985 resultados para Pork slaughter


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Sorto alla fine degli anni ottanta del Novecento, il teatro di narrazione ha raggiunto un notevole successo di pubblico a partire dagli anni Novanta. I suoi legami con il giornalismo d'inchiesta hanno condotto questo genere teatrale verso la narrazione di alcuni tra gli eventi pi controversi della storia dell'Italia repubblicana; eventi non ancora risolti sul piano processuale o al centro di una memoria storica fortemente divisa. Marco Baliani, Marco Paolini e Ascanio Celestini sono i tre autori che abbiamo scelto per affrontare un'analisi delle loro narrazioni in merito, rispettivamente, all'omicidio di Aldo Moro, alla strage di Ustica e all'eccidio delle Fosse Ardeatine. Oggetto della ricerca l'analisi dell'utilizzo delle fonti da dichiarate o comunque utilizzate dai narratori per la costruzione delle loro performances la loro selezione, la loro interpretazione e la loro disposizione nel testo e la messa in evidenza del problema della verità e del suo rapporto con il verosimile nelle narrazioni teatrali di eventi storici. Particolare attenzione viene inoltre posta al grande dibattito internazionale tra storia e fiction, alle strategie di coinvolgimento dell'opinione pubblica su temi morali e politici nonché all'analisi dei fattori economici e delle committenze che sono alla base di tali narrazioni.


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L'epatite E è una malattia umana con caratteristiche di epatite acuta, causata da un ssRNA virus (HEV). Nel 1997, HEV è stato identificato per la prima volta nei suini (SwHEV). In seguito, diverse evidenze, tra cui la vicinanza genetica tra ceppi umani e suini, suggerirono la trasmissione zoonotica del virus. Nella presente tesi, l’identificazione di SwHEV è stata condotta mediante ricerca di porzioni di genoma virale attraverso RT-PCR. Dal 2011 al 2013, sono stati analizzati 343 campioni fecali (da 19 allevamenti) e 70 bili (da 2 macelli) prelevati da altrettanti suini, in diverse Regioni italiane. E’ stato inoltre condotto uno studio retrospettivo su 78 feci (da 3 allevamenti) raccolte nel 2000. Il virus è stato identificato nel 24,5% e 19,2% delle feci raccolte rispettivamente nel 2011-2013 e nel 2000. Nessuna bile è risultata positiva. Mediante sequenziamento del genoma intero di uno dei virus identificati, è stata condotta l’analisi filogenetica per valutarne il grado di correlazione con alti ceppi suini e umani. La presenza di HEV è stata valutata lungo la filiera di produzione suina, dal macello al punto vendita. Trentaquattro campioni di feci, fegato e muscolo sono stati raccolti in un macello da altrettanti suini sani (età:6-7 mesi). Quattordici feci e 2 fegati, sono risultati positivi per HEV. Sono state prelevate 129 salsicce sia allo stabilimento di trasformazione sia alla vendita, ma nessuna è risultata positiva. La presenza di HEV è stata valutata anche nelle salsicce di fegato, fresche e secche, acquistate presso una macelleria. Il genoma virale è stato rilevato nel 22,2% delle salsicce fresche e nel 4,3 % di quelle secche ma la vitalità del virus non è stata dimostrata. In conclusione, lo studio condotto ha confermato l’ampia circolazione di HEV nei suini e la possibile contaminazione dei prodotti carnei derivati, confermando la necessità di una continua sorveglianza.


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Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite capable of infecting virtually all warm-blooded species, including humans, but cats are the only definitive hosts. Humans or animals acquire T. gondii infection by ingesting food or water contaminated with sporulated oocysts or by ingesting tissue cysts containing bradyzoites. Toxoplasmosis has the highest human incidence among zoonotic parasitic diseases, but it is still considered an underreported zoonosis. The importance of T. gondii primary infection in livestock is related to the ability of the parasite to produce tissue cysts in infected animals, which may represent important sources of infection for humans. Consumption of undercooked mutton and pork are considered important sources of human Toxoplasma gondii. The first aim of this thesis was to develop a rapid and sensitive in- house indirect ELISA for the detection of antibodies against T. gondii in sheep sera. ROC-curve analysis showed high discriminatory power (AUC=0.999) and high sensitivity (99.4%) and specificity (99.8%) of the method. The ELISA was used to test a batch of sheep sera (375) collected in the Forli-Cesena district. The overall prevalence was estimated at 41.9% demonstrating that T. gondii infection is widely distributed in sheep reared in Forli-Cesena district. Since the epidemiological impact of waterborne transmission route of T.gondii to humans is now thought to be more significant than previously believed, the second aim of the thesis was to evaluate PCR based methods for detecting T. gondii DNA in raw and finished drinking water samples collected in Scotland. Samples were tested using a quantitative PCR on 529 bp repetitive elements. Only one raw water sample (0.3%), out of the 358 examined, tested T. gondii positive demonstrating that there is no evidence that tap water is a source of Toxoplasma infection in Scotland.


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Questa ricerca indaga come il “caso Ustica” si è articolato nell’opinione pubblica italiana negli anni compresi tra il 1980 e il 1992. Con l'espressione “caso Ustica” ci si riferisce al problema politico determinato dalle vicende legate all’abbattimento dell’aereo civile DC-9 dell’Itavia, avvenuto il 27 giugno 1980 in circostanze che, come noto, furono chiarite solamente a distanza di molti anni dal fatto. L’analisi intende cogliere le specificità del processo che ha portato la vicenda di Ustica ad acquisire rilevanza politica nell’ambito della sfera pubblica italiana, in particolare prendendo in considerazione il ruolo svolto dall’opinione pubblica in un decennio, quale quello degli anni ’80 e dei primi anni ’90 italiani, caratterizzato da una nuova centralità dei media rispetto alla sfera politica. Attraverso l’analisi di un’ampia selezione di fonti a stampa (circa 1500 articoli dei principali quotidiani italiani e circa 700 articoli tratti dagli organi dei partiti politici italiani) si sono pertanto messe in luce le dinamiche mediatiche e politiche che hanno portato alla tematizzazione di una vicenda che era rimasta fino al 1986 totalmente assente dall’agenda politica nazionale. L’analisi delle fonti giudiziarie ha permesso inoltre di verificare come la politicizzazione del caso Ustica, costruita intorno alla tensione opacità/trasparenza del potere politico e all’efficace quanto banalizzante paradigma delle “stragi di Stato”, sia risultata funzionale al raggiungimento, dopo il 1990, dei primi elementi di verità sulla tragedia e all’ampiamento del caso a una dimensione internazionale.


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The radiological depiction of stab wounds in soft-tissues using multislice computed tomography is difficult and the hereby obtained images often lack contrast. To overcome these shortcomings we tried a new method. We gently instilled the contrast medium Lipiodol((R)) Ultra-fluide into five experimentally induced stab wounds on a pork haunch. Subsequent MSCT reconstructions of the wounds delivered clear, for medical laymen easily appreciable images regarding the stab direction and the stab depth. We believe that this easy and rapid technique can be useful in the examination of stab wounds in living and dead victims of sharp trauma.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the expression of the 5-hydroxytryptamine 4 (5-HT4) receptor subtype and investigate the modulating function of those receptors on contractility in intestinal tissues obtained from horses without gastrointestinal tract disease. SAMPLE POPULATION: Smooth muscle preparations from the duodenum, ileum, and pelvic flexure collected immediately after slaughter of 24 horses with no history or signs of gastrointestinal tract disease. PROCEDURES: In isometric organ baths, the contractile activities of smooth muscle preparations in response to 5-hydroxytryptamine and electric field stimulation were assessed; the effect of tegaserod alone or in combination with 5-hydroxytryptamine on contractility of intestinal specimens was also investigated. Presence and distribution of 5-HT4 receptors in intestinal tissues and localization on interstitial cells of Cajal were examined by use of an immunofluorescence technique. RESULTS: Widespread 5-HT4 receptor immunoreactivity was observed in all intestinal smooth muscle layers; 5-HT4 receptors were absent from the myenteric plexus and interstitial cells of Cajal. In electrical field-stimulated tissue preparations of duodenum and pelvic flexure, tegaserod increased the amplitude of smooth muscle contractions in a concentration-dependent manner. Preincubation with tegaserod significantly decreased the basal tone of the 5-HT-evoked contractility in small intestine specimens, compared with the effect of 5-HT alone, thereby confirming that tegaserod was acting as a partial agonist. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In horses, 5-HT4 receptors on smooth muscle cells appear to be involved in the contractile response of the intestinal tract to 5-hydroxytryptamine. Results suggest that tegaserod may be useful for treatment of reduced gastrointestinal tract motility in horses.


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Trichinellosis is a food-borne zoonotic disease caused by the nematode Trichinella spp. Many omnivorous and carnivorous animal species can act as host for this parasite, including domestic pigs. To protect public health, it should be ensured that pork should not contain infective Trichinella larvae. Surveillance for Trichinella spp. can be done using direct (larval detection) and indirect (antibody detection) diagnostic techniques. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the absence of infection in Swiss domestic pigs. An ELISA was used as the initial screening test, and sera reacting in ELISA were further investigated using both a Western blot for serology and an artificial digestion test with 20 g of diaphragm tissue for larval detection. A total of 7412 adult pigs, 9973 finishing pigs and 2779 free-ranging pigs were tested. Samples from 17 (0.23%) adult pigs, 16 (0.16%) finishing pigs and nine (0.32%) free-ranging pigs were ELISA-positive, but all of these sera were subsequently negative by Western blot and by the artificial digestion method. Based on these findings, an absence of Trichinella infections in adult pigs (target prevalence 0.04%) and finishing pigs (target prevalence 0.03%) can be concluded. The results also demonstrated that the prevalence of Trichinella infections does not exceed 0.11% in free-ranging pigs, the group with the highest risk of exposure.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a severe nutrient restriction on mammary tissue morphology and remodeling, mammary epithelial cell (MEC) turnover and activity, and hormonal status in lactating dairy cows. We used 16 Holstein x Normande crossbred dairy cows, divided into 2 groups submitted to different feeding levels (basal and restricted) from 2 wk before calving to wk 11 postpartum. Restricted-diet cows had lower 11-wk average daily milk yield from calving to slaughter than did basal-diet cows (20.5 vs. 33.5 kg/d). Feed restriction decreased milk fat, protein, and lactose yields. Restriction also led to lower plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 and higher growth hormone concentrations. Restricted-diet cows had lighter mammary glands than did basal-diet cows. The total amount of DNA in the mammary gland and the size of the mammary acini were smaller in the restricted-diet group. Feed restriction had no significant effect on MEC proliferation at the time of slaughter but led to a higher level of apoptosis in the mammary gland. Gelatin zymography highlighted remodeling of the mammary extracellular matrix in restricted-diet cows. Udders from restricted-diet cows showed lower transcript expression of alpha-lactalbumin and kappa-casein. In conclusion, nutrient restriction resulted in lower milk yield in lactating dairy cows, partly due to modulation of MEC activity and a lower number of mammary cells. An association was found between feed restriction-induced changes in the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor-1 axis and mammary epithelial cell dynamics.


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Glucose disposability is often impaired in neonatal calves and even more in preterm calves. The objective of this study was to investigate ontogenic maturation of endogenous glucose production (eGP) in calves and its effects on postnatal glucose homeostasis. Calves (n = 7 per group) were born preterm (PT; delivered by section 9 d before term) or at term (T; spontaneous vaginal delivery), or spontaneously born and fed colostrum for 4 d (TC). Blood samples were taken immediately after birth and before and 2h after feeding at 24h after birth (PT; T) or on d 4 of life (TC) to determine metabolic and endocrine changes. After birth (PT and T) or on d 3 of life (TC), fasted calves were gavaged with deuterium-labeled water to determine gluconeogenesis (GNG) and intravenously infused with [U(13)C]-glucose to measure eGP and glucose oxidation (GOx) in blood plasma. After slaughter at 26h after birth (PT, T) or on d 4 of life (TC), glycogen concentrations in liver and hepatic mRNA concentrations and enzyme activities of pyruvate carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), and glucose-6-phosphatase were measured. Preterm calves had the lowest plasma concentrations of cortisol and 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine at birth. Plasma glucose concentrations from d 1 to 2 decreased more, but plasma concentrations of lactate and urea and glucagon:insulin ratio were higher in PT than in T and TC calves. The eGP, GNG, GOx, as well as hepatic glycogen concentrations and PEPCK activities, were lowest in PT calves. Results indicate impaired glucose homeostasis due to decreased eGP in PT calves and maturation of eGP with ontogenic development.


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To obtain genetic information about Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli from broilers and carcasses at slaughterhouses, we analyzed and compared 340 isolates that were collected in 2008 from the cecum right after slaughter or from the neck skin after processing. We performed rpoB sequence-based identification, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and flaB sequence-based typing; we additionally analyzed mutations within the 23S rRNA and gyrA genes that confer resistance to macrolide and quinolone antibiotics, respectively. The rpoB-based identification resulted in a distribution of 72.0% C. jejuni and 28.0% C. coli. The MLST analysis revealed that there were 59 known sequence types (STs) and 6 newly defined STs. Most of the STs were grouped into 4 clonal complexes (CC) that are typical for poultry (CC21, CC45, CC257, and CC828), and these represented 61.8% of all of the investigated isolates. The analysis of 95 isolates from the cecum and from the corresponding carcass neck skin covered 44 different STs, and 54.7% of the pairs had matching genotypes. The data indicate that cross-contamination from various sources during slaughter may occur, although the majority of Campylobacter contamination on carcasses appeared to originate from the slaughtered flock itself. Mutations in the 23S rRNA gene were found in 3.1% of C. coli isolates, although no mutations were found in C. jejuni isolates. Mutations in the gyrA gene were observed in 18.9% of C. jejuni and 26.8% of C. coli isolates, which included two C. coli strains that carried mutations conferring resistance to both classes of antibiotics. A relationship between specific genotypes and antibiotic resistance/susceptibility was observed.