998 resultados para Oberlin, Johann Friedrich, 1740-1826.


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Die Arbeit beschriebt das Leben und Wirken Johann Schöffers, des Erben der Mainzer Druckerei Johannes Fusts und Peter Schöffer d.Ä. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die 315 heute noch nachweisbaren Drucke. Neben der bibliographischen Erfassung der Titel, die ergänzt werden durch Hinweise zur Illustration und zur Typographie, wird versucht anhand dieser die Entwicklung und die Veränderungen in der Werkstatt aufzuzeigen. Von Interesse ist dabei, dass sich die historischen Ereignisse und religiösen Strömungen teilweise parallel, teilweise zeitlich versetzt im Verlagsprogramm widerspiegeln.


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Große Dramendichtung kann nur in historischen Umbruchszeiten wie der Antike, der Reformationszeit und im 19. Jahrhundert, also zu Lebzeiten Friedrich Hebbels, entstehen. Das schreibt Hebbel im Vorwort zu seinem bürgerlichen Trauerspiel „Maria Magdalena“. Die großen Zeiten der Tragödien sind Zeiten umwälzender Veränderungen. Im langen 19. Jahrhundert, zwischen Revolution und Restauration, zwischen Reformen und Reaktion, zwischen Hoffnungen auf Demokratie, Nationalstaatlichkeit, zwischen Josephinismus und Ära Metternich, waren die Voraussetzungen für ein Jahrhundert der Tragödie gegeben. Zwei der bedeutendsten Dramatiker des 19. Jahrhunderts, Franz Grillparzer und Friedrich Hebbel, sind Thema der Dissertation. Dabei hat die Arbeit mit der Diskursivierung von Fremdheit und Fremde eine Neuperspektivierung ausgewählter Dramen geleistet, die so in der Forschung noch nicht existiert, wobei diese Perspektive in der Forschung bereits angelegt war. Die hier vorliegende Arbeit hat das „Phänomen der Fremde“, wie Günther Häntzschel es in einem Aufsatz nennt, in den Dramen „Judith“, „Gyges und sein Ring“ und „Die Nibelungen“ von Hebbel und in den Dramen „Das goldene Vließ“, „Die Jüdin von Toledo“ und „Libussa“ von Grillparzer untersucht. Die zentralen Begriffe „Fremde“ und „Fremdheit“ wurden dabei als literarische Topoi, um methodisch besser mit ihnen operieren zu können, in verschiedene Dimensionen der Fremdheit unterteilt: Dabei wurde neben der „Fremdheit der Kulturen“ und der „Fremdheit zwischen den Geschlechtern“ auch die Fremdheit zwischen dem „mythischen Rand der Welt“ und dem „Horizont der Vernunft“ untersucht. Ferner widmete sich ein Kapitel dem Thema Entfremdung und Selbstentfremdung, eine Dimension der Fremdheit, die ebenfalls für die Dramenanalyse relevant ist.


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La dissertazione è uno studio monografico delle cantate dialogiche e delle serenate a più voci e strumenti composte da Händel in Italia negli anni 1706-1710. Insieme ai drammi per musica e agli oratori coevi, le quattro cantate "Aminta e Fillide" HWV 83, "Clori, Tirsi e Fileno" HWV 96, "Il duello amoroso" HWV 82, "Apollo e Dafne" HWV 122 e le due serenate "Aci, Galatea e Polifemo" HWV 72 e "Olinto pastore arcade alle glorie del Tebro" HWV 143 costituiscono le prime importanti affermazioni di Händel come compositore di musica vocale. Le sei composizioni sono state studiate sotto l’aspetto storico-letterario, drammaturgico-musicale e della committenza, con l’obiettivo di individuare intersecazioni fra questi piani. I testi poetici, di cui si è curata l’edizione, sono stati analizzati da un punto di vista storico e stilistico e collocati nel particolare contesto romano del primo Settecento, in cui la proibizione di ogni spettacolo teatrale determinò, sotto la spinta di una raffinata committenza, un ‘drammatizzazione’ dei generi della cantata e della serenata. L’analisi musicale di ciascuna composizione è stata dunque finalizzata a una lettura ‘drammaturgica’, che ha portato alla individuazione dei dispositivi di ascendenza teatrale nella scelte compositive di Händel. Lo studio si conclude con un selettivo confronto con le cantate e le serenate scritte negli stessi anni a Roma da Alessandro Scarlatti.


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Mediterranean coralligenous habitats are biogenic reefs characterised by high species diversity and built mainly by encrusting calcareous red algae, growing in dim light conditions. The global climate change and several human activities may threaten species living in these habitats, especially some of those that are considered particularly relevant in structuring and in maintaining the complexity and diversity of the benthic assemblages. Among them, the red gorgonian, Paramuricea clavata (Risso, 1826), which can form dense populations, in the last decades showed worrying mass mortality events. Understand the role of this “animal forests” in the coralligenous assemblages is of fundamental importance in order to design appropriate monitoring programs and conservation policies, especially in the marine protected areas. For this purpose, benthic assemblages were studied in presence and absence of red gorgonians at two sites at the Tremiti islands. Overall, the benthic assemblages significantly differed among sites, nevertheless in both places, clear differences between assemblages associated and not associated to the gorgonian forests were found. In particular, encrusting corallinered algae were significantly more abundant in the gorgonian understories at both sites. This result indicates that the gorgonians may promote the development of calcareous algae, which are the main builders of the coralligenous habitats. Moreover species diversity resulted higher in the assemblages associated to the gorgonians. The present study highlights the role of Paramuricea clavata as a relevant ecosystem engineer in the coralligenous habitats.


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The red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata is considered a key species in Mediterranean coralligenous habitats and, when present at high density, its colonies may develop “gorgonian forests”, which are three-dimensional structures that increase habitat complexity. Mediterranean coralligenous habitats support high biodiversity but the structure and heterogeneity of communities can be strongly modified by several kinds of human-derived impacts. The global environmental change and human activity could threaten the coralligenous habitats and during the last few decades, Mediterranean suspension feeders have been involved in mass mortality events, in which P. clavata was one of the most affected. Without the complex three-dimensional structures formed by P. clavata, many benthic species may have not adequate sheltering and feeding opportunities. The aim of the present study was to investigate the ecological role of Paramuricea clavata in coralligenous habitats by comparing epibenthic assemblages established inside and outside gorgonian forests. This study was carried out in four sites randomly chosen, along the south-east coast of Elba island (north-western Mediterranean). The structure of the epibenthic assemblages were significantly different between area with and without gorgonians. Main differences concern very important taxa in the coralligenous bioconstruction processes like the encrusting red algae, Peyssonnelia spp. and Halimeda tuna, which were more abundant in presence of gorgonians. On the contrary, algal turf, mucilaginous algae and the invasive seaweed Caulerpa cylindracea were more abundant in areas without P. clavata. The presence of gorgonians may have a positive effect also on species diversity. The results of this study highlight the ecological role of P. clavata in the coralligenous habitats.


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