1000 resultados para NaCl 7.5%


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O bacurizeiro é uma das espécies fruteiras nativas de maior importância socioeconômica das regiões Norte e Meio-Norte do Brasil. No entanto, ainda há carência de conhecimentos científicos sobre a espécie, especialmente sobre sua biologia floral, mecanismos reprodutivos e viabilidade do pólen. O conhecimento sobre a viabilidade do pólen é fundamental para o melhoramento genético, especialmente quando se tem em mente a realização de hibridizações controladas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da sacarose e de acessos na viabilidade do pólen de bacurizeiro por meio da germinação in vitro. Avaliaram-se cinco acessos (BGB 6, BGB 11, BGB 48, BGB 32 e BGB 16) de bacurizeiro combinados com um tratamento-controle, sem sacarose, e quatro concentrações de sacarose (5; 7,5; 10 e 20%), em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 5 x 5, com oito repetições. Na maioria dos acessos, a germinação in vitro do pólen atingiu um máximo (71,1 e 63,0%) entre as concentrações de sacarose de 9,4 e 9,7% e, a partir daí, caiu de forma drástica até atingir um percentual inferior a 10% de germinação na concentração de 20% de sacarose. Foram encontrados bons percentuais de germinação (entre 63,0 e 77,1%) para todos os acessos, com exceção do acesso BGB 16, que não alcançou 50%.


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O ácaro-rajado, Tetranychus urticae Koch (1836) (Acari: Tetranychidae), é a principal praga na cultura do morangueiro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a caracterização química do óleo essencial de Chenopodium ambrosioides L. e a avaliação de seus efeitos sobre o ácaro-rajado. Os compostos do óleo essencial foram identificados pelasanálises de CG-DIC e CG-EM. A mortalidade e a oviposição foram avaliadas após a pulverização do óleo (2,5; 5,0; 7,5 e 10,0% v v-1) sobre fêmeas do ácaro-rajado. O rendimento do óleo essencial foi de 0,3%, e os compostos identificados foram (Z)-ascaridol (87%), (E)-ascaridol (5,04%), p-cimeno (4,83%), a- terpineno (1,24%) e piperitona (0,7%). Os maiores valores para mortalidade e redução de oviposição observados foram 85% e 69%, respectivamente. O óleo essencial de C. ambrosioidesé uma opção promissora para o manejo do ácaro-rajado.


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Foi estudado o perfil de 2.000 mulheres que se submeteram a mamografia em um hospital público e uma clínica privada de Goiânia, GO. Os dados foram coletados em entrevista. As mulheres tinham, em média, 49 anos de idade, a maioria procedia da própria cidade, 11,5% nunca tinham amamentado e dois terços tinham amamentado por mais de seis meses. Terapia de reposição hormonal era utilizada por mais de 20%, e um quinto destas não havia se submetido a mamografia previamente. História de câncer de mama familiar foi relatada por 13,3% das examinadas no hospital público e por 7,5% das examinadas na instituição privada. Destas, 28,67% e 33,33%, respectivamente, não tinham mamografia preliminar. Rastreamento do câncer mamário foi a maior motivação para o exame. Grande parte das entrevistadas não havia se submetido a mamografia anteriormente, por falta de solicitação médica ou por a considerarem desnecessária na época do pedido.


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Seguindo o modelo adotado pelo Colégio Americano de Radiologia, utilizamos o método BI-RADS™ (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) numa análise regional retrospectiva de 4.968 mamogramas, para categorizar e avaliar a freqüência dos achados mamográficos, distribuindo-os nos diferentes grupos desta classificação. Das 4.968 mamografias foram laudadas 44,4% (n = 2.208) como negativas, 46,3% (n = 2.305) como achados mamográficos benignos, 7,5% (n = 374) como achados mamográficos provavelmente benignos, 0,98% (n = 49) como achados mamográficos suspeitos e 0,72% (n = 36) como achados mamográficos altamente suspeitos. O estudo também demonstra a importância da uniformização do laudo mamográfico, através da aplicação da classificação BI-RADS™, sobretudo como preditor de malignidade, bem como na avaliação da conduta a ser seguida.


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OBJETIVO: Aproximadamente 35% das apendicites agudas têm diagnóstico clínico pré-operatório duvidoso ou incorreto, particularmente grávidas e crianças. A ultra-sonografia, em virtude do seu baixo custo e facilidade de acesso, tem-se mostrado um método diagnóstico importante. Este estudo propôs-se a demonstrar os principais achados de imagem das diversas fases da apendicite, com o objetivo de auxiliar o ultra-sonografista no diagnóstico precoce desta afecção. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: São relatados 14 casos de ultra-sonografias abdominais realizadas no período de janeiro a julho de 2001, em pacientes que se apresentavam com quadro de abdome agudo. O exame foi realizado com transdutores de 3,5 MHz e 7,5 MHz. RESULTADOS: O estudo ultra-sonográfico antes da perfuração demonstra apêndice não compressível, com espessamento e perda focal da definição das paredes. Após a perfuração, o apêndice pode não ser visualizado ao exame de ultra-sonografia, sendo evidenciadas alterações secundárias como efeito de massa, formação de plastrão, liquefação e formação de abscesso, além de ar dentro da coleção. CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico precoce da apendicite é essencial para minimizar a morbidade, que se mantém elevada se ocorrer perfuração. Apresentações atípicas resultam em confusão diagnóstica e retarde no tratamento. As principais dificuldades e erros são apendicite retrocecal, apendicite focal ou perfurada.


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Introduction: B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a biomarker of myocardial stress. In children, the value of preoperative BNP on postoperative outcome is unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the predictive value of preoperative NT-proBNP on postoperative outcome in children after congenital heart surgery. Results: Ninety-seven patients were included in the study with a median age of 3.3 years [0.7-5.2]. Preoperative median NT-proBNP was 412 pg/ml [164-1309]. NT-proBNP was above the P95 reference value for age in 56 patients (58%). Preoperative NT-proBNP was significantly higher in patients who had mechanical ventilation duration of more than 2 days (1156 pg/ml [281-1951] vs. 267 pg/ml [136-790], p=0.003) and who stayed more than 6 days in the pediatric intensive care unit (727 pg/ml [203-1951] vs. 256 pg/ml [136-790], p=0.007). However, preoperative NT-proBNP was not significantly higher in patients with an increased inotropic score, a prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass time or an increased surgical risk category. Conclusions: An elevated preoperative NT-proBNP reflects hemodynamic status and cardiac dysfunction, and therefore is a valuable adjunct in predicting a complicated postoperative course. ___________________________________ Introduction: Le peptide natriurétique type B (BNP) est un marqueur reflétant le stress myocardique. Dans la population pédiatrique, la signification des valeurs préopératoire de BNP, en particulier sur l'évolution postopératoire, n'est pas clairement établie. Le but de l'étude est de déterminer la valeur prédictive de la partie NT sérique du BNP (NT-proBNP) sur l'évolution post opératoire d'enfants porteur d'une cardiopathie congénitale et ayant eu une chirurgie cardiaque. Résultats: Nonante-sept enfants ont été inclus dans l'étude, avec un âge médian de 3.3 ans [0.7-5.2]. La valeur médiane du NT-proBNP préopératoire était de 412 pg/ml [164-1309]. Le NT-proBNP préopératoire était supérieur au P95 des valeurs de référence pour l'âge chez 56 patients (58%). Le NT-proBNP préopératoire était significativement plus élevé chez les patients ayant eu plus de deux jours de ventilation mécanique dans la période postopératoire (1156 pg/ml [281-1951] vs. 267 pg/ml [136-790], p=0.003) et ayant été hospitalisés plus de 6 jours dans l'unité de soins intensifs pédiatrique (727 pg/ml [203-1951] vs. 256 pg/ml [136-790], p=0.007). Par contre, le NT-proBNP préopératoire n'était pas significativement plus élevé chez les patients ayant eu un score d'inotrope élevé pendant leur hospitalisation aux soins intensifs, un temps de circulation extracorporelle prolongé ou ayant subi une chirurgie avec un risque chirurgical élevé. Conclusions: Un NT-proBNP sérique élevé en préopératoire reflète l'importance du stress myocardique induit par l'hémodynamique et la dysfonction myocardique, il est un marqueur qui permet d'améliorer l'identification des patients à risque d'avoir une évolution post opératoire compliquée.


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Este estudo propôs-se a revisar os aspectos relevantes da anatomia, técnica de exame e achados de imagens, com o objetivo de auxiliar o radiologista no diagnóstico diferencial frente às afecções músculo-tendinosas do ombro. Foram realizadas 34 ultra-sonografias da região do ombro, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2001. A avaliação foi realizada com transdutores de alta freqüência (7,5-10 MHz). O exame foi normal em 23% dos pacientes (oito casos). Dos 26 casos alterados, observaram-se oito com ruptura total (30%), cinco com ruptura parcial (19%), dez com tendinopatia (38%), um com tendinopatia calcificada (3%), um com tenossinovite bicipital (3%) e um com tendinopatia associada a artrite gotosa (3%). A falta de experiência e de conhecimento das principais alterações que acometem o ombro é um dos principais pontos limitantes do diagnóstico ultra-sonográfico das lesões do ombro. Portanto, o estudo dessas alterações deve ser realizado amplamente.


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There is growing interest in the association of radiotherapy and immunotherapy for the treatment of solid tumors. Here, we report an extremely effective combination of local irradiation (IR) and Shiga Toxin B (STxB)-based human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for the treatment of HPV-associated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The efficacy of the irradiation and vaccine association was tested using a model of HNSCC obtained by grafting TC-1/luciferase cells at a submucosal site of the inner lip of immunocompetent mice. Irradiation and the STxB-E7 vaccine acted synergistically with both single and fractionated irradiation schemes, resulting in complete tumor clearance in the majority of the treated mice. A dose threshold of 7.5 Gy was required to elicit the dramatic antitumor response. The combined treatment induced high levels of tumor-infiltrating, antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells, which were required to trigger the antitumor activity. Treatment with STxB-E7 and irradiation induced CD8(+) T-cell memory, which was sufficient to exert complete antitumor responses in both local recurrences and distant metastases. We also report for the first time that a combination therapy based on local irradiation and vaccination induces an increased pericyte coverage (as shown by αSMA and NG2 staining) and ICAM-1 expression on vessels. This was associated with enhanced intratumor vascular permeability that correlated with the antitumor response, suggesting that the combination therapy could also act through an increased accessibility for immune cells. The combination strategy proposed here offers a promising approach that could potentially be transferred into early-phase clinical trials.


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Background. Le considérable déclin de la malaria au niveau mondial remet en question la stratégie de chimioprophylaxie pour les voyageurs à destination de pays à risque modéré à faible de malaria. Un consensus international de la meilleure stratégie de prévention reste à trouver. Suivant le mouvement actuel de partage décisionnel, cette étude invite le voyageur au sein du débat comme acteur du processus de décision. Objectifs. Investiguer les préférences des voyageurs à destination de pays à risque modéré à faible de malaria en matière de prévention contre la malaria, en mettant en perspective leur perception du risque et les raisons de leur choix. Méthodologie. Dans la salle d'attente du Centre de Vaccination et Médecine de Voyage, les voyageurs à destination de risque modéré à faible de malaria remplissent un questionnaire et choisissent la méthode de prévention qu'ils préfèrent aidés d'un tableau leur proposant 4 choix possible ; mesure de prévention des piqûres de moustique uniquement, chimioprophylaxie, traitement de réserve seul et traitement de réserve avec test diagnostic rapide. Ils reçoivent aussi une échelle de risque illustrant les risques de malaria et d'effets indésirables des anti-malariques comparés à différents autres risques liés au voyage, inspirée par les palettes de Paling de la Communication Risk Institut. Résultats. De décembre 2012 à décembre 2013, 391 voyageurs on été inclus. 59 (15%) ont choisi la chimioprophylaxie, 116 (30%) un traitement de réserve, 112 (29%) un traitement de réserve avec test rapide diagnostic, 100 (26%) une prévention des piqûre de moustiques uniquement, and 4 (1%) plusieurs alternatives. Les raisons de choisir une chimioprophylaxie étaient la sécurité (42%), l'action préventive (29%), l'efficacité (15%) et la facilité d'utilisation (15%). Les raisons de choisir un traitement de réserve étaient moins de prise de médicament (29%), moins d'effets secondaires de ceux-ci (23%) et le prix (9%). Les voyageurs choisissant la chimioprohylaxie l'avaient plus souvent déjà utilisée par le passé [OR=3.0 (CI 1.7-5.44)], sans différence en terme de profil démographique, caractéristique du voyage ou comportement à risque. Conclusions. Quand interrogés, 85% des voyageurs à destination de pays à risque modéré à faible de malaria préfèrent ne pas prendre la chimioprophylaxie, bien que la plupart des pays la recommande encore. Les raisons avancées sont cohérentes avec leur choix. Les nouvelles recommandations devraient prendre en compte la préférence des voyageurs et inclure un processus de décision partagé.


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OBJETIVO: A fim de simplificar a utilização das tabelas correspondentes aos fatores de qualidade no TRS-398 da International Atomic Energy Agency na calibração cruzada da câmara de placas paralelas por comparação com uma câmara cilíndrica calibrada em um feixe de elétrons de qualidade Qcross, é introduzida uma energia intermediária e arbitrária Qint na qual a câmara de placas paralelas deverá ser calibrada. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em avaliar a escolha desta energia intermediária. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Uma câmara de placas paralelas da Scanditronix, modelo NACP-02, e uma câmara PTW Markus foram calibradas em dois aceleradores lineares da Varian, Clinac 2100C e Clinac 23EX, nas energias de 16 e 20 MeV, respectivamente. Como câmara de referência foi utilizada uma câmara da Nuclear Enterprises, modelo 2571, previamente calibrada em termos de Dw no Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, para um feixe de 60Co. RESULTADOS: Os fatores de calibração N D,w assim obtidos apresentam uma variação de 0,07%, o que pode ser considerado desprezível. Os valores de dose absorvida na água determinados no Clinac 2100C para uma Qint de 16 MeV apresentam uma variação de 0,04% para a menor energia (4 MeV) e de 2,6% para a maior energia (16 MeV), em relação ao protocolo TRS-381. Já para uma Qint de 20 MeV, as variações observadas são de 1,3% e 3,5%. Por outro lado, as doses determinadas no Clinac 23EX para as Qint de 16 MeV e de 20 MeV são de 1,9% e 2,0% e de 2,8% e 3,0%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A escolha de Qint não é tão crítica assim, principalmente quando não de dispõem de feixes de elétrons que tenham na prática um valor de R50 exatamente igual a 7,5 g.cm-2.


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Background: Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) for vestibular schwannomas (VS) has a long-term clinical and scientific track record. After a period of de-escalation of dose prescription, results show a high rate of tumor control with improvement of clinical outcome (less than 1% facial palsy, 50-70% hearing preservation). Currently, there is controversial data about the active early treatment of intracanalicular (Koos I) VS. Methods: We prospectively analyzed 208 VS, focusing on 42 Koos I patients treated with GKS as first intention in Lausanne University Hospital, between July 2010 and February 2015. We concentrated on patient, tumor, and dosimetric characteristics. Special attention was given on the dose to the cochlea and its impact in maintaining serviceable hearing. Results: The mean follow-up period was 1.7 years (range 0.6-4.2). Twenty-six (61.9%) were females and 16 (38.1%) males. Preoperative serviceable hearing was present in 33 (78.57%) patients. The mean maximal diameter was 7.7 (5-10). The median target volume at the moment of GKS was 90 mm3 (range 17-317). The median prescription isodose volume was 118 mm3 (range 37-603). The median marginal dose administrated was 12 Gy (range 11-12). The median number of shots was 2 (range 1-9). The median isodose prescription was 50% (range 45-80%). The median maximal dose received by the cochlea in patients in GR class 1 and 2 was 4.2 Gy (mean 4.4 Gy, range 1.8-7.6). Our preliminary results showed 98% tumor control, with 30% shrinkage on MRI. The actuarial probability of keeping the same audition class for those with functional hearing at GKS was 80% at 3 years; the probability of keeping a functional hearing was more than 90%. A paraclinical evolution (on MRI and/or audiometry) at the time diagnosis, before GKS, was associated with a less good prognosis (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Our preliminary data suggest that Koos I patients should be treated early with GKS, before tumor growth, and/or hearing deterioration, as they have the highest probability of hearing preservation. The results in terms of functional outcome seemed comparable to, or even better than, the other Koos classes (i.e., larger lesions).


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Objectives: We present the retrospective analysis of a single-institution experience for radiosurgery (RS) in brain metastasis (BM) with Gamma Knife (GK) and Linac. Methods: From July 2010 to July 2012, 28 patients (with 83 lesions) had RS with GK and 35 patients (with 47 lesions) with Linac. The primary outcome was the local progression-free survival (LPFS). The secondary outcome was the overall survival (OS). Apart a standard statistical analysis, we included a Cox regression model with shared frailty, to modulate the within-patient correlation (preliminary evaluation showed a significant frailty effect, meaning that the correlation within patient could be ignored). Results: The mean follow-up period was 11.7 months (median 7.9, 1.7-22.7) for GK and 18.1 (median 17, 7.5-28.7) for Linac. The median number of lesions per patient was 2.5 (1-9) in GK compared with 1 (1-3) in Linac. There were more radioresistant lesions (melanoma) and more lesions located in functional areas for the GK group. The median dose was 24 Gy (GK) compared with 20 Gy (Linac). The LPFS actuarial rate was as follows: for GK at 3, 6, 9, 12, and 17 months: 96.96, 96.96, 96.96, 88.1, and 81.5%, and remained stable till 32 months; for Linac at 3, 6, 12, 17, 24, and 33 months, it was 91.5, 91.5, 91.5, 79.9, 55.5, and 17.1%, respectively (p = 0.03, chi-square test). After the Cox regression analysis with shared frailty, the p-value was not statistically significant between groups. The median overall survival was 9.7 months for GK and 23.6 months for Linac group. Uni- and multivariate analysis showed a lower GPA score and noncontrolled systemic status were associated with lower OS. Cox regression analysis adjusting for these two parameters showed comparable OS rate. Conclusions: In this comparative report between GK and Linac, preliminary analysis showed that more difficult cases are treated by GK, with patients harboring more lesions, radioresistant tumors, and highly functional located. The groups look, in this sense, very heterogeneous at baseline. After a Cox frailty model, the LPFS rates seemed very similar (p < 0.05). The OS was similar, after adjusting for systemic status and GPA score (p < 0.05). The technical reasons for choosing GK instead of Linac were the anatomical location related to highly functional areas, histology, technical limitations of Linac movements, especially lower posterior fossa locations, or closeness of multiple lesions to highly functional areas optimal dosimetry with Linac


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This thesis consists of four articles and an introductory section. The main research questions in all the articles are about proportionality and party success in Europe, at European, national or district levels. Proportionality in this thesis denotes the proximity of seat shares parties receive compared to their respective vote shares, after the electoral system’s allocation process. This proportionality can be measured through numerous indices that illustrate either the overall proportionality of an electoral system or a particular election. The correspondence of a single party’s seat shares to its vote shares can also be measured. The overall proportionality is essential in three of the articles (1, 2 and 4), where the system’s performance is studied by means of plots. In article 3, minority party success is measured by advantage-ratios that reveal single party’s winnings or losses in the votes to seat allocation process. The first article asks how proportional are the European parliamentary (EP) electoral systems, how do they compare with results gained from earlier studies and how do the EP electoral systems treat different sized parties. The reasons for different outcomes are looked for in explanations given by traditional electoral studies i.e. electoral system variables. The countries studied (EU15) apply electoral systems that vary in many important aspects, even though a certain amount of uniformity has been aspired to for decades. Since the electoral systems of the EP elections closely resemble the national elections, the same kinds of profiles emerge as in the national elections. The electoral systems indeed treat the parties differentially and six different profile types can be found. The counting method seems to somewhat determine the profile group, but the strongest variables determining the shape of a countries’ profile appears to be the average district magnitude and number of seats allocated to each country. The second article also focuses on overall proportionality performance of an electoral system, but here the focus is on the impact of electoral system changes. I have developed a new method of visualizing some previously used indices and some new indices for this purpose. The aim is to draw a comparable picture of these electoral systems’ changes and their effects. The cases, which illustrate this method, are four elections systems, where a change has occurred in one of the system variables, while the rest remained unchanged. The studied cases include the French, Greek and British European parliamentary systems and the Swedish national parliamentary system. The changed variables are electoral type (plurality changed to PR in the UK), magnitude (France splitting the nationwide district into eight smaller districts), legal threshold (Greece introducing a three percent threshold) and counting method (d’Hondt was changed to modified Sainte-Laguë in Sweden). The radar plots from elections after and before the changes are drawn for all country cases. When quantifying the change, the change in the plots area that is created has also been calculated. Using these radar plots we can observe that the change in electoral system type, magnitude, and also to some extent legal threshold had an effect on overall proportionality and accessibility for small parties, while the change between the two highest averages counting method had none. The third article studies the success minority parties have had in nine electoral systems in European heterogeneous countries. This article aims to add more motivation as to why we should care how different sized parties are treated by the electoral systems. Since many of the parties that aspire to represent minorities in European countries are small, the possibilities for small parties are highlighted. The theory of consociational (or power-sharing) democracy suggests that, in heterogeneous societies, a proportional electoral system will provide the fairest treatment of minority parties. The OSCE Lund Recommendations propose a number of electoral system features, which would improve minority representation. In this article some party variables, namely the unity of the minority parties and the geographical concentration of the minorities were included among possible explanations. The conclusions are that the central points affecting minority success were indeed these non-electoral system variables rather than the electoral system itself. Moreover, the size of the party was a major factor governing success in all the systems investigated; large parties benefited in all the studied electoral systems. In the fourth article the proportionality profiles are again applied, but this time to district level results in Finnish parliamentary elections. The level of proportionality distortion is also studied by way of indices. The average magnitudes during the studied periodrange from 7.5 to 26.2 in the Finnish electoral districts and this opens up unequal opportunities for parties in different districts and affects the shape of the profiles. The intra-country case allows the focus to be placed on the effect of district magnitude, since all other electoral systems are kept constant in an intra-country study. The time span in the study is from 1962 to 2007, i.e. the time that the districts have largely been the same geographically. The plots and indices tell the same story, district magnitude and electoral alliances matter. The district magnitude is connected to the overall proportionality of the electoral districts according to both indices, and the profiles are, as expected, also closer to perfect proportionality in large districts. Alliances have helped some small parties to gain a much higher seat share than their respective vote share and these successes affect some of the profiles. The profiles also show a consistent pattern of benefits for the small parties who ally with the larger parties.


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The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of trisomies 18 and 13 in Europe and the prevalence of associated anomalies. Twenty-five population-based registries in 16 European countries provided data from 2000-2011. Cases included live births, fetal deaths (20+ weeks' gestation), and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly (TOPFAs). The prevalence of associated anomalies was reported in live births. The prevalence of trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 were 4.8 (95%CI: 4.7-5.0) and 1.9 (95%CI: 1.8-2.0) per 10,000 total births. Seventy three percent of cases with trisomy 18 or trisomy 13 resulted in a TOPFA. Amongst 468 live born babies with trisomy 18, 80% (76-83%) had a cardiac anomaly, 21% (17-25%) had a nervous system anomaly, 8% (6-11%) had esophageal atresia and 10% (8-13%) had an orofacial cleft. Amongst 240 Live born babies with trisomy 13, 57% (51-64%) had a cardiac anomaly, 39% (33-46%) had a nervous system anomaly, 30% (24-36%) had an eye anomaly, 44% (37-50%) had polydactyly and 45% (39-52%) had an orofacial cleft. For babies with trisomy 18 boys were less likely to have a cardiac anomaly compared with girls (OR = 0.48 (0.30-0.77) and with trisomy 13 were less likely to have a nervous system anomaly [OR = 0.46 (0.27-0.77)]. Babies with trisomy 18 or trisomy 13 do have a high proportion of associated anomalies with the distribution of anomalies being different in boys and girls. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Since Waddlia chondrophila is closely related to Chlamydia trachomatis, we hypothesise that W. chondrophila may also be associated with tubal factor infertility (TFI) in women, a major complication of chronic C. trachomatis infection. Five hundred twenty serum samples were tested for anti-Waddlia antibodies by ELISA. Among the 520 investigated women, a total number of 142 (27.3%) has had laparoscopic diagnosis performed, and were either classified TFI positive or negative. Presence of high titres of W. chondrophila antibodies was linked to TFI (p < 0.0001; OR: 7.5; 95% CI: 3.3-17). Moreover, antibody positivity to both W. chondrophila and C. trachomatis-MOMP was strongly associated with TFI (p < 0.0001; OR: 21; 95% CI: 3.8-12E1). This association was much stronger than the statistical association of C. trachomatis-MOMP antibodies only (p < 0.0001; OR: 7.1; 95% CI: 3.7-14), suggesting that co-infection with W. chondrophila and C. trachomatis may lead to more severe reproductive sequelae and immune responses than single infection with either Chlamydiales members.