1000 resultados para Psicología - Investigaciones


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In this work present and discuss the specificities of the psychological care in Psychological Guidance to School Complaints (OQE) with adolescents, proposing theoretical and practical reflections resulted of intervention experiences in clinical practice. For this purpose we expose a conception of adolescence in which it is based and analyze the public schools' environment. We ponder on public policies of education for this population and the functioning of the school system that may be leading to difficulties in the education process. Further we present the specificities of the psychological care in OQE with adolescents: the educational incompetence stigma, the speech's and other language's role, the adolescent's authorship in the care process, life project's role, and specificities of an intervention in the school. Finally, we emphasize that this theme of educational difficulties faced by adolescents deserves further serious study and research in Educational and School Psychology. This may help to uncover the vicissitudes of this area and to improve the intervention proposals to that.


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The curricula study allows the verification of trends, concepts and the identification of teaching practices, enabling the planning and implementation of changes when necessary. The material presented here is part of the results obtained in a postgraduate research that deals with the training of psychologists to work with people with disabilities, which appealed to the document analysis. To accomplish this task it was used a methodological procedure named searching through radical, which allowed greater agility to the search, enabling the quick identification of the courses containing topics of interest for research, facilitating their selection to study. The use of document analysis as a methodology allowed both the collection and organization of information that were diffused, providing them new configuration as source of information, as the processing and interpretation of the raw data, giving them direction and adding them value. In 36 courses, 35 had at least one subject related to persons with disabilities, and the sum of these resulted in 85 subjects for analysis. The interpretation of data obtained through reading the menus brought information about prevalent intentions on the menus of the subjects, to research in the area, teaching procedures, techniques and possibilities of action and insertion of psychologists in different contexts in which they can deal with disability. In a positive perspective, the results showed that there seems to be a tendency to enhance the interface of psychology with other knowledge areas to understand the issues related to disability.


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The moral judgment was approached upon a constructivist perspective which focuses on its evolution according to the different types of social relations. The several forms of resolution of conflicts are also considered in this reference, since they are related to situations of interaction, as well as the aggressiveness. The research was carried out with sixty children and teenagers from a socio-educational institution. It aimed to identify the variations according to age, and relate the trends in moral judgment, the styles of resolution of conflicts, and the perception of the educators regarding to the manifestation of aggressive behaviors. The instruments for collecting data were the Scale of Perception from Teachers for children that manifested Aggressive Behaviors in School, a Clinical Interview about moral judgment and the adaptation of the Children\'s Action Tendency Scale - CATS. The results showed that variations in relation to age were significant regarding to moral judgment. The younger children showed more heteronomous judgments and the older children more autonomous. Furthermore, the data evidenced a positive relationship between semiautonomia and aggressiveness, which raises the possibility of this being regarded as one of the unique strategies to take a position within an authoritarian and coercive environment.


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The marginalized children’s psychosocial and educational issues, in this essay, are referred to the theoretical debate upon knowledge development and the possible solutions for those children.This issue will be addressed through the analysis of structures or forms of knowledge organization and from the necessary differentiation of social and individual cognitive development. Basedontheseobjectives, we will analyzethe classical theoriesrelated to cognitive developmentofdisadvantaged children, discussindividual andsocialcognitive developmentand, based on our empirical research, postulatean explanationforthese children’s cognitive development. Finally we will discuss and propose some educational solutions.


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Este trabalho visa à aplicação de subsídios conceituais e procedimentais da Psicologia da Educação, na organização de uma proposta de formação continuada de professores em Educação Inclusiva. Retrata a descrição das etapas de elaboração de um material didático-pedagógico (vídeo educativo) para orientar o ensino de alunos com deficiência, com ênfase a sua progressão acadêmica. Sua elaboração consistiu na sele- ção e diagramação de um conjunto de cenas envolvendo a descrição da proposta de formação continuada ofertada aos participantes envolvidos (representantes da Escola, Universidade e Instituição não governamental) em um município do interior do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O material desenvolvido destacou a importância do trabalho reflexivo sobre os princípios da educação inclusiva, do fazer pedagógico e providências curriculares que atendam às necessidades educacionais especiais de alunos com deficiência.