996 resultados para Radioal velocities


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Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are numerical representations of a portion of the earth surface. Among several factors which affect the quality of a DEM, it should be emphasized the attention on the input data and the choice of the interpolating algorithm. On the other hand, several numerical models are used nowadays to characterize nearshore hydrodynamics and morphological changes in coastal areas, whose validation is based on field data collection. Independent on the complexity of the physical processes which are modeled, little attention has been given to the intrinsic bathymetric interpolation built within the numerical models of the specific application. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and to quantify the influence of the bathymetry, as obtained by a DEM, on the hydrodynamic circulation model at a coastal stretch, off the coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil. This coastal region is characterized by strong hydrodynamic and littoral processes, resulting in a very dynamic morphology with shallow coastal bathymetry. Important economic activities, such as oil exploitation and production, fisheries, salt ponds, shrimp farms and tourism, also bring impacts upon the local ecosystems and influence themselves the local hydrodynamics. This fact makes the region one of the most important for the development of the State, but also enhances the possibility of serious environmental accidents. As a hydrodynamic model, SisBaHiA® - Environmental Hydrodynamics System ( Sistema Básico de Hidrodinâmica Ambiental ) was chosen, for it has been successfully employed at several locations along the Brazilian coast. This model was developed at the Coastal and Oceanographical Engineering Group of the Ocean Engineering Program at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Several interpolating methods were tested for the construction of the DEM, namely Natural Neighbor, Kriging, Triangulation with Linear Interpolation, Inverse Distance to a Power, Nearest Neighbor, and Minimum Curvature, all implemented within the software Surfer®. The bathymetry which was used as reference for the DEM was obtained from nautical charts provided by the Brazilian Hydrographic Service of the Brazilian Navy and from a field survey conducted in 2005. Changes in flow velocity and free surface elevation were evaluated under three aspects: a spatial vision along three profiles perpendicular to the coast and one profile longitudinal to the coast as shown; a temporal vision from three central nodes of the grid during 30 days; a hodograph analysis of components of speed in U and V, by different tidal cycles. Small, but negligible, variations in sea surface elevation were identified. However, the differences in flow and direction of velocities were significant, depending on the DEM


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A percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) é determinada de forma não invasiva e utilizada juntamente com a resposta lactacidêmica como indicadores de intensidade durante teste incremental. em campo, especialmente na natação, há dificuldades nas coletas sanguíneas; por isso, utilizam-se protocolos alternativos para estimar o limiar anaeróbio. Assim, os objetivos do estudo foram: prescrever um teste incremental baseado na PSE (Borg 6-20) visando estimar os limiares metabólicos determinados por métodos lactacidêmicos [ajuste bi-segmentado (V LL), concentração fixa-3,5mM (V3,5mM) e distância máxima (V Dmáx)]; relacionar a PSE atribuída em cada estágio com a freqüência cardíaca (FC) e com parâmetros mecânicos de nado [freqüência (FB) e amplitude de braçada (AB)], analisar a utilização da escala 6-20 na regularidade do incremento das velocidades no teste e correlacionar os limiares metabólicos com a velocidade crítica (VC). Para isso, 12 nadadores (16,4 ± 1,3 anos) realizaram dois esforços máximos (200 e 400m); os dados foram utilizados para determinar a VC, velocidade de 400m (V400m) e a freqüência crítica de braçada (FCb); e um teste incremental com intensidade inicial baseada na PSE, respectivamente, 9, 11, 13, 15 e 17; sendo monitorados em todos os estágios a FC, lactacidêmia e os tempos de quatro ciclos de braçadas e das distâncias de 20m (parte central da piscina) e 50m. Posteriormente, foram calculadas as velocidades dos estágios, FB, AB, V LL, V3,5mM e V Dmáx. Utilizaram-se ANOVA e correlação de Pearson para análise dos resultados. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre VC, V Dmáx e V LL, porém a V3,5mM foi inferior às demais velocidades (P < 0,05). Correlações significativas (P < 0,05) foram observadas entre VC versus V400m, V Dmáx e V3,5mM; V400m versus V3,5mM e V Dmáx; V Dmáx versus V LL; e no teste incremental entre PSE versus velocidade, [Lac], FC, FB e AB (P < 0,05). Concluímos que a PSE é uma ferramenta confiável no controle da velocidade dos estágios durante teste incremental na natação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Different studies point for an rotation age link following a α tα relationship. The value of the α -parameter has a strong role on the evolutionary behaviour of rotation, because it indicates how strong is the spindown once stars evolve. The well known Skumanich s relation α t −1/2, which is consistent with simple theories of angular momentum loss from rotating stars with magnetic fields and winds, is one of the best accepted. Nevertheless, several studies show clearly that such a relation cannot hold for stars much younger or much older than the Pleiades (100 Mega years) without leading to velocities much greater or much lower than those presently observed. The present study aims at improving this picture on the basis of an enlarged analyses taking into account the role of mass and metallicity on the rotation age relation, based on an unprecedented sample of about 14 000 stars in the solar neighbourhood. From this new approach we show that the α parameter it depends strongly on the stellar age and, by consequence, on the metallicity. In addition, one observes a strong dependence of the referred parameter on the single or binary status of the stars


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We investigate the cosmology of the vacuum energy decaying into cold dark matter according to thermodynamics description of Alcaniz & Lima. We apply this model to analyze the evolution of primordial density perturbations in the matter that gave rise to the first generation of structures bounded by gravity in the Universe, called Population III Objects. The analysis of the dynamics of those systems will involve the calculation of a differential equation system governing the evolution of perturbations to the case of two coupled fluids (dark matter and baryonic matter), modeled with a Top-Hat profile based in the perturbation of the hydrodynamics equations, an efficient analytical tool to study the properties of dark energy models such as the behavior of the linear growth factor and the linear growth index, physical quantities closely related to the fields of peculiar velocities at any time, for different models of dark energy. The properties and the dynamics of current Universe are analyzed through the exact analytical form of the linear growth factor of density fluctuations, taking into account the influence of several physical cooling mechanisms acting on the density fluctuations of the baryonic component of matter during the evolution of the clouds of matter, studied from the primordial hydrogen recombination. This study is naturally extended to more general models of dark energy with constant equation of state parameter in a flat Universe


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The connection between rotation, CaII emission flux and lithium abundance is analyzed for a sample of subgiant stars, with evolutionary status was determined from the Toulouse-Geneve code and HlPPARCOS trigonometric parallax measurements. We noted that the distribution of rotation and CaII emission flux, as a function of effective temperature, shows a discontinuity located around the same spectral type, F8IV. Stars located blueward of this spectral type, exhibit a large spread of values of rotation and CaII flux, whereas stars redward of F8lV show essentially low ratation anel low CaII flux. The strength of these declines nevertheless, depends on stellar mass. The distribution of lithium abundances also shows a discontinuity, however with behavior a little more complex for subgiants with mass lower than about 1.2 Solar Masses, this decrease is observed later than that in rotation and CaII flux, whereas for masses higher than 1.2 Solar Masses the decrease in lithium abundance is located around the spectral type F8IV. The discrepancy between the location of the discontinuities of rotation and CaII flux and log n(Li) for stars with masses lower than 102 Solar Masses, seems to reflect the sensitivity of these phenomena to the mass of the convective envelope. The drop in rotation, which results mostly from a magnetic braking, requires an increase in the mass of the convective envelope less than that required for the decrease in lithium abundance The location of the discontinuity in log n( Li) in the same region of the discontinuity ties in rotation and CaII flux, for stars with masses higher than 1.2 Solar Masses, may also be explained by the behavior of the deepening of the convective envelope. In contrast to the relationship between rotation and CaII flux the relationship between lithium abundance and rotation shows no dear tendency toward linear behavior. Similarly, the same tendency is observed in the relationship between lithium abundance and CaII flux in spite of these facts, subgiants with high lithium content also have high rotation and high CaII emission flux. We also observed that stars with high lithium content present, in its majority, an undeveloped convective envelope, whereas stars with low lithium content have a developed convective envelope. In the case of the rotation, stars with undeveloped convective envelope, show rotational velocities as much high as low, whereas stars with developed convective envelope only present low rotation


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Nas últimas duas décadas, as cerâmicas avançadas têm sido exaustivamente utilizadas em aplicações na indústria devido às suas propriedades de elevada resistência ao desgaste e dureza. Entretanto, ainda se tem um alto custo agregado ao acabamento da peça. Esse acabamento geralmente é feito pelo processo de retificação, único processo economicamente viável que produz superfícies de elevada qualidade e precisão geométrica. Nesse contexto, as empresas vêm buscando a otimização no processo de retificação como, por exemplo, a redução do fluxo de fluido de corte utilizado, o que também visa atender exigências mundiais de preservação ambiental. Desta forma, este projeto pretendeu explorar a técnica da Mínima Quantidade de Lubrificação (MQL) na retificação cilíndrica externa de mergulho em cerâmicas com rebolos diamantados. Foram utilizados dois métodos de refrigeração: o convencional e o MQL, com três avanços de corte para cada caso. Foram usados um bocal convencional e um bocal para o MQL, tendo este um uniformizador de saída do jato. Foram analisadas como variáveis de saída: a emissão acústica, relação G, aspecto da superfície via microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), rugosidade e circularidade. Assim, embora a refrigeração convencional ainda apresente os melhores resultados em comparação com a refrigeração com MQL, esta última pode atender os requisitos necessários para diversas aplicações, em especial quando utilizadas baixas espessuras equivalentes de corte (h eq). Além disso, a técnica de MQL possui a vantagem de gerar um menor impacto ambiental em comparação com a lubrificação convencional, devido ao uso mínimo de fluido de corte cujo descarte é cada vez mais regulamentado e custoso.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper presents an experimental investigation of the characteristics of leak noise in plastic water-filled pipes. An experimental set-up was designed to identify the physical mechanisms of leak noise generation. Possible mechanisms include cavitation and turbulence. The experiments show that cavitation is not responsible for leak noise generation and clearly indicate that turbulence is the main mechanism, at least in the experiments conducted. An alternative experimental set-up was also designed to identify the characteristics of leak noise spectra and to investigate how the spectra are affected by the leak size and the leak flow velocity. A number of different hole sizes (leaks) starting from 1 mm diameter, increasing progressively every 0.5 mm until a size of 4 mm diameter were tested for different jet velocities and an empirical model that describes this behaviour is proposed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: The literature reports that the eccentric muscular action produces greater force and lower myoelectric activity than the concentric muscular action, while the heart rate (HR) responses are bigger during concentric contraction. Objectives: To investigate the maximum average torque (MAT), surface electromyographic (SEMG) and the heart rate (HR) responses during different types of muscular contraction and angular velocities in older men. Methods: Twelve healthy men (61.7 +/- 1.6years) performed concentric (C) and eccentric (E) isokinetic knee extension-flexion at 60 degrees/s and 120 degrees/s. SEMG activity was recorded from vastus lateralis muscle and normalized by Root Mean Square-RMS (mu V) of maximal isometric knee extension at 60 degrees. HR (beats/min) and was recorded at rest and throughout each contraction. The data were analyzed by the Friedman test for repeated measures with post hoc Dunn's test (p<0.05). Results: The median values of MAT (N.m/kg) was smaller and the RMS (mu V) was larger during concentric contraction (C60 degrees/s=2.80 and 0.99; C120 degrees/s=2.46 and 1.0) than eccentric (E60 degrees/s=3.94 and 0.85; E120 degrees/s=4.08 and 0.89), respectively. The HR variation was similar in the four conditions studied. Conclusion: The magnitude of MAT and RMS responses in older men were dependent of the nature of the muscular action and independent of the angular velocity, whereas HR response was not influenced by these factors.


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Background: the associations between autonomic function and biventricular function in patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas disease remains to be elucidated.Methods: In 42 asymptornatic patients and 19 healthy volunteers, the autonomic function was assessed by time domain indices of heart rate variability (HRV), analyzed for 24 h; the right ventricular function was assessed by fraction area change, right ventricle shortening, and systolic excursion of the tricuspid valve; and the left ventricular function was assessed by ejection fraction and transmittal flow velocities. Data were expressed as mean SD or medians (including the lower quartile and upper quartile). Groups were compared by Student's t or Mann-Whitney U test. Autonomic and ventricular function were correlated by Pearson's or Spearman's correlation coefficient. The level of significance was 5%.Results: Right and left ventricular systolic function indexes were comparable between groups. Transmittal flow velocities were decreased in the Chagas disease group (p < 0.05). The patients presented impaired HRV as indicated by the values of SDNN-day (80 (64-99) ms vs. 98 (78-127) ms; p = 0.045), SDNNI-24 It (54 (43-71) vs. 65 (54-105) ms; p = 0.027), SDNNI-day (49 (42-64) vs. 67 (48-76) ms; p = 0.045), pNN50-day (2.2 (0.7-5)% vs. 10 (3-11)%; p = 0.033); and pNN50-24 It (3 (1-7)% vs. 12 (8-19)%; p = 0.013). There were no correlations between the left ventricular diastolic indices and autonomic dysfunctional indices (p > 0.05).Conclusion: Patients with the indeterminate form of Chagas disease have both dysautonomia, and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. However, the right ventricular function is preserved. Importantly, ventricular diastolic dysfunction and dysautonomia. are independent phenomena. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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The projected rotational velocity together with lithium abundance and the onset of the dilution by the deepening in mass of the convective envelope provide a key tool to investigate the so far poorly understood processes at work in stellar interiors of solar-analog stars. To investigate the link between abundances, convection and rotational velocities in solar-analog G dwarf stars, we study a bona fide sample of 118 selected solar-analog G dwarf stars presenting measured lithium abundances, rotational velocities, and fundamental parameters together with computed evolutionary tracks (Toulouse-Geneva code) for a range of stellar masses around 1 M and metallicity consistent with the solar-analog range. The aim of this work is to build up an evolution of lithium and rotation as a function of stellar age, mass, effective temperature, and convection. We analyze the evolutionary status of the sample of 118 solar-analog G dwarf in the HR diagram based on Hipparcos data and using a grid of stellar models in the effective temperature and mass range of the solar-analog stars. We discuss the deepening (in mass) of the convective envelope and the influence on the Li abundances and projected rotational velocities. We determined the stellar mass and the mass of the convective envelope for a bona fide sample of 118 selected solar-analog G dwarf and checked the evolutionary link between the rotational velocity, lithium abundance, and the deepening of the convective envelope. Fast rotators (vsini 6 km s��1) are also stars with high Li content. Slow rotators present a wide range of values of log n(Li). Our results shed new light on the lithium and rotational behavior in G dwarf stars. We confirmed the presence of a large Li abundance spread among the solar-analog stars and concluded that the solar twins probably share a similar mixing history with the Sun


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The aim of this study was the seasonal characterization of the morphology, sedimentology and hydrodynamic of the Açu, Cavalos and Conchas estuaries. These estuaries are inserted in a semi-arid climate area and form the mouth of the hydrographic basin of the Piranhas-Açu river, that represent the discharge of the largest watershed in the state. They are embedded in an environment consisting of a fluvial-marine floodplain, mangrove ecosystem, sandbanks, fields of dunes, spits and sandy beaches. Adjacent to the natural units are the main local socioeconomic activities (oil industry, salt industry, shrimp farming, fishing and tourism) are dependent on this river and its conservation. The environmental monitoring is necessary because it is an area under constant action of coastal processes and at high risk of oil spill. The acquisition and interpretation of hydrodynamic, sonographic and sediment data was conducted in two campaigns, dry season (2010) and rainy season (2011), using respectively the current profiler ADCP Doppler effect, the side-scan sonar and Van Veen sampler. In these estuaries: Açu, Cavalos and Conchas were identified the following types of bedforms: flatbed and Dunes 2-D and 3-D (small to medium size), generated at lower flow regime (Froude number <1). Structures such as ripples were observed in the Açu estuary mouth. The higher values of flow discharge and velocity were recorded in the Açu estuary (434,992 m³.s-¹ and 0,554 m.s-¹). In rainy season, despite the record of highest values of discharge and flow velocities at the mouth, the energy rates upstream did not differ much from the data of the dry season. However, in all estuaries were recorded an increase in speed and flow, with reservation to the flow in the Açu estuary and flow at the mouth of the Conchas estuary. Sediment grain sizes tend to increase towards the mouth of the estuary and these ranged from very fine sand to very coarse sand, medium sand fraction being the most recurrent. Based on the data acquired and analyzed, the estuaries Açu, Cavalos and Conchas are classified as mixed , dominated by waves and tides. According to their morphology, they are classified as estuaries constructed by bar and according to the classification by salinity, estuaries Conchas and Cavalos were ranked as hypersaline estuaries, and Açu as hypersaline and vertically well mixed type C