não é reconhecido como deles. Dessa forma, este trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir da seguinte questão: tendo em vista os diferentes atores sociais envolvidos, como tem se configurado, desde a década de 1980, o conflito ambiental em torno da disputa territorial pelo Pontal da Barra, Pelotas/RS. Nessa perspectiva, busca-se desconstruir a retórica hegemônica e dominante que escamoteia as diferenças e naturaliza as desigualdades entre os atores sociais envolvidos procurando silenciar e despolitizar a participação pública no debate dos conflitos ambientais, para, através desse entendimento, corroborar com a discussão de uma Educação Ambiental crítica que tenha nos conflitos existentes a sua pauta de pesquisa e de ação.


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In recent years, we have seen an improvement of existing facilities in dwellings in Portugal. Within the heat pumps systems, there is a special type known as direct expansion heat pump assisted by Solar Collector (DX-SAHP). It was calculate the SPF indicator for 30 regions of Portugal. It was analyses the potential of reductions of CO2 and primary energy use for the retrofitting of DHW preparation systems. It was found that the performances of this type of equipment are benefiting from the Portuguese climate conditions, especially in the South and in the Autonomous Regions. Best SPF was obtained for Beja. It was found in all regions of the high potential for reducing CO2 emissions and verifying a potential significant reduction of primary energy consumption.


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Forest fragmentation is one of the main causes of biodiversity loss, directly affecting the ecological processes. This study aimed to evaluate tree diversity, structure, and composition parameters in three sectors of a forest fragment with distinct disturbance records. The arboreal vegetation was evaluated in twenty-four 10 × 10 m plots, sampling a total of 1,228 living individuals. We calculated Shanon’s diversity index, Pielou’s equability, and jackknife estimators of first and second orders. The sampled individuals were distributed in diameter classes and the importance value (VI) was calculated for each species. It was made a Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) to verify whether there were significant distinctions between the sectors. It was noticed that the sector where there was clear cutting and vegetation burning in a recent past had higher abundance and richness but also the worst equability. That corresponds to the effects of perturbation as confirmed by the tree diameters and the presence of species of greater importance value. The sector that had no record of disturbance, situated in a location with greater variety of microenvironments, presented diversity, structure, and composition consistent with a no disturbance scenario. The other sector, which did not have clear cutting, was subjected to cattle trampling presented ecological parameters consistent with the absence of major disturbances. On the other hand, this third sector had the smallest environmental diversity, which puts this last sector in an intermediate situation.


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Poor medication adherence is problematic among HIV positive, low-income African-American substance users. Substance use has been shown to be associated with poor medication adherence, though we do not know the mechanism that underlies this relationship. Lack of positive environmental rewards and the propensity to discount delayed rewards may be possible mechanisms to explain this relationship. Using baseline data from a randomized controlled trial, we examined the relationships between substance use and medication adherence, testing both environmental rewards and delay discounting as independent mediators. There was a main effect of substance use on adherence, such that high frequency of substance use predicted poor adherence. There was also a main effect of environmental rewards on adherence, such that a lack of environmental reinforcement predicted poor adherence. This study shed light on the processes that contribute to low adherence, namely substance use and lack of environmental contingencies, and suggests important targets for intervention.


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Com o aumento constante de procura de recursos naturais por parte dos vários setores da sociedade é urgente encontrar soluções para reduzir o seu consumo sem se travar a expansão demográfica que se tem vindo a sentir nos grandes centros urbanos. É através da implementação de medidas de sustentabilidade e pelo aumento da eficiência de utilização desses recursos que se tem vindo a combater esta tendência cada vez maior de consumismo global, sendo isto apenas possível com a implementação de ferramentas tecnológicas avançadas que permitem estabelecer limites ao considerado eficiente e premiando, em termos financeiros e de imagem de marketing, as entidades que o alcancem. O LEED é um sistema de certificação de sustentabilidade voluntário de edifícios residenciais e comerciais que estabelece métricas de comparação de parâmetros indicadores de consumos energéticos, hídricos e de materiais em todo o ciclo de vida do edifício e que tem vindo a ganhar destaque em crescendo a nível mundial. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo comparar a performance de consumo energético no âmbito do sistema LEED com a do sistema de certificação energética de edifícios nacional (SCE) de um grande edifício de serviços, estabelecendo um paralelismo de semelhanças e diferenças entre os dois e de avaliar os efeitos de potenciais medidas de eficiência energética e seus efeitos nas classificações de mérito obtidas em cada sistema. Os resultados obtidos na simulação que permitiu avaliar a performance foi muito satisfatório, tendo sido aproveitado pela empresa para efeitos de certificação LEED do edifício em estudo.


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HIV-positive individuals engage in substance use at higher rates than the general population and are more likely to also suffer from concurrent psychiatric disorders and substance use disorders. Despite this, little is known about the unique clinical concerns of HIV-positive individuals entering substance use treatment. This study examined the clinical characteristics of clients (N=1712) entering residential substance use treatment as a function of self-reported HIV status (8.65% HIV-positive). Results showed higher levels of concurrent substance use and psychiatric disorders for HIV-positive individuals, who were also significantly more likely to meet criteria for bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. Past diagnoses of depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and social phobia were also significantly more common. Study findings indicate a need to provide more intensive care for HIV-positive individuals, including resources targeted at concurrent psychiatric problems, to ensure positive treatment outcomes following residential substance use treatment discharge.


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This article uses South African census data for 1996, 2001 and 2011 to explore the relationship between language and social mobility in the metropolitan region of eThekwini (including what was previously known as Durban). We focus particular attention on variables selected to shed light on residential segregation and social mobility, such as education level, income, race and in-migration. Data on adults at ward level (using 2011 ward boundaries) in eThekwini is used to develop a comparative spatial context for this analysis. Our main finding is that English appears in eThekwini to be the household language of the social elite as well as the language of upward mobility and empowerment.


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In this dissertation, I explore how workers’ human capital, local industry composition, and business cycles affect employment outcomes and residential migration for job losers and other workers. I first examine whether the poor employment outcomes of job losers are due to a lack of jobs that require their human capital within their local labor market. I answer this question by analyzing the extent to which the industry composition in the job loser’s local labor market affects employment outcomes when job loss occurs during expansions and during recessions. I find that if job losers reside in an area with a high employment concentration of their original industry of employment, they are 2.1-2.8 percent more likely to be re-employed at another job if job loss occurs during an expansion; I find an insignificant relationship in most specifications when job loss occurs during a recession, and in some specifications I even find a negative relationship between industry concentration and employment. I conclude that the industry composition within an area matters for job losers, since firms are more willing to hire workers from within their own industry, as these workers have more relevant accumulated human capital. However, firms are less likely to hire during a recession, making job losers’ human capital less important for job finding. Next, Erika McEntarfer, Henry Hyatt, and I examine whether the business cycle affects earnings changes for job losers, and the factors that explain these differences across time. We find that job losers who lost their job during the Great Recession have earnings changes that are 10 percent more negative relative to other job losers from other periods. This result is driven primarily by longer nonemployment lengths and worse subsequent job matches. Finally, Erika McEntarfer, Henry Hyatt, Alexandria Zhang, and I explore the extent to which residential migration is driven by job opportunities. We use four databases and find that changes in job moves explain some of the changes in residential migration, but the relationship is not as strong as previously documented. We find that migration patterns differ across databases, with some databases documenting steeper declines and more cyclicality.


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En el planteamiento de la presente disertación, se tienen en consideración las premisas sobre los orígenes de la ciudad, su influencia industrial y su resolución a través de la Teoría de la Lógica Social del Espacio como herramienta de trabajo para los análisis sobre los planes urbanos propuestos para el municipio a estudio, su historia y para la elaboración de propuestas de interacción futuras. Inicialmente, la propuesta surge de la importancia de las vías de comunicación, como elemento creador urbano, es decir, de una determinada infraestructura, la calle-carretera como el “eje” de consolidación de la ciudad, donde se realizan la mayoría de recorridos o flujos en este caso, ejemplificado en la villa de Porriño. El urbanismo pos-moderno, hasta finales de 1970 e inicios de 1980, no abordaba una articulación entre social y técnica, una ciencia de lucha de clases. En este contexto, en 1984, Bill Hillier y Julienne Hanson escriben “La Lógica Social del Espacio” donde argumentan que los movimientos o flujos obedecen a una lógica racional, según la cual, cualquier desplazamiento es llevado a cabo por el menor recorrido y, por tanto, el urbanismo influye en esos flujos. La configuración urbana genera condiciones de accesibilidad y da origen a una diferenciación espacial jerarquizada con conceptos como la conectividad, integración y segregación en un espacio influenciado y construido por la dinámica social. De este modo, la Teoría de la Sintaxis Espacial describe la configuración del trazado urbano y las relaciones entre el espacio público y privado a través de medidas cuantitativas, las cuales permiten entender aspectos importantes del sistema urbano como la accesibilidad y la distribución y usos del suelo consolidado. Por tanto, en la teoría existe una correlación establecida entre las propiedades de los elementos presentados, espacio y sociedad, de modo que cada elemento incumbe al otro y no existiría sin su presencia, siendo fundamental para la definición de la forma. Esta herramienta, Space Syntax, busca la integración del espacio en la ciudad, mediante un análisis y una evaluación a diversas escalas en la red urbana, con una correcta distribución de los espacios, sus usos y las vías de transporte o comunicación necesarios para llegar a los diferentes lugares de la ciudad. La realización de la investigación se centrará en el análisis de la infraestructura viaria en el municipio de Porriño y sus regiones colindantes a lo largo del período histórico analizado, centrándose en tres momentos históricos, 1956, 1986 y la actualidad 2015, debido a los vuelos fotogramétricos de dichas etapas. Así, se obtendrán las respectivas mediciones correspondientes a través del programa informático Depthmap, las cuales se contrarrestarán y compararán entre sí en cada etapa analizada y entre los propios años examinados, para lograr obtener las consideraciones establecidas a lo largo del estudio en cuanto a la influencia comunicativa de los flujos de interacción social en el entorno urbano definido y la respectiva lucha de los sectores industriales y residenciales. En conclusión, se pretende la justificación del origen de la ciudad a través de la comparación sus vías, las cuales fueron fomentadas por el comercio e industria para su creación, dotando así a la industria del dominio del espacio para satisfacer sus necesidades, creando y ampliando su área de intervención, la cual puede ser analizada y tratada no sólo independientemente, sino en el conjunto urbano en el que se sitúa, Porriño.


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The so-called "residential tourism" came to intensify the previous occupation of the coastal zones, characterized by traditional beach houses, and brought significant consequences for their spatial configuration, and especially for its scenic value of the landscape. Although there is the intention to regulate the activities of enterprising groups by some legal instruments to control the use and occupation of land, and to contain some negative effects, the actions of government are still inefficient in trying to follow the implications on the landscape from the accelerated growth of the real estate and touristic sectors. Supported in the speech of economic development and income generation, public managers prioritize areas to attract tourists to the detriment of preserving important physical attributes of the natural environment that contribute significantly to the quality of life. The result can be noticed in the use of natural elements as one of the major components in the land valorization, and in the immediate attraction of investors and enterprising. Therefore, the objective of this work is to contribute to the debate on the landscape preservation a little detailed thematic in view of their relevance in the current context - by indicating subsidies to the creation of a methodology for the evaluation and protection of coastal zones that may assist the government in creating new instruments, and better prepare it in control of the occupation of these areas. For such, was followed two ways to analysis: the indirect method and the direct method. The first is grounded in the evaluation of landscape attributes, which is based on the work of Raquel Tardin (2008) and Eduardo Cuesta, Encarnación Algarra and Isabel Pastor (2001). The second, based on the research of Leticia and Carlos Hardt (2010) and on the concepts of phenomenology - expressed by Antonio Christofoletti (1985) and Yi-Fu Tuan (1983) - considers the population perspective on the quality of the natural scenery. Developed through cartographic materials, photographic collections and quantitative tables, this dissertation utilized as a case study the beaches of Barra de Tabatinga and Camurupim, located in the city of Nísia Floresta/RN. Despite already being sighted spaces of advanced stage of landscape degradation in these locations, areas of remarkable scenic value can still be found, what reinforce the urgency in adopting preservationists actions. The absence of laws focused on the management and protection of the landscape singularities associated with the inefficiency of the government to invigilate the land occupation in coastal zones, encourage the excessive action of the real estate-tourism, and consequently make the government the main responsible for the environmental and landscape impacts in these areas - by its omission or by their connivance. Therefore, the legislation permeates this entire process and constitutes itself as the most effective way to guarantee the right to the landscape to present and future generations. Are also pointed some important considerations to build a methodology, especially concerning possibilities of improvements and adaptations of its applicability in each case