997 resultados para Niederee, Johann Martin, 1830-1853.


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The somatic and gonad productions of the cirolanid isopod Excirolana armata were analyzed by taking monthly samples from December 2003 to November 2005 on Una beach, So Paulo state (24A degrees S), southeastern Brazil. Sampling was performed along three fixed transects established from the base of the foredunes to the waterline. Weight-specific growth rate was used to estimate the E. armata somatic production for 2004 and 2005, separately. The gonad production was estimated based on the monthly reproductive potential (mean number of eggs/embryos per female x monthly abundance of ovigerous females with near-release broods) for 2004. The annual somatic production of E. armata population varied from 15.57 to 17.25 g AFDW m(-1) year(-1) and the somatic production/biomass ratio (P (s)/B) from 3.55 to 3.14 year(-1) for 2004 and 2005, respectively. The P (s)/B ratios were higher for males (4.02 and 3.19 year(-1) for 2004 and 2005) than for females (3.10 year(-1) for both years). The annual gonad production (P (g) = 1.07 g AFDW m(-1) year(-1)) contributed about 15 and 6% to the total production (P (s) + P (g)) of females and the population, respectively. The proportion of gonad to somatic production of females (P (g)/P (s)) increased with individual size (ca 90% in the 7.5 mm size class), and the annual weight-specific gonad production (P (g)/B ratio) was estimated to 0.24 year(-1). The high P (s)/B ratios estimated for E. armata derive from the fast growth of individuals and show the importance of this population to the energy flow on Una beach ecosystem. However, the low percentage of juveniles verified in this population and in other studies of populations of the genus Excirolana is discussed as an important source of underestimation of P (s)/B ratio.


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The final instar larva of Mnesarete pudica is described and illustrated based on reared specimens collected in Brazil. This species can be distinguished from others by presenting: a) five palpal and three premental setae; b) no posterodorsal hooks on abdominal segments; c) lateral spines only in S9-10. M. pudica is compared to other South American calopterygids and biological notes are presented.


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Die Arbeit beschriebt das Leben und Wirken Johann Schöffers, des Erben der Mainzer Druckerei Johannes Fusts und Peter Schöffer d.Ä. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die 315 heute noch nachweisbaren Drucke. Neben der bibliographischen Erfassung der Titel, die ergänzt werden durch Hinweise zur Illustration und zur Typographie, wird versucht anhand dieser die Entwicklung und die Veränderungen in der Werkstatt aufzuzeigen. Von Interesse ist dabei, dass sich die historischen Ereignisse und religiösen Strömungen teilweise parallel, teilweise zeitlich versetzt im Verlagsprogramm widerspiegeln.


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Mit dem vorliegenden Buch verfolgt der Autor vor allem drei Ziele: Das erste besteht darin, die anthropologischen Überlegungen, die sich in konzentrierter Form vor allem in den frühen Hauptwerken von Martin Heidegger und Jean-Paul Sartre finden, herauszulösen, zu systematisieren und zu einem einheitlichen anthropologischen Gedankengefüge zu vernetzen. In einem zweiten Schritt soll dieses Gefüge durch eigene Überlegungen ergänzt und in Auseinandersetzung mit Helmuth Plessner und Karl Jaspers weiterentwickelt werden. Drittens schließlich sollen vor diesem Hintergrund Grundlagen einer »strukturhermeneutischen Anthropologie« ausgearbeitet werden, die ein hermeneutisches Instrumentarium für die Aufklärung der unbedingten persönlichen Geltung kultureller Bindung bereitstellen können und von eigenen identitätstheoretischen Grundüberlegungen getragen werden. Da im fokussierten Zusammenhang kultureller Bindung und interkultureller Auseinandersetzung die Fragen nach dem menschlichen Selbstverhältnis und den Möglichkeiten sowie Bedingungen des Fremdverstehens eine wichtige Rolle spielen, sollen dabei nicht nur die hermeneutischen Aspekte der erörterten anthropologischen Positionen in den Blick genommen werden, sondern auch die damit unmittelbar verknüpften Fragen der Sinn- und Identitätsbildung. In kulturphilosophischer Hinsicht soll ein zentrales Ergebnis der Arbeit sein, anthropologische Eckpunkte menschlichen Entwerfens und Mechanismen der kulturellen Sinn- und Identitätsstiftung herauszuarbeiten, um der Analyse kultureller Bindung sowohl ein anthropologisches als auch ein hermeneutisches Fundament zu geben.


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La tesi di ricerca si propone di esaminare due tipologie della canzone sociale nel XIX secolo, ed in particolare attorno al 1848. Lo studio del canto nei contesti presi in esame (l’Italia e la Francia) viene analizzato attraverso due piste di ricerca parallele tra loro. Da una parte si è utilizzato il concetto di sociabilité per conoscere i luoghi di produzione e di diffusione del canto (l’importanza della strada, dell’osteria, delle goguette parigine, degli chansonniers des rues e dei cantastorie) e le circostanze di utilizzazione della canzone (la canzone in quanto forma d’espressione orale ma anche come scrittura murale, foglio volante e volantino). Dall’altra l’analisi si è focalizzata sui contenuti dei testi musicali per mette in luce le differenti tematiche, le immagini linguistiche e le figure retoriche cantate dall’artigiano-operaio per far emergere le differenze dell’idea di nazione tra i due contesti presi in esame. L’attenzione posta alla comparazione condurrà all’evidenziazione di punti di contatto tra le due nazioni. Il canto, infatti, costituisce un terreno privilegiato per comprendere l’immagine dell’“altro”: quale immagine possedevano i lavoratori francesi dell’Italia risorgimentale? E gli artigiani italiani come percepivano la nazione francese? Il canto viene analizzato non solamente come un “testo” ma anche come una “pratica sociale”. Queste operazioni permetteranno di sondare più in profondità la funzione sociale svolta dalla canzone all’interno della cultura popolare e la sua importanza in quanto forma d’espressione e vettore di politicizzazione. La duplice utilizzazione del canto, in quanto “testo” e “pratica”, consente di inserire la ricerca all’interno di un filone storiografico che dalla storia sociale si muove a quella culturale. La canzone sociale rappresenta un fertile terreno di ricerca, non solamente all’interno di un singolo territorio nazionale, ma possiede un prezioso valore euristico in funzione comparativa.


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Recent studies support the notion that statins, widely prescribed cholesterol-lowering agents, may target key elements in the immunological cascade leading to inflammation and tissue damage in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Compelling experimental and observational clinical studies highlighted the possibility that statins may also exert immunomodulatory synergy with approved MS drugs, resulting in several randomized clinical trials testing statins in combination with interferon-beta (IFN-?). Some data, however, suggest that this particular combination may not be clinically beneficial, and might actually have a negative effect on the disease course in some patients with MS. In this regard, a small North American trial indicated that atorvastatin administered in combination with IFN-? may increase disease activity in relapsing-remitting MS. Although other trials did not confirm this finding, the enthusiasm for studies with statins dwindled. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the completed clinical trials and reports of the interim analyses evaluating the combination of IFN-? and statins in MS. Moreover, we try to address the evident question whether usage of this combination routinely requires caution, since the number of IFN-?-treated MS patients receiving statins for lowering of cholesterol is expected to grow.