993 resultados para Quarto de despejo


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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In horses less than one year of age fractures of the third metacarpal bone (McIII) or metatarsal bone III (MtIII) are mainly attributed to trauma. Open reduction and internal fixation are the most common treatment method. A Quarter Horse filly with three months of age, which weighed 150kg presented a diaphyseal multifragmentar wedge fracture of right MtIII which was treated with transcortical pins and cast, associated with intralesional application of platelet rich plasma (PRP). After two years of surgery, the animal initiated a training program for racing, and six months later, the patient ran its first official match. The choice of therapeutic methods for treating fractures in horses should be one that provides an earlier repair and minor possibility of complications. Thus, the therapy association which was adopted was considered favorable, since allowed full reestablishment of locomotion of the patient and made possible its return to race.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The tangerine 'Sunki' are highly relevant for the Brazilian citrus industry by presenting important traits for genetic improvement and to be considered a great portaenxento. In this context, the objective of the present work to study the characterization of the fruits of citrus rootstock 'Sunki', depending on the position on the plan and also the germination of their seeds. The physical characteristics evaluated were fruit weight, longitudinal and equatorial diameters of the fruit longitudinal diameter / equatorial diameter, number of buds per fruit, weight of buds and bark and number of viable seeds per fruit. As for the chemical characterization was evaluated titratable, acidity, soluble solid, "Ratio", pH and vitamin C. For the evaluation of these variables, the fruits were obtained from the northeast, southwest, northwest and southeast quadrants. Regarding the evaluation of seed germination, different doses of gibberellic acid and Stimulate were used. The seeds extracted from ripe fruit, washed, dried in the shade and stored in BOD. Immediately after, they were treated for 24 hours with plant growth regulators. After soaking, the seeds were placed in a germinator in germitest paper. After initiation of the germination process, the evaluations were performed daily until the thirty- fourth day. Fruits of 'Sunki'mandarin with uneven as the fruit position within the canopy, the use of gibberellic acid and growth promoter is promising for commercial use on seed germination of this rootstock.


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The proper mineral fertilization of guava orchards under intensive management, is a major factor in productivity and monitoring the nutritional status of the plants contributes to the efficiency of this agronomic practice. The aim of this study was to investigate different doses of nitrogen and potassium in the nutritional status of guava 'Paluma'. The experiment was conducted at Vista Alegre do Alto, Sao Paulo, in a 7 year old irrigated orchard, managed with fruiting pruning during four consecutive growing seasons. The soil is a dystrophic Ultisol. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in factorial, with four nitrogen doses (0, 0.5, 1 and 2 kg of N plant(-1)) and four of potassium (0, 0.55, 1.1 and 2.2 kg of K2O plant(-1)), with three replications. Nitrogen fertilization promoted increased levels of leaf N and Mn and the decrease in the levels of P and B; effects observed from the second to the fourth production cycle. Nitrogen fertilization increased the Ca and Mg levels, respectively, in the second and third cycle. Except for the first production cycle, K and Mn foliar concentrations increased with increasing potassium fertilization, whereas the levels of Mg, in the second and the fourth cycle, decreased as a function of fertilization.


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This work was carried out to evaluate the functional response of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant, 1850 (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) fed with Planococcus citri Risso, 1813 (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) reared on a pumpkin hybrid (Cucurbita maxima x Cucurbita moscata) (Cucurbitaceae), seedlings of Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia) Rutaceae) and potato (Solanum tuberosum) (Solanaceae) at two temperatures. The predation rate of C. montrouzieri was measured using Petri dishes of 15 cm diameter with 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 adults of P. Citri. One third instar larva, one fourfh instar and one newly emerged adult (without differentiation of sex) of C. montrouzieri were added to each plate. The study was conducted in climatic chambers at temperatures of 25 and 30 degrees C and photophase of 12 hours. The predation rate was evaluated after 24 hours of prey exposition to the predator, by counting the number of preys trapped in the different treatments and control. The statistical design was completely randomized with four treatments x 6 subplots with 7 repetitions, the two temperatures. The values obtained were subjected to analysis of variance, to relate the number of scales preyed by larvae and adults of C. montrouzieri set up in different substrates. The amount of prey consumed by larvae and adults of the predator increased with increasing the prey density until it reaches a plateau, characterizing functional response type II. In general, the number of scales preyed by larvae and adults of C. montrouzieri was higher on potato and under temperature of 30 degrees C.


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A formação inicial do professor-pesquisador tem como pressuposto formar um docente mais autônomo e observador de sua prática pedagógica, relacionando ensino com investigação. A formação de um novo professor requer sua iniciação em valores, representações, saberes e fazeres (SARTI, 2009) e o professor-pesquisador busca investigar sua prática e resolver seus desafios, sem distanciar-se da teoria. Para abranger esta formação, o presente estudo propõe como objetivo geral compreender como os estudantes do curso de licenciatura em Educação Física da UNESP de Rio Claro interpretam a sua prática profissional em situação de estágio supervisionado na perspectiva do professor-pesquisador. Como objetivos específicos buscou-se: (1)Observar se os estagiários são estimulados a refletir sobre sua ação pedagógica; (2)Verificar se a disciplina de Prática de Ensino se aproxima de uma proposta de formação do professor que investiga a sua prática; (3)Identificar os elementos constitutivos de uma ação reflexiva e; (4)Averiguar se os estudantes de educação física se reconhecem como professores que investigam a sua prática. Optou-se pela pesquisa qualitativa, tendo como técnicas a entrevista semiestruturada com os licenciandos, a fonte documental, a observação das aulas da disciplina de estágio na universidade e a análise de conteúdo. Na busca desses dados o trabalho de campo relacionado à observação foi realizado com 15 estudantes de Licenciatura em educação física do quarto ano - turma 1 da disciplina de Estágio Curricular Supervisionado . Para a entrevista foram selecionados 6 estudantes deste grupo. Após análise de dados encontramos três eixos importantes na discussão do trabalho: 1) A importância da postura reflexiva e investigativa, 2) Estágio Curricular Supervisionado: A escola como local formativo 3) Profissionalização docente. Como considerações finais, encontramos a importância da reflexão,...


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Creative spaces need freedom. Any productions, especially with artistic content, need space to mistakes, that is, for an attempt away from the standard. The independent production environment is recognized in different artistic sectors as a space for innovation, to be free of the serial production logic. The major innovations in the international scenario of games came from the independent productions. Great classics revolutionized the aesthetics and functionality of this new media. This project aims to analyze the productive chains of Brazilian independent games, starting with a regional analysis. The goal is to observe the factors responsible for the innovation that these games can offer, the management aspects of creative processes, articulation of innovative agents and resources mobilized. Brazil currently has the fourth largest gaming market in the world with expectation of strong growth for years to come, but arises in the international market as a consumer. Given this regional demand is necessary to study the tools of production, even to help fill that need. Not only the production of games should be thought, the media coverage is also another important factor, in view of the economic importance of this segment. Understanding the mechanisms of innovation in the gaming universe, its impact on the formation of public and coverage of specialized journalism in this new media are possible outcomes of future studies and research that scientific research can contribute


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Na busca de novos recursos genéticos capazes de produzir enzimas celulolíticas a baixas/médias temperaturas, o continente Antártico vem demonstrando ser um ambiente bastante promissor. Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência de diferentes fatores na produção de celulases por fungos filamentosos isolados de amostras da Antártica visando otimização do processo possível aplicação das mesmas na produção de etanol de segunda geração. Foram utilizados os fungos L1-1 e E5B da Central de Recursos Microbianos da UNESP (CRM-UNESP) os quais foram previamente selecionados devido ao potencial celulolítico. O delineamento experimental foi utilizado para analisar a influência de variáveis independentes na produção enzimática. A quantificação da celulase foi realizada pelo método do ácido dinitrosalicílico (ADNS). Antes de iniciar à aplicação dos planejamentos experimentais, foram adotadas estratégias para tentar minimizar e otimizar ao máximo o potencial dos isolados, as quais resultaram no estabelecimento da melhor agitação e a temperatura para a produção de celulase em 150 rpm e 20°C, para os dois isolados estudados. Inicialmente os fungos E5B e L1-1 apresentavam suas produções enzimáticas em 0,233U/mL e 0,342U/mL, respectivamente (antes da aplicação dos desenhos experimentais). Durante a condução do planejamento experimental do tipo Plackett&Burman(PB), foi verificada a preferência dos isolados pela fonte de carbono glicose, com efeito significativo na produção de celulases para os dois isolados. Tendo em vista o seu elevado custo comercial, foram realizados estudos com a sacarose, uma fonte de carbono alternativa e mais barata, bem como indutores enzimáticos. Após três planejamentos experimentais do tipo PB, foi selecionado o isolado L1-1 como o melhor produtor da enzima celulase. Após a condução de um quarto planejamento experimental do tipo Fatorial Fracionado 24-1, as...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)