981 resultados para Protease inhibition activity


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The effects of pantethine, glutathione, and selected chemical reagents on the anti-aggregation activity of α-crystallin was evaluated. Protein aggregation was monitored by light scattering of solutions of denatured βL-crystallin or alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). The ratios of βL-crystallin/α-crystallin and ADH/α-crystallin were adjusted so that partial inhibition of protein aggregation at 60°C or 37°C, respectively, was observed and modulation of the chaperone action of α-crystallin could be evaluated easily with selected endogenous metabolites. Enhancement of the anti-aggregation activity in the βL-crystallin assay was strongest with pantethine, which appeared to interact with α-crystallin. Enhancement of the anti-aggregation activity in the ADH assay was strongest with glutathione which appeared to interact with ADH. The results indicated that the products of common metabolic pathways can modulate the chaperone-like effects of α-crystallin on protein aggregation.


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The increasing resistance of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum to currently available drugs demands a continuous effort to develop new antimalarial agents. In this quest, the identification of antimalarial effects of drugs already in use for other therapies represents an attractive approach with potentially rapid clinical application. We have found that the extensively used antimycotic drug clotrimazole (CLT) effectively and rapidly inhibited parasite growth in five different strains of P. falciparum, in vitro, irrespective of their chloroquine sensitivity. The concentrations for 50% inhibition (IC50), assessed by parasite incorporation of [3H]hypoxanthine, were between 0.2 and 1.1 μM. CLT concentrations of 2 μM and above caused a sharp decline in parasitemia, complete inhibition of parasite replication, and destruction of parasites and host cells within a single intraerythrocytic asexual cycle (≈48 hr). These concentrations are within the plasma levels known to be attained in humans after oral administration of the drug. The effects were associated with distinct morphological changes. Transient exposure of ring-stage parasites to 2.5 μM CLT for a period of 12 hr caused a delay in development in a fraction of parasites that reverted to normal after drug removal; 24-hr exposure to the same concentration caused total destruction of parasites and parasitized cells. Chloroquine antagonized the effects of CLT whereas mefloquine was synergistic. The present study suggests that CLT holds much promise as an antimalarial agent and that it is suitable for a clinical study in P. falciparum malaria.


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PTEN/MMAC1 is a tumor suppressor gene located on chromosome 10q23. Inherited PTEN/MMAC1 mutations are associated with a cancer predisposition syndrome known as Cowden’s disease. Somatic mutation of PTEN has been found in a number of malignancies, including glioblastoma, melanoma, and carcinoma of the prostate and endometrium. The protein product (PTEN) encodes a dual-specificity protein phosphatase and in addition can dephosphorylate certain lipid substrates. Herein, we show that PTEN protein induces a G1 block when reconstituted in PTEN-null cells. A PTEN mutant associated with Cowden’s disease (PTEN;G129E) has protein phosphatase activity yet is defective in dephosphorylating inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate in vitro and fails to arrest cells in G1. These data suggest a link between induction of a cell-cycle block by PTEN and its ability to dephosphorylate, in vivo, phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate. In keeping with this notion, PTEN can inhibit the phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent Akt kinase, a downstream target of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, and constitutively active, but not wild-type, Akt overrides a PTEN G1 arrest. Finally, tumor cells lacking PTEN contain high levels of activated Akt, suggesting that PTEN is necessary for the appropriate regulation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway.


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Recently, Salmonella spp. were shown to induce apoptosis in infected macrophages. The mechanism responsible for this process is unknown. In this report, we establish that the Inv-Spa type III secretion apparatus target invasin SipB is necessary and sufficient for the induction of apoptosis. Purified SipB microinjected into macrophages led to cell death. Binding studies show that SipB associates with the proapoptotic protease caspase-1. This interaction results in the activation of caspase-1, as seen in its proteolytic maturation and the processing of its substrate interleukin-1β. Caspase-1 activity is essential for the cytotoxicity. Functional inhibition of caspase-1 activity by acetyl-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-chloromethyl ketone blocks macrophage cytotoxicity, and macrophages lacking caspase-1 are not susceptible to Salmonella-induced apoptosis. Taken together, the data demonstrate that SipB functions as an analog of the Shigella invasin IpaB.


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Ca2+-induced inhibition of α1C voltage-gated Ca2+ channels is a physiologically important regulatory mechanism that shortens the mean open time of these otherwise long-lasting high-voltage-activated channels. The mechanism of action of Ca2+ has been a matter of some controversy, as previous studies have proposed the involvement of a putative Ca2+-binding EF hand in the C terminus of α1C and/or a sequence downstream from this EF-hand motif containing a putative calmodulin (CaM)-binding IQ motif. Previously, using site directed mutagenesis, we have shown that disruption of the EF-hand motif does not remove Ca2+ inhibition. We now show that the IQ motif binds CaM and that disruption of this binding activity prevents Ca2+ inhibition. We propose that Ca2+ entering through the voltage-gated pore binds to CaM and that the Ca/CaM complex is the mediator of Ca2+ inhibition.


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The process of human erythrocyte invasion by Plasmodium falciparum parasites involves a calcium-dependent serine protease with properties consistent with a subtilisin-like activity. This enzyme achieves the last crucial maturation step of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) necessary for parasite entry into the host erythrocyte. In eukaryotic cells, such processing steps are performed by subtilisin-like maturases, known as proprotein convertases. In an attempt to characterize the MSP1 maturase, we have identified a gene that encodes a P. falciparum subtilisin-like protease (PfSUB2) whose deduced active site sequence resembles more bacterial subtilisins. Therefore, we propose that PfSUB2 belongs to a subclass of eukaryotic subtilisins different from proprotein convertases. Pfsub2 is expressed during merozoite differentiation and encodes an integral membrane protein localized in the merozoite dense granules, a secretory organelle whose contents are believed to participate in a late step of the erythrocyte invasion. PfSUB2’s subcellular localization, together with its predicted enzymatic properties, leads us to propose that PfSUB2 could be responsible for the late MSP1 maturation step and thus is an attractive target for the development of new antimalarial drugs.