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We test experimentally a prediction of the ‘moral credit model’, in which committing a virtuous act creates moral credits that can license immoral behavior in a succeeding decision. We use a basic cheating experiment that was either preceded by a virtuous deed or not in a developing country context. We found that people who previously achieved a good deed cheat more. Gender and origin are also significant explicative variables for cheating.
Adaptive behaviour of plants, including rapid changes in physiology, gene regulation and defence response, can be altered when linked to neighbouring plants by a mycorrhizal network (MN). Mechanisms underlying the behavioural changes include mycorrhizal fungal colonization by the MN or interplant communication via transfer of nutrients, defence signals or allelochemicals. We focus this review on our new findings in ectomycorrhizal ecosystems, and also review recent advances in arbuscular mycorrhizal systems. We have found that the behavioural changes in ectomycorrhizal plants depend on environmental cues, the identity of the plant neighbour and the characteristics of the MN. The hierarchical integration of this phenomenon with other biological networks at broader scales in forest ecosystems, and the consequences we have observed when it is interrupted, indicate that underground ‘tree talk’ is a foundational process in the complex adaptive nature of forest ecosystems.
Background: This research investigates the relationship between challenging parenting behaviour and childhood anxiety disorders proposed by Bögels and Phares (2008). Challenging parenting behaviour involves the playful encouragement of children to go beyond their own limits, and may decrease children’s risk for anxiety (Bögels & Phares, 2008). Method: Parents (n = 164 mothers, 144 fathers) of 164 children aged between 3.4 and 4.8 years participated in the current study. A multi-method, multi-informant assessment of anxiety was used, incorporating data from diagnostic interviews as well as questionnaire measures. Parents completed self-report measures of their parenting behaviour (n = 147 mothers, 138 fathers) and anxiety (n = 154 mothers, 143 fathers). Mothers reported on their child’s anxiety via questionnaire as well as diagnostic interview (n = 156 and 164 respectively). Of these children, 74 met criteria for an anxiety disorder and 90 did not. Results: Fathers engaged in challenging parenting behaviour more often than mothers. Both mothers’ and fathers’ challenging parenting behaviour was associated with lower report of child anxiety symptoms. However, only mothers’ challenging parenting behaviour was found to predict child clinical anxiety diagnosis. Limitations: Shared method variance from mothers confined the interpretation of these results. Moreover, due to study design, it is not possible to delineate cause and effect. Conclusions: The finding with respect to maternal challenging parenting behaviour was not anticipated, prompting replication of these results. Future research should investigate the role of challenging parenting behaviour by both caregivers as this may have implications for parenting interventions for anxious children.
Over the past decades, a significant number of peer-reviewed journal articles on the field of interest, has gradually grown mirroring the corresponding relevance. The purpose of this research is mainly to analyse the factors that could influence the choices of consumers’ when purchasing organic RTE meals while simultaneously identifies consumers’ attitudes regarding the ethical and green sounds towards such products. Particularly, special interest is placed on the dual nature of these products which on the one hand are characterized by high quality (organic) and on the other hand by the convenience factor. As a result, research has been carried out in order to examine both the potentiality of organic RTE meals in the food market and also the presentation of consumers’ behaviour and perceptions towards these products from a review perspective. Hence, a narrative literature review was performed in order to produce an overview of the most important outcomes and trends in this area being presented, compared and summarised based on authors’ experience. To put over a holistic approach of organic RTE meals purchase behaviour and attitudes, both key findings and other areas that have not been extensively documented, are presented.
Since 2004, the satellite-borne Ozone Mapping Instrument (OMI) has observed sulphur dioxide (SO2) plumes during both quiescence and effusive eruptive activity at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat. On average, OMI detected a SO2 plume 4-6 times more frequently during effusive periods than during quiescence in the 2008-2010 period. The increased ability of OMI to detect SO2 during eruptive periods is mainly due to an increase in plume altitude rather than a higher SO2 emission rate. Three styles of eruptive activity cause thermal lofting of gases (Vulcanian explosions; pyroclastic flows; a hot lava dome) and the resultant plume altitudes are estimated from observations and models. Most lofting plumes from Soufrière Hills are derived from hot domes and pyroclastic flows. Although Vulcanian explosions produced the largest plumes, some produced only negligible SO2 signals detected by OMI. OMI is most valuable for monitoring purposes at this volcano during periods of lava dome growth and during explosive activity.
This paper presents a study on reduction of energy consumption in buildings through behaviour change informed by wireless monitoring systems for energy, environmental conditions and people positions. A key part to the Wi-Be system is the ability to accurately attribute energy usage behaviour to individuals, so they can be targeted with specific feedback tailored to their preferences. The use of wireless technologies for indoor positioning was investigated to ascertain the difficulties in deployment and potential benefits. The research to date has demonstrated the effectiveness of highly disaggregated personal-level data for developing insights into people’s energy behaviour and identifying significant energy saving opportunities (up to 77% in specific areas). Behavioural research addressed social issues such as privacy, which could affect the deployment of the system. Radio-frequency research into less intrusive technologies indicates that received-signal-strength-indicator-based systems should be able to detect the presence of a human body, though further work would be needed in both social and engineering areas.
A body of research suggests that the provision of energy feedback information to building users can elicit significant energy reductions through behaviour change. However, most studies have focused on energy use in homes and the assessment of interventions and technologies, to the neglect of the non-domestic context and broader issues arising from the introduction of feedback technologies. To address this gap, a non-domestic case study explores the delivery of personalized energy feedback to office workers through a novel system utilizing wireless technologies. The research demonstrates advantages of monitoring occupancy and quantifying energy use from specific behaviours as a basis for effective energy feedback; this is particularly important where there are highly disaggregated forms of energy use and a range of locations for that activity to take place. Quantitative and qualitative data show that personalized feedback can help individuals identify energy reduction opportunities. However, the analysis also highlights important contextual barriers and issues that need to be addressed when utilizing feedback technologies in the workplace. If neglected, these issues may limit the effective take-up of feedback interventions.
Supramolecular polyurethanes (SPUs) possess thermoresponsive and thermoreversible properties, and those characteristics are highly desirable in both bulk commodity and value-added applications such as adhesives, shape-memory materials, healable coatings and lightweight, impact-resistant structures (e.g. protection for mobile electronics). A better understanding of the mechanical properties, especially the rate and temperature sensitivity, of these materials are required to assess their suitability for different applications. In this paper, a newly developed SPU with tuneable thermal properties was studied, and the response of this SPU to compressive loading over strain rates from 10−3 to 104 s−1 was presented. Furthermore, the effect of temperature on the mechanical response was also demonstrated. The sample was tested using an Instron mechanical testing machine for quasi-static loading, a home-made hydraulic system for moderate rates and a traditional split Hopkinson pressure bars (SHPBs) for high strain rates. Results showed that the compression stress-strain behaviour was affected significantly by the thermoresponsive nature of SPU, but that, as expected for polymeric materials, the general trends of the temperature and the rate dependence mirror each other. However, this behaviour is more complicated than observed for many other polymeric materials, as a result of the richer range of transitions that influence the behaviour over the range of temperatures and strain rates tested.
The eradication of BVD in the UK is technically possible but appears to be socially untenable. The following study explored farmer attitudes to BVD control schemes in relation to advice networks and information sharing, shared aims and goals, motivation and benefits of membership, notions of BVD as a priority disease and attitudes toward regulation. Two concepts from the organisational management literature framed the study: citizenship behaviour where actions of individuals support the collective good (but are not explicitly recognised as such) and peer to peer monitoring (where individuals evaluate other’s behaviour). Farmers from two BVD control schemes in the UK participated in the study: Orkney Livestock Association BVD Eradication Scheme and Norfolk and Suffolk Cattle Breeders Association BVD Eradication Scheme. In total 162 farmers participated in the research (109 in-scheme and 53 out of scheme). The findings revealed that group helping and information sharing among scheme members was low with a positive BVD status subject to social censure. Peer monitoring in the form of gossip with regard to the animal health status of other farms was high. Interestingly, farmers across both schemes supported greater regulation with regard to animal health, largely due to the mistrust of fellow farmers following voluntary disease control measures. While group cohesiveness varied across the two schemes, without continued financial inducements, longer-term sustainability is questionable
Arboreal and terrestrial habitats impose different constraints on tetrapod locomotion. We studied Polychrus acutirostris, a tree-dwelling lizard that also moves on the ground, in order to evaluate the effects of support incline and diameter on locomotion parameters. Limb movements of six specimens were filmed to quantify kinematic variables (velocity, stride frequency, stride length, and limb coordination) on distinct perch diameters (4.0, 1.5, 0.8 cm) and inclines (90, 45, and on level ground). The results show a notable slowness in arboreal habitat combined with a relatively fast locomotion when using the ground as temporary habitat. These animals developed walking trots mainly using lateral sequence. Non-symmetrical trots adopted at the highest velocities on the ground indicate difficulties of ""accommodation"" to the constraints imposed by this condition. Velocity generally decreases with the decreasing diameter, and with increasing incline, of the supports. Slowness, gaits favouring the body stability, elective role of the stride frequency in the modulation of the speed, and the role of the hindlimb in the force exchange to propel the body, constitute the main features of the locomotion pattern of P. acutirostris.
Aims: Ameloblastoma is an odontogenic neoplasm with local invasiveness and recurrence. We have previously suggested that growth factors and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) influence ameloblastoma invasiveness(1). The aim was to study expression of MMPs, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) and growth factors in ameloblastoma. Methods and results: Thirteen cases of solid/multicystic ameloblastoma were examined. As a control, calcifying cystic odontogenic tumour (CCOT), a non-invasive odontogenic neoplasm with ameloblastomatous epithelium was also studied. Immunohistochemistry detected MMPs, TIMPs and growth factors in ameloblastoma and CCOT. The labelling index (LI) of MMP-9 and TIMP-2 was significantly higher in ameloblastoma compared with CCOT. The LI of epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor (TGF)-alpha and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) was also increased in ameloblastoma. This neoplasm showed greater expression of MMPs, TIMPs and growth factors compared with CCOT. We then analysed these molecules in ameloblastoma cells and stroma. Ameloblastoma cells exhibited increased LI of MMP-1, -2 and EGFR. We found a positive correlation between EGF and TIMP-1, and between TGF-alpha and TIMP-2. It is known that signals generated by growth factors are transduced by the ERK pathway. Ameloblastoma stroma exhibited the phosphorylated (activated) form of ERK. Conclusions: These results suggest an interplay involving growth factors MMPs and TIMPs that may contribute to ameloblastoma behaviour. Signals generated by this molecular network would be transduced by ERK 1/2 pathway.
The spectral theory for linear autonomous neutral functional differential equations (FDE) yields explicit formulas for the large time behaviour of solutions. Our results are based on resolvent computations and Dunford calculus, applied to establish explicit formulas for the large time behaviour of solutions of FDE. We investigate in detail a class of two-dimensional systems of FDE. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A new method for determining the temporal evolution of plasma rotation is reported in this work. The method is based upon the detection of two different portions of the spectral profile of a plasma impurity line, using a monochromator with two photomultipliers installed at the exit slits. The plasma rotation velocity is determined by the ratio of the two detected signals. The measured toroidal rotation velocities of C III (4647.4 angstrom) and C VI (5290.6 angstrom), at different radial positions in TCABR discharges, show good agreement, within experimental uncertainty, with previous results (Severo et al 2003 Nucl. Fusion 43 1047). In particular, they confirm that the plasma core rotates in the direction opposite to the plasma current, while near the plasma edge (r/a > 0.9) the rotation is in the same direction. This technique was also used to investigate the dependence of toroidal rotation on the poloidal position of gas puffing. The results show that there is no dependence for the plasma core, while for plasma edge (r/a > 0.9) some dependence is observed.
In this work, Ba(Zr(0.25)Ti(0.75))O(3) ceramic was prepared by solid-state reaction. This material was characterized by x-ray diffraction and Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy. The temperature dependent dielectric properties were investigated in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. The dielectric measurements indicated a diffuse phase transition. The broadening of the dielectric permittivity in the frequency range as well as its shifting at higher temperatures indicated a relaxor-like behaviour for this material. The diffusivity and the relaxation strength were estimated using the modified Curie-Weiss law. The optical properties were analysed by ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) measurements at room temperature. The UV-vis spectrum indicated that the Ba(Zr(0.25)Ti(0.75))O(3) ceramic has an optical band gap of 2.98 eV. A blue PL emission was observed for this compound when excited with 350 nm wavelength. The polarity as well as the PL property of this material was attributed to the presence of polar [TiO(6)] distorted clusters into a globally cubic matrix.
Results of the study of Argiudolls in two localities (Zarate and Veronica) of the Pampean plain, Argentina, are presented in this contribution. This is a typical area covered by loess. The magnetic studies carried out allowed to determine the presence of detrital magnetite and titanomagnetite, as well as maghemite, pedogenic goethite and superparamagnetic particles (SP). In Veronica soils, a depletion of ferromagnetic minerals is recorded The dominant process in these soils has been the reductive loss of detrital magnetite and titanomagnetite. This is associated with a greater degree of evolution of the soil, which is determined by the concentration and type of detected clays. The higher clay concentration in these soils facilitated reducing conditions and a greater loss of detrital magnetic particles. The loss is reinforced under poor drainage conditions. In the poorly drained soil of Zarate, a concentration of magnetic particles is observed in the Bt horizon, which is associated with an illuviation process. The well drained soil of the same locality shows neoformation of SP particles. These particles would have an ephemeral life until a new wet period in the annual cycle occurs. Although some characteristics of the magnetic signal appear reinforced by the conditions of drainage, this aspect does not seem to be too significant, at least in the Pampean region with low topographic gradients.