984 resultados para Palladio, Andrea, 1508-1580.


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Evidence of high-velocity features (HVFs) such as those seen in the near-maximum spectra of some Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia; e. g., SN 2000cx) has been searched for in the available SN Ia spectra observed earlier than 1 week before B maximum. Recent observational efforts have doubled the number of SNe Ia with very early spectra. Remarkably, all SNe Ia with early data ( seven in our Research Training Network sample and 10 from other programs) show signs of such features, to a greater or lesser degree, in Ca II IR and some also in the Si II lambda 6355 line. HVFs may be interpreted as abundance or density enhancements. Abundance enhancements would imply an outer region dominated by Si and Ca. Density enhancements may result from the sweeping up of circumstellar material (CSM) by the highest velocity SN ejecta. In this scenario, the high incidence of HVFs suggests that a thick disk and/or a high-density companion wind surrounds the exploding white dwarf, as may be the case in single degenerate systems. Large-scale angular fluctuations in the radial density and abundance distribution may also be responsible: this could originate in the explosion and would suggest a deflagration as the more likely explosion mechanism. CSM interaction and surface fluctuations may coexist, possibly leaving different signatures on the spectrum. In some SNe, the HVFs are narrowly confined in velocity, suggesting the ejection of blobs of burned material.


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We present an extensive set of photometric and spectroscopic data for SN 2009jf, a nearby Type Ib supernova (SN), spanning from ˜20 d before B-band maximum to 1 yr after maximum. We show that SN 2009jf is a slowly evolving and energetic stripped-envelope SN and is likely from a massive progenitor (25-30 Msun). The large progenitor's mass allows us to explain the complete hydrogen plus helium stripping without invoking the presence of a binary companion. The SN occurred close to a young cluster, in a crowded environment with ongoing star formation. The spectroscopic similarity with the He-poor Type Ic SN 2007gr suggests a common progenitor for some SNe Ib and Ic. The nebular spectra of SN 2009jf are consistent with an asymmetric explosion, with an off-centre dense core. We also find evidence that He-rich Ib SNe have a rise time longer than other stripped-envelope SNe, however confirmation of this result and further observations are needed. This paper is based on observations with several telescopes, including NTT(184.D-1151), VLT-UT1(085.D-0750,386.D-0126), NOT, WHT, TNG, PROMPT, Ekar, Calar Alto and Liverpool Telescope.


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The kinetics of the liquid-phase hydrogenation of citral (3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienal) on Au/TiO2 and Pt-Sn/TiO2 thin films was studied in the temperature range 313-353 K and citral concentrations of 0.25-10.0 mol m(-3). The thin films were deposited onto the inner walls of silica capillaries with internal diameter of 250 mu m. First-order dependence on hydrogen pressure and near zero order dependence on citral concentration were observed for the initial rate of citral hydrogenation over the Pt-Sn/TiO2 and Au/TiO2 thin films. The Au/TiO2 catalyst prevents citronellal formation. The highest yield of unsaturated alcohols was obtained on the Pt-Sn/TiO2 film at a reaction temperature of 343 K, liquid residence time of 30 min and a citral conversion of 99%. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cdk2 and cdk1 are individually dispensable for cell-cycle progression in cancer cell lines because they are able to compensate for one another. However, shRNA-mediated depletion of cdk1 alone or small molecule cdk1 inhibition abrogated S phase cell-cycle arrest and the phosphorylation of a subset of ATR/ATM targets after DNA damage. Loss of DNA damage-induced checkpoint control was caused by a reduction in formation of BRCA1-containing foci. Mutation of BRCA1 at S1497 and S1189/S1191 resulted in loss of cdk1-mediated phosphorylation and also compromised formation of BRCA1-containing foci. Abrogation of checkpoint control after cdk1 depletion or inhibition in non-small-cell lung cancer cells sensitized them to DNA-damaging agents. Conversely, reduced cdk1 activity caused more potent G2/M arrest in nontransformed cells and antagonized the response to subsequent DNA damage. Cdk1 inhibition may therefore selectively sensitize BRCA1-proficient cancer cells to DNA-damaging treatments by disrupting BRCA1 function.


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Lysozyme is a naturally occurring enzyme in egg white and has high commercial importance due to its antimicrobial properties. The main objective of this work was to study the growth rate of lysozyme crystals isolated from egg for the first 72 hours and verify the results with McCabe’s constant crystal growth theory. Hanging drop crystallization method was used to form high purity lysozyme crystals from the embryonic stage. To this end, this work differs from an earlier work of Forsythe et al., who used seed crystals in the size range of 10 µm - 40 µm for face growth measurements at different pH values. The maximum crystal size recorded in the present work was 392.86 µm, which is within the typical size range of 50 µm - 500 µm for which constant crystal growth is expected to hold according to McCabe’s ?L law. Electron micrographs (SEM) revealed the structure and dimensions of the crystals while SDS-Page was used to measure the purity of the crystals. The SEM results showed that that lysozyme growth rate was linear and agreed with McCabe’s constant growth theory, producing a growth rate of 1.77 x 10-3 µm .s-1


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The natural zeolite obtained from the Sivas-Yavu region in Turkey and iron modified forms were studied for the decomposition of N2O and selective catalytic reduction of N2O with NH3. The natural and iron modified zeolites were characterised by XRD, SEM, H-2-TPR, NH3-TPD and low temperature nitrogen sorption. The effect iron loading, precursor and valency on the catalytic performance of catalysts were studied. The catalytic activity of the zeolites increased up to about 7.0 wt.% Fe. Above this value, the activity decreased as a result of a reduction in the surface area and pore volume of the zeolite. The highest catalytic activity was observed using catalysts prepared with FeCl2 due to the formation of more reducible iron species in the zeolites. When FeSO4 was used as the iron precursor, sulphate remained on the surface even after extensive washing resulting in a decrease in the N2O decomposition activity and a shift the N2O reduction temperature to higher values. Since the natural and iron exchanged natural zeolites prepared using FeCl2 have comparable activity with synthetic zeolites, the offer a promising alternative catalyst for the abatement of N2O, particularly for the selective reduction of N2O with NH3. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The dimerisation of cyclooctene (COE) to 1,9-cyclohexadecadiene, a molecule of interest to the fragrance industry, has been achieved using ruthenium catalysts in organic solvents with significantly better selectivities (47-74%) and yields (39-60%) than previously reported (34% and 30%, respectively). Grubbs' first and second generation catalysts, the Hoveyda-Grubbs' catalyst and a phosphonium alkylidene catalyst were tested in a range of organic solvents and ionic liquids (ILs), including 1:1 IL/dichloromethane mixtures and biphasic IL + pentane systems. The best results (74% selectivity, 60% yield) were obtained using Grubbs' first generation catalyst in 1,2-dichloroethane. The formation of trimer, tetramer and other higher molecular mass products were found to be favoured at low catalyst loadings (0.77 mM). Studies of metathesis reactions using 1,9-cyclohexadecadiene as substrate indicated that the monomer-dimer and monomer-trimer reactions are faster than the dimer-dimer reaction. The use of IL media allowed for the recyclability of the catalyst, although a drop in the yield of dimer generally occurred after the first run. Heterogeneized catalysts, where the IL-catalyst system was immobilised onto silica, resulted in fast reactions leading to poor yields of dimer. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.