1000 resultados para PRODUCCION VEGETAL
The need of a better adaptation of crops to drought is an issue of increasing urgency. However, enhancing the tolerance of maize has, therefore, proved to be somewhat elusive in terms of plant breeding. In that context, proper phenotyping remains as one of the main factors limiting breeding advance. Topics covered by this review include the conceptual framework for identifying secondary traits associated with yield response to drought and how to measure these secondary traits in practice.
The correlation between the species composition of pasture communities and soil properties in Plana de Vic has been studied using two multivariate methods, Correspondence Analysis (CA) for the vegetation data and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the soil data. To analyse the pastures, we took 144 vegetation relevés (comprising 201 species) that have been classified into 10 phytocoenological communities elsewhere. Most of these communities are almost entirely built up by perennials, ranging from xerophilous, clearly Mediterranean, to mesophilous, related to medium-European pastures, but a few occurring in shallow soils are dominated by therophytes. As for the soil properties, we analysed texture, pH, depth, bulk density, organic matter, C/N ratio and the carbonates content of 25 samples, correspondingto representative relevés of the communities studied.
nd items. Once maps are drawn up they are digitized and put into a GIS and finally subjected to quality control. Table 4 shows the most important habitats (according to polygon number and area covered) and the least represented habitats in the sheets drawn so far. Sheets can be obtained through internet (www.gencat.net/mediamb/pn.htm).
irregular. With reference to the 10 km UTM network, the number of relevés per cell ranges between 0 and 527, with a mean of 36, the most exhaustively prospected areas lying in the Pyrenean range. On the other hand, 44 cells spread ± regularly over the Catalan territory have not available relevés yet, the larger spot lying in the Lluçanés area (C Catalonia). As a general rule. communities seem to be rather adequately prospected and no great discordances between syntaxa have been observed. However. further studies may be required for several alliances such as Berberidion, Pruno-Rubion ulmifolii, Taeniathero-Aegilopion, Alkanno-Malcolmion, Thero-Suaedion, Posidonion or Rupion maritimae. Key words: Phytocoenology, Relevés Database, Geographical prospection, Syntaxonomical prospection, Catalonia.
This study contains the results of a survey based on 200 relevés made, following the methodology of Klement (1955), in the provinces of Murcia, Almeria and Albacete, from the coast to 2000 msm, on siliceous rocks, mainly metamorphic schists and, more rarely, on quartzite. The climate is predominantly mediterranean and arid (from 180 to 500 mm of annual rainfall), and belongs to I11 and III(1V) types of Walter and Lieth, in the low regions, and to IV4 in the mountains. The coastal zone and also a lot of south-facing slopes enjoy fairly warm winters.
Data about 89 taxa are presented. Arabis nova Vill. subsp. iberica Rivas Mart. ex Talavera, Cistus × nigricans Pourr. and Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. are new records for the Catalan flora, and 15 taxa (Allium oporinanthum Brullo et al., Apera interrupta (L.) Beauv., Asplenium trichomanes L. subsp. trichomanes, Campanula affinis Schult., Carex sylvatica Huds. subsp. paui (Sennen) A. and O. Bolòs, Epilobium angustifolium L., Limonium hibericum Erben, Melilotus messanensis (L.) All., Minuartia funkii (Jord.) Graebner, Onosma triceros-perma subsp. catalaunica (Sennen) O. Bolòs and Vigo, Orchis palustris Jacq., Orchis simia Lam., Selaginella denticulata (L.) Spring, Stellaria neglecta Weihle in Bluff and Fingerh. and Vaccinium myrtillus L. are new records for Southern Catalonia.
On the basis of two parallel data sets refering to phenological events in open scrubs and pastures at two sites (Balaguer and Vic), the authors present a comprehensive report of the phenology of these Mediterranean communities. Four main phenophases (vegetative growth, flowering, fruiting and resting) were recorded monthly in 11 communities over 15 months. The results allow comparisons to be drawn between localities and communities, both at community and species levels, and to consider the effects of contemporary climatic data. This yielded useful information on general trends and on the particular responses of each community type to their corresponding constraints.
Biosystemalic study of the Ferula communis populations in NE of the Iberian Peninsula and in the Balearic Islands. this paper presents the results of a taxonomic revision of the collective species Ferula communis L. (Umbelliferae) in NE of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. The main goal of the research has been to characterize the Ferula communis populations in the region under study and to place them into infraspecific taxa. The proposed classification is based on morphology, anatomy, phenology, karyology and numerical taxonomy. A new taxon is described: Ferula communis L. subsp. cardonae Sanchez-Cuxart and Bernal and two new nomenclatural combinations are proposed: Ferula communis L. subsp. catalaunica (Pau) Sanchez- Cuxart and Bernal and Ferula communis L. subsp. catalaunica var. microcarpa (Cauwet-Marc) Sanchez-Cuxart and Bernal. Description, phenology and chorology for each taxon are included. Also an identification key for infraspecific taxa and a list of new localities are provided.
This work offers an approach to the vegetation of the Pyrenean area mentioned above according to three successive and related levels -vascularflora, plant communities and plant landscape. The study area stretches over 147.5 square km (projected surface), nearly 70% belonging to Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park. Altitudes rise from 720 m a.s.l. (Southern part) and 1100 m a.s.l. (Northern part) to 2536 m a.s.l. at the top ofla Tosa d'Alp. Limestone, the most common substrate, constitutes the highest mountain ranges in the area and also the roughest relief. Slate, carbonated slate, marl, sandstone and different kinds of conglomerate are also present. The bioclimate of lower parts is axeromeric sub-mediterranean type in the Gaussen scale, with a marked continental factor in the Northern sector (Cerdanya district). High parts have high mountain climates -cold axeric, subalpine and alpine types.
Additions to the vascular flora of the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park and neighbouring Pre-Pyrenean areas (eastern Iberian Pyrenees) We present about fifty contributions to the catalogue of the vascular flora of the mentioned area, published in 2003. Among the taxa reported, 21 correspond to novelties found in our own field observations or in the literature. We highlight the first records for the Eastern Iberian Pre-Pyrenees of Meconopsis cambrica (L.) Vig. and Omalotheca hoppeana (Koch) Schulz Bip. and F.W. Schulz. Other data refer to rare taxa already included in the catalogue, such as Gagea lutea (L.) Ker Gawl., G. reverchonii Degen, Lappula deflexa (Wahlenb.) Garcke and Minuartia villarii (Balb.) Wilczek and Chenevard.
Catalogue of endemic, rare or threatened vascular plants in Catalonia. I. Endemic taxa. This is the first of a set of papers devoted to rare or threatened plants in Catalonia. We list 279 specific or subspecific taxa which are in a broad sense endemic to the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. We assess them with regard to their conservation status according to IUCN criteria. Assignment of these taxa to established categories has led to the following results: 6 taxa critically endangered (CR), 5 endangered (EN), 32 vulnerable (VU), 5 near threatened (LR nt). 84 least concern (LR lc), 116 not threatened (NT) and 31 data deficient (DD). The small number of taxa that enjoy legal protection in comparison with the number of threatened plants is emphasized. Key words: Endemic plants, Catalonia, Plant conservation, UICN categories.
The first part of a general survey of the vegetation of Catalonia andAndorra, this paper reports all the phytocoenological associations and subassociations recorded in this area. For each community, we provide the correct name and usual synonyms, its typification (where appropriate), all the references including relevés, and the most outstanding features of its structure, species composition, ecology, distribution and diversity. Moreover, associations and subassociations are ordered appropriately in a syntaxonomic scheme. Syntaxonomic ranks are considered in a fairly broad, conservative sense. This classification established 101 associations, which correspond to the classes Lemnetea, Zosteretea, Potametea, Littorelletea, Montio-Cardaminetea, Phragmiti-Magnocaricetea, Scheuchzerio-Caricetea, Isoeto-Nanojuncetea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea.