995 resultados para PARAGUAY BELT


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En noviembre de 1932 el médico rosarino Carlos de Sanctis se trasladó a Asunción del Paraguay para incorporarse al Cuerpo de Sanidad paraguayo. La Guerra del Chaco todavía no se había declarado formalmente, pero para Carlos de Sanctis estaba claro que ese conflicto ya había ido tomando forma en los años previos, en especial a partir del fin de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Gracias a su condición de "periodista corresponsal" del periódico rosarino La Capital, prensa hoy día vigente, el Poder Ejecutivo paraguayo le permitió a Carlos de Sanctis fotografiar su entrada a la ciudad de Asunción, el viaje que hicieron por el río Paraguay para entrar al Chaco Paraguayo por el Puerto Casado (así llamado por el español Carlos Casado del Alisal), así como el traslado del ejército hacia la zona del Fortín Arze que era dirigido por el Coronel Carlos José Fernández. Este tema histórico que presentamos a los lectores y a las lectoras, tiene vigencia hoy día: en el año 2010, la presidenta argentina Cristina Fernández intervino en la firma del Tratado de Paz definitivo entre Bolivia y Paraguay. Los presidentes Evo Morales y Fernando Lugo sellaron "La paz de la eterna guerra del Chaco".


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[spa]Este trabajo analiza el papel desempeñado por la revista El Arte de Curtir, creada en el año 1909 en la ciudad de Barcelona por los hermanos Pedro Pablo, Fernando y Carlos de Corral y Tomé, cuya Fábrica de Extractos Curtientes dedicada al quebracho colorado paraguayo fue la base de organización del extracto tánico utilizado en Cataluña para la curtición.


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The main objective of this thesis was to compare the efficiency of counter-current and co-current filter cake washing techniques. Filter cake washing is a common unit operation which is used in the chemical process industry for improving the recovery of the liquid phase or for purifying the solid phase of the filter cake. Counter-current displacement washing is more difficult to arrange and it requires additional process equipment but the advantage of counter-current method is that the consumption of wash water that is required for achieving certain filter cake purity may be considerably decreased when compared to the co-current washing method. This is true especially for materials that are difficult to wash. The literature part of this thesis consists of a review of filter cake washing in general, including the basic principles of co-current and counter-current techniques, and a description of the structure and operation of a horizontal vacuum belt filter, which is the equipment considered in the experimental part of this thesis. Also the most common cake washing models are introduced. The experiments were performed by washing wheat apatite filter cakes in a laboratory scale vacuum filter by using both co-current and counter-current washing methods. The main results of these tests were the washing curves that relate the purity of the filter cake to the amount of wash liquid used. Comparison between the obtained washing curves showed that both washing methods could be efficiently applied for achieving good washing results. The differences between the wash liquid consumptions in the co-current and counter-current washing methods were found to be surprisingly small but this is most probably explained by the relatively good washing characteristics of the apatite cakes. The washing models introduced in the literature part were compared with the results obtained from the experiments and it was found out that the studied cake washing processes could be described


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Los artículos que integran este dossier abordan el uso de la historia para la organización de celebraciones en América Latina a partir del proceso de independencia. En el marco de la Historiografía Contemporánea, son las mencionadas ceremonias las que nos permiten reconstruir el papel ejercido por actores, hechos, diseños artísticos y diseños culturales, así como recuperar la fortaleza mantenida por algunas regiones que, en ocasiones, compitieron con los proyectos elaborados a nivel nacional. La conformación de las identidades, el liderazgo económico, la rememoración nostálgica a través de premios a la poesía, la evolución ideológica de sus participantes, la construcción de representantes del heroísmo o de la barbarie, el significado de los símbolos utilizados en las celebraciones, las ceremonias cuasi diplomáticas dedicadas a la reconstrucción y fortalecimiento de vínculos intercontinentales o internacionales, la función de la escuela como institución celebratoria básica, nos muestran las múltiples formas en que la historia (y la historiografía) ha servido para otorgar a las celebraciones un papel relevante en los procesos regionales de consolidación política y económica.


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En los cincuenta años que van de 1879 a 1930, el gobierno paraguayo incentivó la ocupación del Chaco Boreal con la intención de convertirlo en Chaco Paraguayo. El mecanismo fue productivo y quedó en manos de empresas, en su mayoría establecidas en Argentina. Desde la ciudad de Rosario, el español Carlos Casado del Alisal adquirió tierras chaqueñas consideradas en la década de 1880 como "paraguayas". Este artículo procura mostrar el significado de la entrada de Carlos Casado en el Chaco paraguayo, y sus efectos en el periodo de entreguerras. El objetivo es rastrear el derecho frente al hecho de la ocupación territorial chaqueña, así como el rol de la justicia en la delimitación territorial de la familia Casado.


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Genara Casado de Sastre apeló el fallo en el juicio que seguía contra la Sociedad Rosarina de Campos y Bosques por el lote 69 del Chaco Paraguayo. Pero los camaristas concluyeron que el causante del error había sido José Monte, quien al adquirir los lotes 70 a79 a nombre de Casado, había invadido tierras que no le correspondían, y vendido a Casado inmuebles ajenos, es decir, del Estado. La Cámara afirmó que 'el comprador Casado tampoco pudo transmitir válidamente á sus herederos unos derechos que en realidad no adquirió' hasta Puerto Max, y que 'con toda temeridad' se hizo descender la propiedad chaqueña de los Casado 2 leguas más abajo del Río Paraguay. Sentenció también que los conflictos de tierras entre las diversas empresas y propietarios era 'consecuencia de la enojosa trasposición de los mojones oficiales y judiciales', situación originada en la diversidad de valores aplicados en la medición. En efecto, la legua paragtraya debió haber sido fijada en los lotes de Casado en un equivalente a 5.000 varas o a 4.330 metros, cuando en realidad tenía 4.370 metros de ancho frente al río.


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During surveys undertaken from 1998 to 2003 in the major vegetable growing areas of the city of São Paulo green belt, lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and endive (Cichorium endivia) plants were observed, which showed chlorotic thickening of foliar veins, defective growth and, in some cases, failure to form complete heads. Biological and serological [DAS-Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa)] tests together with electron microscope observations, revealed the presence of Lettuce big-vein virus and Mirafiori lettuce virus, in these plants both responsible for the lettuce big-vein syndrome.


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The effectiveness of water removal on press section is very important for a paper and board machine’s functioning, efficiency and economy. Today, the most effective method for wet pressing is shoe press technology. Metso has carried out a number of studies concerning anew type of water removal method for a press section, which has also been patented. These studies include rough sketches and some test runs. These issues form the basis of this thesis. The objective of this work was to gather together information for a new and enhanced waterremoval method for a press section by studying the functioning of the device andcarrying out test runs. This method is referred to here as Hydronip. The main goal was tobuild a functional test site which fulfills all the necessary requirements and has all thenecessary information gathering devices. The design process was carried out by emphasizing the safety aspects. The goal was also to gather together information about the nip structure in running conditions, the seal function, and to carry out the nip tests with paper or board wads. This thesis consists of a theory part, the design and construction of the test site, and carrying out test runs through information gathering. The theory part consists of the principals of water removal from a press section, Hydronip construction, and the requirements for the test place. The safety aspects were taken into account especially in test runs, but also in the assembly stages. The design and construction of the test site includes the selection of equipment and surroundings that are needed for managing the test runs in the best possible way at certain premises. The test site included the equipment that was already on the premises. Some equipment could be used as it was but some equipment had to be manufactured or modified from existing equipment. A functional test site with information gathering devices was accomplished as a result of thethesis. Test runs demonstrated that the Hydronip concept is, at least on a small scale,functional. Short-term tests for seal functioning showed that the seal can be lubricatedsufficiently under different kinds of nip load situations. Wad tests demonstrated that the metal belt is durable against different sizes of external particles. The seal also endured wad tests even though the pressure impacts impaired the lubrication. MTS tests showing dry content increases, combined with a rough cost calculation and the basic function of the machine in test runs, show that with some further study Hydronip could be a promising new product for water removal from a paper or board machine’s press section.


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Nykyisessä valmistusteollisuudessa erilaisten robottien ja automatisoitujen tuotantovaiheiden rooli on erittäin merkittävä. Tarkasti suunnitellut liikkeet ja toimintavaiheet voidaan nykyisillä järjestelmillä ajoittaa tarkasti toisiinsa nähden, jolloin erilaisten virhetilanteidenkin sattuessa järjestelmä pystyy toimimaan tilanteen edellyttämällä tavalla. Automatisoinnin etuna on myös tuotannon muokkaaminen erilaisten tuotteiden valmistamiseen pienillä muutoksilla, jolloin tuotantokustannukset pysyvät matalina myös pienten valmistuserien tapauksissa. Usean akselin laitteissa eli niin sanotuissa moniakselikäytöissä laitteen toimintatarkkuus riippuu jokaisen liikeakselin tarkkuudesta. Liikkeenohjauksessa on perinteisesti ollut käytössä myötäkytketty paikkakaskadi, jonka virityksessä otetaan huomioon akselilla olevat erilaiset dynaamiset tilat ja käytettävät referenssit. Monissa nykyisissä hajautetuissa järjestelmissä eli moniakselikäytöissä, joissa jokaiselle akselille on oma ohjauslaite, ei yksittäisen akselin paikkavirhettä huomioida muiden akseleiden ohjauksessa. Työssä tutkitaan erilaisia moniakselijärjestelmien ohjausmenetelmiä ja myötäkytketyn paikkakaskadin toimintaa moniakselikäytössä pyritään parantamaan tuomalla paikkasäätimen rinnalle toinen säädin, jonka tulona on akseleiden välinen paikkaero.


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The aim of this study was to group temporal profiles of 10-day composites NDVI product by similarity, which was obtained by the SPOT Vegetation sensor, for municipalities with high soybean production in the state of Paraná, Brazil, in the 2005/2006 cropping season. Data mining is a valuable tool that allows extracting knowledge from a database, identifying valid, new, potentially useful and understandable patterns. Therefore, it was used the methods for clusters generation by means of the algorithms K-Means, MAXVER and DBSCAN, implemented in the WEKA software package. Clusters were created based on the average temporal profiles of NDVI of the 277 municipalities with high soybean production in the state and the best results were found with the K-Means algorithm, grouping the municipalities into six clusters, considering the period from the beginning of October until the end of March, which is equivalent to the crop vegetative cycle. Half of the generated clusters presented spectro-temporal pattern, a characteristic of soybeans and were mostly under the soybean belt in the state of Paraná, which shows good results that were obtained with the proposed methodology as for identification of homogeneous areas. These results will be useful for the creation of regional soybean "masks" to estimate the planted area for this crop.


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A rare case of blunt traumatic abdominal hernia is presented in which jejunal loops herniated through the abdominal wall. The patient had a serious motor vehicle accident seven years ago, while wearing the seat belt. He developed a traumatic hernia in the anterior lateral abdominal wall, which was operated, and relapsed after some months. The patient was reoperated and we observed the unattachment of the anterior lateral abdominal musculature from the ilium crest. After the hernial sac treatment, the defect was solved with the use of a polypropylene mesh. The postoperative evolution was good and four months later there were no signs of recurrence. Traumatic abdominal hernia remains a rare clinical entity, despite the increase in blunt abdominal trauma. Traumatic abdominal wall hernia falls into two general categories: small lower quadrant abdominal defects, typically the result of blunt trauma with bicycle handlebars, and larger abdominal wall defects related to motor vehicle accidents. The diagnosis may be often established by the physical examination alone. Conventional radiology and computerized tomography usefulness have been proved. In the vast majority of cases, early repair is recommended. The appropriate treatment is the reduction of the herniated bowel into the abdomen, the debridment of nonviable tissues, and a primary tension free closure of the detect.


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Filtration is a widely used unit operation in chemical engineering. The huge variation in the properties of materials to be ltered makes the study of ltration a challenging task. One of the objectives of this thesis was to show that conventional ltration theories are di cult to use when the system to be modelled contains all of the stages and features that are present in a complete solid/liquid separation process. Furthermore, most of the ltration theories require experimental work to be performed in order to obtain critical parameters required by the theoretical models. Creating a good overall understanding of how the variables a ect the nal product in ltration is somewhat impossible on a purely theoretical basis. The complexity of solid/liquid separation processes require experimental work and when tests are needed, it is advisable to use experimental design techniques so that the goals can be achieved. The statistical design of experiments provides the necessary tools for recognising the e ects of variables. It also helps to perform experimental work more economically. Design of experiments is a prerequisite for creating empirical models that can describe how the measured response is related to the changes in the values of the variable. A software package was developed that provides a ltration practitioner with experimental designs and calculates the parameters for linear regression models, along with the graphical representation of the responses. The developed software consists of two software modules. These modules are LTDoE and LTRead. The LTDoE module is used to create experimental designs for di erent lter types. The lter types considered in the software are automatic vertical pressure lter, double-sided vertical pressure lter, horizontal membrane lter press, vacuum belt lter and ceramic capillary action disc lter. It is also possible to create experimental designs for those cases where the variables are totally user de ned, say for a customized ltration cycle or di erent piece of equipment. The LTRead-module is used to read the experimental data gathered from the experiments, to analyse the data and to create models for each of the measured responses. Introducing the structure of the software more in detail and showing some of the practical applications is the main part of this thesis. This approach to the study of cake ltration processes, as presented in this thesis, has been shown to have good practical value when making ltration tests.


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Tämä diplomityö tutkii moduloinnilla saavutettavaa hyötyä kuljetinliiketoiminnassa. Johdanto-osassa kerrotaan yrityksen taustasta ja projektiliiketoiminnan kehitysnäkymistä, hihnakuljetinjärjestelmien historiasta ja nykyisestä kilpailutilanteesta. Lisäksi siinä on mainittu työn tavoitteet, sekä tutkimuksen rajaus. Hihnakuljetinjärjestelmien modulointia käsittelevässä osassa selvitetään moduloinnin historiaa ja on kerrottu siihen liittyviä käsitteitä ja menettelytapoja. Tutkimusosan alussa on esitetty tutkimuskysymykset. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on tapaustutkimus ja siinä on verrattu kahta CASE- tapausta keskenään haastattelujen avulla, sekä pyydetty osallistuneilta jatkotoimenpide-ehdotuksia, koskien modulointia. Toiminnallisen viitekehyksen osassa kuvataan ne tavat, joilla modulointi yrityksessä toteutetaan asiakasvaatimukset ja palveluhallinta huomioiden. Lisäksi siinä kuvataan osaamisen kehittämisen menettely. Tutkimustuloksien tarkastelun yhteydessä on kerrottu CASE- tapauksien perustiedot ja tiedon keräämisen tapa. Tutkimustuloksien analysointi on suoritettu siten, että tuloksista on nostettu esille moduloinnin kannalta oleelliset vastaukset ja ne on analysoitu. Tämän jälkeen suoritettiin pohdinta ja johtopäätökset niistä analysoiduista vastauksista, jotka ovat tärkeitä moduloinnin ja yrityksen kehityksen kannalta. Jatkotoimenpiteet on jaettu kolmeen pääryhmään, joista ensimmäisenä on toiminnan kehittäminen moduloimalla. Toisessa on tarkasteltu sisäisen toiminnan kannalta tärkeitä kohteita ja ehdotettu toimenpiteitä toiminnan tehostamiseksi. Kolmantena ryhmänä ovat tutkimusaiheet, joiden avulla pyritään selvittämään puutteet tai epäkohdat nykyisessä toiminnassa. Yhteenvedossa on tarkasteltu yrityksen strategisten tavoitteiden toteutumista suhteessa hypoteesiin. Siinä on myös esitetty tulevaisuuden haasteita ympäristönsuojelun asettamat vaatimukset huomioiden.


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Filtration is a widely used unit operation in chemical engineering. The huge variation in the properties of materials to be ltered makes the study of ltration a challenging task. One of the objectives of this thesis was to show that conventional ltration theories are di cult to use when the system to be modelled contains all of the stages and features that are present in a complete solid/liquid separation process. Furthermore, most of the ltration theories require experimental work to be performed in order to obtain critical parameters required by the theoretical models. Creating a good overall understanding of how the variables a ect the nal product in ltration is somewhat impossible on a purely theoretical basis. The complexity of solid/liquid separation processes require experimental work and when tests are needed, it is advisable to use experimental design techniques so that the goals can be achieved. The statistical design of experiments provides the necessary tools for recognising the e ects of variables. It also helps to perform experimental work more economically. Design of experiments is a prerequisite for creating empirical models that can describe how the measured response is related to the changes in the values of the variable. A software package was developed that provides a ltration practitioner with experimental designs and calculates the parameters for linear regression models, along with the graphical representation of the responses. The developed software consists of two software modules. These modules are LTDoE and LTRead. The LTDoE module is used to create experimental designs for di erent lter types. The lter types considered in the software are automatic vertical pressure lter, double-sided vertical pressure lter, horizontal membrane lter press, vacuum belt lter and ceramic capillary action disc lter. It is also possible to create experimental designs for those cases where the variables are totally user de ned, say for a customized ltration cycle or di erent piece of equipment. The LTRead-module is used to read the experimental data gathered from the experiments, to analyse the data and to create models for each of the measured responses. Introducing the structure of the software more in detail and showing some of the practical applications is the main part of this thesis. This approach to the study of cake ltration processes, as presented in this thesis, has been shown to have good practical value when making ltration tests.


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Hihnakuljettimia käytetään muun muassa voimalaitos- ja sellutehdasympäristöissä kuljettamaan kiinteää polttoainetta tai haketta pitkiä matkoja. Pitkät hihnakuljettimet asennetaan yleensä teräsristikoista rakennettujen kuljetinsiltojen sisään. Kuljetinsilta toimii siis hihnakuljettimen ja hoitokäytävän runkona sekä suojaa kuljetinta ja kuljetettavaa materiaalia säältä. Tässä diplomityössä on laadittu mitoitustyökalu, jolla voidaan nopeasti mitoittaa ristikkorakenteisen hihnakuljetinsillan sauvat sekä määrittää rakenteen massa. Laskentaohjelma on toteutettu Microsoft Excel -taulukkolaskentana. Sillan poikkileikkaus voi olla suljettu symmetrinen umpirakenne tai avorakenne, jossa on ulokkeellinen hoitotaso. Ristikon sauvat ovat RHS-putkia. Rakenteeseen voi vaikuttaa jatkuvia kuormia, pistekuormia sekä näistä johdetut, ekvivalenttiin staattiseen voimaan perustuvat maanjäristyskuormat. Diplomityössä on perehdytty mitoitustyökalussa sovellettuihin teorioihin. Voimasuureiden laskenta perustuu 2-tukisina palkkeina käsiteltävien siltalohkojen ratkaisuun ja palkkianalogiaan, jossa ristikon sauvavoimat ratkaistaan käsittelemällä ristikkoa palkkina. Sauvojen kestävyyden laskenta perustuu SFS-EN 1993-1-1 -normiin, joka on osa Eurocode -rakennesuunnittelunormistoa. Lisäksi työssä on käsitelty ristikkoliitosten mitoitusta SFS-EN 1993-1-8 mukaan. Mitoitusohjelman toimivuutta on testattu tarkastelemalla esimerkkisiltaa laaditulla mitoituspohjalla ja Autodesk Robot Professional 2013 -FE-analyysiohjelmisuolla. Tulosten perusteella mitoitustyökalua voidaan käyttää ainakin tarjousvaiheen nopeisiin tarkasteluihin ja omamassan määritykseen, mutta myös lopulliseen mitoitukseen, mikäli hyväksytään konservatiivinen mitoitus.