1000 resultados para NONSELF RECOGNITION


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In this paper we present a novel method for performing speaker recognition with very limited training data and in the presence of background noise. Similarity-based speaker recognition is considered so that speaker models can be created with limited training speech data. The proposed similarity is a form of cosine similarity used as a distance measure between speech feature vectors. Each speech frame is modelled using subband features, and into this framework, multicondition training and optimal feature selection are introduced, making the system capable of performing speaker recognition in the presence of realistic, time-varying noise, which is unknown during training. Speaker identi?cation experiments were carried out using the SPIDRE database. The performance of the proposed new system for noise compensation is compared to that of an oracle model; the speaker identi?cation accuracy for clean speech by the new system trained with limited training data is compared to that of a GMM trained with several minutes of speech. Both comparisons have demonstrated the effectiveness of the new model. Finally, experiments were carried out to test the new model for speaker identi?cation given limited training data and with differing levels and types of realistic background noise. The results have demonstrated the robustness of the new system.


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Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription (STAT) proteins are a group of latent cytoplasmic transcription factors involved in cytokine signaling. STAT3 is a member of the STAT family and is expressed at elevated levels in a large number of diverse human cancers and is now a validated target for anticancer drug discovery.. Understanding the dynamics of the STAT3 dimer interface, accounting for both protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions, with respect to the dynamics of the latent unphosphorylated STAT3 monomer, is important for designing potential small-molecule inhibitors of the activated dimer. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been used to study the activated STAT3 homodimer:DNA complex and the latent unphosphorylated STAT3 monomer in an explicit water environment. Analysis of the data obtained from MD simulations over a 50 ns time frame has suggested how the transcription factor interacts with DNA, the nature of the conformational changes, and ways in which function may be affected. Examination of the dimer interface, focusing on the protein-DNA interactions, including involvement of water molecules, has revealed the key residues contributing to the recognition events involved in STAT3 protein-DNA interactions. This has shown that the majority of mutations in the DNA-binding domain are found at the protein-DNA interface. These mutations have been mapped in detail and related to specific protein-DNA contacts. Their structural stability is described, together with an analysis of the model as a starting-point for the discovery of novel small-molecule STAT3 inhibitors.


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Gabor features have been recognized as one of the most successful face representations. Encouraged by the results given by this approach, other kind of facial representations based on Steerable Gaussian first order kernels and Harris corner detector are proposed in this paper. In order to reduce the high dimensional feature space, PCA and LDA techniques are employed. Once the features have been extracted, AdaBoost learning algorithm is used to select and combine the most representative features. The experimental results on XM2VTS database show an encouraging recognition rate, showing an important improvement with respect to face descriptors only based on Gabor filters.


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Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain protein 1 (NOD1) belongs to a family that includes multiple members with NOD and leucine-rich repeats in vertebrates and plants. NOD1 has been suggested to have a role in innate immune responses, but the mechanism involved remains unknown. Here we report that NOD1 mediates the recognition of peptidoglycan derived primarily from Gram-negative bacteria. Biochemical and functional analyses using highly purified and synthetic compounds indicate that the core structure recognized by NOD1 is a dipeptide, gamma-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelic acid (iE-DAP). Murine macrophages deficient in NOD1 did not secrete cytokines in response to synthetic iE-DAP and did not prime the lipopolysaccharide response. Thus, NOD1 mediates selective recognition of bacteria through detection of iE-DAP-containing peptidoglycan.


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WecA, an integral membrane protein that belongs to a family of polyisoprenyl phosphate N-acetylhexosamine-1-phosphate transferases, is required for the biosynthesis of O-specific LPS and enterobacterial common antigen in Escherichia coli and other enteric bacteria. WecA functions as an UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc):undecaprenyl-phosphate GlcNAc-1-phosphate transferase. A conserved short sequence motif (His-Ile-His-His; HIHH) and a conserved arginine were identified in WecA at positions 279-282 and 265, respectively. This region is located within a predicted cytosolic segment common to all bacterial homologues of WecA. Both HIHH279-282 and the Arg265 are reminiscent of the HIGH motif (His-Ile-Gly-His) and a nearby upstream lysine, which contribute to the three-dimensional architecture of the nucleotide-binding site among various enzymes displaying nucleotidyltransferase activity. Thus, it was hypothesized that these residues may play a role in the interaction of WecA with UDP-GlcNAc. Replacement of the entire HIHH motif by site-directed mutagenesis produced a protein that, when expressed in the E. coli wecA mutant MV501, did not complement the synthesis of O7 LPS. Membrane extracts containing the mutated protein failed to transfer UDP-GlcNAc into a lipid-rich fraction and to bind the UDP-GlcNAc analogue tunicamycin. Similar results were obtained by individually replacing the first histidine (H279) of the HIHH motif as well as the Arg265 residue. The functional importance of these residues is underscored by the high level of conservation of H279 and Arg265 among bacterial WecA homologues that utilize several different UDP-N-acetylhexosamine substrates.


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GPR40, free fatty acid receptor 1 (FFAR1), is a member of the GPCR superfamily and a possible target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. In this work, we conducted a bidirectional iterative investigation, including computational modeling and site-directed mutagenesis, aimed at delineating amino acid residues forming the functional "chemoprint" of GPR40 for agonist recognition. The computational and experimental studies revolved around the recognition of the potent synthetic agonist GW9508. Our experimentally supported model suggested that H137(4.56), R183(5.39), N244(6.55), and R258(7.35) are directly involved in interactions with the ligand. We have proposed a polarized NH-pi interaction between H137(4.56) and GW9508 as one of the contributing forces leading to the high potency of GW9508. The modeling approach presented in this work provides a general strategy for the exploration of receptor-ligand interactions in G-protein coupled receptors beginning prior to acquisition of experimental data.


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The human fetus learns about its chemosensory environment and this influences its behavior at birth and during the nursing period. This study examined whether prenatal experience could influence behavior much later in life. The dietary preference of two groups of children (8- to 9-years old) was examined. Mothers of one group had consumed garlic during pregnancy, mothers of the control group had not. Children received two tests, 1 month apart, of a meal containing two portions of potato gratin, one flavored with garlic. The total amount of potato, and the percentage of garlic flavored potato, eaten was calculated and examined separately by ANOVA for factors of prenatal exposure, the child's sex, and trial. Children prenatally exposed to garlic ate significantly more garlic flavored potato and a significantly greater overall amount of potato on trial 2, compared to controls. The results demonstrate prenatal experience may affect behavior well into childhood. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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It is a legitimate assertion that the common ground of work of worth in architecture, whether theoretical or built comes from a firmly held position on the part of the author. In addition to delivery key competencies architectural education should act to support the formation of such a position in the student, or to make students aware of the possibility of holding such a position.

It is with this in mind perhaps that intensive unit-based diploma and masters structures are increasingly becoming the standard structure for for schools of architecture across the UK. The strengths of such a structure are most evident when the school, either by virtue of financial strength or geographic location is able to attract a diverse range of contrasting positions to bear in the formation of these units. In effect the offering to the student is a short, intensive immersion into a clear line of thought based on the position of those running the unit. Research is channeled by those running the unit to the work of the students. A single cohort of students therefore is able to observe and understand a wide range of ways of thinking about the subject whether or not they are participants in a unit or not. It is axiomatic that where this structure is applied in the absence of these resources the result can be less helpful, individual units are differentiated not to reflect the interests of those running the unit but for the sake of difference as its own end.

In structuring the M.Arch programme in Queens University Belfast the reality of our somewhat peripheral location was placed at the forefront of our considerations. A single 4 semester studio is offered. The first three semesters are carefully structured to offer a range of directed and self directed projects to the students. By interrogation of these projects, and work undertaken at undergraduate level the aim is to assist the students to identify a personal position on architecture, which is then developed in the thesis in semester four. Research and design outputs are emergent from the interest of the student body, cultivated by staff who have the time over the four semesters to get to know all aspects of a students interests.

This paper will lay out this structure and some of the projects run within it. Now having delivered two graduating years the successes and challenges of the system will be laid out by reference to several case studies of individual student experiences of the structure.


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This paper describes a simple application for mobile devices which automatically recognizes different physical activity. This application could be used to log exercise sessions for the purpose of aiding weight management or improving sporting performance. © 2012 IEEE.


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The composition of a dynamic mixture of similar 2,2'-bipyridine complexes of iron(II) bearing either an amide (5-benzylamido-2,2'-bipyridine and 5-(2-methoxyethane)amido-2,2'-bipyridine) or an ester (2,2'-bipyridine-5-carboxylic acid benzylester and 2,2'-bipyridine-5-carboxylic acid 2-methoxyethane ester) side chain have been evaluated by electrospray mass spectroscopy in acetonitrile. The time taken for the complexes to come to equilibrium appears to be dependent on the counteranion, with chloride causing a rapid redistribution of two preformed heteroleptic complexes (of the order of 1 hour), whereas the time it takes in the presence of tetrafluoroborate salts is in excess of 24^^h. Similarly the final distribution of products is dependent on the anion present, with the presence of chloride, and to a lesser extent bromide, preferring three amide-functionalized ligands, and a slight preference for an appended benzyl over a methoxyethyl group. Furthermore, for the first time, this study shows that the distribution of a dynamic library of metal complexes monitored by ESI-MS can adapt following the introduction of a different anion, in this case tetrabutylammonium chloride to give the most favoured heteroleptic complex despite the increasing ionic strength of the solution.