996 resultados para Palladium (II)


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Surveys were conducted to analyse temporal and spatial aspects of the spawning activities of cod in the Baltic Sea from 1993 to 2003. Part I of the article describes the general maturity development and the spawning activities in the western Baltic Sea, the Arkona Sea and the Bornholm Sea. The studies suggest that two types of spawner can be distinguished, the spring spawner in the western Baltic Sea and the summer spawner in the Arkona Sea and the Bornholm Basin. The descriptive analysis is supported by statistical studies presented in this article. It is shown, that the proportion of spawning individuals is significantly higher in summer than in spring in the ArkonaSea and the Bornholm Sea. Furthermore, it is shown that reproductive mixing of both types of spawner is possible in the Arkona Sea in May/June due to the hydrographical conditions in the Arkona Sea which were suitable in 8 of 10 years for successful reproduction of both Baltic cod stocks, and that spatial expansion of spawning activities of the eastern Baltic cod stock into the Arkona Sea is positive correlated with the size of spawning stock in the Bornholm Sea.


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Ekonomian Lizentziaturako Matematika II irakasgaia gainditu behar duten ikasleentzat, eta baita ere, gai batzuetan, gradu berriko Matematika I eta Matematika II irakasgaiko ikasleentzat. Ekonomian Lizentziaturako Matematika II irakasgaiko azken hamar urteetan jarri diren azterketak eta haien erantzunak aurkituko dituzue. Lehenengo zatian, egin gabeko azterketak daude, ordena kronologikoan, zaharrenetik berrienera, eta bigarren zatian, erantzunak daude, ordena kronologikoan ere baina gaika ere. Horrela, programaren gai bakoitzaren ariketa guztiak elkarrekin aurkituko dituzue, gaiz gai ikasi nahi izanez gero


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The atlanto-scandian herring consists of two major stocks, i.e. the Icelandic summer spawner and the Norwegian spring spawner. Both stocks have recovered well after complete collapse in the seventies and allow for a controlled fishery. The total allowable catch of the Norwegian spring spawner is currently 1.3 mill. t. The resumption of the fishery is accompanied by an annual and multi-national survey with Norwegian, Faeroe Islands, Icelandic and Russian contribution. In 1998 the EU will contribute to the survey with the Swedish vessel ”Argos” and in 1999 with the ”Walther Herwig III” under Dutch, Swedish and German participation. About half of the survey costs are covered by the EU by means of a funded study, the other half is contributed by the participating nations.


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Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1878.


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[ES] Un real decreto de 1904, emitido con motivo de la celebración del VI Centenario del nacimiento de Petrarca (1304-1374), creó la Commissione per l’Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Francesco Petrarca. Después de un siglo en el que los estudios petrarquescos han experimentado un florecimiento espectacular, con varias revistas y colecciones dedicadas exclusivamente a Petrarca y con una deslumbrante nómina de especialistas, han visto la luz siete de los veinte volúmenes previstos inicialmente.


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ENGLISH: During 1961 the government of Ecuador, with the financial assistance of the Special Fund of the United Nations and the technical assistance of FAO experts, initiated an extensive program of fisheries research centered in a fisheries institute established in Guayaquil. In cooperation with this program, and in connection with Ecuador's adherence in 1961 to the Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, a two-and-a-half year investigation of the ecology of the Gulf of Guayaquil and adjacent waters was started by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. SPANISH: Durante 1961 el gobierno ecuatoriano con el apoyo financiero del Fondo Especial de las Naciones Unidas y la ayuda técnica de los expertos de la FAO, inició un programa extensivo de investigación pesquera, centralizado en el instituto pesquero establecido en Guayaquil. En cooperación con este programa y en conexión a la afiliaci6n del Ecuador a la Convención, en 1961, para el establecimiento de una Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical, Cue iniciada por la Comisión una investigación de dos aftos y medio sobre la ecología del Golfo de Guayaquil y de las aguas adyacentes. (PDF contains 501 pages.)


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En la mitología vasca existen numerosas narraciones cuyo protagonista presenta rasgos de similitud con el Polifemo de la mitología griega. En este trabajo se recopilan y analizan las diferentes populares o legendarias en que aparece bajo descripciones o denominaciones diversas: pastor (gigante) antropófago anónimo, begibakarra (“ojo único), gentil, sorgina (“bruja”), basajaun, Tártalo, Tártaro, Ojanco, Torto, Alarabi, Cíclope, y se relacionan con el modelo literario del Cíclope griego.


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A variety of molecular approaches have been used to investigate the structural and enzymatic properties of rat brain type ll Ca^(2+) and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (type ll CaM kinase). This thesis describes the isolation and biochemical characterization of a brain-region specific isozyme of the kinase and also the regulation the kinase activity by autophosphorylation.

The cerebellar isozyme of the type ll CaM kinase was purified and its biochemical properties were compared to the forebrain isozyme. The cerebellar isozyme is a large (500-kDa) multimeric enzyme composed of multiple copies of 50-kDa α subunits and 60/58-kDa β/β’ subunits. The holoenzyme contains approximately 2 α subunits and 8 β subunits. This contrasts to the forebrain isozyme, which is also composed of and β/β'subunits, but they are assembled into a holoenzyme of approximately 9 α subunits and 3 β/β ' subunits. The biochemical and enzymatic properties of the two isozymes are similar. The two isozymes differ in their association with subcellular structures. Approximately 85% of the cerebellar isozyme, but only 50% of the forebrain isozyme, remains associated with the particulate fraction after homogenization under standard conditions. Postsynaptic densities purified from forebrain contain the forebrain isozyme, and the kinase subunits make up about 16% of their total protein. Postsynaptic densities purified from cerebellum contain the cerebellar isozyme, but the kinase subunits make up only 1-2% of their total protein.

The enzymatic activity of both isozymes of the type II CaM kinase is regulated by autophosphorylation in a complex manner. The kinase is initially completely dependent on Ca^(2+)/calmodulin for phosphorylation of exogenous substrates as well as for autophosphorylation. Kinase activity becomes partially Ca^(2+) independent after autophosphorylation in the presence of Ca^(2+)/calmodulin. Phosphorylation of only a few subunits in the dodecameric holoenzyme is sufficient to cause this change, suggesting an allosteric interaction between subunits. At the same time, autophosphorylation itself becomes independent of Ca^(2+) These observations suggest that the kinase may be able to exist in at least two stable states, which differ in their requirements for Ca^(2+)/calmodulin.

The autophosphorylation sites that are involved in the regulation of kinase activity have been identified within the primary structure of the α and β subunits. We used the method of reverse phase-HPLC tryptic phosphopeptide mapping to isolate individual phosphorylation sites. The phosphopeptides were then sequenced by gas phase microsequencing. Phosphorylation of a single homologous threonine residue in the α and β subunits is correlated with the production of the Ca^(2+) -independent activity state of the kinase. In addition we have identified several sites that are phosphorylated only during autophosphorylation in the absence of Ca^(2+)/ calmodulin.


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In Part I, a method for finding solutions of certain diffusive dispersive nonlinear evolution equations is introduced. The method consists of a straightforward iteration procedure, applied to the equation as it stands (in most cases), which can be carried out to all terms, followed by a summation of the resulting infinite series, sometimes directly and other times in terms of traces of inverses of operators in an appropriate space.

We first illustrate our method with Burgers' and Thomas' equations, and show how it quickly leads to the Cole-Hopft transformation, which is known to linearize these equations.

We also apply this method to the Korteweg and de Vries, nonlinear (cubic) Schrödinger, Sine-Gordon, modified KdV and Boussinesq equations. In all these cases the multisoliton solutions are easily obtained and new expressions for some of them follow. More generally we show that the Marcenko integral equations, together with the inverse problem that originates them, follow naturally from our expressions.

Only solutions that are small in some sense (i.e., they tend to zero as the independent variable goes to ∞) are covered by our methods. However, by the study of the effect of writing the initial iterate u_1 = u_(1)(x,t) as a sum u_1 = ^∼/u_1 + ^≈/u_1 when we know the solution which results if u_1 = ^∼/u_1, we are led to expressions that describe the interaction of two arbitrary solutions, only one of which is small. This should not be confused with Backlund transformations and is more in the direction of performing the inverse scattering over an arbitrary “base” solution. Thus we are able to write expressions for the interaction of a cnoidal wave with a multisoliton in the case of the KdV equation; these expressions are somewhat different from the ones obtained by Wahlquist (1976). Similarly, we find multi-dark-pulse solutions and solutions describing the interaction of envelope-solitons with a uniform wave train in the case of the Schrodinger equation.

Other equations tractable by our method are presented. These include the following equations: Self-induced transparency, reduced Maxwell-Bloch, and a two-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger. Higher order and matrix-valued equations with nonscalar dispersion functions are also presented.

In Part II, the second Painleve transcendent is treated in conjunction with the similarity solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equat ion and the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation.


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A model equation for water waves has been suggested by Whitham to study, qualitatively at least, the different kinds of breaking. This is an integro-differential equation which combines a typical nonlinear convection term with an integral for the dispersive effects and is of independent mathematical interest. For an approximate kernel of the form e^(-b|x|) it is shown first that solitary waves have a maximum height with sharp crests and secondly that waves which are sufficiently asymmetric break into "bores." The second part applies to a wide class of bounded kernels, but the kernel giving the correct dispersion effects of water waves has a square root singularity and the present argument does not go through. Nevertheless the possibility of the two kinds of breaking in such integro-differential equations is demonstrated.

Difficulties arise in finding variational principles for continuum mechanics problems in the Eulerian (field) description. The reason is found to be that continuum equations in the original field variables lack a mathematical "self-adjointness" property which is necessary for Euler equations. This is a feature of the Eulerian description and occurs in non-dissipative problems which have variational principles for their Lagrangian description. To overcome this difficulty a "potential representation" approach is used which consists of transforming to new (Eulerian) variables whose equations are self-adjoint. The transformations to the velocity potential or stream function in fluids or the scaler and vector potentials in electromagnetism often lead to variational principles in this way. As yet no general procedure is available for finding suitable transformations. Existing variational principles for the inviscid fluid equations in the Eulerian description are reviewed and some ideas on the form of the appropriate transformations and Lagrangians for fluid problems are obtained. These ideas are developed in a series of examples which include finding variational principles for Rossby waves and for the internal waves of a stratified fluid.


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In Part I a class of linear boundary value problems is considered which is a simple model of boundary layer theory. The effect of zeros and singularities of the coefficients of the equations at the point where the boundary layer occurs is considered. The usual boundary layer techniques are still applicable in some cases and are used to derive uniform asymptotic expansions. In other cases it is shown that the inner and outer expansions do not overlap due to the presence of a turning point outside the boundary layer. The region near the turning point is described by a two-variable expansion. In these cases a related initial value problem is solved and then used to show formally that for the boundary value problem either a solution exists, except for a discrete set of eigenvalues, whose asymptotic behaviour is found, or the solution is non-unique. A proof is given of the validity of the two-variable expansion; in a special case this proof also demonstrates the validity of the inner and outer expansions.

Nonlinear dispersive wave equations which are governed by variational principles are considered in Part II. It is shown that the averaged Lagrangian variational principle is in fact exact. This result is used to construct perturbation schemes to enable higher order terms in the equations for the slowly varying quantities to be calculated. A simple scheme applicable to linear or near-linear equations is first derived. The specific form of the first order correction terms is derived for several examples. The stability of constant solutions to these equations is considered and it is shown that the correction terms lead to the instability cut-off found by Benjamin. A general stability criterion is given which explicitly demonstrates the conditions under which this cut-off occurs. The corrected set of equations are nonlinear dispersive equations and their stationary solutions are investigated. A more sophisticated scheme is developed for fully nonlinear equations by using an extension of the Hamiltonian formalism recently introduced by Whitham. Finally the averaged Lagrangian technique is extended to treat slowly varying multiply-periodic solutions. The adiabatic invariants for a separable mechanical system are derived by this method.


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In Part I the kinetic theory of excitations in flowing liquid He II is developed to a higher order than that carried out previously, by Landau and Khalatnikov, in order to demonstrate the existence of non-equilibrium terms of a new nature in the hydrodynamic equations. It is then shown that these terms can lead to spontaneous destabilization in counter currents when the relative velocity of the normal and super fluids exceeds a critical value that depends on the temperature, but not on geometry. There are no adjustable parameters in the theory. The critical velocities are estimated to be in the 14-20 m/sec range for T ≤ 2.0° K, but tend to zero as T → T_λ. The possibility that these critical velocities may be related to the experimentally observed "intrinsic" critical velocities is discussed.

Part II consists of a semi-classical investigation of rotonquantized vortex line interactions. An essentially classical model is used for the collision and the behavior of the roton in the vortex field is investigated in detail. From this model it is possible to derive the HVBK mutual friction terms that appear in the phenomenalogical equations of motion for rotating liquid He II. Estimates of the Hall and Vinen B and B' coefficients are in good agreement with experiments. The claim is made that the theory does not contain any arbitrary adjustable parameters.


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Esta es una colección de 10 vídeos tutoriales que pueden ser empleados como material educativo en los cursos de fonética básica en el ámbito universitario. Los vídeos 1-3 tratan aspectos relacionados con la grabación: el tipo de micrófonos que se emplean, las clases de espacios en las que se suelen llevar a cabo la captura de señales de audio y las grabadoras que se suelen emplear. El vídeo 4 explora técnicas de captura y observación de datos de flujo y presión en fonética aerodinámica. Los vídeos 5-10 presentan información sobre los principales usos que se le brindan al programa Praat (Boersma y Weenink, 2014) en los estudios actuales de fonética acústica, desde la clase de información sobre modos de articulación de las consonantes que se puede identificar en oscilogramas hasta la creación de señales sonoras sintetizadas por medio de unos procedimientos que tiene el programa para tal propósito, los cuales son susceptibles de ser empleados en experimentos de percepción auditiva.