998 resultados para Orthopristis ruber


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Most of the isotopic paleotemperature equations used for paleoceanographic reconstructions have been derived from culture experiments or inorganic precipitates of calcium carbonate. To test these equations in the modern ocean, we measured the oxygen isotope composition of planktonic foraminifera (Globigerinoides ruber, Globigerinoides sacculifer, Globigerina bulloides and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma) collected from Atlantic and Southern Ocean surface waters, and added published plankton tow data from the Pacific, Indian and Arctic Oceans. The resulting species-specific regression equations of the temperature:d18O relationships for G. ruber, G. sacculifer and G. bulloides are statistically indistinguishable. The equations derived for G. sacculifer and G. bulloides agree with relationships obtained from laboratory experiments, in which these species were cultured at pH values close to modern surface waters. The equation derived from N. pachyderma has a significantly lower slope and offset than the other three species but produces a regression equation that is nearly identical to the one for the epifaunal benthic foraminifer Cibicides sp. Our work on plankton tow and pumped samples indicates that culture-derived equations appear to be more appropriate for predicting the absolute d18O of the species examined compared to equations derived from inorganic precipitates. However, over the oceanic temperature range, the slopes of the equations we derive for living species agree with the slopes obtained from inorganic precipitates.


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An early Holocene record from the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) reveals climatic and hydrologic changes during the interval from 10.5 to 7 thousand calendar years before present from paired analyses of Mg/Ca and d18O on foraminiferal calcite. The sea surface temperature record based on foraminiferal Mg/Ca contains six oscillations and an overall ~1.5°C warming that appears to be similar to the September-March insolation difference. The d18O of seawater in the GOM (d18OGOM) record contains six oscillations, including a -0.8 per mil excursion that may be associated with the "8.2 ka climate event" or a broader climate anomaly. Faunal census records from three GOM cores exhibit similar changes, suggesting subcentennial-scale variability in the incursions of Caribbean waters into the GOM. Overall, our results provide evidence that the subtropics were characterized by decadal- to centennial-scale climatic and hydrologic variability during the early Holocene.


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Stable isotope records of coexisting benthic foraminifers Uvigerina spp. and Cibicidoides spp. and planktonic G. ruber (white variety) from Site 724 are used to study the late Pleistocene evolution of surface and intermediate water hydrography (593 m water depth) at the Oman Margin. Glacial-interglacial d18O amplitudes recorded by the benthic foraminifers are reduced when compared to the estimated mean ocean changes of d18Oseawater . Epibenthic d13C remains at its modern level or is increased during glacial times. This implies that Red Sea outflow waters which are enriched in d18Oseawater and d13C (Sum CO2) have been replaced during glacial periods by intermediate waters still positive in d13C (Sum CO2) but more negative in d18Oseawater. Glacial-interglacial amplitudes of the planktonic d18O record exceed those of the mean ocean d18Oseawater variation and imply decreased surface water temperatures (SST) during glacial times. Throughout most of the records these cooling events correlate with enhanced rates of carbon accumulation. However, both negative (colder) SST and positive Corg accumulation rate anomalies do not correlate with potential physical upwelling maxima as inferred from the orbital monsoon index. This is in conflict with the established hypothesis that upwelling in the estern Arabia Sea should be strongest during maxima of the southwest monsoon.


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We use the oxygen isotopic composition of planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (white) from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1058 in the subtropical northwestern Atlantic to construct a high-resolution (~800 year) climate record spanning the mid-Pleistocene climate transition (~410 ka to 1350 ka). We investigate whether or not millennial-scale instabilities in the proxy record are associated with the extent of continental glaciation. G. ruber d18O values display high-frequency fluctuations throughout the record, but the amplitude about mean glacial and interglacial d18O values increases at marine isotope stage (MIS) 22 (880 ka) and is highest during MIS 12. These observations support that millennial-scale climate instabilities are associated with ice sheet size. Time series analysis illustrates that these variations have significant concentration of spectral power centered on periods of ~10-12 ka and ~5 ka. The timing of these fluctuations agrees well, or coincides with, the periodicities of the second and fourth harmonics, respectively, of precessional forcing at the equator. An insolation-based origin of the millennial-scale instabilities would be independent of ice volume and explains the presence of these fluctuations before the mid-Pleistocene climate transition as well as during interglacial intervals (e.g., MIS 37 and 17). Because the amplitude of the millennial-scale variations increases during the mid-Pleistocene transition, feedback mechanisms associated with the growth of large, 100-ka-paced, polar ice sheets may be important amplifiers of regional surface water hydrographic changes.


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Based on organic carbon accumulation rates, nine time slices of oceanic export paleoproductivity (Pnew) are presented which depict the variability of Pnew on a global scale through the last 30,000 years and document that the basic distribution patterns did not change through glacial and interglacial times. However, the glacial ocean shows an increased contrast of high- versus low-productivity zones. d13C values of near-surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber suggest that the same contrast applies to the glacial nutrient inventories of the ambient surface waters, with a significant glacial transfer of PO4 from low- to high-productivity zones. In this way, glacial Pnew increased by a global average of about 2-4 Gt C/yr and led, via an enhanced CaCO3 dissolution and alkalinity in the deep ocean, to a significant extraction of CO2 from the surface water and the atrnosphere.


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A high-resolution sedimentary sequence recovered from the Tagus prodelta has been studied with the objective to reconstruct multi-decadal to centennial-scale climate variability on the western Iberian Margin and to discuss the observations in a wider oceanographic and climatic context. Between ca. 100 BC and AD 400 the foraminiferal fauna and high abundance of Globorotalia inflata indicate advection of subtropical waters via the Azores Current and the winter-time warm Portugal Coastal Current. Between ca. AD 400 and 1350, encompassing the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA), enhanced upwelling is indicated by the planktonic foraminiferal fauna, in particular by the high abundance of upwelling indicator species Globigerina bulloides. Relatively light d18O values and high sea surface temperature (SST) (reconstructed from foraminiferal assemblages) point to upwelling of subtropical Eastern North Atlantic Central Water. Between ca. AD 1350 and 1750, i.e. most of the Little Ice Age, relatively heavy d18O values and low reconstructed SST, as well as high abundances of Neogloboquadrina incompta, indicate the advection of cold subpolar waters to the area and a southward deflection of the subpolar front in the North Atlantic, as well as changes in the mode of the North Atlantic Oscillation. In addition, the assemblage composition together with the other proxy data reveals less upwelling and stronger river input than during the MCA. Stronger Azores Current influence on the Iberian Margin and strong anthropogenic effect on the climate after AD 1750 is indicated by the foraminiferal fauna. The foraminiferal assemblage shows a significant change in surface water conditions at ca. AD 1900, including enhanced river runoff, a rapid increase in temperature and increased influence of the Azores Current. The Tagus record displays a high degree of similarity to other North Atlantic records, indicating that the site is influenced by atmospheric-oceanic processes operating throughout the North Atlantic, as well as by local changes.


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Pluri-annual proxy records of marine sediment cores from the Tagus Prodelta off Lisbon, Portugal, have been generated to gain insight into the climatic and hydrographic changes in the area during the twentieth century. The study includes benthic and planktonic foraminiferal faunas and the stable isotopic composition of one benthic (Uvigerina celtica) and two planktonic (Globigerina bulloides and Globorotalia inflata) foraminiferal species. Sea bottom and surface water temperatures were estimated based on the d18O values of these species and compared with instrumental data. The foraminiferal fauna and the isotope-based temperature record indicate increasing temperatures throughout the last century. The immigration of a new species, Saidovina karreriana, to the area around 100 years ago indicates changes in the trophic conditions and water mass properties, which are probably at least partly due to anthropogenic pollution.