1000 resultados para Projetos de desenvolvimento - Avaliação - Estudo de casos
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Examine the effects Global Postural Reeducation, (GPR) in hyperkyphosis and respiratory variables in the elderly was the objective in the research. For this, two elderly participated, one is 62 years old (voluntary 1) and another is 66 years old (voluntary 2), without lung, heart, kidney and/or skeletal-muscle diseases diagnosed. The volunteer have been assessed for Quality of Life (QOL) through the questionnaire SF-36, the degree of toracic kyphosis, the muscular respiratory strength and the thoracic-abdominal mobility. The GRP treatment consisted in eight sessions applied, once one hour each session. After the eight sessions the volunteer were reevaluated. The data concerning assessments before and after treatment were analysed describly. According to the results there was an improvement in the degree of kyphosis in both volunteers, highlighting voluntary 2. Respiratory variables also improvements after treatment. In relation to the Quality of life in most areas there has been an increase in scores indicating improved QOL. These data showed that the GPR has been effective to decrease the level of kyphosis, improves respiratory variables and the quality of life in the elderly treated. However, further work with a greater number of subjects must be carried out to analyze the effectiveness of therapy in the elderly.
Aim: to evaluate the association of the long face pattern and the mouth breathing, correlating them with the intraoral characteristics. Methods: the sample was composed of 60 Caucasian Brazilian descendents patients, divided in two groups according to the subjective of their facial pattern. The patients were clinically evaluated to determine their respiratory pattern and the diagnosed of malocclusion. The lateral teleradiographies were drawn in standard to verification facial cephalometric pattern. Chi-Square analysis evaluated the association between subjective facial pattern and type of breathing; facial pattern subjective and cephalometric facial pattern. It was also the chi-square with yates correction to evaluate the associations between subjective facial pattern, type of breathing and posterior cross bite; facial subjective standard, type of breathing and anterior open bite; facial pattern between subjective, type breathing and type of Angle´s malocclusion. Results: it showed that long face pattern (group 1) was associated with mouth breathing habit and facial cephalometric standard. Moreover, the long-face pattern (group 1) presented that mouth breathing was associated with a posterior crossbite and Angle Class II malocclusion. Conclusion: the long face pattern - evaluated with subjective facial analyses - was associated with mouth breathing. The long face pattern and patients with mouth breathing was associated with a posterior crossbite and Class II Angle's malocclusion.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Esta pesquisa, financiada pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp), tem como objeto de estudo as parcerias entre o público e o privado realizadas por municípios paulistas para a oferta educacional na educação infantil. O estudo é parte integrante da pesquisa “A oferta educacional na educação infantil: arranjos institucionais entre o público e o privado” coordenada pela professora Raquel Borghi e financiada pelo CNPq. O objetivo geral é identificar, mapear e analisar os arranjos institucionais firmados entre municípios paulistas pequenos e instituições privadas para o atendimento educacional em creches e pré-escolas. O estudo foi realizado com uma amostra de 50% dos 56 municípios pequenos (de 10.001 a 50.000 hab.) que declararam possuir parcerias para a oferta de educação infantil, e que constam do banco de dados da pesquisa “Estratégias municipais para a oferta da educação básica: análise das parcerias público-privadas no Estado de São Paulo” (ADRIÃO, coord., 2009). Foi realizado levantamento junto aos municípios selecionados, tendo em vista o recolhimento de informações como ano de integração das creches aos respectivos sistema de ensino, justificativa para a opção pelo convênio, formato da subvenção publica as instituições privadas, tipo de instituição como Stricto Sensu (SS), ONG‟s, fundações, filantrópicas, OSCIP‟s entre outros. O desenvolvimento do estudo vai requerer, ainda, o levantamento e a análise de produções teóricas relativas ao financiamento e à oferta da educação infantil. Os resultados evidenciam que os convênios, legitimados pela atual legislação e impulsionados tanto pela esfera pública e/ou privada, estão em expansão, e em alguns municípios representam a única forma de atender a essa faixa etária, mostrando o equívoco de muitos municípios de aderir a esse tipo de atendimento municipal
The goal of this project is the reproduction, through the simulation code based on the MCNPX (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended) v2.50 method, of the proton beam interaction with the material, since, in proton therapy, only the particle ionization and excitation are analyzed and the occurence of nuclear interactive inelastic process are not considered. This work will help the development of studies concerning the contribution to the total dosis of secondary particles generated by nuclear interaction in proton therapy. They are: alpha particles ( ), deuterium(2H), tritium (3H), neutron (n) and helium (3He). A MS20 tissue substitute phantom was used as the target and the energy of the proton beams was within an interest range of 100 to 200MeV. With the results obtained, it was possible to generate graphics which allows the analysis of the dosis deposition relation with and without nuclear interaction, the percentage of secondary particles deposited dosis, the radial dispersion of neutrons in the material, the secondary particles multiplicity, as well as the relation between the secondary particles spectrum with the próton generated spectrum
Este trabalho faz um estudo comparativo sobre a estratégia de plataformas na indústria automobilística brasileira entre os anos 90 e 2000. Para tanto, definiu-se o conceito de plataformas na indústria automobilística, a intensificação dos estudos sobre sua eficiência ao longo do tempo e o impacto da reutilização e adaptação de plataformas na redução de custos. Os resultados do estudo colaboraram no entendimento dos projetos de desenvolvimento de produto na indústria automotiva nacional, colaborando para a comparação entre a evolução do cenário brasileiro com a de outros cenários como Reino Unido e os BRICs
This work consists of a case study, a qualitative methodology, which aims to show the effects of TIVALLEC, a supplement in vitamins, as an alternative treatment of cancer. This study had also the objective of evaluating one patient’s quality of life thirteen years after being diagnosed with an advanced prostate cancer, and having decided for an alternative treatment using TIVALLEC instead of conventional treatments, having obtained excellent results. An open interview was conducted with patient, evaluating various aspects of his life after the initial diagnosis and the chosen treatment. The answers were transcribed after being limitedly edited for readability. At the end of the study, with the support of recent literature, the interview allowed the conclusion that TIVALLEC was greatly effective, creating good quality of life and wellness for the patient during all the period of thirteen year after the diagnosis up to now. These alternative treatment results may be seen as demanding new studies to help cancer patients who embrace or not the conventional treatments
O presente trabalho propõe-se a discutir os determinantes do processo de desenvolvimento de software livre, seus efeitos na indústria de software e as ações do governo em relação a estas iniciativas Impulsionados, principalmente, pelos impactos dos avanços nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação e por inovações de processos relacionados a estes progressos, projetos de desenvolvimento de Software Livre/Código Aberto vêm crescendo em ritmo cada vez mais acelerado e tornando-se alvo de estratégias de empresas e políticas públicas. A partir desta constatação, o trabalho procura relacionar o arcabouço teórico que visa explicar estas iniciativas com dados da indústria brasileira de software e verificar como este modelo de produção pode modificar e agregar às suas feições. Foi realizado também um balanço das intervenções do governo brasileiro relacionadas a software livre/código aberto
This paper provides an overview of the key findings of a survey that sought to examine the relationship between local government agencies and agrarian reform communities in the State of São Paulo, particularly with regard to the types of support that have been provided by these agencies to the economic activities of settlements. The research was part of the project "The agencies and services involved in the implementation of public policies for equity and growth", which was supported by the Instituto de Colonização e Reforma Agraria (INCRA/SP), whose activities were carried out throughout 2011. In methodological terms, the research was divided into two stages. In the first stage, it sought to identify the main economic activities, vocations and potential of the influencing areas of the Quilombola communities and settlements in their respective regions and micro-regions. Therefore, a survey was conducted based on secondary data. In the second stage, a qualitative, exploratory, empirical, and multiple case study research was conducted. Local public officials, in charge of the institutional relations with the agrarian reform settlements (and quilombolas communities, in this case, one of the municipalities investigated) were the primary source of data for this analysis that sought to evaluate the strength, types and quality of support (plausible or effective) provided by the municipalities to the economic activities of settlements. The results indicated a set of reasonably heterogeneous components, and frequently, distinct, of particular circumstances. Based on the results some proposals for action plans were indicated, which probably would constitute a standard reference for the formulation and implementation of public policies and actions to improve the economic activities of the settlements.
This paper reports a master research that aimed to analyze the patterns of institutional relationships between local officials and communities of agrarian reform settlements in four counties of the State of São Paulo – Apiaí, Iaras, Promissão and Mirante do Paranapanema – particularly with regard to the types of support offered by the first to the economic activities in the settlements. In terms of methodology, we conducted a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, outlined in the format of multiple case study. Having like data sources the local officials responsible for institutional relations with the agrarian reform settlements, technicians agents of agencys linkeds to the land question, as INCRA and ITESP, and settled in leadership positions in rural settlements, we sought to evaluate the intensity, the types and quality of the (possible or actual) support offered by municipalities to economic activities inside the settlements. We sought to evaluate the results from theoretical lens formed around the notions of local development and the significance assumed by settlements in different locations. The results showed a fairly heterogeneous and, often, disparate in particular circumstances. It was evident, from the information collected, that a positive action of the municipal government in supporting the economic activities of the settlements is essential for the release of social energy based in settlements, enabling the realization of the "amalgam of possibilities" constructed from the implementation of rural settlements.
Swimming is a sport well suited to any age group, it worked properly when the individual stimuli that provides assist in human development. But water stimulation, is not something that is so easily in physical education in Brazil. Development corresponds to changes that occur throughout life, but that depends on the stimuli provided. Several studies have shown positive effects of swimming in relation to the child. This study aimed to verify if children swimmers and physical education classes have better motor development than those who do not practice the sport. Collection was done with two groups of 10 students between 9 and 11 years. As a group consisting of non-swimmers, and another formed by those that complement the physical education class with the regular practice of swimming. To develop the study was administered a battery of the proposed motor adapted Rosa Neto (2002) in which each child performed tasks corresponding to their chronological age (CA) and were only able to perform the task at a later age, when it was obtained successful in completing the task as originally proposed. At the end of the application of all statistical tests was done getting mean and standard deviation of the old motor (IM), calculated the ratio General Motor (MGQ) for the classification of the child's motor development and application of the t test with p <0.05 to observe the level of significance in the results. The results showed that the group swimmers had better agility tests which resulted in a difference between (IC) and (IM) higher compared with the non-practitioner. They also had higher average (MGQ), but these were not sufficient to classify the group into another level of development, however, by observing isolated cases, two children that practice would be a greater level of development. Through the t test was observed that the group swimmers had significant difference in balance ability. We conclude that the swimming group got positive overall...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)