991 resultados para Princípios de uma narrativa transmídia
This dissertation explores the behavior of prejudiced discourse in the most representative narratives against inhumane slavery written in Cuba and the United States in the nineteenth century: Autobiografía de un esclavo, by Juan Francisco Manzano; Francisco, by Anselmo Suárez y Romero; Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, by Frederick Douglass; and Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriett Beecher Stowe. This study deals with the identification between race and slavery that occurred in the American continent, using racial prejudice to justify the enslavement of human beings. Such concepts were maintained, diffused and perpetuated by the dominant discourse. ^ In the nineteenth century, intellectuals from both Cuba and the United States were highly influenced by the modern philosophical ideas rooted in the European Enlightenment. These ideas contradicted by principle the "peculiar institution" of slavery, which supported a great deal of the economy of both nations. This conflict of principles was soon reflected in literature and led to the founding of Cuban and African-American narrative respectively. The common exposure to slavery brought together two nations otherwise highly dissimilar in historical and cultural circumstances. Based on the theories of discourse by Foucault, Terdiman, and van Dijk, the analysis of the discourse displayed in these literary works helps understand how discourse is utilized to subvert the dominant discourse without being expelled or excluded by it. This subversion was successfully accomplished in the American narratives, while only attempted in the Cuban works, given Cuba's colonial status and the compromised economic loyalties of the Delmontino cenacle which produced these works. ^
This study focuses on the works of Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas, one of the most prolific and controversial Latin American authors in the second half of the twentieth century. First, I propose Arenas as the creator of the Cuban revolutionary novel (a term coined by critics when referring to the narrative written after the revolution), within the scope of postmodern historiographic metafiction and against the trend of the official revolutionary novel promoted by the political establishment. Through the analysis of the five novels of the pentagony and other texts, my study follows the tragic journey of the antihero protagonist, from adolescence into adulthood, registering the correlation between his existential crisis and the narrative historical discourse. Contemporary Cuba from 1959 onwards—the historical-political circumstances that afflicted and overwhelmed him the most—becomes the point of reference to deconstruct reality and reaffirm the existence of a “self” threatened by the violence of a totalitarian discourse. Out of the fragments of this reality, Arenas undertook a radical reconstruction in which he inverted and questioned every inherited cultural value, as well as the power structures. Within this context, Arenas projects what I call “the Cuban hideous unreal”, an ontological and literary vision antagonistic to the carpentirean concept of the American “marvelous real”. ^ Despite the ostracism Reinaldo Arenas suffered for ten years, this study shows how he established through his work a meditative dialogue with himself and the common man. This perspective formulates a permanent literary and philosophic reflection with thinkers and writers of his country and the West, as the basis for a rejection of the Cuban reality. The resultant interdisciplinary and postmodern dialogue constitutes one of the most significant and distinctive contributions of his work. ^
The purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate that the societal changes that took place in Cuba during the last decade of the twentieth century, period know as The Special Period in Times of Peace, created the necessary conditions for the development of a new type of narrative. The first chapter constitutes an historical overview of the role of the State in the literary and artistic creation in revolutionary Cuba. The second, third, and fourth chapters analyze the major characteristics in the narrative of this period, creating a contrast with previous decades of the revolutionary era. With such purpose the study is divided into three categories: language, themes, and ideology. The usage of language as a means of transgression, the recurrence of the topic of need, and the rebirth of critical thinking, represent the principal characteristics of this literary period, and confirm the main idea of this dissertation: the fall of the ideal of the New Man. The final chapter summarizes the findings of the study and poses a question: If the ideal of the New Man has ceased to exist, what has replaced it? The question of whether or not a new ideal has replaced that of the New Man, and what that ideal might be, constitutes a stepping-stone for further studies in the area of Cuban narrative of the Special Period and beyond.
La narrativa de Silvina Ocampo (1903-1993) no goza del lugar que merece en la ficción argentina y latinoamericana como obra de la principal cuentista del siglo XX. Hace relativamente poco que su obra comenzó a despertar el interés de la crítica, atención que se evidencia en la cantidad de artículos y disertaciones recientes. Mediante una disección de la narrativa ocampeana a partir de las grandes coordenadas que la intersectan se pueden caracterizar los aspectos peculiares y distintivos de su estilo. Desarrollada tras la consolidación del psicoanálisis y su influencia en la estética surrealista, la narrativa de Ocampo incorpora algunos de esos elementos. El género fantástico también se articula aunque mediante una selección de rasgos configurados a su modo. Si bien Ocampo rechaza la etiqueta de feminista, ciertos aspectos de su estilo sólo pueden explicarse a partir de la visión particular de una mujer escritora y su representación de la identidad y las relaciones. La lectura pormenorizada de varios cuentos recogidos en “Cuentos completos” I y II (1999), once volúmenes publicados durante su vida, pertenecientes a distintos períodos de su producción permiten realizar un análisis diacrónico que ofrece una caracterización redonda de su estilo y evolución. El análisis sincrónico de estos textos incorpora datos históricos acerca del contexto de producción; a la vez que otras obras literarias del período ofrecen un punto de comparación para identificar influencias y contribuciones. Este análisis, realizado desde el marco teórico de la crítica literaria, da cuenta de la presencia de constituyentes narrativos (narrador, ironía, ambigüedad) que configuran espacios de indeterminación, noción postulada por las teorías de la recepción. Éstos explican las peculiares características de la obra ocampeana: su habilidad para inquietar, intrigar, sorprender y, en suma, desestabilizar al lector y sus expectativas. Es más, sirven para explicar la idiosincrática representación de la realidad que emana de su obra, su interés en lo fantástico y la articulación de lo anti-convencional, como mecanismo subversivo para escapar del orden social dominante, lo cual revela sensibilidades protofeministas. La narrativa de Silvina Ocampo se resiste al reduccionismo y construye una visión peculiar y multifacética de la artista y su obra.
O livro didático é um complexo objeto cultural, haja vista ser ao mesmo tempo elemento de intermediação nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem, produto comercializado que contém o conhecimento para a formação do aluno e objeto de compra, pelo Governo Federal, para ser distribuído para escolas em todo o Brasil. Configura-se, assim, como um produto cultural composto, híbrido, que se encontra no “cruzamento da cultura, da pedagogia, da produção editorial e da sociedade”. (STRAY,1993, p.77-78). Outrossim, o livro didático, tradicionalmente, é “um dos lugares formais do conhecimento escolar, pelo menos daquele saber julgado necessário à formação da sociedade e dos seus indivíduos” (MEDEIROS, 2006, p.34) e a materialização do seu uso pelo professor encontra-se interconectada pelas representações e conceitos construídos nas múltiplas transições na história de vida docente, tendo em vista que a práxis humana constrói-se numa perspectiva retroativa (do presente para o passado), numa hermenêutica social dos atos individuais. É nesse contexto que se situou a pesquisa, entendida como uma possibilidade de contribuição significativa ao debate da educação geográfica, ao propor a compreensão das concepções construídas nas múltiplas transições na narrativa de vida do docente com o livro didático de Geografia. A pesquisa se definiu como um estudo qualitativo, ancorado nas entrevistas narrativas, o qual abrangeu um levantamento de dados sobre as Histórias de vida de professores/professoras dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola da rede pública, no intuito de recorrermos às suas memórias escolares, acadêmica (formação inicial) e profissional para situarmos no espaço-tempo as suas concepções sobre o livro didático de Geografia. O livro didático de Geografia foi a área de interesse escolhida, sendo problematizada a partir do seguinte questionamento: quais as concepções atribuídas pelos professores do Ensino Fundamental aos livros didáticos de Geografia? As ideias dos professores expressas nas entrevistas narrativas da nossa pesquisa confirmam a conjuntura de indefinição e superficialidade teóricometodológica sobre o livro didático de Geografia, cujas concepções ficaram restritas aos seus aspectos descritivos, evidenciando a ausência de atribuições de significados pertinentes a uma reelaboração teórica do narrar produzido, como também, de questionamentos dos princípios organizadores das concepções sistematizadas. Desse modo, as ideias apontadas pelos professores em foco, restringiram-se à enumeração dos aspectos característicos do fenômeno em questão – o livro didático de Geografia – na sua superficialidade, isto é, não expressaram elementos que possibilitassem ver as concepções numa perspectiva macro, destacando-se mais as explicações das partes e das percepções isoladas, do que níveis mais abrangentes de generalidade do referido objeto de estudo. Enfatizamos, por fim, a necessária continuidade da pesquisa, e consequentemente, desse processo permanente de reflexão sobre as concepções do livro didático de Geografia, sendo mister explicitar, portanto, a razão histórica que as norteiam para que se possa buscar uma prática docente mais crítica e propositiva.
With the intention of studying and developing the design process based on a specific methodology, the object of this work is to present the design of a gated condominium community in Natal based on the application of principles of shape grammar, used in their design process. The shape grammar is a design method developed in the 1970s by George Stiny and James Gips. It is used for the analysis of the project as well as for its synthesis, with the goal of creating a "formal vocabulary" through mathematical and/or geometrical operations. Here, the methodology was used in the synthesis of the design process, through the relationship between formal subtractions and the houses’ architectural planning. As a result, five dwellings configurations were proposed, each one different from the other with respect to their shape and architectural programming, distributed in three twin groups, which are repeated until the final total of nine architectural volumes. In addition to studies of the condominium’s ventilation and the buildings’ shading simulations, studies of spatial flexibility and acoustic performance were also performed. The mapping of the design process, one of the specific objectives of the dissertation, was composed not only by the record of formal constraints (the preparation and application of rules), but also by physical, environmental, legal and sustainability aspects in relation to, on one hand, the optimization of the shading and passive ventilation for hot and humid climates, and, on the other hand, the modulation and rationalization of the construction.
The Brazilian juridical ordain has suffered several transformations on Family Law as of the 1988 Federal Constitution, which incorporated the changes in socio-cultural values and behaviors that appeared in the post-modern Brazilian society, with the repersonalization of the family, beginning with the principles of human dignity, affectivity and familiar solidarity; occurring an enlargement of the concept of family, increasing the relevance of socioaffectivity and eudaimonia. The general purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the constitutional interpretations of paradigmatic cases of the Brazilian Superior Courts checking the conditions and behaviors required to achieve the principles of affectivity and familiar solidarity. To do so, uses an exploratory and descriptive research trough books, scientific papers, jurisprudence, monographs and consult to specialized magazines to identify the reasons and specific purposes of the principles of affectivity and family solidarity within the constitutional norms, systematizing the primary meaning of these principles, then to observe the trial of patriotic courts, the criteria and standards of behavior used in their application. The analysis of recent decisions of the Supreme Federal Court and the Superior Court of Justice on the topic of the familiar relations, utilizing the new interpretative approach to the law that considers man as an ontological being of language, demonstrate that the affectivity and familiar solidarity are constitutional principles concretized in decisions, that don’t affect the principle of protection of the juridical security, that is, don’t cause uncertainty despite the incipient specification of criteria to its use
Considered as one of the oldest activities done by men, the civil construction represents one of the most important sectors for the economic growth of a country, in spite of the low results of growth in the past few years and also in the current year. To make this industry grow, even with an unfavourable economic scenario, it is necessary to implement an effective planning in its activities. This is one of the most important concepts brought by the Lean Construction philosophy, which had its origin through the adaptation of the concepts established by the Toyota Production System (TPS) or Lean Production. By having as a scenario the city of Natal\RN, the main goal of this dissertation consists in investigating how the 11 principles of the lean construction influenced the schedule of a construction field that started to implement its lean concepts. As a methodology, it was used the case study of a big enterprise located in Natal (RN). During the execution of the method, documents related to the short-term, midterm and long-term planning were analysed , aiming to describe its planning process; it was also described the factors that caused the delays at the enterprises’ field ;in addition, a comparison was made between the results obtained at the case study and the ones presented at the literature; in the end, the actions were listed by the company, which had the purpose to solve the main causes of delays, verifying if they were linked to the lean construction principles. This research finds its reason of existence in the relevance of its theme at the nowadays reality of the construction industry, since the principles of the lean construction uphold the reduction of processes that are useless, diminishing wastes as well as costs in construction. The relevance is perceived for the academy, in terms of the possibility to discuss if the concepts established by the lean production are being adapted to the civil construction sector and how this adaptation is influencing at the buildings planning project. Economic importance, because with the reduction of the wastes and costs, the companies may reduce the building´s value into a more accessible value, even with the sector´s lower growth. And social significance, because lean construction gives a better participation of the labour at the planning activity. Among the main results, the high frequency of planning errors stands out, mainly the programming deviations and not the task programming, as well as the execution errors, low productivity and activities executed by the workers. Amongst the 11 principles of lean construction, only five were related with the 12 actions analysed by the author. From the 12 actions, four were completely cohesive to one or more from these five principles. Some improvement proposals were also highlighted and established by the research.
As we are aware, the classroom is emerging as a continuous build learning experiences and environment, however, for students also it functions as a place also to be due to socializing with friends. However, not always these elements complement each other, so as harmoniously as we are aware that there are many difficulties, both in the act of learning as in interpersonal relations between them. From this, we understand that it is for the school to seek ways to contemplate such issues so that they feel inserted both with regard to this learning as well as being able to interact with themselves and with others, in a participatory manner, to live well socially. Thus, we find ourselves facing a similar situation with a 9th grade class where the students had certain limitations to have a good relationship with one another, causing thus problems in learning. On the other hand, this difficulty as affectively interact with each other, also, was increased by the difficulty that some students had to speak for themselves and to show their feelings and emotions, getting even more difficult this interaction at school. Thus, we found ourselves obliged to act immediately and need to bring about change in this picture. So it came out the idea of the application of an intervening action which started taking shapefrom a pedagogical project that we developed in other classes in previous years, this time adapted to the situation experienced by the group. The project, framed in the qualitative research and characterized from the action research approach took shape, and elected as its main objective to seek possible alternatives to develop the communicative competence of students, which is why we invest in exercise oral communication (speaking and listening) in order to promote the use of language, the interpersonal involvement facilitating thus their participation both in the classroom and in social life. To fulfill this goal, we set out to develop a didactic book whose support materialized through the autobiographical narrative (molded in writing production) and worked along a structured instructional sequence in three distinctstages that dialogued with each other. Therefore, we base our study from the socio-historical conception and dialogue proposed by Bakhtin in line with the sociodiscursivo interactionism of Bronckart and resort to other scholars as Dolz and Schneuwly, Marcuschi among others. The development of all stages of the project not only has had an immediate effect on what we proposed ourselves as also yielded us very gratifying moments reinforcing to us that the classroom environment goes far beyond the fact ministering content. And that work with orality, with views on affective interaction of these students resulted in a project, so to speak, exciting.
O figurino na narrativa dos filmes de Guel Arraes: O Auto da Compadecida (2000) e O Bem Amado (2010)
This research focuses on the course of Guel Arraes, moviemaker, and picks two movies for analysis: O Auto da Compadecida (2000) and O Bem Amado (2010), as well as their costumes. The focus on the costume is based on Semiology and aims to decode the meanings that stem out of the clothes. Three of the movies characters will have their costumes analyzed based on Roland Barthes’ theory, mainly considering semiology elements (language and speech), (significant and meaning) and (system and syntagma). The influence of the Armorial movement into the movie O Auto da Compadecida and the Kitsch aesthetic in O Bem Amado deserve consideration, aside from the study on costumes function within narrative, supported by Roland Barthes’ structural analysis of the narrative. We sought to highlight the balance between characters’ lines and the image of the costumes in the movies. Adding to the study on how costumes strongly accounts to narrative, we observed characteristic traits of director and scriptwriter Guel Arraes present in his works, which are the northeastern man identity, a presentation of the Northeast and popular comedy. We believe that his choices when creating and his life influences are not separate from one another. Our research was movie-appraisal centered and had a thorough investigation all over language. The main considerations are supported by the following theories: Barthes (2007), Figueirôa and Fechine (2008), Moles (2001), Stuart Hall (2005) and Mikhail Bakhtin (2013).
Research on Legal Deontology dedicated to theoretical and applied ethics on judicial conduct grounded in legal principles and rules set out in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Organic Law of the National Judiciary, also contemplating propositional instruments covered by the constitutional system, which conveys behavioural paradigms inserted in the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct, in the Universal Statute of the Judge and in the Latin-American Code of Judicial Ethics, as well as highlight the influence of those instruments in the Brazilian Ethical Code of the Magistrates and in the official complementary training of judges in charge of Judiciary Schools. The study provides the theoretical influxes of moral norm, passing by behavioural social norm to consolidate the ideal standards of judicial conduct into legal standards and related instruments. The Legal Deontology directed to the ethical judicial conduct is confronted with the stereotype that society expressed in relation to the judge's person, who is the political agent that interprets the law for making decisions which directly influences the realization of access to justice, that is constitutionally guaranteed to all. Core values inserted in the constitutional system intended to discipline the judicial conduct are presented and analysed under a critical view, since they are enclosed in prescriptive language that conveys behavioural aspects open to interpretation and which compliance is revealed as a proposition focused on promoting a better solution of interest’s conflicts under the responsibility of those who constitute the distinctive corporation of the Judiciary. The theme’s contextualization also focuses on applied ethics, based on the approach of normative and propositional instruments of deontological content, still focusing on the study of real cases examined by the Brazilian National Council of Justice, as part of its correctional goals.
The research identifies and describes the principles and methodological procedures of the director Gilles Gaetan Gwizdek on the transposition of the dramatic text to the space of representation through action and movement. Besides that, it presents the results of the experiment in two different labor camps and conducting modes: the no-actor student, inserted into the basic education, and the actor-student, inserted in higher education. Through the scenic paths encountered by the director, the individuals were could find their own ways and verify, through the scenic conductions, how such methodological procedures can achieve a pedagogical thinking about the actor's work. As theoretical referential, were studied the artists-educators: Jacques Copeau, in what sensitizes to the use of dramatic text, and Jacques Lecoq, it approaches of the physical use of the actor's body to the theater. The concepts about theater of the scholars in theater: Constantin Stanislavski, Eugênio Barba, Meyerhold, Eugênio Kusnet, Bertold Brecht go through the theoretical revisions of the thinkers: Odete Aslan, Patrice Pavis, Ney Piacentini, Lúcia Romano, Flávio Desgranges e Anne Bogart, in what affects their practical experiences and conceptual about the text, the action and the movement. It was analyzed also the practical experience based on the principles and methodological procedures of Gilles director, in rehearsals and performances of students in the ninth grade of the primary school the Basic School of the Federal University of Uberlândia - ESEBA, as also, of the students of the sixth, seventh and eighth period, of the Theater Graduation in the same university. From this analysis, it was proposed an interrelation between the theoretical and practical works, done by reading of the artists-educators about movement and Gilles Gwizdek in his work process. The research suggests that, from the movement, the student can build autonomously a character through the experience of small movements of the body. Thus, this student would increase his relationship between stage and audience, and consequently, he would cause a possible state of "seduction" of the spectator to the spectacle.
Videoaula sobre Modelos da áudio-descrição do curso Princípios e Técnicas da Audiodescrição: Aplicabilidade em Contextos Culturais Educacionais
Videoaula sobre Princípios Práticos da Áudio-Descrição do curso Princípios e Técnicas da Audiodescrição: Aplicabilidade em Contextos Culturais Educacionais
Esta pesquisa se insere nas discussões sobre comunicação midiática nas interações sociais. Traz como tema a charge enquanto narrativa midiatizada do cotidiano, a partir de um estudo de natureza bibliográfica e de um exercício de aplicação no qual foram estudadas as charges de Angeli reunidas na coletânea O lixo da história, publicada pela editora Companhia das Letras. Dentre os autores e teorias trabalhadas destacam-se: a conceituação de narrativa, proposta por Luiz Gonzaga Motta; a ideia da midiatização da sociedade, a partir da discussão de José Luiz Braga; a teoria de mediações culturais de Jesús Martin-Barbero; os estudos de cotidiano de Michel de Certeau; e o entendimento de cultura, fundamentado nos Estudos Culturais. A partir das leituras e análise realizadas, a pesquisa trouxe a tona as percepções de que a charge é uma narrativa do absurdo e narrativa absurda de um momento histórico, de maneira a inseri-la enquanto monumento historiográfico do cotidiano. Assim como é feito com as narrativas jornalísticas, a charge demanda uma visão crítica, observando não apenas a sua forma, mas sim o seu contexto.