1000 resultados para RESONANT-TUNNELING DIODES


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Resonant states are multiply excited states in atoms and ions that have enough energy to decay by emitting an electron. The ability to emit an electron and the strong electron correlation (which is extra strong in negative ions) makes these states both interesting and challenging from a theoretical point of view. The main contribution in this thesis is a method, which combines the use of B splines and complex rotation, to solve the three-electron Schrödinger equation treating all three electrons equally. It is used to calculate doubly excited and triply excited states of 4S symmetry with even parity in He-. For the doubly excited states there are experimental and theoretical data to compare with. For the triply excited states there is only theoretical data available and only for one of the resonances. The agreement is in general good. For the triply excited state there is a significant and interesting difference in the width between our calculation and another method. A cause for this deviation is suggested. The method is also used to find a resonant state of 4S symmetry with odd parity in H2-. This state, in this extremely negative system, has been predicted by two earlier calculations but is highly controversial. Several other studies presented here focus on two-electron systems. In one, the effect of the splitting of the degenerate H(n=2) thresholds in H-, on the resonant states converging to this threshold, is studied. If a completely degenerate threshold is assumed an infinite series of states is expected to converge to the threshold. Here states of 1P symmetry and odd parity are examined, and it is found that the relativistic and radiative splitting of the threshold causes the series to end after only three resonant states. Since the independent particle model completely fails for doubly excited states, several schemes of alternative quantum numbers have been suggested. We investigate the so called DESB (Doubly Excited Symmetry Basis) quantum numbers in several calculations. For the doubly excited states of He- mentioned above we investigate one resonance and find that it cannot be assigned DESB quantum numbers unambiguously. We also investigate these quantum numbers for states of 1S even parity in He. We find two types of mixing of DESB states in the doubly excited states calculated. We also show that the amount of mixing of DESB quantum numbers can be inferred from the value of the cosine of the inter-electronic angle. In a study on Li- the calculated cosine values are used to identify doubly excited states measured in a photodetachment experiment. In particular a resonant state that violates a propensity rule is found.


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Materialen mit sehr hoher Spinpolarisation werden für Anwendungen im Bereich der Spin-Elektronik benötigt. Deshalb werden große Forschungsanstrengungen zur Untersuchung der Eigenschaften von Verbindungen mit potentiell halbmetallischem Charakter, d. h.mit 100% Spinpolarisation, unternommen. In halbmetallischen Verbindungen, erwartet man eine Lücke in der Zustandsdichte an der Fermi Energie für Ladungsträger einer Spinrichtung, wahrend die Ladungsträger mit der anderen Spinrichtung sich metallisch verhalten. Eine Konsequenz davon ist, dass ein Strom, der durch solche Verbindung fließt, voll spinpolarisiert ist. Die hohe Curie-Temperatur Tc (800 K) und der theoretisch vorhergesagte halbmetallische Charakter machen Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al (CCFA) zu einem guten Kandidaten für Spintronik-Anwendungen wie magnetische Tunnelkontakte (MTJs = Magnetic Tunneling Junctions). In dieser Arbeit werden die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung der elektronischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von dünnen CCFA Schichten dargestellt. Diese Schichten wurden in MTJs integriert und der Tunnel-Magnetowiderstands-Effekt untersucht. Hauptziele waren die Messung der Spinpolarisation und Untersuchungen der elektronischen Struktur von CCFA. Der Einfluss verschiedener Depositionsparameter auf die Eigenschaften der Schichten, speziell auf der Oberflächenordnung und damit letztlich auf den Tunnel-Magnetowiderstand (TMR), wurde bestimmt. Epitaktische d¨unne CCFA Schichten mit zwei verschiedenen Wachstumsrichtungen wurden auf verschiedene Substrate und Pufferschichten deponiert. Ein Temperverfahren wurde eingesetzt um die strukturelle Eigenschaften der dünnen Schichten zu verbessern. Für die MTJs wurde Al2O3 als Barrierenmaterial verwendet und Co als Gegenelektrode gewählt. Die Mehrschicht-Systeme wurden in Mesa-Geometrie mit lithographischen Methoden strukturiert. Eine maximal Jullière Spinpolarisation von 54% wurde an Tunnelkontakte mit epitaktischen CCFA Schichten gemessen. Ein starker Einfluss der Tempernbedingungen auf dem TMR wurde festgestellt. Eine Erhörung des TMR wurde mit einer Verbesserung der Oberflächenordung der CCFA Schichten korreliert. Spektroskopische Messungen wurden an den MTJs durchgeführt. Diesen Messungen liefern Hinweise auf inelastische Elektron-Magnon und Elektron-Phonon Stossprozesse an den Grenzflächen. Einige der beobachteten Strukturen konnten mit der berechneten elektronischen Struktur von CCFA korreliert worden.


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III-nitrides are wide-band gap materials that have applications in both electronics and optoelectronic devices. Because to their inherent strong polarization properties, thermal stability and higher breakdown voltage in Al(Ga,In)N/GaN heterostructures, they have emerged as strong candidates for high power high frequency transistors. Nonetheless, the use of (Al,In)GaN/GaN in solid state lighting has already proved its success by the commercialization of light-emitting diodes and lasers in blue to UV-range. However, devices based on these heterostructures suffer problems associated to structural defects. This thesis primarily focuses on the nanoscale electrical characterization and the identification of these defects, their physical origin and their effect on the electrical and optical properties of the material. Since, these defects are nano-sized, the thesis deals with the understanding of the results obtained by nano and micro-characterization techniques such as atomic force microscopy(AFM), current-AFM, scanning kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM), electron beam induced current (EBIC) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). This allowed us to probe individual defects (dislocations and cracks) and unveil their electrical properties. Taking further advantage of these techniques,conduction mechanism in two-dimensional electron gas heterostructures was well understood and modeled. Secondarily, origin of photoluminescence was deeply investigated. Radiative transition related to confined electrons and photoexcited holes in 2DEG heterostructures was identified and many body effects in nitrides under strong optical excitations were comprehended.


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The heavy fermion compound UNi2Al3 exhibits the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetic order at low temperatures, stimulating speculations about possible exotic Cooper-pairing interaction in this superconductor. However, the preparation of good quality bulk single crystals of UNi2Al3 has proven to be a non-trivial task due to metallurgical problems, which result in the formation of an UAl2 impurity phase and hence a strongly reduced sample purity. The present work concentrates on the preparation, characterization and electronic properties investigation of UNi2Al3 single crystalline thin film samples. The preparation of thin films was accomplished in a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system. (100)-oriented epitaxial thin films of UNi2Al3 were grown on single crystalline YAlO3 substrates cut in (010)- or (112)-direction. The high crystallographic quality of the samples was proved by several characterisation methods, such as X-ray analysis, RHEED and TEM. To study the magnetic structure of epitaxial thin films resonant magnetic x-ray scattering was employed. The magnetic order of thin the film samples, the formation of magnetic domains with different moment directions, and the magnetic correlation length were discussed. The electronic properties of the UNi2Al3 thin films in the normal and superconducting states were investigated by means of transport measurements. A pronounced anisotropy of the temperature dependent resistivity ρ(T) was observed. Moreover, it was found that the temperature of the resistive superconducting transition depends on the current direction, providing evidence for multiband superconductivity in UNi2Al3. The initial slope of the upper critical field H′c2(T) of the thin film samples suggests an unconventional spin-singlet superconducting state, as opposed to bulk single crystal data. To probe the superconducting gap of UNi2Al3 directly by means of tunnelling spectroscopy many planar junctions of different design employing different techniques were prepared. Despite the tunneling regime of the junctions, no features of the superconducting density of state of UNi2Al3 were ever observed. It is assumed that the absence of UNi2Al3 gap features in the tunneling spectra was caused by imperfections of the tunnelling contacts. The superconductivity of UNi2Al3 was probably suppressed just in a degraded surface layer, resulting in tunneling into non superconducting UNi2Al3. However, alternative explanations such as intrinsic pair breaking effects at the interface to the barrier are also possible.


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Dendritic systems, and in particular polyphenylene dendrimers, have recently attracted considerable attention from the synthetic organic chemistry community, as well as from photophysicists, particularly in view of the search for synthetic model analogies to photoelectric materials to fabricate organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), and even more advanced areas of research such as light-harvesting system, energy transfer and non-host device. Geometrically, dendrimers are unique systems that consist of a core, one or more dendrons, and surface groups. The different parts of the macromolecule can be selected to give the desired optoelectronic and processing properties. Compared to small molecular or polymeric light-emitting materials, these dendritic materials can combine the benefits of both previous classes. The high molecular weights of these dendritic macromolecules, as well as the surface groups often attached to the distal ends of the dendrons, can improve the solution processability, and thus can be deposited from solution by simple processes such as spin-coating and ink-jet printing. Moreover, even better than the traditional polymeric light-emitting materials, the well-defined monodisperse distributed dendrimers possess a high purity comparable to that of small molecules, and as such can be fabricated into high performance OLEDs. Most importantly, the emissive chromophores can be located at the core of the dendrimer, within the dendrons, and/or at the surface of the dendrimers because of their unique dendritic architectures. The different parts of the macromolecule can be selected to give the desired optoelectronic and processing properties. Therefore, the main goals of this thesis are the design and synthesis, characterization of novel functional dendrimers, e.g. polytriphenylene dendrimers for blue fluorescent, as well as iridium(III) complex cored polyphenylene dendrimers for green and red phosphorescent light emitting diodes. In additional to the above mentioned advantages of dendrimer based OLEDs, the modular molecular architecture and various functionalized units at different locations in polyphenylene dendrimers open up a tremendous scope for tuning a wide range of properties in addition to color, such as intermolecular interactions, charge mobility, quantum yield, and exciton diffusion. In conclusion, research into dendrimer containing OLEDs combines fundamental aspects of organic semiconductor physics, novel and highly sophisticated organic synthetic chemistry and elaborate device technology.rn


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Heusler compounds are key materials for spintronic applications. They have attracted a lot of interest due to their half-metallic properties predicted by band structure calculations.rnThe aim of this work is to evaluate experimentally the validity of the predictions of half metallicity by band structure calculations for two specific Heusler compounds, Co2FeAl0.3Si0.7 and Co2MnGa. Two different spectroscopy methods for the analysis of the electronic properties were used: Angular Resolved Ultra-violet Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARUPS) and Tunneling Spectroscopy.rnHeusler compounds are prepared as thin films by RF-sputtering in an ultra-high vacuum system. rnFor the characterization of the samples, bulk and surface crystallographic and magnetic properties of Co2FeAl0.3Si0.7 and Co2MnGa are studied. X-ray and electron diffraction reveal a bulk and surface crossover between two different types of sublattice order (from B2 to L21) with increasing annealing temperature. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism results show that the magnetic properties in the surface and bulk are identical, although the magnetic moments obtained are 5% below from the theoretically predicted.rnBy ARUPS evidence for the validity of the predicted total bulk density of states (DOS) was demonstrated for both Heusler compounds. Additional ARUPS intensity contributions close to the Fermi energy indicates the presence of a specific surface DOS. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the crystallographic order, controlled by annealing, plays an important role on brodening effects of DOS features. Improving order resulted in better defined ARUPS features.rnTunneling magnetoresistance measurements of Co2FeAl0.3Si0.7 and Co2MnGa based MTJ’s result in a Co2FeAl0.3Si0.7 spin polarization of 44%, which is the highest experimentally obtained value for this compound, although it is lower than the 100% predicted. For Co2MnGa no high TMR was achieved.rnUnpolarized tunneling spectroscopy reveals contribution of interface states close to the Fermi energy. Additionally magnon excitations due to magnetic impurities at the interface are observed. Such contributions can be the reason of a reduced TMR compared to the theoretical predictions. Nevertheless, for energies close to the Fermi energy and for Co2MnGa, the validity of the band structure calculations is demonstrated with this technique as well.


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Die in der vorliegenden Dissertation entwickelten organochemischen Protokolle und Konzepte erweitern die Bottom-Up-Synthese von atompräzisen Nanographenstreifen (GNR) um zwei fundamentale Bereiche. Zum einen die Dotierung der halbleitenden GNR mit Schwefel oder Stickstoffatomen und zum anderen ein Protokoll für eine lösungsbasierte Synthese von stickstoffdotierten Zickzack-Streifen.rnDie Dotierung von GNR beinhaltet die Synthese von monomeren Bausteinen bei denen, im Gegensatz zu ihren reinen Kohlenstoffhomologen, definierte Positionen am Rand mit zwei oder vier Stickstoff- beziehungsweise zwei Schwefelatomen ersetzt wurden. Die Synthese atompräziser GNR konnte mit verschiedenen experimentellen Methoden analysiert und anschaulich über STM visualisiert werden. Neben einer n-Dotierung gelang so auch erstmals eine Bottom-Up-Synthese von schwefeldotierten GNR. Eine mögliche Anwendung in der Nanoelektronik aufbauend auf dotierten GNR wurde bestätigt, indem durch Co-Polymerisation von stickstoffhaltigen mit reinen Kohlenstoffmonomeren Heteroschnittstellen zwischen dotierten und undotierten Bereichen hergestellt werden konnten. Solche Heteroschnittstellen sind fundamentale Grundlage von Dioden und damit Basis einer Vielzahl elektronischer Elemente wie Solarzellen oder Leuchtdioden.rnWährend für halbleitende GNR mit einer Armlehnen-Form ein breites Spektrum an organischen Syntheseprotokollen zur Verfügung stand, existierte zu Beginn dieser Arbeit keines für GNR mit Zickzack-Struktur. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit konnte eine Bottom-Up-Synthese zur Erschließung stickstoffdotierter GNR mit Zickzack-Randstruktur erarbeitet werden. Durch die Verwendung eines (2-Hydroxymethyl)phenylboronsäureesters werden Hydroxymethylsubsituenten entlang eines Polyphenylenrückgrats eingebaut, die nach Kondensation mit dem Stickstoffatom eine Zickzack-Kante ergeben. Innerhalb der synthetisierten Zielstrukturen kann das 9a-Azaphenalen als letztes, bislang nicht erschlossenes Isomer der Azaphenalene, als wiederkehrende Struktur, gefunden werden. Die Reaktivität der Zickzackkante konnte zudem zum Aufbau einer Vielzahl bislang unzugänglicher, polycyclischer Heteroaromaten über 1,3-dipolare Addition dieses polycyclischen Azomethin Ylides (PAMY) genutzt werden.rn


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We report on coherent spatiotemporal imaging of single-cycle THz waves in frustrated total internal reflection geometry. Our technique yields images of the spatiotemporal electric field distribution before and after tunneling through an air gap in between two LiNbO3 crystals. Measurements of the reflected and the transmitted THz waveforms for different tunnel distances allow for a direct comparison with results from a causal linear dispersion theory and excellent agreement is found.


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We investigated structural aspects of electron transfer (ET) in tunneling junctions (Au(1 1 1)vertical bar FcN vertical bar solution gap vertical bar Au STM tip) with four different redox-active N-thioalk(ano)ylferrocenes (FcN) embedded. The investigated molecules consist of a redox-active ferrocene (Fc) moiety connected via alkyl spacers with N = 4, 6, 8 and 11 carbon atoms to a thiol anchoring group. We found that for short FcNs (N = 4, 6,8) the redox-mediated ET response increases with the increase of the alkyl chain length, while no enhancement of the ET was observed for Fc1 1. The model of two-step ET with partial vibrational relaxation by Kuznetsov and Ulstrup was used to rationalize these results. The theoretical ET steps were assigned to two processes: (1) electron tunneling from the Fc group to the Au tip through the electrolyte layer and (2) electron transport from the Au(1 1 1) substrate to the Fc group through the organic adlayer. We argue that for the three short FcNs, the first process represents the rate-limiting step. The increase of the length of the alkyl chain leads to an approach of the Fc group to the STM tip, and consequently accelerates the first El' step. In case of the Fcl 1 junctions the rather high thickness of the organic layer leads to a decrease of the rate of the second ET step. In consequence, the contribution of the redox-mediated current enhancement to the total tunneling current appears to be insignificant. Our work demonstrates the importance of combined structural and transport approaches for the understanding of Er processes in electrochemical nanosystems. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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For understanding the major- and minor-groove hydration patterns of DNAs and RNAs, it is important to understand the local solvation of individual nucleobases at the molecular level. We have investigated the 2-aminopurine center dot H2O. monohydrate by two-color resonant two-photon ionization and UV/UV hole-burning spectroscopies, which reveal two isomers, denoted A and B. The electronic spectral shift delta nu of the S-1 <- S-0 transition relative to bare 9H-2-aminopurine (9H-2AP) is small for isomer A (-70 cm(-1)), while that of isomer B is much larger (delta nu = 889 cm(-1)). B3LYP geometry optimizations with the TZVP basis set predict four cluster isomers, of which three are doubly H-bonded, with H2O acting as an acceptor to a N-H or -NH2 group and as a donor to either of the pyrimidine N sites. The "sugar-edge" isomer A is calculated to be the most stable form with binding energy D-e = 56.4 kJ/mol. Isomers B and C are H-bonded between the -NH2 group and pyrimidine moieties and are 2.5 and 6.9 kJ/mol less stable, respectively. Time-dependent (TD) B3LYP/TZVP calculations predict the adiabatic energies of the lowest (1)pi pi* states of A and B in excellent agreement with the observed 0(0)(0) bands; also, the relative intensities of the A and B origin bands agree well with the calculated S-0 state relative energies. This allows unequivocal identification of the isomers. The R2PI spectra of 9H-2AP and of isomer A exhibit intense low-frequency out-of-plane overtone and combination bands, which is interpreted as a coupling of the optically excited (1)pi pi* state to the lower-lying (1)n pi* dark state. In contrast, these overtone and combination bands are much weaker for isomer B, implying that the (1)pi pi* state of B is planar and decoupled from the (1)n pi* state. These observations agree with the calculations, which predict the (1)n pi* above the (1)pi pi* state for isomer B but below the (1)pi pi* for both 9H-2AP and isomer A.