983 resultados para Proteins -- Analysis


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We have undertaken two-dimensional gel electrophoresis proteomic profiling on a series of cell lines with different recombinant antibody production rates. Due to the nature of gel-based experiments not all protein spots are detected across all samples in an experiment, and hence datasets are invariably incomplete. New approaches are therefore required for the analysis of such graduated datasets. We approached this problem in two ways. Firstly, we applied a missing value imputation technique to calculate missing data points. Secondly, we combined a singular value decomposition based hierarchical clustering with the expression variability test to identify protein spots whose expression correlates with increased antibody production. The results have shown that while imputation of missing data was a useful method to improve the statistical analysis of such data sets, this was of limited use in differentiating between the samples investigated, and highlighted a small number of candidate proteins for further investigation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have developed a sensitive, non-radioactive method to assess the interaction of transcription factors/DNA-binding proteins with DNA. We have modified the traditional radiolabeled DNA gel mobility shift assay to incorporate a DNA probe end-labeled with a Texas-red fluorophore and a DNA-binding protein tagged with the green fluorescent protein to monitor precisely DNA-protein complexation by native gel electrophoresis. We have applied this method to the DNA-binding proteins telomere release factor-1 and the sex-determining region-Y, demonstrating that the method is sensitive (able to detect 100 fmol of fluorescently labeled DNA), permits direct visualization of both the DNA probe and the DNA-binding protein, and enables quantitative analysis of DNA and protein complexation, and thereby an estimation of the stoichiometry of protein-DNA binding.


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At present, little is known about signal transduction mechanisms in schistosomes, which cause the disease of schistosomiasis. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways, which are evolutionarily conserved from yeast to Homo sapiens, play key roles in multiple cellular processes. Here, we reconstructed the hypothetical MAPK signaling pathways in Schistosoma japonicum and compared the schistosome pathways with those of model eukaryote species. We identified 60 homologous components in the S. japoncium MAPK signaling pathways. Among these, 27 were predicted to be full-length sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of these proteins confirmed the evolutionary conservation of the MAPK signaling pathways. Remarkably, we identified S. japonicum homologues of GTP-binding protein beta and alpha-I subunits in the yeast mating pathway, which might be involved in the regulation of different life stages and female sexual maturation processes as well in schistosomes. In addition, several pathway member genes, including ERK, JNK, Sja-DSP, MRAS and RAS, were determined through quantitative PCR analysis to be expressed in a stage-specific manner, with ERK, JNK and their inhibitor Sja-DSP markedly upregulated in adult female schistosomes. (c) 2006 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Application of a computational membrane organization prediction pipeline, MemO, identified putative type II membrane proteins as proteins predicted to encode a single alpha-helical transmembrane domain (TMD) and no signal peptides. MemO was applied to RIKEN's mouse isoform protein set to identify 1436 non-overlapping genomic regions or transcriptional units (TUs), which encode exclusively type II membrane proteins. Proteins with overlapping predicted InterPro and TMDs were reviewed to discard false positive predictions resulting in a dataset comprised of 1831 transcripts in 1408 TUs. This dataset was used to develop a systematic protocol to document subcellular localization of type II membrane proteins. This approach combines mining of published literature to identify subcellular localization data and a high-throughput, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approach to experimentally characterize subcellular localization. These approaches have provided localization data for 244 and 169 proteins. Type II membrane proteins are localized to all major organelle compartments; however, some biases were observed towards the early secretory pathway and punctate structures. Collectively, this study reports the subcellular localization of 26% of the defined dataset. All reported localization data are presented in the LOCATE database (http://www.locate.imb.uq.edu.au).


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Short proteins play key roles in cell signalling and other processes, but their abundance in the mammalian proteome is unknown. Current catalogues of mammalian proteins exhibit an artefactual discontinuity at a length of 100 aa, so that protein abundance peaks just above this length and falls off sharply below it. To clarify the abundance of short proteins, we identify proteins in the FANTOM collection of mouse cDNAs by analysing synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions with the computer program CRITICA. This analysis confirms that there is no real discontinuity at length 100. Roughly 10% of mouse proteins are shorter than 100 aa, although the majority of these are variants of proteins longer than 100 aa. We identify many novel short proteins, including a dark matter'' subset containing ones that lack detectable homology to other known proteins. Translation assays confirm that some of these novel proteins can be translated and localised to the secretory pathway.


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The effect of the box shape on the dynamic behavior of proteins simulated under periodic boundary conditions is evaluated. In particular, the influence of simulation boxes defined by the near-densest lattice packing (NDLP) in conjunction with rotational constraints is compared to that of standard box types without these constraints. Three different proteins of varying size, shape, and secondary structure content were examined in the study. The statistical significance of differences in RMSD, radius of gyration, solvent-accessible surface, number of hydrogen bonds, and secondary structure content between proteins, box types, and the application or not of rotational constraints has been assessed. Furthermore, the differences in the collective modes for each protein between different boxes and the application or not of rotational constraints have been examined. In total 105 simulations were performed, and the results compared using a three-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) for properties derived from the trajectories and a three-way univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) for collective modes. It is shown that application of roto-translational constraints does not have a statistically significant effect on the results obtained from the different simulations. However, the choice of simulation box was found to have a small (5-10%), but statistically significant effect on the behavior of two of the three proteins included in the study. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The role of non-carbohydrate surface components of granular starch in determining gelatinisation behaviour has been tested by treatment of native starches with a range of extractants. Resulting washed starches were analysed for (bio)chemical, calorimetric and theological properties. Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) was the most efficient extractant tested, and resulted in major changes to the subsequent theological properties of wheat and maize starches but not other starches. Three classes of starch granule swelling behaviour are identified: (i) rapid swelling (e.g. waxy maize, potato), (ii) slow swelling that can be converted to rapid swelling by extraction of surface proteins and lipids (e.g. wheat, maize), and (iii) limited swelling not affected by protein/lipid extraction (e.g. high amylose maize/potato). Comparison of a range of extractants suggests that all of protein, lipid and amylose are involved in restriction of swelling for wheat or maize starches. Treatment of starches with SDS leads to a residue at comparable (low) levels of SDS for all starches. C-13 NMR analysis shows that this SDS is present as a glucan inclusion complex, even for waxy maize starch. We infer that under the conditions used, glucan inclusion complexation of SDS is equally likely with amylopectin as with amylose. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The superior frontal cortex (SFC) is selectively damaged in chronic alcohol abuse, with localized neuronal loss and tissue atrophy. Regions such as motor cortex show little neuronal loss except in severe co-morbidity (liver cirrhosis or WKS). Altered gene expression was found in microarray comparisons of alcoholic and control SFC samples [1]. We used Western blots and proteomic analysis to identify the proteins that also show differential expression. Tissue was obtained at autopsy under informed, written consent from uncomplicated alcoholics and age- and sex-matched controls. Alcoholics had consumed 80 g ethanol/day chronically (often, 200 g/day for 20 y). Controls either abstained or were social drinkers ( 20 g/day). All subjects had pathological confirmation of liver and brain diagnosis; none had been polydrug abusers. Samples were homogenized in water and clarified by brief centrifugation (1000g, 3 min) before storage at –80°C. For proteomics the thawed suspensions were centrifuged (15000g, 50 min) to prepare soluble fractions. Aliquots were pooled from SFC samples from the 5 chronic alcoholics and 5 matched controls used in the previous microarray study [1]. 2-Dimensional electrophoresis was performed in triplicate using 18 cm format pH 4–7 and pH 6–11 immobilized pH gradients for firstdimension isoelectric focusing. Following second-dimension SDS-PAGE the proteins were fluorescently stained and the images collected by densitometry. 182 proteins differed by 2-fold between cases and controls. 141 showed lower expression in alcoholics, 33 higher, and 8 were new or had disappeared. To date 63 proteins have been identified using MALDI-MS and MS-MS. Western blots were performed on uncentrifuged individual samples from 76 subjects (controls, uncomplicated alcoholics and cirrhotic alcoholics). A common standard was run on every gel. After transfer, immunolabeling, and densitometry, the intensities of the unknown bands were compared to those of the standards. We focused on proteins from transcripts that showed clear differences in a series of microarray studies, classified into common sets including Regulators of G-protein Signaling and Myelin-associated proteins. The preponderantly lower level of differentially expressed proteins in alcoholics parallels the microarray mRNA analysis in the same samples. We found that mRNA and protein expression do not frequently correspond; this may help identify pathogenic processes acting at the level of transcription, translation, or post-translationally.