985 resultados para Rede Hospitalar


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Information retrieval is a recurrent subject in search of information science. This kind of study aim to improve results in both searches on the Web and in various other digital information environment. In this context, the Iterative Representation model suggested for digital repositories, appears as a differential that changes the paradigm of self-archiving of digital objects, creating a concept of relationship between terms that link the user thought the material deposited in the digital environment. The links effect by the Iterative Representation aided Assisted Folksonomy generate a shaped structure that connects networks, vertically and horizontally, the objects deposited, relying on some kind of structure for representing knowledge of specialty areas and therefore, creating an information network based on knowledge of users. The network of information created, called the network of tags is dynamic and effective a different model of information retrieval and study of digital information repositories.Keywords Digital Repositories; Iterative Representation; Folksonomy; Folksonomy Assisted; Semantic Web; Network Tags.


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The objective of this is study is to point inter-institutional partnerships in Information Science formed through co-authorship network. More specifically, we calculate indicators of centrality degree, betweenness centrality and closeness centrality, and analyze the relationships between the grades attributed by CAPES - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - to the institutions and the indicators on the network, checking whether there is proximity and similarity between network indicators and CAPES's grades. Our corpus consisted of all articles published in the four journals in the field of Information Science in Brazil, with regular publications, based in SciVerse Scopus, for the 2010- 2012 period. We retrieved 237 articles, 58 co-authored, with 117 participant institutions. We conducted the analysis of relations between institutions with greater grades by CAPES and the network through centrality indicators. It was concluded that these network indicators and CAPES concepts are articulated, harmonizing these two categories of indicators.


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Decisions are made constantly in organizational contexts; however, a wrong decision can bring undesirable consequences for organizations. In this sense, access to organic information becomes essential considering that decreases the uncertainties of managers in relation to decision making process. In this perspective, the identification of documental types from its production provides a consistent documental cycle, which will result in the recovery of information at the time requested by managers. Based on the above it was intended to verify what documental types recurrently used in the decision making process of a hospital company in the Bauru region, Sao Paulo State. For that, we applied the method 'Case Study' of Yin. We analyzed the information type that provided more security to the decision maker during the decision making. As a result, we elaborated a systematic documental organic types most used and most relevant to the decision-making process of the company, showing that when they are defined from the production of documents, the benefits for both the professional as archivist for the organization are significant.


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The article examines, initially, data from research on reading for teachers and school libraries in the Western Paulista completed in 2009. Then addresses the structural problems which prevent the effective functioning of libraries, including the disregard for the role of the school librarian, despite recent legal devices, important but ambiguous. Subsequently, it proposes reconfiguration of the library concept and its organization with the incorporation of the computer room, now it apart and greater structural and financial contribution. Finally, the writer believes it would be necessary to review, beyond the concept of the library, the teaching of the act of reading to understand it as a cultural act to be appropriated by the younger generations within the schools and their renewed libraries with the indispensable librarian.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A Política Educacional de Inclusão constituiu-se no objeto de investigação, tendo como recorte histórico os marcos legais e as ações desencadeadas pelo poder público, que visavam garantir aos portadores de necessidades especais o direito constitucional à educação, a partir dos anos 1990. A Constituição Federal de 1988 assevera o atendimento educacional especializado aos portadores de deficiência, preferencialmente na rede regular de ensino (art. 208, III) e, posteriormente, a LDBEN 9.394/96, por meio do art. 3o, inciso I e do art. 4 o inciso III e do CAPÍTULO V Da Educação Especial (com três artigos) ratificou e disciplinou os dispositivos constitucionais. Além desses documentos basilares, foram editadas outras medidas legais com o objetivo de disciplinar a questão, além de programas e ações propostas pela Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetização, Diversidade e Inclusão (SECADI), que substituiu, a partir de 2004, a Secretaria de Educação Especial (SEESP). Os sistemas de ensino, em âmbito estadual e municipal, também procuraram disciplinar a questão da inclusão na rede regular de ensino dos portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais. Partindo dessa constatação inicial, uma questão passou a nortear o trabalho: quais as medidas, ações e programas desencadeados pelo poder público municipal para o cumprimento dos preceitos expressos na CF/88, na LDBEN 9.394/96 e na legislação correlata? O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar as atuais políticas públicas de inclusão dos alunos com necessidades especiais na rede regular de ensino, verificando junto ao sistema municipal de educação de Rio Claro/SP quais medidas, ações e programas que foram desencadeados a partir da década de 1990. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, realizada por meio de revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e entrevista semiestruturada... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The non existence of sewage services creates an unhealthy environmental, causing impact extremely prejudicial to the human health. In Brazil, this item represents the biggest deficit in the basic sanitation these days, and only about 50% of the population is attended. The sewage collection network is a needful system for the basic sanitation. Between the parameters of the project of a system of collection and sewage transportation, the definition of the population that will be attended is one of the most important variables, and that should be done based on criterion of population growth and in accordant to directrix presents in the comprehensive city plan. In this paper, were evaluated methods of growth based on the geometric growth rate, on the population density and on the number of residents per dwelling, and also mathematics models of growth prediction, emphasizing in the geometric growth and on the logistic curve method. That way, the goal of this paper were value the hydraulic performance in one of the watersheds delimited by the sewage network magnification work existent in the city of Cacoal–RO. Using simulation with different scenarios, the results pointed that the hydraulic performance of the system were strongly affected by the population determination method used. For the same drained area the diameters range from 150 to 250 mm as well as the trench’s deep, where some stretches exceeded the maximum values contained in the standard. Besides, the variation of the sewage contribution rate due the population variation estimated in different scenarios, led to alterations in others important project parameters, such as slope, shallow pool, tensile stress and spreading velocity