998 resultados para P-cadherin


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We describe a method for determining the minimal length of elements in the generalized Thompson's groups F(p). We compute the length of an element by constructing a tree pair diagram for the element, classifying the nodes of the tree and summing associated weights from the pairs of node classifications. We use this method to effectively find minimal length representatives of an element.


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O BCG, em solução lipídica, injetado por via intravenosa, foi capaz de reverter a imunosupressão humoral provocada pelo mastocitoma P-815, em camundongos singênicos DBA/2, aumentando tanto o número de células formadoras de placas hemolíticas quanto os títulos de anticorpos hemaglutinantes do soro. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nos títulos de anticorpos hemaglutinantes da classe IgG. Nenhum efeito bloqueador pôde ser notado na progressão normal do tumor.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Universitat d'Aberdeen, Irlanda, entre abril i maig del 2007. Un dels objectius de la topologia algebraica és la de classificar espais topològics i aplicacions continues mitjançant estructures algebraiques associades a ells. És a dir, mitjançant diferents maneres d'associar un objecte algebraic a un espai, es pretén reflectir el màxim de la seva estructura topològica. D'altra banda, donat un grup G, se li pot associar un espai topològic BG anomenat l'espai classificador del grup que és l'espai que classifica els G-fibrats vectorials. El programa d'estudiar el tipus d'homotopia d'espais i aplicacions contínues ha donat molts fruits quan els espais que s'estudien són espais classificadors (en particular, grups finits i grups de Lie). En particular, a causa del fet que moltes propietats algebraiques del grup queden reflectides en l'espai classificador, aquest tipus d'espais juguen un paper molt important en la interelació entre l'àlgebra i la topologia. Per exemple, els treballs de Dwyer, Zabrodsky i Mislin identifiquen les aplicacions contínues entre espais classificadors d'un p-grup i un grup qualsevol amb els morfismes entre grups llevat conjugació. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és el de descriure les aplicacions contínues entre p-completats d’espais classificadors a partir d’informació algebraica referent a l’estructura de p-subgrups de cadascun d’ells.


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Le petit ouvrage de Roland Campiche répond à deux objectifs. Le premier est de rappeler au public helvétique que si la religion joue un rôle différent depuis 50 ans, elle n'en est pas moins demeurée un acteur de la scène tant publique que privée de notre pays. Le second est de défendre l'idée d'une dualisation de la religion. Cette notion n'est pas nouvelle, puisque le sociologue, fondateur de l'Observatoire des religions en Suisse (ORS) à l'Université de Lausanne, l'avait déjà émise dans son livre "Les deux visages de la religion".


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BACKGROUND: An LC-MS/MS method has been developed for the simultaneous quantification of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and cytochrome P450 (CYP) probe substrates and their Phase I metabolites in DBS and plasma. P-gp (fexofenadine) and CYP-specific substrates (caffeine for CYP1A2, bupropion for CYP2B6, flurbiprofen for CYP2C9, omeprazole for CYP2C19, dextromethorphan for CYP2D6 and midazolam for CYP3A4) and their metabolites were extracted from DBS (10 µl) using methanol. Analytes were separated on a reversed-phase LC column followed by SRM detection within a 6 min run time. RESULTS: The method was fully validated over the expected clinical concentration range for all substances tested, in both DBS and plasma. The method has been successfully applied to a PK study where healthy male volunteers received a low dose cocktail of the here described P-gp and CYP probes. Good correlation was observed between capillary DBS and venous plasma drug concentrations. CONCLUSION: Due to its low-invasiveness, simple sample collection and minimal sample preparation, DBS represents a suitable method to simultaneously monitor in vivo activities of P-gp and CYP.


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P fimbriae are proteinaceous appendages on the surface of Escherichia coli bacteria that mediate adherence to uroepithelial cells. E. coli that express P fimbriae account for the majority of ascending urinary tract infections in women with normal urinary tracts. The hypothesis that P fimbriae on uropathic E. coli attach to renal epithelia and may regulate the immune response to establish infection was investigated. The polymeric Ig receptor (pIgR), produced by renal epithelia, transports IgA into the urinary space. Kidney pIgR and urine IgA levels were analyzed in a mouse model of ascending pyelonephritis, using E. coli with (P+) and without (P-) P fimbriae, to determine whether P(+) E. coli regulate epithelial pIgR expression and IgA transport into the urine. (P+) E. coli establish infection and persist to a greater amount than P(-) E. coli. P(+)-infected mice downregulate pIgR mRNA and protein levels compared with P(-)-infected or PBS controls at > or =48 h. The decrease in pIgR was associated with decreased urinary IgA levels in the P(+)-infected group at 48 h. pIgR mRNA and protein also decline in P(+) E. coli-infected LPS-hyporesponsive mice. These studies identify a novel virulence mechanism of E. coli that express P fimbriae. It is proposed that P fimbriae decrease pIgR expression in the kidney and consequently decrease IgA transport into the urinary space. This may explain, in part, how E. coli that bear P fimbriae exploit the immune system of human hosts to establish ascending pyelonephritis.