1000 resultados para Nascimento vivo


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Water contaminants have a high potential risk for the health of populations. Protection from toxic effects of environmental water pollutants primarily involves considering the mechanism of low level toxicity and likely biological effects in organisms who live in these polluted waters. The biomarkers assessment of oxidative stress and metabolic alterations to cadmium exposure were evaluated in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. The fish were exposed to 0.35, 0.75, 1.5, and 3.0 mg/l concentrations of Cd2+ (CdCl2) in water for 60 days. Fish that survived cadmium exposure showed a metabolic shift and a compensatory development for maintenance of the body weight gain. We observed a decreased glycogen content and decreased glucose uptake in white muscle. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine phosphokinase (CK) activities were also decreased, indicating that the glycolytic capacity was decreased in this tissue. No alterations were observed in total protein content in white muscle due to cadmium exposure suggesting a metabolic shift of carbohydrate metabolism to maintenance of the muscle protein reserve. There was an increase in glucose uptake, CK increased activity, and a clear increase of LDH activity in red muscle of fish with cadmium exposure. Since no alterations were observed in lipoperoxide concentration, while antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were changed in the liver and the red and white muscle of fish with cadmium exposure, we can conclude that oxygen free radicals are produced as a mediator of cadmium toxicity. Resistance development is related with increased activities of antioxidant enzymes, which were important in the protection against cadmium damage, inhibiting lipoperoxide formation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An aqueous extract of Rhizophora mangle L. bark is used as raw material in pottery making in the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil. This extract presents large quantities of tannins, compounds possessing antioxidant properties. Tannin antioxidant activity, as a plant chemical defense mechanism in the process of stabilizing free radicals, has been an incentive to studies on anti-mutagenicity. The present work aimed to evaluate possible antimutagenic activity of a R. mangle aqueous extract, using the Allium cepa test-system and micronuclear (MN) assay with blockage of cytokinesis in Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1). The Allium cepa test-system indicated antimutagenic activity against the damage induced by the mutagenic agent methyl methanesulfonate. A reduction in both MN cell frequency and chromosome breaks occurred in both the pre and post-treatment protocols. The MN testing of CHO-K1 cells revealed anti-mutagenic activity of the R. mangle extract against methyl methanesulfonate and doxorubicin in pre, simultaneous and post-treatment protocols. These results suggest the presence of phyto-constituents in the extract presenting demutagenic and bio-antimutagenic activities. Since the chemical constitution of Rhizophora mangle species presents elevated tannin content, it is highly probable that these compounds are the antimutagenic promoters themselves.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The mode of action of annexin A1 (ANXA1) is poorly understood. By using rapid subtraction hybridization we studied the effects of human recombinant ANXA1 and the N-terminal ANXA1 peptide on gene expression in a human larynx cell line. Three genes showed strong downregulation after treatment with ANXA1. In contrast, expression of CCR10, a seven transmembrane G-protein coupled receptor for chemokine CCL27 involved in mucosal immunity, was increased. Moreover the reduction in CCR10 expression induced by ANXA1 gene deletion was rescued by intravenous treatment with low doses of ANXA1. These findings provide new evidence that ANXA1 modulates gene expression. (c) 2006 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aim To evaluate ex vivo effectiveness of the three formulations of bleaching materials for intracoronal bleaching of root filled teeth using the walking bleach technique.Methodology Extracted premolar teeth were stained artificially with human blood. After biomechanical preparation, the root canals were filled and a 3-mm thick intermediate base of zinc phosphate cement was placed at the level of the cementoenamel junction. The teeth were divided into four groups (n = 12): C (control, without bleaching material), A1 (sodium perborate + distilled water), A2 (sodium perborate + 10% carbamide peroxide) and A3 (sodium perborate + 35% carbamide peroxide). The bleaching materials were changed at 7 and 14 days. Evaluation of shade was undertaken with aid of the VITA Easyshade (TM) (Delta E*ab) and was performed after tooth staining and at 7, 14 and 21 days after bleaching, based on the CIELAB system. Data were analysed by ANOVA for repeated measurements, Tukey and Dunnett tests (alpha = 0.05).Results The Tukey test revealed that group A1 (10.58 +/- 4.83 Delta E*ab) was statistically different from the others (A2, 19.57 +/- 4.72 Delta E*ab and A3, 17.58 +/- 3.33 Delta E*ab), which were not different from each other. At 7 days: A1 was significantly different from A2; at 14 and 21 days: A2 and A3 were significantly better than A1; the Dunnett test revealed that the control group was different from A1, A2 and A3 at all periods (P < 0.05).Conclusion Sodium perborate associated with both 10% and 35% carbamide peroxide was more effective than when associated with distilled water.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: The aim of this study was to carry out an in vivo assessment of bone ingrowth in two different types of porous titanium -the first being completely porous, and the second with a porous surface and dense nucleus, manufactured by powder metallurgy- and to evaluate their mechanical properties. Study design: Ten scaffolds from each group were submitted to metallographic analysis and compression tests. Next, two scaffolds of each type were inserted into 14 rabbits, which were sacrificed 8 weeks after surgery. The samples were submitted for histological examination. Results: Metallographic analysis revealed interconnected pores, and the average interconnected pore diameter was about 360 mm, with 36% total porosity. The totally porous titanium samples and the titanium samples with porous surface and dense nucleus showed an average compressive strength of 16.19 MPa and 69.27 MPa, respectively. After 8 weeks, the animals showed bone ingrowth, even into the most internal pores. Conclusions: The pore morphology was effective in permitting bone ingrowth in both groups. Titanium scaffolds with a porous surface and dense nucleus showed the best mechanical properties and most adequate interface.


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The success of endodontic treatment depends on the complete elimination of microorganisms from the root canal system, thus the search for new procedures to eliminate them is justified. The aim of this study was to assess bacterial reduction after intracanal irradiation with the Er:YAG laser. The canals of 70 extracted human maxillary canines were prepared up to file #40 using 1% NaOCl, irrigated with 17% EDTA, and then washed with physiological solution activated by ultrasound. The roots were sterilized by autoclaving, inoculated with 10 mu l of a suspension containing 1.5 x 10(8) CFU/ml of Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 and incubated at 37A degrees C for 72 h. The canals were irradiated with the Er:YAG laser using two energy settings: 60 mJ and 15 Hz, and 100 mJ and 10 Hz. The remaining bacteria were counted immediately and 48 h after laser irradiation. The results showed a high bacterial reduction at both time points. With 60 mJ and 15 Hz there was an immediate reduction of 99.73% and the reduction was 77.02% after 48 h, and with 100 mJ and 10 Hz there was an immediate reduction of 99.95% and the reduction was 84.52% after 48 h. Although the best results were observed with 100 mJ of energy, the difference between the two settings was not statistically significant. The count performed 48 h after irradiation showed that E. faecalis were able to survive, and can grow even from small numbers.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho produtivo de bovinos Nelore e suas cruzas com Blonde d'Aquitaine (½ Nelore + ½ Blonde d'Aquitaine) do nascimento ao desmame, mantidos em sistema de pastejo, no Estado de Alagoas. Foram analisadas 1.279 medidas de peso ao nascimento (PN) e peso à desmama ajustado para 210 dias (P210) referentes ao período entre os anos de 2005 e 2010. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, adotando-se um nível de significância de 5%. Os pesos médios para PN e P210 foram respectivamente 31,60kg e 158,66kg, para os animais Nelore, e 33,05kg e 167,03kg, para os animais cruzados. Não houve interação (P<0,05) entre grupo genético e sexo do animal, para nenhuma variável analisada. Foram observados efeitos significativos do grupo genético, sexo e época de nascimento (P<0,05) sobre PN. O grupo genético e o sexo foram significativos sobre o P210. O efeito de época de nascimento foi significativo no peso ao nascimento, mas não houve efeito no P210, provavelmente devido à variação climática verificada na região. Animais machos apresentaram pesos superiores (P<0,05) evidenciando o dimorfismo sexual. Os animais cruzados são superiores aos da raça Nelore em todas as características consideradas, proporcionando, inclusive, bezerros mais pesados ao nascimento, sem, no entanto, apresentar partos distócicos. Os animais cruzados também são adequados em relação à grande adaptação às condições climáticas e de manejo às quais foram submetidos, constituindo-se uma excelente opção para cruzamentos na região Nordeste, em condições ambientais semelhantes às deste estudo.


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Cancer development is a long-term multistep process which allows interventional measure before the clincial disease emerges. the detection of natural substances which can block the process of carcinogenesis is a important as the identification of anti-tumoral drugs since they might be used in chemoprevention of cancer in high-risk groups. In vivo rodent models of chemical caecinogenesis have been used to study plant-derived inhibitors of carcinofenesis such as indols, coumarins, isothiocyanates, flavones, phenols and allyl-sulfides. Since the standard in vivo rodent bioassay is prolonged and expensive, shorter reliable protocols are needed. Two in vivo medium-term protocols for evaluation of modifiers of carcinogenesis are presented, one related to liver and the other to bladder cancer. Both protocols use rats, last 8 and 36 weeks and are based on the two-step concept of carcinogenesis: initiation and promotion. The protocols use respectively the development of altered foci of hepatocytes expressing immunochistochemically the placental form of gluthation S-transferase and the appearence of pre-neoplastic urothelium and papillomas as the end-points. the use of these protocols for detection of plantpderived inhibitors of carcinogenesis appear warranted.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi efetuar a comparação das principais espécies de interesse agropecuário, em relação à eficiência de conversão das dietas em produtos de origem animal (carne ou ovo), produção de resíduo e potencial de emissão de metano, a partir da fermentação dos resíduos. Para isso, foram selecionadas cinco espécies de animais durante a fase de produção: 1) suínos, do nascimento ao abate (peso vivo (PV) final de 90 kg) ; 2) bovinos, do desmame ao abate (PV: 520 kg); 3) caprinos, do desmame ao abate (PV: 30 kg); 4) aves, durante toda a fase de postura (14,7 kg de ovos); 5) frango de corte, do nascimento ao abate (PV: 3,1 kg). Para a estimativa dos parâmetros propostos, foram medidos os dados do desempenho e efetuou-se a biodigestão anaeróbia dos dejetos produzidos pelos animais. de maneira geral, os dejetos dos ruminantes apresentaram altas concentrações de fibra e baixos potenciais de produção de biogás; no entanto, o menor desempenho destes animais na conversão do alimento em produto e a maior produção de dejetos fizeram com que eles apresentassem maiores produções de metano por kg de alimento produzido.


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O experimento teve por objetivo avaliar o desempenho de cordeiros, do nascimento ao abate com 30-32kg de peso vivo na origem, usando-se 23 cordeiros Corriedale (C), 25 Bergamácia × Corriedale (BC) e 17 Hampshire Down × Corriedale (HC), terminados em pastagem de coast cross (Cynodon dactylon) ou em confinamento. O peso ao nascimento e o ganho de peso médio diário do nascimento ao desmame não foram influenciados pelo grupo genético (P>0,05). O ganho de peso médio diário do desmame ao abate (GPDA) de 0,144kg dos cordeiros confinados foi superior aos 0,106kg dos cordeiros em pastagem (P<0,05). O GPDA dos cordeiros BC (0,136kg) e HC (0,130kg) foram maiores (P<0,05) que o dos C (0,106kg) O sistema de terminação e de cruzamento (P<0,05) influiu no ganho de peso do nascimento ao abate (GPNA), com maiores ganhos observados para cordeiros confinados (0,137kg) e cruzados (0,132kg). Os cordeiros confinados atingiram o peso de abate (219 dias) mais cedo (P<0,05) que os da pastagem (258 dias). Os cordeiros terminados em confinamento, no dia do abate, apresentaram menor perda de peso da origem ao abate (3,16%), comparados aos da pastagem (5,17%) (P<0,05). Os resultados indicam que pode-se recomendar o cruzamento de ovelhas Corriedale com carneiros das raças citadas, bem como a terminação dos cordeiros em confinamento, desde que se tenha preocupação de avaliar os custos de produção deste sistema.


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Um sistema de liberação constituído por hidroxiapatita e cisplatina foi testado em ratos para avaliação da liberação local e sistêmica do antineoplásico cisplatina. Os animais que receberam os implantes com a droga desenvolveram efeitos colaterais ao tratamento, sendo os mais comuns: anorexia, diarréia, epistaxe e necrose cutânea no sítio de implantação; cerca de 45% deste animais morreram, indicando intoxicação. Amostras de sangue e dos tecidos hepático, renal e muscular de todos os animais pertencentes ao experimento foram submetidas à detecção das concentrações de cisplatina, revelando a cinética de liberação da droga pelo sistema proposto.