992 resultados para Portugal and Brazil
Recentemente, os mercados emergentes se tornaram um alvo potencial para a indústria da beleza e o Brasil está se tornando um mercado lucrativo para os produtos cosméticos Premium (Euromonitor International, 2013). A população de baixa renda no Brasil representa 70% de seus habitantes ao considerar as classes C, D e E (Barki e Parente, 2010), sendo a classe C representada por 56% da população (Neri, 2012). Este é um mercado potencial para as empresas multinacionais (MNCs), que enfrentam desafios de fazer negócios no país, visto que a classe C opta por gastar parte de sua renda com produtos relacionados a beleza (Silva e Parente, 2007) e ainda há um pouco conhecimento sobre o comportamento de consumo na base da pirâmide. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é investigar e descrever o comportamento de consumo das mulheres brasileiras da classe C no setor de beleza, em relação aos produtos Mass Premium, melhorando o conhecimento no que diz respeito a essa população e ao tema proposto. Para atingir esse objetivo, o autor utilizou uma metodologia baseada em uma análise descritivas qualitativa em que foram entrevistadas 20 mulheres de todas as faixas etárias, que pertencem à classe C brasileira e citações foram usadas para fornecer a confirmação dos resultados da análise. Os resultados sugerem que, ao longo dos anos, houve de fato um movimento de trade up no consumo de produtos de beleza. Além disso, foram identificados cinco aspectos principais, que conduzem decisão de compra das mulheres de classe C, no setor de beleza: confiabilidade, qualidade, status, autoestima e bem-estar. Apesar das limitações de um estudo exploratório, espera-se que a pesquisa aumente o conhecimento sobre o mercado da base da pirâmide, especialmente no que diz respeito à indústria da beleza.
De acordo com dados de 07.10.2014 da Associação Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais – ANBIMA, no acumulado em 12 meses, entre aplicações, resgates e captações, a indústria de fundos movimentou mais de 11 bilhões de reais no Brasil. É um volume financeiro considerável, fazendo dos fundos de investimento importantes instrumentos de captação de poupança e de direcionamento de recursos para os mais diversos projetos de financiamento da economia. Além disso, as quebras de determinados conglomerados financeiros no Brasil nos últimos anos envolvendo fundos administrados e geridos por sociedades pertencentes a esses conglomerados colocou em evidência a importância de regras e estudos direcionados à relação entre o administrador-gestor e o cotista de fundos de investimento. De fato, pesquisa conduzida ao longo dos anos de 2013 e 2014 demonstrou que acadêmicos, reguladores e demais participantes do mercado de valores mobiliários possuem poucos estudos que possam assisti-los na solução de problemas relativos a essa relação, inclusive diante de situações envolvendo conflitos de interesses entre administradores-gestores e cotistas. Assim, diante da importância econômica dos fundos de investimento para o Brasil, da relevância dos direitos dos investidores dentro da indústria de fundos, e também em razão da escassez de estudos, este trabalho tem por finalidade realizar investigação teórica e empírica sobre a relação fiduciária entre o administrador, o gestor e os respectivos cotistas dos fundos de investimento. Dessa forma, o objetivo será identificar a origem, as características essenciais dessa relação, os riscos que ela pode trazer para o investidor e os deveres que ela impõe aos administradores e gestores. Para tanto, propõe-se avaliar a origem histórica da relação fiduciária e os fundamentos teóricos que a suportam aplicados aos fundos de investimento nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil. Com base nesse conhecimento teórico e sob o enfoque dos deveres fiduciários aplicáveis aos administradores e gestores, parte-se para a avaliação das normas de conduta contidas nas instruções da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM), visando testar as características da relação fiduciária diante das regras da CVM. Por fim, realiza-se estudo sobre casos em que administradores e gestores foram condenados por quebra na relação fiduciária e por inobservância de deveres específicos embutidos nas normas de conduta avaliadas anteriormente. Com fundamento nos estudos teóricos e empíricos descritos, conclui-se que existem características essenciais na configuração de uma relação fiduciária entre o administrador-gestor e o cotista de fundos de investimento e que, uma vez formada essa relação, administradores e gestores obrigam-se a observar o cumprimento de deveres de diligência e de lealdade perante o cotista. Igualmente, ainda é possível afirmar que as normas da CVM de fato instituem a relação fiduciária entre o administrador-gestor e o cotista de fundos de investimento, bem como os deveres fiduciários conexos a essa relação.
This dissertation is a literature review with exploratory and descriptive purposes, which aims to compile the different perceptions of the term Social Entrepreneurship, but not propon-being of an epistemological analysis on the topic. The main objectives of this research were: 1) to identify the convergences and divergences in the various perceptions of the Social Entrepre-neurship, from the perspectives: American, European and Brazilian; 2) identify whether Social Entrepreneurship can be considered as a new theoretical trend, or can be understood as a sub-category of an existing theory; 3) identify whether Social Entrepreneurship can be considered as practice of Social Management; 4) identify whether the "Social Business", proposed by Yunus (2010), can be considered as a completely new type of organization, as the author says. For this research were studied literary works available in the physical environment and elec-tronic database. The main concepts studied in this research were: Entrepreneurship; Social Management; Third Sector; Business Management and Social Entrepreneurship. The conclu-sions reached by this study were: 1-a) the main theoretical convergence is the Social Entrepre-neur ability to apply methods and process typically used in for-profit companies, in business that aimed social value creation; 1-b) the main difference is the different perceptions that the United States, Europe and Brazil have about what is Social Entrepreneurship. In the American perspective, these are private sector organizations operating according to market logic and that somehow generates social value. In the European perspective, closer to the social economy, emphasizes the activities of civil society organizations with public functions. In Brazil empha-sizes market initiatives aimed at reducing poverty and transform the social conditions of mar-ginalized or excluded individuals; 2) Social Entrepreneurship is an activity that incorporates much all the practices, methods and processes of commercial entrepreneurship and, as such, should not be considered as a new theoretical trend, but a subcategory of Entrepreneurship theory. 3) Social Entrepreneurship cannot be considered as a practice of Social Management, being much closer to the commercial entrepreneurship practices; 4) the "Social Business" pro-posed by Yunus (2010), closely resembled in its modus operandi with the Social Enterprises in Western Europe, thus, not supporting the author's claim.
Market risk exposure plays a key role for nancial institutions risk management. A possible measure for this exposure is to evaluate losses likely to incurwhen the price of the portfolio's assets declines using Value-at-Risk (VaR) estimates, one of the most prominent measure of nancial downside market risk. This paper suggests an evolving possibilistic fuzzy modeling approach for VaR estimation. The approach is based on an extension of the possibilistic fuzzy c-means clustering and functional fuzzy rule-based modeling, which employs memberships and typicalities to update clusters and creates new clusters based on a statistical control distance-based criteria. ePFM also uses an utility measure to evaluate the quality of the current cluster structure. Computational experiments consider data of the main global equity market indexes of United States, London, Germany, Spain and Brazil from January 2000 to December 2012 for VaR estimation using ePFM, traditional VaR benchmarks such as Historical Simulation, GARCH, EWMA, and Extreme Value Theory and state of the art evolving approaches. The results show that ePFM is a potential candidate for VaR modeling, with better performance than alternative approaches.
Important bentonitic deposits are present in Porto Santo Island, part of the Madeira Archipelago. Several locations were selected and samples were collected and characterised. The bentonite obtained at Serra de Dentro (SD) was selected for further laboratorial work. The fine fraction of SD bentonite was purified using several methods and the sodium homoionic form was prepared. This was the starting material used in the three generic types of modifications: metal exchange, acid activation and pillaring. These modifications produce materials with markedly different acidic (e.g. Brönsted and/or Lewis acidity), textural (e.g. increase of the surface area and active site accessibility) or structural (e.g. creation of permanent porous structures) properties. The wide range of materials obtained (including reference clays counterparts) was characterised in terms of chemical, structural, textural and catalytic properties. Limonene is an important raw material produced in Portugal, and its aromatisation reaction was chosen for the catalytic characterisation of the clay catalysts prepared.
This work aims to study and analyze strategies and measures to improve energy performance in residential and service buildings, in order to minimize energy losses and energy consumption. Due to the high energy dependence of European Union (EU), including Portugal and Slovenia, and high percentage of energy consumption in the building sector, there was a need to adopt strategies at European level with ambitious goals. This came to force EU - Member States to take measures to achieve the proposed targets for energy consumption reduction. To this end, EU - Member States have adapted the laws to their needs and formed specialized agencies and qualified experts on energy certification, which somehow evaluate buildings according to their performance. In this study, the external characteristics of the building in order to meet its thermal needs and from there to survey the existing and possible constructive solutions to be used at the envelope will be examined, in order to increase comfort and reduce the need of use technical means of air conditioning. The possibility of passive heating and ventilation systems also will be discussed. These techniques are developed in parallel with the deployment and design of the building. In this manner, to reduce the energy consumption, various techniques and technologies exploit natural resources. Thus, appear the more sustainable and efficient buildings, so-called Green Buildings have been appeared. The study ends with the identification of measures used in several buildings, proving the economic return in the medium to long term, as well as the satisfaction of their users.
It seeks to find an alternative to the current tantalum electrolytic capacitors in the market due to its high cost. Niobium is a potential substitute, since both belong to the same group of the periodic table and because of this have many similar physical and chemical properties. Niobium has several technologically important applications, and Brazil has the largest reserves, around 96%. There are including niobium in reserves of tantalite and columbite in Rio Grande do Norte. These electrolytic capacitors have high capacitance specifies, ie they can store high energy in small volumes compared to other types of capacitors. This is the main attraction of this type of capacitor because is growing demand in the production of capacitors with capacitance specifies increasingly high, this because of the miniaturization of various devices such as GPS devices, televisions, computers, phones and many others. The production route of the capacitor was made by powder metallurgy. The initial niobium powder supplied by EEL-USP was first characterized by XRD, SEM, XRF and laser particle size, to then be sieved into three particle size, 200, 400 e 635mesh. The powders were then compacted and sintered at 1350, 1450 and 1550°C using two sintering time 30 and 60min. Sintering is one of the most important parts of the process as it affects properties as porosity and surface cleaning of the samples, which greatly affected the quality of the capacitor. The sintered samples then underwent a process of anodic oxidation, which created a thin film of niobium pentóxido over the whole porous surface of the sample, this film is the dielectric capacitor. The oxidation process variables influence the performance of the film and therefore the capacitor. The samples were characterized by electrical measurements of capacitance, loss factor, ESR, relative density, porosity and surface area. After the characterizations was made an annealing in air ate 260ºC for 60min. After this treatment were made again the electrical measurements. The particle size of powders and sintering affected the porosity and in turn the specific area of the samples. The larger de area of the capacitor, greater is the capacitance. The powder showed the highest capacitance was with the smallest particle size. Higher temperatures and times of sintering caused samples with smaller surface area, but on the other hand the cleaning surface impurities was higher for this cases. So a balance must be made between the gain that is achieved with the cleaning of impurities and the loss with the decreased in specific area. The best results were obtained for the temperature of 1450ºC/60min. The influence of annealing on the loss factor and ESR did not follow a well-defined pattern, because their values increased in some cases and decreased in others. The most interesting results due to heat treatment were with respect to capacitance, which showed an increase for all samples after treatment
Usando como base de informações a monografia sobre o grupo publicada pelo projeto Flora Ficológica do Estado de São Paulo (Programa BIOTA), o acervo depositado no Herbário Científico do Estado de São Paulo Maria Eneyda P. Kauffmann Fidalgo (SP), a Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil e artigos científicos, dissertações e teses (com descrições e ilustrações) temos: nove gêneros e 39 espécies de criptoficeas, sendo 16 espécies exclusivas para o Estado de São Paulo, todas registradas em ambientes de água doce. A carência de especialistas no Estado de São Paulo e no Brasil, além de problemas de estratégia amostral, necessidade de uso da microscopia eletrônica e ausência de estudos de biologia molecular, são fatores que devem ter subestimado o conhecimento taxonômico de Cryptophyceae no Estado.
Neste debate, historiadores latino-americanos comparam a pandemia de gripe de 1918-1919 com a que varre o continente em 2009, sobretudo as experiências de México, Argentina e Brasil. Analisam as estratégias adotadas nos dois momentos, com ênfase em isolamento, vigilância em portos e aeroportos, intervenções nas cidades. Comparam a atuação dos Estados nacionais e governos locais, a posição dos médicos e dos meios de comunicação e o comportamento das populações, especialmente no tocante ao medo e à morte. Analisam o desempenho das estruturas de assistência às populações e as medidas terapêuticas e profiláticas recomendadas por órgãos públicos de saúde, por interesses privados ligados à venda de medicamentos e pelas medicinas populares e caseiras. O debate trata, ainda, da influência que a experiência de 1918 teve sobre as avaliações da crise atual, bem como do legado que deixará para o futuro.
Currently the number of elderly in the world and Brazil is growing increasingly. However, old age is still presented as a complex issue that needs more depth. It is extremely important that society should create a discourse committed to reviewing negative stereotypes of old age as well as studies that allow the construction of new looks inclusive , as well as the creation of public policies that favor the elderly category, such as the National Policy and Elderly Statute established recently. The aim of this study is to analyze the spaces of sociability for the elderly Mossley and understand how the collective experiences in these environments influence the quality of life and influence in their depictions of the elderly subjects. To collect data observations were made, semi-structured interviews and wheels conversations with men and women aged 65 to 80 years old, retired, mostly widows, neighborhood residents Abolition in Mossley, participants (CCI) Coexistence Center Seniors Jose Sarney and (CRAS) Reference Center and Welfare. Thus, the spaces facing the elderly are presented as a good alternative for the rehabilitation, the fun and preserve their memories, while the agents posing as productive, active, and transformers of their reality
This thesis is a translation of work of the Brazilian doctor, Pedro da Silva Nava (1903-1984), in particular, his memoirs and chronicles, articulated with the writings of medicine history, aiming to defend that the autobiographical narratives are sources of research capable of promoting discussions on the expansion of the present at the confluence of complex and unequal society in constant changing process as the Brazilian. The theoretical and methodological support circulates around studies, proposals and thesis by Boaventura Santos about empowering past, destabilizing subjectivity, sociology of absences, cosmopolitan reason and translation work. The empirical support drawn from the literature produced by Nava were analyzed with reference this reasoning and studies that have facilitated the flow of translation among others, the studies of Antonio Candido, Arrigucci Jr., Boris Cyrulnik, Beatriz Sarlo, Ecléa Bosi, Ítalo Calvino, José Willington Germano, José Maria Cançado, Lev Vygotsky, Marilena Chauí, Paul Ricöeur and Walter Benjamim, without neglecting what we consider indispensable to scientific research, the production of relevant knowledge and prudent, in view of a decent life. The initial inflections reflect the subject of the Memoirs and its education/training, to then place the Memoir subject in the literary context, scientific, historical and Brazilian poetic (1972-2010), bringing great interpreters and discussing the rationale used by the Narrator that we defend stand closer to the cosmopolitan, showing the formation of narratives whose presence insert itself beforehand to modernist verve, linked to the discursive array against the literature as domination space, disseminated in Brazil in the early twentieth century. So, it articulate with those in which the concerns adjust the construction of the social formation of Brazil as a national heritage through literary narrative that focuses on a historical principle that becomes the past empowering, allowing his rereading, whose converge to memory, the lifestyles, the plurality of language and Brazilian culture, formed by several people, converging into a design not of culture but multiculturalism in Brazil. The memory issue was addressed in the space-time of experiences of being that narrates, shaped by a destabilizing subjectivity that sought to order the testimony of a time, a history and society, retelling them by creative imagination, almost fictional, to make circulate his knowledge about Brazil attached to his medical knowledge, as well as other subjects in his living group and other groups with whom they maintained contact. Thus, he portrayed both tangible and intangible cultural assets of the country as a form of preservation, giving them meanings and sense. It approaches, therefore, from the perspective of sociology of absences, the expansion of the present and by the logic inherent in his narratives of self and Brazil
This work aims to study the additive decisions, a type of juridical interpretation developed in foreign legal systems and which are known in Italy as adittive sentences. Thefore, this dissertation is based on theorical studies developed around the subject in Italy and Brazil. Considering the fact that the fundamental rights face a problem of implementation, being decreased its normative force when there are legislative partial omissions lacking constitutional justification creating privileges to certain individuals or social/economical groups over others, the method of additive interpretation according to the Constitution can be used in order to realize the principle of equality. In tax matters the subject is even more relevant in the way that it represents an important role in the economy. Partial legislative omissions can generate inequalities, favoring certain taxpayers in relation to others in similar legal situation. In these cases the privilege may have a negative impact on economic order restricting values related to the basis of market competition. On those occasions, Brazilian Judges and Courts must exercise their constitutional jurisdiction in order to expand the effects of the legislative omissions, based on the principle of equality by extending the standard to equal tax situations in order to maintain neutrality in taxation
It is verified worldwide an increasing concern with the protection of natural resources in the planet, a fact that became relevant in Brazil since the promulgation of the Constitution of 1988, based on the viewpoint of sustainable development, which seeks to promote economic activities in the country according to the need for conservation and preservation of natural resources for the use of present and future generations. In addition, we seek to reduce the differences that occur in our society by determining as a fundamental objective to be persecuted by the Federative Republic of Brazil the reduction of social and regional inequalities. A value that should also be observed in the context of economic activities developed here, since it is a general principle of financial and economic order of the country. Therefore, considering the exhaustion of world s reserves of fossil fuels, as well as the impacts on the environment, especially for the large emission of greenhouse effect gases, the debate about the need to change the global energy matrix increases while alternative energy sources appears as a bet to fulfill the contemporary aspirations for sustainability, and Brazil emerges in a very favorable position, because it has the essential natural conditions to allow this sector s full development. In this perspective, the work has the scope to analyze how the production of alternative energy sources may act in the search for concretization of constitutional values, to promote sustainable development for present and future generations, and to reduce regional and social inequalities in an attempt to improve the quality of life of the population. It will also be observed the current regulatory framework of alternative energy sources in the national laws to verify the existence of legal and institutional security, which is necessary to guarantee the full development of the sector in the country. And to investigate the expected results, it will be observed through the concrete evaluation of specific practices adopted in the industry, analyzing their actual compliance with the constitutional provisions under analysis, based on the examination of the possibility of using renewable biomass sources for biofuel production, promoting development to the country, indicating the opening lines about how this important sector can act to solve the energy challenge today
The work consists in a discussion of the evolution of formal employment in the industrial cities of Ceará state averages from 1990 to 2010, since this period was marked by important changes. It is emphasized that in order to achieve this aim, the present study was based on a survey of relevant literature on the subject, as well as the use of the Annual Report of Social Information (RAIS), published by the Ministry of Labour and Employment (MTE) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The central question to be considered in this study is how we evolved formal employment industry in medium-sized cities (Juazeiro do Norte, Crato and Sobral) of Ceará? The assumption that guides this work is that given the economic policies of the 1990 and 2000 these policies encouraged the relocation, thus implying significant growth in the formal manufacturing employment in these cities. Regarding the results obtained in the survey, it was found that the industrial sector of these cities, showed considerable dynamism in what refers to the expansion of establishments. When observed in percentage terms medium-sized cities (345.5%) had the highest growth in number of establishments in the 1990s with rates higher than the Northeast region (285.9%) and Brazil (167.5%). The highlight was the city of Juazeiro, with the highest concentration of micro and small footwear companies in the state. Regarding the number of formal jobs created in medium-sized cities, it went from 6.596 in 1990 to 41.660 million formal jobs in 2010, with a growth rate of 532%. The sector contributed most to employment generation was the footwear. Although the levels of minimum wages, the 1990 recorded the lowest levels. In the 2000, there were real gains in levels of minimum wages in all cities, however, it may be noted that over the decades there has been significant momentum. However, this momentum was not enough to prevent the end of the study period CMs-Ceará present low wages
O presente trabalho tee como objetivo estudar a emergência e o desenvolvimento de plantas de marmeleiro, com potencial para serem utilizadas como porta-enxertos. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Centro APTA Frutas/IAC, de maio/05 a janeiro/06. Sementes dos marmeleiros 'Mendoza INTA-37', 'Provence', 'Portugal' e 'Japonês' foram extraídas de frutos maduros, lavadas em água corrente, secas à sombra por 48 h e estratificadas a frio por 20 dias. em seguida, foram semeadas em bandejas de poliestireno (72 células, capacidade de 120 cm³/célula) contendo a vermiculita como substrato. Foi feito contagem da porcentagem de emergência após 30 dias da semeadura, a cada 10 dias, em um total de quatro coletas. em seguida, foi retirada uma amostra de 10 plântulas por repetição e avaliados a altura média da parte aérea, nº de folhas, massa seca média da parte aérea e das raízes. Foram ainda separados 10 plântulas uniformes e representativos de cada repetição e transplantados para sacos plásticos (capacidade de 3 L) contendo como substrato solo + esterco de curral curtido + areia (1:1:1 v/v). As plântulas permaneceram em viveiro telado (sombrite 50%), sendo irrigadas periodicamente. A cada 30 dias, foram mensurados a altura e o diâmetro das plântulas até o final da sexta avaliação (após 180 dias do transplantio). Concluiu-se que o marmeleiro 'Japonês' apresenta maior porcentagem de emergência (70%), altura das plântulas (111,83 cm) e diâmetro (0,7 cm), possuindo maior performance e uma excelente alternativa como porta-enxerto para marmeleiros.