987 resultados para Normand, Henrietta Rae, 1859-1928.


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La ricerca ricostruisce alcuni aspetti della vita politica, sociale e culturale di Reggio Emilia a partire dagli anni Quaranta dell’Ottocento. La campagna militare del 1848-49 e le vicende sociali e politiche che l’accompagnarono costituiscono il punto focale di questo lavoro che mette in evidenza come il complesso di quegli avvenimenti operò un mutamento irreversibile nella realtà cittadina, alimentando aspettative e ideali che non poterono più rimanere confinati nel sistema di governo ducale, divenuto asfittico e superato. Dopo una ricognizione generale della storiografia esistente si è evidenziata la necessità di una nuova lettura della storia cittadina che tenesse conto degli approcci metodologici più recenti e di aspetti fino ad oggi trascurati o completamente ignorati, ripartendo dai documenti ed ampliando la quantità e la tipologia delle fonti. E’ stato perciò condotto un incrocio sistematico tra la documentazione d’archivio pubblica (atti di governo, polizia, decreti, chirografi ducali) e le fonti di carattere privato, spesso assolutamente inedite (cronache, diari, epistolari), cercando di mantenere un approccio il più possibile aperto, mostrando una molteplicità di punti di vista e cogliendo il riflesso dei diversi orientamenti politici e personali attraverso la lettura degli avvenimenti cittadini da parte dei diversi testimoni dell’epoca. Coerentemente con i più recenti apporti della storiografia si è voluto sottolineare l’impatto decisivo che le Istituzioni scolastiche ducali, caratterizzate da notevole conformismo e oscurantismo, hanno avuto nella maturazione politica della generazione che ha guidato il Movimento del 1848. Per portare alla luce questi aspetti è stata proposta una rilettura del sistema educativo reggiano dal punto di vista funzionale e culturale, partendo dai ricordi degli ex studenti e dalla verifica della disciplina vigente all’interno di queste istituzioni. Non poteva essere tralasciata anche una profonda revisione della storia della Chiesa di Reggio Emilia durante il Risorgimento, pertanto si è proceduto ad uno spoglio su larga scala della documentazione conservata nell’archivio della Curia vescovile di Reggio Emilia che ha permesso di giungere ad una complessiva rivalutazione del ruolo del vescovo Cattani durante le vicende del 1848, portando alla luce un aspetto fino ad oggi assolutamente sottovalutato. Nella ricostruzione delle condizioni della Provincia sono stati sottolineati soprattutto gli aspetti sociali, ampliando il quadro in cui si sono svolte le vicende attraverso nuove fonti che hanno aiutato a non focalizzare la ricerca soltanto sui ceti dirigenti e sulle personalità di rilievo. Allo stesso modo si sono descritti i luoghi e le persone della città, cercando di tracciare un ritratto il più fedele possibile della realtà urbana attraverso testimonianze di tenore e mentalità differenti da quelle ‘ufficiali’. Per gli eventi del 1848 (e per quelli del 1859-60) è stato consultato un numero cospicuo di fondi conservati presso l’Archivio di Stato di Reggio, a questi si sono aggiunti gli apporti di molte fonti di carattere privato e di documenti inediti conservati presso l’Archivio di Stato di Torino. Il lavoro propone un’analisi approfondita delle vicende cittadine tra il marzo e l’agosto 1848 e apre a nuove considerazioni sia sul municipalismo, come chiave di lettura del movimento unitario, sia sulla creazione del consenso attorno all’unione dei ducati emiliani con il Regno dell’Alta Italia guidato da Carlo Alberto. Fondamentali sono risultati i fondi della Polizia Estense conservati presso l’Archivio di Stato di Reggio Emilia. Per la loro natura e per le caratteristiche del Ducato (in cui lo stesso duca interviene di persona nei provvedimenti di polizia) hanno permesso di tracciare un quadro assolutamente inedito della vita politica e sociale della Provincia, contribuendo ad arricchire ogni aspetto del lavoro di ricerca. Nell’ultima parte del lavoro sono state messe a confronto le informazioni raccolte sui volontari attraverso lo spoglio di tutte le fonti consultate. La ricerca si era precedentemente basata sugli elenchi dei militi compilati dopo l’unificazione nazionale, elenchi nei quali molte delle informazioni relative ai partecipanti delle campagne del 1848-49 erano andate perdute. Procedendo all’incrocio dei dati raccolti dalla polizia estense al momento del ritorno degli volontari in patria con quelli reperiti nei fondi privati, nelle cronache, nella memorialistica e negli epistolari è stato possibile ricostruire un panorama più completo delle diverse tipologie di combattenti e tracciare un quadro che alla fine risulta assai coerente con la situazione politica e sociale descritta nella prima parte della tesi. Per la prima volta vengono documentate le vicende di coloro che non appartenendo alle classi dirigenti cittadine si sono trovati a combattere per una sorta di azzardo personale nutrito di idealismo patriottico oppure perché inquadrati nei battaglioni dell’ex esercito estense passato al servizio del Governo provvisorio. Emergono l’estrema eterogeneità delle motivazioni e dei destini personali dei combattenti e sono portate alla luce alcune interessanti vicende personali e familiari. I dati sono stati raccolti in modalità digitale per la loro futura fruizione on-line che andrà ad aggiornare il database degli “Albi della memoria” curati da ISTORECO. (http://www.albimemoria-istoreco.re.it/).


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This article analyses the relationship between Orthodoxy and state from the unification of the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia in 1859 to the creation of Greater Romania in 1918. Examining the attitudes of political leaders towards the dominant religion, this article argues that during the reigns of Prince Cuza and King Carol I the Church became a state institution closely connected to the development of political regimes. It is suggested that by claiming doctrinal religious connections with Constantinople and independence from foreign intervention in the Church’s affairs, religious and political leaders from 1859 to 1918 amplified the construction of Romanian national mythology which contributed towards the political unity of the state.


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One fundamental question raised by the philosophical works of Maurice Blondel, which were published over a long life, is that of the relation between his early masterpiece L’Action (1893) and the volume of the same name—more precisely, its second tome L’Action humaine et les conditions de son aboutissement (1937)—forming part of the Trilogy of his later years (La Pensée; L’Être et les êtres; L’Action). The treatment of the nature of international relations in the work of 1937 is more developed than that found in L’Action of 1893. For understanding the development of Blondel’s thought on this matter, the key text is "Patrie et Humanité", a paper prepared for the 1928 annual meeting, held in Paris, of the Catholic Semaine sociale movement. It brings out the affinity between his understanding of international relations and that represented by such established thinkers in the canon of international thought as Vitoria and Suarez (in the case of the latter, despite some radical difference in respect of metaphysics). Not surprisingly from the standpoint of the genesis of Blondel’s philosophy, there is also a certain affinity between his view of the importance of justice for international affairs and that of Leibniz (notably in the preface of the Codex Juris Gentium, 1693). Various specialists treating of Blondel’s philosophy have drawn attention to parallels between the phenomenology of the will in L’Action of 1893 and Hegel’s Phänomenologie des Geistes. However, as regards the two philosophers’ understanding of the nature of international relations, there is a considerable gulf, and some of the difference may be related to the Hegelian idea of the Christian Church as found, at least implicitly, in the Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts (1821).


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This paper reviews the state of the field of the sub-disciplines within UK management research, based upon the submissions of 94 UK higher education institutions to the Business and Management Studies Panel in the UK's 2001 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). It offers observations on the UK model of the assessment of quality in, and funding of, research conducted in publicly funded higher education institutions.


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Purpose: This research paper aims to examine the global trends in publishing in the leading marketing journals between 1964 and 2008, focusing on how public policy intervention in the assessment and funding of academic research has influenced Britain's relative productivity in the world's leading marketing journals. Design/methodology/approach: The method was an audit of contributions to the leading journals based on the authors' affiliation, country of origin and country in which they obtained their doctoral training. Findings: The results show that the proportion of leading marketing publications by authors affiliated to British universities have held steady at about 2 per cent, while the productivity of several other countries has accelerated past Britain. However, to retain that share, Britain has increasingly depended upon importing people whose PhD is not British. This contrasts with some other European countries that are now more productive than Britain, but mainly recruit locals with local PhDs. The pattern of decline in the UK is related to the impact of Britain's research assessment exercise and the continuation of relatively weak social science research training. Research limitations/implications: The analysis is limited by only looking at one academic discipline and only the top few academic journals in the field. Practical implications: The findings have implications at several levels. At a national policy level it questions the value of the research assessment exercises that appear to have presided over a decline in research productivity. For institutions, it questions the value in investing in developing local talent when success has come to those who buy talent internationally. Perhaps, the major implication arises from Britain's academic productivity declining while neighbouring countries have grown in international excellence. Originality/value: At a time when the continuation of expensive university research assessments is being questioned the research findings add value to the current debate in showing how that very process has accompanied academic decline. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Inscription: Verso: The Woman's Salon, New York.


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Aussi différents qu'ils puissent sembler l'un de l'autre, Hubert Aquin et Normand de Bellefeuille ont partagé au moins une passion: celle de l'Italie. Et bien qu'ils l'aient exprimée différemment, cette passion a aussi en commun d'avoir gravité autour d'un référent irréel, comme si l'Italie, tout en fournissant un cadre apparemment réaliste à certains de leurs récits, ne pouvait s'y prêter qu'au détriment de l'illusion du réel. [...]


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During the period in question, large ice drifts transported incalculable numbers of icebergs, ice fields and ice floes from the Antarctica into the South Atlantic, confronting long-journeying sailing ships on the Cape Horn route with considerable danger. As is still the case today, the ice drifts generally tended in a northeasterly direction. Thus it can be assumed that the ice masses occuring near Cape Horn and in the South Atlantic originated in Graham Land and the South Shetland Islands, while those found in the Pacific will have come from Victoria Land. The masses drifting to Cape Horn, Isla de los Estados, the Falkland Islands and occasionally as far as the Tristan da Cunha Group are transported by the West Wind Drift and Falkland Current, diverted by the Brazil Current. The Bouvet and Agulhas Currents have little influence here. The great ice masses repeatedly reached points beyond the "outermost drift ice boundery" calculated in the course of the years, to continue on in the direction of the equator. The number of sailing ships which fell victim to the ice drifts while rounding Cape Horn can only be surmised; they simply disappeared without a trace in the expanses of the South Atlantic. Until the end of the 1900s the dangers presented by ice were less serious for westward-bound ships than for the "homeward-bounders" travelling from West to East. Following the turn of the century, however, the risk for "onwardbounders" increased significantly. Whether the ice drifts actually grew in might or whether the more frequent and more detailed reports led to this impression, could never be ascertained by the German Hydrographie Office. In the forty-one years between 1868 and 1908, ten light, ten medium and nine heavy ice years were counted, and only twelve years in which no reports of ice were submitted to the German Hydrographie Office. "One of the most terrible dangers threatening ships on their return from the Pacific Ocean," the pilot book for the Atlantic Ocean warns, "is the encounter with ice, to be expected south of the 50th parallel (approx.) in the Pacific and south of the 40th parallel (approx.) in the South Atlantic." Following the ice drift of 1854-55, thought to be the first ever recorded, the increasing numbers of sailing ships rounding Cape Horn were frequently confronted with drifts of varying sizes or with single icebergs. Then from 1892-94, a colossal ice drift crossed the path of the sailships in three stages. Several sailing ships collided with the icebergs and could be counted lucky if they survived with heavy damage to the bow and the fo regear. The reports on those which vanished for ever in the ice masses are hardly of investigative value. The English suffered particularly badly in the ice-plagued waters; their captains apparently sailed courses that led more freqently through drifts than did the sailing instructions of the German Hydrographic Office. Thus, among others, Capt. Jarvis' DUNTRUNE, also the STANMORE, ARTHURSTONE and LORD RANOCH as well as the French GALATHEE and CASHMERE all collided with icebergs. The crew of the AETHELBERTH panicked after a collision and took to their lifeboats. It was only after the ship detached itself from the iceberg it had rammed that the men returned to it and continued their journey. The TEMPLEMORE, on the other hand, had to be abandoned for good. Of the German sailing ships, the FLOTOW is to be mentioned here, and in the third phase of the drift the American SAN JOAQUIN lost a large proportion of its rigging. In the 20th century ice drifts continued to cross the courses of the Cape Horn ships. 1906 and 1908 were recorded as particularly heavy ice years. In 1908-09 both the FALKLANDBANK and the TOXTETH fell prey to ice, or so it was assumed during the subsequent Maritime Board proceedings. For the most part the German sailing ships were spared greater damages by sea. Their captains sent detailed ice reports to the German Hydrographic Office, which gratefully welcomed the information and partially incorporated it in the third and final edition of the "Pilot Book for the Atlantic Ocean." From the end of 1926 until the beginning of 1928, the last of the large sailing ships were once again confronted with "tremendous masses of icebergs and ice drifts." Reports of this period originated above all on the P-Liners PADUA, PAMIR, PASSAT, PEKING, PINNAS, PRIWALL and the ships of Gustav Erikson's fleet. The fate of the training sailship ADMIRAL KARPFANGER in connection with the ice in early 1938 was never clearly determined by the Maritime Board proceedings. Collision with an iceberg, however, is thought to be the most likely cause of accident. Today freight sailing ships no longer cross the oceans. The Cape Horn route is relatively insignificant for engine-powered ships and icebergs can be spotted in plenty of time by modern navigation technology ... The large ice drifts are no longer a menace, but only a marginal note in the final chapter of the history of transoceanic sailing.


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Analysis of the word lancea, of Hispanic origin after Varro, and of place names, people´s names and personal names derived from it. It confirms that the spear was the most important weapon in the Bronze Age, belonging to the iuventus and used as heroic and divine symbol. This analysis confirms also the personality of the Lusitanians, a people related to the Celts but with more archaic archaeological, linguistic and cultural characteristics originated in the tradition of the Atlantic Bronze in the II millennium BC. It is also relevant to better know the organisation of Broze and Iron Age societies and the origin of Indo-Europeans peoples in Western Europe and of pre-Roman peoples of Iberia.


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En este artículo se estudia una obra atribuida a Sófocles titulada Κρῆτες (Los cretenses), una tragedia sólo conocida por dos dudosos testimonios de Hesiquio y Ateneo de Náucratis. A finales del siglo xviii una nueva lectura de ambos los adscribía a otra tragedia, con lo que se negaba la existencia de Κρῆτες. A pesar de esto, este título se sigue manteniendo en las ediciones de la obra sofoclea, ahora relacionado con nuevos hallazgos de fragmentos papiráceos del autor. Nuestro objetivo es el de analizar los testimonios en profundidad para concluir si la obra pudo o no haberse escrito.