980 resultados para Projeto arquitetónico


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The increasing demand for productivity and quality in companies has converged to a common point: reducing costs. In this context the present work aims at the development of a mechanical press which is designed for pressing polar hydrogenerators coils with salient pole in field facilitating the assembly of the poles in the plant, as well as reforms especially in hydrogenerators, reducing significantly the transport costs. With security in mind as well as reduced costs, a study was made of the materials to be used as it was applied a methodology for calculating the correct choice of safety factor to be used in the device. Through mechanical calculations were dimensioned critical items of the device as the diameter of the rods as well as the minimum thickness of the base of the device must have so that it does not break threaded shear in the region by applying the total load of traction on the risers implementation of the pressing. All compression loading device will be through the application of torque on the nuts of bolts in this way was defined by calculations the required torque for each nut so that you can reach the pressure specified in the design specifies. The modeling of the device was made using the INVENTOR™ program in conjunction with the program ANSYS ™. These programs have created designs in three dimensions, assembly and simulation of stress analysis in components of the device


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This work aims to show the importance of Baja SAE Project in engineering education, as well as the development of the student, being an outstanding tool for the engineering student has an education that meets the objectives of the pedagogical university and also the guidelines Ministry of Education curriculum for engineering courses. The Baja SAE Project provides the engineering students the chance to apply in practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom, to enhance their preparation for the labor market. The student becomes involved with a real case of project development, from concept design, detailed design and construction. The Baja SAE Project redefines the position of the student as an active element in the learning process engineering, leaving behind the simple condition of receiving information. Values procedures that provide students the opportunity to learn in contexts of professional practice, while offering the opportunity to contextualize the execution of a project. From an analysis to develop personal skills, Baja SAE Project has its own characteristics and essential for professional practice, however, not specific to the engineering course. For example, capacity for teamwork, communication skills written and oral, ethical behavior, critical, overview, entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, etc


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PETROBRAS started in 2003 the implantation of agroforestry systems as an alternative to recuperate degraded areas at Oiteirinhos Farm, of its property, located in the biggest terrestrial field of oil of Brazil, between the cities of Carmópolis and Japaratuba, at Sergipe. The project, idealized by the geologist Ismael Quirino Trindade Neto and called Agrofloresta, sustento da vida, has the model of agroforestry systems developed by Ernst Götsch as technical and theoretical references, which joins agricultural cultures with forest species. In this direction, it was evidenced that the practices adopted in the SAFs allow to join recovery, conservation and production, as it follows the biodiversity and the dynamics of the natural processes as basic principles of the practices adopted. Including social inclusion and economic return, the project expands the environmental aspect, turning into an action focused in sustainable development.


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The current competitiveness of the market has generated the need to minimize the cost of production companies in any field of activity, aimed at reducing the cost of production, the cost of purchasing and manufacturing processes interruption of manufacturing processes for possible maintenance. In this sense, companies are seeking methods to improve and streamline their production line. In ceramics industries, cooking the pieces is the portion of the production process that influences the total costs. The oven construction and maintenance represent a large portion embedded in the cost of the final ceramic product. The proposal for a type of oven for baking the parts that takes into account a better burning process, knowledge of the causes of disease and cost analysis of purchasing both of the constituent materials and labor for its construction, can be significant importance to the composition of final product costs or time analysis of ROI. It is proposed a streamlined design of an oven that takes into account the positive characteristics of the furnaces already built and that the experience has endorsed, and also others that are added at the end, lead to a reduction in production cost, the cost income and the number of pathologies arising from wear of the furnace along the lifespan. Therefore, according to the experiences gained over the years in the construction of furnaces and experience of manufacturing of ceramic, it is proposed a project that has an oven improvement over those now being built and that include, among other topics, economy in fuel burning, streamlining the building process


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O presente trabalho de graduação final destina-se a elaboração de um Plano e Projeto de um novo desenho para a cidade de Coronel Macedo, localizada no interior de São Paulo. Através da análise da realidade do município, juntamente com leituras comunitárias já efetuadas, foram enumerados problemas e necessidades, dentre eles a falta de um instrumento gestor e a situação precária de suas vias de locomoção. Desse modo a intenção projetual desse trabalho será um desenho de ruas e calçadas, dando maior mobilidade e segurança. E um Plano viário que possa orientar o poder público e a iniciativa privada no interesse coletivo dos macedenses para a efetivação do projeto proposto, visando assegurar maior qualidade de vida para a população