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The present study aims to analyze the contribution of storytelling as a didactic resource in science education. The stories represents effective indicators to challenging situations as well as strengthen social, educational and emotional bonds. The research reported here allowed to present new ways to work the contents of Science Education, using the stories as interaction capabilities between content and affection. Keeping this in view, this work objectives was to observe the story telling as a resource for Science Education as well as identifying, analyze and to ponder which meanings assigned by teachers to this technique, their frequency of use and difficulties encountered in carrying out the activity. By the means of qualitative research, this study collected through interviews and by observations of practice in the classroom by their teachers from a municipal school in Pederneiras-SP. We concluded that the activities in the classroom, with the children propitiated them an interaction with the scientific content in a playful and pleasurable way, playing an important role in the formation of a critical and creative individual


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It is a fact that between the child and the adult there is an adolescent being that experiments his experiences in a different way than those others. Therefore, in clinical care, the use of toys and play do not have the same value as for the children, and, on the other hand, the majority of adolescents are not ready, as the adult is, for the exclusive use of speech in the psychotherapy context. There is the need to introduce some specific strategy in order to give the adolescent conditions to express himself openly in the psychotherapy process. The mediator's resource introduces this variable to enable the expression of emotions for those who cannot find the available channels for that. This paper seeks to answer this question by presenting the Time Tunnel Game in the psychotherapy with young people, based, during several years, on its clinical use with patients during this period of their lives. Explaining, when it is a question of a demand for a game, that the youngster tries to respect the rules, therefore, expressing his experiences more at ease. By using the mentioned game, it is not the psychotherapist that questions or addresses the youngster, but it is through this playing that the questions arise, providing the youngster a facilitating context for his experiences, even for the more difficult ones. At the direct request of the psychotherapist, it is possible that the adolescent may have the imposing idea that he is being evaluated, which is inadequate when attending any youngster. It is understood that this facilitation also occurs because in a game the atmosphere of lucidity is less threatening to the patient to reveal himself as playing. It is the game that "interviews" and, therefore, the youngster has less to be afraid of when expressing his experiences.


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Nowadays, the current work perspective is characterized by a management economy in which the accounting and financial considerations overlap the human and social considerations. Therefore, there is a creation of a social imaginary dominated by a capitalist and utilitarist logic. With this in mind, we intend, in this theoretical-reflexive study, learn the power resonances and managerialist ideology for the included subjects in the hypermodern organizations. This way, this research was constructed by the light of Psichosociology. The reading through these approaches emphasizes the imaginary dimension, intersubjective and group of the organizations, contributing to the understanding of job relations and worker's mental health.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE


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With the actual context of globalization and with advance of information and communication technologies, especially on the internet, the ways in which individuals relate and communicate have changed. Then, it comes a new dynamic of creation, production and distribution of messages, accompanied to a reality of information overloaded as a result of the diversity of emission sources which makes it difficult to attract the attention of individuals. Thus, the communication process in organizations has to go through a reconfiguration in order to adapt to these changes, seeking a strong position and new strategies to reach your audience. In this sense, many organizations are using storytelling to transmit their messages. Then, the objective is to understand how this narrative format can be a strategic resource of communication and also understand how the stories of common people help to produce identification, relationship and to strengthen the organizational image. Therefore, it analyzes, through the content analysis method and categorization technique, three videos that are constituted as storytelling, especially those based on people experience. It is expected that this research may contribute to the theoretical and methodological study of the adoption of new communication strategies, such as this narrative format


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Apesar da importância do atletismo, ainda são vários os problemas enfrentados por aqueles que se dedicam a ensiná-lo. Procurando estratégias que contribuam para sanar algumas dessas dificuldades, essa pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar as Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (NTIC), em especial, a internet, como forma de subsidiar o ensino do atletismo em aulas de Educação Física. Para atingirmos o objetivo proposto, nos pautamos no desenvolvimento de quatro etapas, a saber: 1ª Etapa - pesquisa bibliográfica, em livros, artigos e websites, visando coletar materiais didáticos relacionados ao atletismo; 2ª Etapa - análise e divisão dos conteúdos da internet, em especial, dos vídeos do Youtube, por possuírem diversos conteúdos relacionados ao atletismo; 3ª Etapa - organização do banco de dados, no formato de material didático, com base nos vídeos do Youtube, capaz de subsidiar o trabalho do professor de Educação Física na escola, com sugestões de atividades a fim de tornar as aulas sobre atletismo mais dinâmicas e numa linguagem cada vez mais frequente no dia a dia dos alunos


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Na busca de novos recursos genéticos capazes de produzir enzimas celulolíticas a baixas/médias temperaturas, o continente Antártico vem demonstrando ser um ambiente bastante promissor. Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência de diferentes fatores na produção de celulases por fungos filamentosos isolados de amostras da Antártica visando otimização do processo possível aplicação das mesmas na produção de etanol de segunda geração. Foram utilizados os fungos L1-1 e E5B da Central de Recursos Microbianos da UNESP (CRM-UNESP) os quais foram previamente selecionados devido ao potencial celulolítico. O delineamento experimental foi utilizado para analisar a influência de variáveis independentes na produção enzimática. A quantificação da celulase foi realizada pelo método do ácido dinitrosalicílico (ADNS). Antes de iniciar à aplicação dos planejamentos experimentais, foram adotadas estratégias para tentar minimizar e otimizar ao máximo o potencial dos isolados, as quais resultaram no estabelecimento da melhor agitação e a temperatura para a produção de celulase em 150 rpm e 20°C, para os dois isolados estudados. Inicialmente os fungos E5B e L1-1 apresentavam suas produções enzimáticas em 0,233U/mL e 0,342U/mL, respectivamente (antes da aplicação dos desenhos experimentais). Durante a condução do planejamento experimental do tipo Plackett&Burman(PB), foi verificada a preferência dos isolados pela fonte de carbono glicose, com efeito significativo na produção de celulases para os dois isolados. Tendo em vista o seu elevado custo comercial, foram realizados estudos com a sacarose, uma fonte de carbono alternativa e mais barata, bem como indutores enzimáticos. Após três planejamentos experimentais do tipo PB, foi selecionado o isolado L1-1 como o melhor produtor da enzima celulase. Após a condução de um quarto planejamento experimental do tipo Fatorial Fracionado 24-1, as...


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The air part of the cassava is a residue which presents possibilities of being used as a non-wooden raw material in the production of pulp due to the fact that its 81 % of the adult plants air part, besides having high availability and presenting a high concentration of fibers. Studies were developed with the purpose of producing the pulps through the kraft process, which is a mix of the Na2S and NaOH in water heated up to the temperature of 160º C for about 90 minutes to the extraction of lignin. The paper sheets obtained in the practices went through an experimenting process. Studies related to the paper characteristics were accomplished in order to assess its use in the visual communication through printing techniques, silk screen, pictures and others graphical processes. The research results are able to conclude the utilization viability of this material in graphics communication.


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This paper analyzes the history of the doctor and scientist Carlos Chagas in the research that led to the identification of the agent and vector responsible for Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis), in the early twentieth century, pointing out some possibilities of using this piece of history in shaping Biology teachers, as regards the discussion of science as a process of human construction and therefore historical.


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We can know a people through their cultural and artistic assets. One of the many aspects of Japanese culture is origami, a fusion of the verb “oru”, which means folding, with the word “kami” meaning paper. In this communication, we describe the course “Origami and Kirigami: art and culture as a recreational and educational resource”. The course aimed to present these two oriental techniques based on paper and its potential as a source of entertainment and education, at the same time seeking to introduce cultural aspects of these arts of folding and/or cutting paper. This practice is more common than we realize, and is present in our day-to-day life when we perform actions such as folding clothes and papers, and making packages, amongst others. However, few are aware of the benefits that this folding brings to the fields of Arts, Mathematics, and Science, besides its recreational characteristics. Kirigami is a mixed technique that in addition to using folds in the paper (as in origami) also uses cuts (“kiru” – meaning, “cut”). It can be performed with heavier paper than origami, and by introducing some cuts, the paper can be folded to form the desired shape. It is a simple technique, with impressive results. We conducted eight weekly meetings, each lasting four hours, totaling 32 hours of coursework. In addition to the classes, a visit was made to the Okinawa Club in Bauru (São Paulo), where it was possible for the students of the course and the elderly group (fujinkai) of origamists of the club to exchange experiences. Finally, an exhibition was organized to display the artifacts produced by the course participants and disseminate the work of the students.


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Teaching resources involve different elements used to support the organization of teaching and learning. Among these are the comic books, involving visual aspects, both cognitive and creative, that provide an alternative way to complement the lectures. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a comic book entitled “Human Body”, focusing on the circulatory, digestive, nervous and respiratory systems, to provide an alternative resource for the teaching of the content in the initial years. The material was evaluated with students of the 5th year of elementary education at a public school in the state of São Paulo, through the use of questionnaires. The comic book proved to be valid as a complementary teaching resource for learning in students, enabling reflection on the relevance of the development and use of comics to science education in the initial years.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC