991 resultados para RED-GREEN
O presente trabalho compara processos de purificação de enterotoxina estafilocócica A, utilizando cromatografia de afinidade com corante Red A em relação a troca iônica (SP - Sephadex C-25) - permeabilidade em gel (Sephadex G-75). Aplicou-se nas colunas o sobrenadante da cultura de Staphylococcus aureus 722 em caldo contendo 3% de triptona e suplementado com 1% de extrato de levedura, previamente concentradas com Amberlite CG-50. O processo capturou rapidamente a EEA, porém a proporção de 15 mg de resina para 150 mg de toxina causou saturação, recuperando apenas 10 a 30% de toxina do sobrenadante. A cromatografia de afinidade com Red A permitiu a recuperação de 60,87% de toxina aplicada em 76 horas, em relação a 114 horas requeridas para purificação utilizando coluna de troca iônica e permeabilidade em gel, com rendimento de 6,5%. O perfil eletroforético das amostras purificadas indicaram que, a toxina obtida da coluna Red A apresentou teor de pureza superior, na ordem de 90%, em relação a 60% atingida pelo método clássico.
Ochratoxin A is a nephrotoxic, teratogenic and imunotoxic compound produced by Aspergillus and Penicillium spp. It is a suspected carcinogen to humans and it is carcinogenic to rats. Recently it has drawn attention because it has been found in coffee and it has been the object of regulation by coffee importing countries. Brazil is the largest coffee producing country and its largest consumer. In order to conduct an initial assessment of the situation of the coffee produced in the country and offered to its population, one hundred and thirty two samples of Brazilian green coffee from 5 producing states (Minas Gerais, Paraná, São Paulo, Espírito Santo and Bahia) and destined for the home market, were collected at sales points at the cities of Londrina and Santos, Brazil, and analyzed for ochratoxin A. The toxin was isolated in immunoaffinity columns and quantified by HPLC with florescence detection. The limit of detection was 0.7ng/g and the average RSD for duplicates of the samples was 11%. Twenty seven samples were found contaminated with the toxin and the average concentration for the contaminated samples was 7.1ng/g ochratoxin A. Neither the total number of defects nor the number of specific defects according to the Brazilian coffee classification system (black, partly -- black, sour, stinkers-black, stinkers-green, pod beans) showed any relation to the contamination of the samples with ochratoxin A.
The presence of ochratoxin A (OTA) in foods has led some countries to establish regulatory limits. Although coffee is not a major source of OTA in human consumption, the European Community (EC) may establish limits in the near future, with possible economic impact on producing countries. This study measured the OTA content with HPLC in 37 samples of Brazilian green coffee exclusive destined to the export market and also verified a possible relation between coffee defects and OTA content. The results showed an OTA concentration ranging from < 0.16ng/g (detection limit) to 6.24ng/g (average of 3.20ng/g) for 37 samples. Of the five samples observed for defects, toxin content of sound beans ranged from 0.22 to 0.80ng/g (average 0.46ng/g) and of defective beans from 0.42 to 17.46 (average 4.52ng/g). Morphological differences among sound and defective beans showed no susceptibility for mould invasion under optical microscopy observation. One black bean depicted the presence of mould and spores on observation under Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). According to this investigation, Brazilian green coffee for export complies with most limits in place.
The postharvest losses of horticultural products justify the use of preservation techniques. The processing not only adds value to the products, but also makes the products more convenient to the consumers. The objective of this research was to define the methodologies for the minimal processing of carrot and green pepper as to the type and intensity of the adoption of conservation techniques, and to monitor the products after processing through microbiological, physicochemical and nutritional analysis. The vegetables were washed and they were immersed in cold (7ºC) water with 100 mg L-1 free chlorine for sanitation, followed by centrifugation for 5 min. The product was put into BOPP/LDPE (biaxially orientated polypropylene/low-density polyethylene) plastic bags, which were sealed under atmospheric air, vacuum and modified atmosphere (2% O2, 10% CO2, 88% N2) and stored at 1ºC±1ºC. The approximate composition of the vegetables stayed stable during the storage period, in the three tested treatments. The contents of vitamin C for the samples of minimally processed carrot and green pepper did not present differences among treatments. The contents of beta-carotene decreased slightly during the storage period for the minimally processed carrot and green pepper. After processing, carrot and green pepper had psychrotrophic counts of 10²-10(5) and 10³-10(6) CFU g-1, respectively. Anaerobic mesophiles and total coliforms were found in green peppers, representing 1.6x10³ - 7.4x10(5) and <10.g-1 - 7.4x10(5), respectively. Total and fecal coliforms, anaerobic mesophiles and Salmonella were not found in carrots. Salmonella was not found in green pepper.
The whole research of the current Master Thesis project is related to Big Data transfer over Parallel Data Link and my main objective is to assist the Saint-Petersburg National Research University ITMO research team to accomplish this project and apply Green IT methods for the data transfer system. The goal of the team is to transfer Big Data by using parallel data links with SDN Openflow approach. My task as a team member was to compare existing data transfer applications in case to verify which results the highest data transfer speed in which occasions and explain the reasons. In the context of this thesis work a comparison between 5 different utilities was done, which including Fast Data Transfer (FDT), BBCP, BBFTP, GridFTP, and FTS3. A number of scripts where developed which consist of creating random binary data to be incompressible to have fair comparison between utilities, execute the Utilities with specified parameters, create log files, results, system parameters, and plot graphs to compare the results. Transferring such an enormous variety of data can take a long time, and hence, the necessity appears to reduce the energy consumption to make them greener. In the context of Green IT approach, our team used Cloud Computing infrastructure called OpenStack. It’s more efficient to allocated specific amount of hardware resources to test different scenarios rather than using the whole resources from our testbed. Testing our implementation with OpenStack infrastructure results that the virtual channel does not consist of any traffic and we can achieve the highest possible throughput. After receiving the final results we are in place to identify which utilities produce faster data transfer in different scenarios with specific TCP parameters and we can use them in real network data links.
In Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) the participating nodes have several roles such as sender, receiver and router. Hence there is a lot of energy consumed by the nodes for the normal working of the network since each node has many different roles. Also in MANET the nodes keep moving constantly and this in turn consumes a lot of energy. Since battery capacity of these nodes is limited it fails to fulfil the high demand of energy. The scarcity of energy makes the energy conservation in mobile ad-hoc networks an important concern. There is several research carried out on the energy consumption of mobile ad-hoc networks these days. Some of this research suggests sleep mode, transmission power control, load balancing etc. In this thesis, we are comparing various proposed energy efficient models for some of the ad-hoc protocols. We compare different energy efficient models for Optimised Linked State Algorithm (OLSR) and Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV). The routing protocols are compared for different parameters such as average remaining energy, number of nodes alive, payload data received and performance with different mobility speed. The simulation results helps in benchmarking the various energy efficient routing models for OLSR and AODV protocols. The benchmarking of the routing protocols can be based on many factors but this thesis concentrates on benchmarking the MANET routing protocols mainly based on the energy efficiency and increased network lifetime.
Nowadays, when most of the business are moving forward to sustainability by providing or getting different services from different vendors, Service Level Agreement (SLA) becomes very important for both the business providers/vendors and as well as for users/customers. There are many ways to inform users/customers about various services with its inherent execution functionalities and even non-functional/Quality of Services (QoS) aspects through negotiating, evaluating or monitoring SLAs. However, these traditional SLA actually do not cover eco-efficient green issues or IT ethics issues for sustainability. That is why green SLA (GSLA) should come into play. GSLA is a formal agreement incorporating all the traditional commitments as well as green issues and ethics issues in IT business sectors. GSLA research would survey on different traditional SLA parameters for various services like as network, compute, storage and multimedia in IT business areas. At the same time, this survey could focus on finding the gaps and incorporation of these traditional SLA parameters with green issues for all these mentioned services. This research is mainly points on integration of green parameters in existing SLAs, defining GSLA with new green performance indicators and their measurable units. Finally, a GSLA template could define compiling all the green indicators such as recycling, radio-wave, toxic material usage, obsolescence indication, ICT product life cycles, energy cost etc for sustainable development. Moreover, people’s interaction and IT ethics issues such as security and privacy, user satisfaction, intellectual property right, user reliability, confidentiality etc could also need to add for proposing a new GSLA. However, integration of new and existing performance indicators in the proposed GSLA for sustainable development could be difficult for ICT engineers. Therefore, this research also discovers the management complexity of proposed green SLA through designing a general informational model and analyses of all the relationships, dependencies and effects between various newly identified services under sustainability pillars. However, sustainability could only be achieved through proper implementation of newly proposed GSLA, which largely depends on monitoring the performance of the green indicators. Therefore, this research focuses on monitoring and evaluating phase of GSLA indicators through the interactions with traditional basic SLA indicators, which would help to achieve proper implementation of future GSLA. Finally, this newly proposed GSLA informational model and monitoring aspects could definitely help different service providers/vendors to design their future business strategy in this new transitional sustainable society.
Sustainability issue of ICT have gathered attention in recent years, and researchers are working on this problem. Sustainability incorporates numerous interconnected aspects as well as methods to achieve it in ICT, so it is quite complicated to have a general view on a problem without a proper framework. However, a general methodology for such a research is missing. In this work it is proposed to use Biomimicry approach as a framework for sustainability research and development, as it introduces systematics and also forces to account sustainable aspects. Additionally, an interesting problem of green network measurements for enhancing sustainability in ICT will be researched using mentioned approach. The goal is to investigate Biomimicry as a systemic approach for developing sustainable systems, as well as to apply it in green network measurements study. Comparative study is performed for examining Biomimicry approach, as well as a use case of green network measurements research is presented. As a result, green network measurement can potentially improve sustainability, but only to a limited extent as it cannot incorporate all the aspects; within Biomimicry approach, two methodologies exist. It is possible to conclude that Biomimicry is a good framework for developing sustainable systems, nevertheless, another methodology has to be introduced within it; new methodology has to incorporate advantages of two existing ones.
Kanadalaisen kirjailijan L. M. Montgomeryn tunnetun ja rakastetun Anna-sarjan ensimmäinen osa Anne of Green Gables -teos (1908) kertoo orvosta tytöstä, joka pääsee Prinssi Edwardin saaren Avonlean kylään asumaan naimattoman sisarusparin Marilla ja Matthew`n kasvattilapseksi. Luonto on keskeisellä sijalla teoksessa: Anna on luontoa rakastava ja luonnon keskellä viihtyvä tyttö ja myös teoksen kertoja kuvaa paljon luontoa. Tutkimukseni käsittelee luontoa Anne of Green Gables -teoksessa. Tutkin luontoteemaa teoksessa seuraavista näkökulmista: Analysoin, kuinka luonto kuvataan teoksessa ja millainen on teoksen luontokuva. Luontokuvaa käsittelen pastoraalin käsitteen kautta, ja kysyn teokselta, voidaanko se tulkita pastoraaliksi ja kuinka teos asettuu pastoraalin traditioon. Lisäksi erittelen, millainen on päähenkilön Annan luontosuhde. Millaisen arvon hän antaa luonnolle ja mitä merkityksiä hän liittää luontoon? Tutkimus asettuu ekokriittiseen viitekehykseen, ja pohdin myös sitä, minkälainen on teoksen representaatio luonnosta ekokriittisesti tarkastellen. Amerikkalaisen transsendentalistin Ralph Waldo Emersonin luontofilosofia kulkee myös taustajuonteena tutkielmassa ja erittelen, mitä yhtymäkohtia hänen luontofilosofiassaan on Anne of Green Gables -teokseen. Anne of Green Gables -teoksen luontokuvaa voidaan luonnehtia romantisoiduksi ja idealisoivaksi. Luonto kuvataan kauniiksi, ja sen kauneutta ylistää niin Anna kuin teoksen kaikkitietävä kertojakin. Teoksen luontokuva on pastoraalinen, sillä siinä esiintyy vahvasti pastoraaliin liittyvä diskurssi maaseudun ja kaupungin vastakkainasettelusta siten, että maaseutu assosioituu positiivisesti, kun taas kaupunki nähdään negatiivisessa valossa. Luonnonläheinen Avonlean kylä näyttäytyy teoksessa niin idealisoidussa valossa, että se muistuttaa jo jonkinlaista myyttistä paratiisia. Näin ollen teoksen pastoraalisuus saa pejoratiivisiakin piirteitä. Annan luontosuhdetta värittää voimakas kunnioitus ja arvostus luontoa kohtaan. Hänen luontoon liittämistä arvoista keskeiselle sijalle nousee luonnon kauneus. Luonnon kauneuden arvostaminen toimii kuitenkin porttina luonnon toiseuttamiseen, mistä syntyy pieni arvoristiriita. Toisaalta kuitenkin Anna samaistuu luontoon tavalla, joka hämärtää perinteistä subjekti–objekti-dikotomiaa. Anna näyttäytyy vihreän maailman arkkityyppinä, lapsena, joka sulautuu luontoon ja kokee sen kodikseen. Luonto edustaa Annalle vapautta ja herättää myös hänen mielikuvituksena ja taiteellisen inspiraation. Lisäksi luonto on Annalle paikka, jossa voi saavuttaa autenttisen yhteyden Jumalaan.
Tea has been considered a medicine and a healthy beverage since ancient times, but recently it has received a great deal of attention because of its antioxidant properties. Green tea polyphenols have demonstrated to be an effective chemopreventive agent. Recently, investigators have found that EGCG, one of the green tea catechins, could have anti-HIV effects when bound to CD4 receptor. Many factors can constitute important influences on the composition of tea, such as species, season, age of the leaf, climate, and horticultural practices (soil, water, minerals, fertilizers). This paper presents an HPLC analytical methodology development, using column RP-18 and mobile phase composed by water, acetonitrile, methanol, ethyl acetate, glacial acetic acid (89:6:1:3:1 v/v/v/v/v) for simultaneous determination and quantification of caffeine (CAF), catechin (C), epicatechin (EC) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in samples of Camellia sinensis (green tea) grown in Brazil and harvested in spring, in summer and in autumn, in comparison to Brazilian black tea, to samples of Japanese and Chinese green tea and to two standardized dry extracts of green tea. The method has been statistically evaluated and has proved to be adequate to qualitative and quantitative determination of the samples.
Ethanolic extracts and essential oils from Green Propolis from southeastern Brazil and leaf buds from its botanical origin Baccharis dracunculifolia were analyzed by Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC), Reversed Phase High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (RP-HPTLC) and Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The essential oils were obtained by hydro-distillation. Both ethanolic extracts and essential oils showed similar chromatographic profiles. Thirteen flavonoids were identified by RP-HPLC and RP-HPTLC analyses in both samples. Twenty-three volatile compounds were identified by GC-MS analyses. Seventeen were present in both essential oils. The major flavonoid compound in both extracts was artepillin C. The major volatile compound in both essential oils was nerolidol. The major compounds identified in this work could be used as chemical markers in order to classify and identify botanical origins of propolis.
This work evaluated the physicochemical composition of 171 red Brazilian wines from the 2006 vintage, which were represented by 21 varietals. These wines were produced by 58 Brazilian wineries in different regions of the country, with latitudes varying from 9º to 31º South. Physicochemical wine analysis was performed in the same year and discrimination in the viticultural regions, varietal wines, and wineries was performed by means of the principal component analysis (PCA). The main results show that wines from São Joaquim had higher values of A420, A520, A620, color intensity, total phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, and dry extracts, while those from Toledo had lower values of these variables; those from Vale do São Francisco had higher values of potassium, pH, density, and volatile acidity; from Serra do Nordeste A, they had higher titratable acidity; and from Planalto Superior B, higher hue. Regarding the varietal wines, PCA mainly discriminated the wines produced from the varieties Ancellotta, Teroldego, Egiodola, Refosco, Marselan, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinotage, Pinot Noir, Malbec, Arinarnoa, Barbera, and Alfrocheiro. In relation to wineries, twenty two of them were discriminated by their higher values of some variables, i.e., three were characterized by color intensity; three by hue; eight by alcohol content; six by potassium, dry extract, density, and pH; and two by titratablel acidity.
The potential health benefits attributed to green tea and its catechins such as antioxidant effects, cancer chemoprevention, and weight loss have led to a huge increase of green tea products in the food market. The objectives of this work were to analyze and compare these products in terms of phenolic contents and in vitro antioxidant capacity including tea bags, dehydrated leaves, and ready-to-drink preparations after standardization of the infusion preparation procedure. Total phenolics content in 1 cup of the different teas varied from 90 to 341 mg of catechin equivalents, and the highest and the lowest values were both those of the ready-to-drink products. Infusions prepared from tea bags had contents varying from 96 to 201 mg.200 mL-1, and there were no significant differences among batches. The DPPH radical scavenging and the Oxygen Radical Absorbing Capacities (ORAC) varied largely among the different tea preparations, from 23 to 131 mmoles of Trolox Equivalents (TE).200 mL-1 (DPPH), and from 1.2 to 5.1 mmoles of TE.200 mL-1 (ORAC), but again there were no differences among infusions or ready-to-drink commercial preparations. However, the antioxidant capacity of ready-to-drink products was partially due to the presence of other non-phenolic compounds such as ascorbic acid