994 resultados para Peri-implant bones


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The similarity of periodontitis and peri-implantitis demands for the utilization of similar principles for the treatment. Different decontamination methods were available cleaning of implant surfaces contaminated with bacteria. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of various decontamination methods on reosseointegration on contaminated implants. Six mongrel dogs were used. The mandibular 1st molars and all premolars were removed bilaterally. Three months later, experi- mental implants with different surface characters were installed in each sides of the mandible. The implant consisted of two parts; the implant body and an exchangeable intraosseous implant cylinder. After osseointegration, experimental peri-implantitis was induced by cotton ligatures until the bone loss reached the junction of the two segments of the implant. After debridement of the bone defects, three treatment models were performed; (i) contaminated cylinders were removed, pristine cylinders were placed; (ii) contaminated cylinders were cleaned in situ with saline and (iii) contaminated cylinders was removed, cleaned with saline, sterilized by autoclaving. All implants were covered with membranes. After 3 months, histological evaluations were accomplished. The results indicated that in situ saline therapy demonstrated a significant difference at SLA surfaces in bone-implant-contact. Treatment of contaminated implants in situ with saline resulted in resolution of peri-implantitis and bone fill in defects.


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Objectives: The aims of the present study were (1)to assess the microbiota at implants in function diagnosed as having either peri-implantitis, or mucositis, or being clinically without symptoms of inflammation, (2) to identify explanatory factors to implant status. Material and Methods: Clinical and microbiological data were collected from 138 subjects (mean age: 62.3 ± 14.9) with 524 implants in function for an average of 10.8 years (S.D. +1.5). The checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method was used to identify 40 bacterial species. Results: Subjects had poor oral hygiene with a mean % plaque score 53.2 ± 24.4. In 36% of cases periodontitis was reported as the cause for implant therapy. Mucositis was diagnosed in 61.6% and per-implantitis in 15.9% of all cases. Edentulous subjects had at implants with peri-implantitis significantly higher bacterial loads for Streptococcus sanguis (p<0.01), Fusobacterium nucleatum sp. nucleatum (p<0.02), and Leptothrichia buccalis (p<0.05) than did dentate implant subjects. Dentate subjects had higher bacterial loads of Porphyromonas gingivalis (p<0.02). The levels of Fusobacterium nucleatum sp.vincentii and Capnocytophaga ochracea were explanatory to mucositis. Only a history of periodontitis as cause of tooth loss and smoking were explanatory to peri-implantitis. The microbiota was not affect by supportive care patterns. Conclusions: Presence or absence of teeth partly explains the implant microbiota. A past history of periodontitis and smoking are associated with peri-implantitis. The microbiota at implants with mucositis, or peri-implantitis is similar to that of teeth. Supportive periodontal and implant therapy fails to have an impact on implant microbiota and does not prevent mucositis and peri-implantitis.


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BACKGROUND: Conventionally, endosseous dental implants have required 3 to 6 months of uninterrupted healing based on observations for dental implants that were characterized by a relatively smooth machined surface. Many studies have since demonstrated that implants with a roughened surface resulted in greater bone apposition, earlier bone contact, and a stronger bond between the implant and the bone, suggesting that implants with roughened surfaces could be loaded earlier than 3 to 6 months. Formal clinical studies confirmed that implants with rough surfaces can have abutments placed and be loaded occlusally as early as 6 weeks postplacement. The purpose of this prospective, human clinical investigation was to evaluate a large number of implants with a specific rough surface (sand-blasted acid-etched [SLA]) placed in everyday practice under routine private-practice conditions. METHODS: A prospective, multicenter, human clinical observational study was initiated with the goal of recruiting a minimum of 500 patients and 800 implants. The implants were to be placed and restored in predominantly private-practice settings around the world. Ninety-two practitioners in 16 countries agreed to participate, and 86 followed the study design. Patients had to be in good health, have sufficient bone to encase the implant, and agree to return for recall appointments. Exclusion criteria included heavy smoking (>10 cigarettes a day) and bone augmentation procedures at the implant site. All implants were two-piece (an abutment was to be placed after 6 weeks of healing) and were characterized by the presence of a transmucosal polished collar. Each implant had an SLA surface. All implants were positioned using a non-submerged (single-stage) surgical technique. Survival and success rates were calculated by life-table analyses. RESULTS: A total of 706 patients were enrolled and 1,406 implants were placed. In the final analyses, 590 patients with 990 implants (70.4% of those enrolled) met all inclusion criteria, including placement of an abutment and provisional restoration within 63 days of surgical placement. The majority of implants were 10 and 12 mm long (78.7%) and were placed in type II and III bone (87%). Seventy-three percent of the implants were placed in the mandible, and 27% were placed in the maxilla. The cumulative survival rate was 99.56% at 3 years and 99.26% at 5 years. The overall success rate was 99.12% at 3 years and 97.38% after 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: Under private-practice conditions, implants with an SLA surface could be placed and restored predictably within 6 to 8 weeks. Data from this prospective, multicenter, human observational study reinforced the results of more formal clinical studies and demonstrated that implants with the SLA surface can be restored in patients in approximately half of the time of conventional healing periods.


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OBJECTIVES: To compare the clinical outcomes of standard, cylindrical, screw-shaped to novel tapered, transmucosal (Straumann Dental implants immediately placed into extraction sockets. Material and methods: In this randomized-controlled clinical trial, outcomes were evaluated over a 3-year observation period. This report deals with the need for bone augmentation, healing events, implant stability and patient-centred outcomes up to 3 months only. Nine centres contributed a total of 208 immediate implant placements. All surgical and post-surgical procedures and the evaluation parameters were discussed with representatives of all centres during a calibration meeting. Following careful luxation of the designated tooth, allocation of the devices was randomly performed by a central study registrar. The allocated SLA titanium implant was installed at the bottom or in the palatal wall of the extraction socket until primary stability was reached. If the extraction socket was >or=1 mm larger than the implant, guided bone regeneration was performed simultaneously (Bio Oss and BioGide. The flaps were then sutured. During non-submerged transmucosal healing, everything was done to prevent infection. At surgery, the need for augmentation and the degree of wound closure was verified. Implant stability was assessed clinically and by means of resonance frequency analysis (RFA) at surgery and after 3 months. Wound healing was evaluated after 1, 2, 6 and 12 weeks post-operatively. RESULTS: The demographic data did not show any differences between the patients receiving either standard cylindrical or tapered implants. All implants yielded uneventful healing with 15% wound dehiscences after 1 week. After 2 weeks, 93%, after 6 weeks 96%, and after 12 weeks 100% of the flaps were closed. Ninety percent of both implant designs required bone augmentation. Immediately after implantation, RFA values were 55.8 and 56.7 and at 3 months 59.4 and 61.1 for cylindrical and tapered implants, respectively. Patient-centred outcomes did not differ between the two implant designs. However, a clear preference of the surgeon's perception for the appropriateness of the novel-tapered implant was evident. CONCLUSIONS: This RCT has demonstrated that tapered or standard cylindrical implants yielded clinically equivalent short-term outcomes after immediate implant placement into the extraction socket.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess the microbiota at implants diagnosed with peri-implantitis, implant mucositis, or being clinically healthy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Clinical and microbiological data were collected from 213 subjects (mean age: 65.7+/-14) with 976 implants in function (mean: 10.8 years, SD+/-1.5). Forty species were identified by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization method. RESULTS: Implant mean % plaque score was 41.8+/-32.4%. Periodontitis defined by bone loss was found in 44.9% of subjects. Implant mucositis was diagnosed in 59% and peri-implantitis in 14.9% of all cases. Neisseria mucosa, Fusobacterium nucleatum sp. nucleatum, F. nucleatum sp. polymorphum, and Capnocytophaga sputigena dominated the implant sub-mucosal microbiota and the sub-gingival microbiota at tooth sites. Implant probing pocket depth at the implant site with the deepest probing depth was correlated with levels of Eikenella corrodens (r=0.16, P<0.05), the levels of F. nucleatum sp. vincentii (r=0.15, P<0.05), Porphyromonas gingivalis (r=0.14, P<0.05), and Micromonas micros (r=0.17, P=0.01). E. corrodens was found in higher levels at implants with mucositis compared with implant health (P<0.05). Subjects who lost teeth due to periodontitis had higher yields of F. nucleatum sp. vincentii (P<0.02) and N. mucosa (P<0.05). Independent of implant status subjects with teeth had higher levels of P. gingivalis (P<0.05), and Leptotrichia buccalis (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: At implant sites studied, few bacteria differed by whether subjects were dentate or not or by implant status.


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A life-size mechanical middle ear model and human temporal bones were used to evaluate three different middle ear transducers for implantable hearing aids: the driving rod transducer (DRT), the floating mass transducer (FMT) or vibrant sound bridge, and the contactless transducer (CLT). Results of the experiments with the mechanical model were within the range of the results for human temporal bones. However, results with the mechanical model showed better reproducibility. The handling of the mechanical model was considerably simpler and less time-consuming. Systematic variations of mounting parameters showed that the angle of the rod has virtually no effect on the output of the DRT, the mass loading on the cable of the FMT has a larger impact on the output than does the tightness of crimping, and the output level of the CLT can be increased by 10 dB by optimizing the mounting parameters.


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Speech coding might have an impact on music perception of cochlear implant users. This questionnaire study compares the musical activities and perception of postlingually deafened cochlear implant users with three different coding strategies (CIS, ACE, SPEAK) using the Munich Music Questionnaire. Overall, the self-reported perception of music of CIS, SPEAK, and ACE users did not differ by very much.


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Indications for the most frequently used imaging modalities in implant dentistry are proposed based on clinical need and biologic risk for the patient. To calculate the biologic risk, the authors carried out dose measurements. They demonstrated that the risk from a periapical radiograph is 20% of that from a panoramic radiograph. A panoramic radiograph and a series of 4 conventional tomographs of a single-tooth gap in the molar region carry 5% and 13% of the risk from computed tomography of the maxilla, respectively. Panoramic radiography is considered the standard radiographic examination for treatment planning of implant patients, because it imparts a low dose while giving the best radiographic survey. Periapical radiographs are used to elucidate details or to complete the findings obtained from the panoramic radiograph. Other radiographic methods, such as conventional film tomography or computed tomography, are applied only in special circumstances, film tomography being preferred for smaller regions of interest and computed tomography being justified for the complete maxilla or mandible when methods for dose reduction are followed. During follow-up, intraoral radiography is considered the standard radiographic examination, particularly for implants in the anterior region of the maxilla or for scientific studies. In patients requiring more than 5 periapical images, panoramic radiography is preferred.


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Radiation dose delivered from the SCANORA radiography unit during the cross-sectional mode for dentotangential projections was determined. With regard to oral implantology, patient situations of an edentulous maxilla and mandible as well as a single tooth gap in regions 16 and 46 were simulated. Radiation doses were measured between 0.2 and 22.5 mGy to organs and tissues in the head and neck region when the complete maxilla or mandible was examined. When examining a single tooth gap, only 8% to 40% of that radiation dose was generally observed. Based on these results, the mortality risk was estimated according to a calculation model recommended by the Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations. The mortality risk ranged from 31.4 x 10(-6) for 20-year-old men to 4.8 x 10(-6) for 65-year-old women when cross-sectional imaging of the complete maxilla was performed. The values decreased by 70% when a single tooth gap in the molar region of the maxilla was radiographed. The figures for the mortality risk for examinations of the complete mandible were similar to those for the complete maxilla, but the mortality risk decreased by 80% if only a single tooth gap in the molar region of the mandible was examined. Calculations according to the International Commission on Radiological Protection carried out for comparison did not reveal the decrease of the mortality risk with age and resulted in a higher risk value in comparison to the group of 35-year old individuals in calculations according to the Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations.