998 resultados para Qualidade de Vida.
The sleep is an active brain process that allows the efficient realization of daily tasks. The changes on sleep patterns may influence the different cognitive processes performance. Many recent studies show the possibility of cognitive performance improvement, through the cognitive training with the use of computer games. The question is if these interventions may be influenced by the sleep quality. Thus, we evaluated the sleep quality effect about the efficacy of an intervention with computers games based on the working memory and attention for a cognitive performance training of elementary school students. The sample was constituted by 42 students with average age of 10,43 years old (SD=1,23), with 22 male participants and 20 female participants. We used to evaluate the sleep with the parents a sleep questionnaire, a sleep diary and the Sleep Behavior Questionnaire. In regard to intervention, the subjectives were distributed in an experimental and in a control group, both with 21 participants. In the first group occurred the intervention that consisted in the working memory and attention training with two cognitive tasks (Safari e Brain Workshop) during 30 daily minutes, for a 6 weeks period. In an equal period, the students from the control group should reproduce an artwork using drawing software. To evaluate the cognitive performance we applied before and after the intervention period the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III). The results showed that in both the groups the performance of the intelligence, working memory, attention and visuospatial skills was below of the mean. The cognitive processes evaluated after of intervention in the experimental group had a performance significantly higher in the Perceptual Reasoning Index (t = -6,24; p < 0,01) and in the Full Scale IQ (t = -5,09; p < 0,01) and Performance IQ (t = -6,52; p < 0,01), suggesting a improvement on the visuospatial skills, attention, working memory and processing speed. On the control group, the performance was significantly higher in the Coding subtest (t = -5,38; p< 0,01) and in the Perceptual Reasoning Index (t = -3,66; p = 0,01), suggesting a improvement on the visuospatial skills and attention. The mean obtained with the Sleep Behavior Questionnaire was 53,76 (SD=14,96) for an experimental group and 61,19 (SD=12,82) for a control group, indicating tendency for a bad sleep quality in that last one. Not only during the first days, but also in the last fifteen days of the intervention we verified in the two groups an adequate time to sleep, duration and regularity, in the weekdays and on the weekends. We didn t find significant differences between the two groups in none of the sleep variables. We verified statistically meaningful improvement on the performance of the experimental group with the intervention in the two games. We didn t verify significant correlations between the games performance index and in the sleep variables of the experimental group individuals. We verified significant correlations among the performance on the Brain Workshop and the Cubes subtest, the Perceptual Reasoning Index and the Scale Performance IQ, suggesting that the significant improvement of the visuospatial skills and of the attention was correlated with the performance in the Brain Workshop. Although the absence of correlations with the performance in the Safari, possibly it also has relieved in the improvement of the cognitive performance. The findings support the hypothesis that the computer games might be a satisfactory tool for the improvement of the performance in visuospatial skills and attention. This can be resulted of the insertion of visuospatial stimulations in the task, for example, graphical elements with thematic for children that increase the interest. The IQ below mean the individuals might have influenced the improvement absence on the cognitive processes like the working memory with games. Moreover, it wasn t verified a relation between the sleep quality and the intervention efficacy. It might have been influenced by the n of the sample. Future studies must focalize in the improvement of the effect of the interventions with games
The elderly population growth in Brazil and in the world is an incontestable reality, arising from a significant declining rate in mortality and fertility, resulting from the remarkable improvements in the quality of life of the people. Associated with the introduction of new technologies in the medical area, these issues have been highly contributing for the increase of the population longevity. The numbers of the elderly in Brazil and in the world show female population predominance within the aging segment, a phenomenon known as the feminisation of the old-age . Aging, therefore, is nowadays one of the primary issues and that has been mobilizing the Brazilian s society, since the development raised from this new reality brought with it enormous challenges and complex social implications which are already felt in the daily lives of the societies. My work experience among some age groups has shown that aging is a much differentiated process which has instigated my interest in understanding why aging has to face an overwhelming and painful experience for some people and enriched and full of signification for others. Overviewing, this research aimed to understand the aging development through the analysis of the processes of signification and production of meaning that permeate the aging and the subjective well-being of three aged women participants of the Project Health and Citizenship on Third Age /CEFET-RN, that evidenced attitudes and behaviors concerning the integration and the activity toward the elderly population. The methodological strategy used was History of Life, starting from collecting data based on deep interviews. The analysis of data evidenced that the elderly well-being is a unique and distinct meaningful experience for each person, concerning each story of their lives within differentiated social, cultural, economic context, from this perspective one can demystify the concept of that aging occurs in a homogeneous way for everyone, everywhere and with the same rhythm. The narratives presented in this research showed the human development as being a dialectic, discursive and interactionist process which extends throughout the adult life and continues to the aging life. The guarantee that development and aging are a parallel phenomenon always in interdependence on the preceding phases of live, are corroborated within the studies. This present study confirms that the elderly population can be a phase of growth, personal realization and continued development, without disrespecting the heterogeneous and the subjectivity of the person who ages. Notifying those healthy and well-succeeded aging experiences, this issue has the intention to contribute to demystify the concept of aging as a social problem, illness needed to be treated, and the stereotypy of the elderly being dependent and unproductive
Density and biomass of bacterioplankton in parts of the Marechal Dutra reservoir were studied in periods of dry and rainy season. The averages of the total bacterial densities oscillated in the order of 107 organisms/ mL of sample. The cocci cells were numerically predominant, influencing considerably the total abundance of the bacterioplankton. The total bacterial biomass, was considered raised and varied from 2.431,82 to 2.739,01 μgC.L-1, in function of the high values of biovolume of the filaments forms, and showed no marked spacial fluctuation. These high values of density and biomass alert for the necessity of a frequent monitoring of aquatic ecosystems of semi-arid region, where the quality of the water is affected by the occurrence of extensive dry periods, influencing considerably the quality of life of its population
Objetivou-se analisar o perfil dos usuários de um serviço de nutrição e a percepção dos mesmos sobre a qualidade do atendimento, em uma pesquisa quali-quantitativa, utilizando entrevistas semiestruturadas, conduzidas logo após o atendimento nutricional a 32 idosos de um programa para a terceira idade no município de Viçosa - MG. Predominou o sexo feminino, com idades entre 60 e 78 anos; a hipertensão arterial foi a doença de maior ocorrência; a maioria está satisfeita com o atendimento; 44,8% têm dificuldades para mudar a alimentação e 100% foram otimistas quanto ao resultado do acompanhamento nutricional; a maioria é portadora de doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis, possui autonomia, compreende o serviço como instrumento de auxílio na qualidade de vida e associa a satisfação com o atendimento a aspectos de cuidado e atenção. Estimular pesquisas com programas de nutrição na terceira idade se torna cada vez mais necessário, para que se busque qualidade nutricional e melhores estratégias de atendimento aos idosos.
Neste estudo, goiabas da cultivar 'Paluma' foram cortadas em duas partes e submetidas a diferentes processos de conservação antes do armazenamento a -20ºC. No primeiro processo a polpa dura foi triturada, acondicionada em sacos de polietileno, com espessura de 40 µm, congelada e armazenada a -20°C°, e no segundo processo a polpa dura foi cortada ao meio, branqueada em água quente a 98ºC por quatro minutos, seca e acondicionada em sacos de polietileno, com espessura de 40 µm, congelada e armazenada a -20ºC. A qualidade da polpa foi avaliada através do pH, teor de ácido ascórbico, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável, aparência, textura e coloração. As duas formas de conservação mostraram-se adequadas para preservação da polpa com boa aparência até 18 semanas. Houve redução no conteúdo de ácido ascórbico, principalmente na polpa triturada. A textura e o sabor da polpa foram afetados pelo tempo de armazenamento. Os dois procedimentos, como técnicas de preservação de goiabas pelas indústrias de alimentos, podem ser usados durante o período de safra, sendo uma boa alternativa para evitar perdas pós-colheita.
Foram estudados 125 países avaliados por um conjunto de 26 indicadores básicos, de saúde, econômicos e educacionais, usando-se três métodos estatísticos multivariados: Análise de Agrupamento, Análise de Componentes Principais e Análise de Variância Multivariada. As variáveis mais discriminatórias foram a expectativa de vida, as taxas de mortalidade infantil e de menores de cinco anos, as taxas de natalidade e de fertilidade e a taxa de matrícula no segundo grau para o sexo feminino. Os países foram ordenados de acordo com um índice de padrão de vida e separados em cinco grupos.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB