989 resultados para Mutation (Biologie)


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Recently shown in some termites, Asexual Queen Succession (AQS) is a reproductive strategy in which the primary queen is replaced by numerous parthenogenetically-produced neotenic queens that mate with the primary king. In contrast, the workforce and alate dispersers are produced sexually. If the primary king is replaced by a sexually-produced neotenic son, the matings between neotenic male and females beget asymmetries in the reproductive value of alates, promoting a female-biased alate sex-ratio. Cavitermes tuberosus (Termitidae: Termitinae) is a soil-feeding tropical species, which shows parthenogenetically-produced neotenics and an AQS syndrome. Our work aims to characterize the reproductive strategies in this species by determining (i) the developmental scheme, (ii) the genetic origin of sexuals, (iii) the level of genetic structure (analysis of 65 nests distributed in 14 sites) and (iv) the alate sex-ratio.Our results show that (i) neotenic females develop from the third or fourth nymphal instar; (ii) the majority of neotenic females (82%) are parthenogenetically-produced while only 2% of female alates are so; (iii) nests are differentiated within sites, indicating that the foundation of new nests mainly occurs by nuptial flights; (iv) numerical sex-ratio of alate-destined sexuals is balanced (SRN=0.509, IC95%=0.497-0.522) while investment sex-ratio is slightly female-biased (SRE=0.529, IC95%=0.517-0.542). Altogether, our results demonstrate AQS and its implications in C. tuberosus, and reveal particularities compared to other species in which AQS has been demonstrated: neotenic-headed nests are less frequent than primary-headed ones and neotenic females never become physogastric. AQS is found in various ecological contexts and seems phylogenetically more widespread than previously thought. This strategy shows some evolutionary advantages but these seem to differ depending on species.


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Even though a large amount of evidence would suggest that PP2A serine/threonine protein phosphatase acts as a tumour suppressor the genomics data to support this claim is limited. We fit a sparse binary Markov random field with individual sample's total mutational frequency as an additional covariate to model the dependencies between the mutations occurring in the PP2A encoding genes. We utilize the data from recent large scale cancer genomics studies, where the whole genome from a human tumour biopsy has been analysed. Our results show a complex network of interactions between the occurrence of mutations in our twenty examined genes. According to our analysis the mutations occurring in the genes PPP2R1A, PPP2R3A, and PPP2R2B are identified as the key mutations. These genes form the core of the network of conditional dependency between the mutations in the investigated twenty genes. Additionally, we note that the mutations occurring in PPP2R4 seem to be more influential in samples with higher number of total mutations. The mutations occurring in the set of genes suggested by our results has been shown to contribute to the transformation of human cells. We conclude that our evidence further supports the claim that PP2A acts as a tumour suppressor and restoring PP2A activity is an appealing therapeutic strategy.


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Mouse double minute 2 (MDM2) has a phosphorylation site within a lid motif at Ser17 whose phosphomimetic mutation to Asp17 stimulates MDM2-mediated polyubiquitination of p53. MDM2 lid deletion, but not Asp17 mutation, induced a blue shift in the λmax of intrinsic fluorescence derived from residues in the central domain including Trp235, Trp303, Trp323, and Trp329. This indicates that the Asp17 mutation does not alter the conformation of MDM2 surrounding the tryptophan residues. In addition, Phe235 mutation enhanced MDM2 binding to p53 but did not stimulate its ubiquitination function, thus uncoupling increases in p53 binding from its E3 ubiquitin ligase function. However, the Asp17mutation inMDM2 stimulated its discharge of the UBCH5a-ubiquitin thioester adduct (UBCH5a is a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 1 UBC4/5 homolog yeast). This stimulation of ubiquitin discharge fromE2 was independent of the p53 substrate. There are now four known effects of the Asp17 mutation on MDM2: (i) it alters the conformation of the isolated N-terminus as defined by NMR; (ii) it induces increased thermostability of the isolated N-terminal domain; (iii) it stimulates the allosteric interaction ofMDM2 with the DNA-binding domain of p53; and (iv) it stimulates a novel protein–protein interaction with the E2-ubiquitin complex in the absence of substrate p53 that, in turn, increases hydrolysis of theE2-ubiquitin thioester bond. These data also suggest a new strategy to disrupt MDM2 function by targeting the E2-ubiquitin discharge reaction.


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BACKGROUND: Brooke-Spiegler syndrome (BSS) is probably an underdiagnosed genodermatosis that predisposes for the development of cylindromas, spiradenomas and trichoepitheliomas mainly of the head and neck. Wide phenotypic variability regarding the number and type of lesions can be observed within a family. Mutations of the CYLD gene are identified in the vast majority of cases and play a key role in BSS pathogenesis. MAIN OBSERVATIONS: Two first degree relatives with numerous erythematous telangiectatic nodules of the scalp present for decades, with recurring tendency regardless the multiple previous excisions. Histopathological review of the lesions revealed predominantly "spiradenocylindromas" in the proband and cylindromas in her sister. The suspicion of BSS was confirmed after detection of a new nonsense germline mutation of CYLD (c.1783C>T pGln 595*) in the proband. CONCLUSIONS: BSS diagnosis can be challenging and is based on clinical-pathological correlation, positive familial association and identification of CYLD mutations. CYLD exerts antineoplastic effects by downregulating intracellular NF-κB signalling pathways. The reported mutation affecting the ubiquitin-specific protease domain leads to a truncated and catalytically inactive enzyme. Despite the expanding list of CYLD mutations no firm genotype-phenotype correlation is known so far. Early recognition and treatment of BSS avoid disfiguring changes like "turban tumor".


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Cancer cells have been noted to have an altered metabolic phenotype for over ninety years. In the presence of oxygen, differentiated cells predominately utilise the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and oxidative phosphorylation to efficiently produce energy and the metabolites necessary for protein and lipid synthesis. However, in hypoxia, this process is altered and cells switch to a higher rate of glycolysis and lactate production to maintain their energy and metabolic needs. In cancer cells, glycolysis is maintained at a high rate, even in the presence of oxygen; a term described as “aerobic glycolysis”. Tumour cells are rapidly dividing and have a much greater need for anabolism compared to normal differentiated cells. Rapid glucose metabolism enables faster ATP production as well as a greater redistribution of carbons to nucleotide, protein, and fatty acid synthesis, thus maximising cell growth. Recently, other metabolic changes, driven by mutations in genes related to the TCA cycle, indicate an alternative role for metabolism in cancer, the “oncometabolite”. This is where a particular metabolite builds up within the cell and contributes to the tumorigenic process. One of these genes is isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) IDH is an enzyme that forms part of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and converts isocitrate to α-ketoglutarate (α-KG). It exists in three isoforms; IDH1, IDH2 and IDH3 with the former present in the cytoplasm and the latter two in the mitochondria. Point mutations have been identified in the IDH1 and IDH2 genes in glioma which result in a gain of function by converting α-KG to 2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG), an oncometabolite. 2HG acts as a competitive inhibitor of the α-KG dependent dioxygenases, a superfamily of enzymes that are involved in numerous cellular processes such as DNA and histone demethylation. It was hypothesised that the IDH1 mutation would result in other metabolic changes in the cell other than 2HG production, and could potentially identify pathways which could be targeted for therapeutic treatment. In addition, 2HG can act as a potential competitive inhibitor of α-KG dependent dioxygenases, so it was hypothesised that there would be an effect on histone methylation. This may alter gene expression and provide a mechanism for tumourogenesis and potentially identify further therapeutic targets. Metabolic analysis of clinical tumour samples identified changes associated with the IDH1 mutation, which included a reduction in α-KG and an increase in GABA, in addition to the increase in 2HG. This was replicated in several cell models, where 13C labelled metabolomics was also used to identify a possible increase in metabolic flux from glutamate to GABA, as well as from α-KG to 2HG. This may provide a mechanism whereby the cell can bypass the IDH1 mutation as GABA can be metabolised to succinate in the mitochondria by GABA transaminase via the GABA shunt. JMJ histone demethylases are a subset of the α-KG dependent dioxygenases, and are involved in removing methyl groups from histone tails. Changes in histone methylation are associated with changes in gene expression depending on the site and extent of chemical modification. To identify whether the increase in 2HG and fall in α-KG was associated with inhibition of histone demethylases a histone methylation screen was used. The IDH1 mutation was associated with an increase in methylation of H3K4, which is associated with gene activation. ChiP and RNA sequencing identified an increase in H3K4me3 at the transcription start site of the GABRB3 subunit, resulting in an increase in gene expression. The GABRB3 subunit forms part of the GABA-A receptor, a chloride channel, which on activation can reduce cell proliferation. The IDH1 mutation was associated with an increase in GABA and GABRB3 subunit of the GABA-A receptor. This raises the possibility of GABA transaminase as a potential therapeutic target. Inhibition of this enzyme could reduce GABA metabolism, potentially reducing any beneficial effect of the GABA shunt in IDH1 mutant tumours, and increasing activation of the GABA-A receptor by increasing the concentration of GABA in the brain. This in turn may reduce cell proliferation, and could be achieved by using Vigabatrin, a GABA transaminase inhibitor licensed for use in epilepsy.


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High-lycopene tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) are characterised by an intense red flesh-colour, due to an elevated concentration of the carotenoid, lycopene. However, this characteristic is only visible once fruit are cut open, making it impossible to differentiate intact high-lycopene fruit from standard tomato fruit, a clear market disadvantage. The reason that fruit colour of both high-lycopene and standard fruit looks almost identical from the outside is because tomato fruit normally contain the yellow flavonoid 'naringenin chalcone' in a thin layer of epidermal cells. It is this combination of naringenin chalcone and the underlying lycopene in the flesh that gives tomatoes their characteristic orange-red colour. By incorporation of the recessive colourless epidermis mutant allele 'y' (which prevents naringenin chalcone accumulation) into high-lycopene fruit, we have been able to create high-lycopene tomatoes (hp1.ogc.y) exhibiting a deep-pink colour visible from the outside. Hue angle of the skin of the high-lycopene 'y' mutant and a regular highlycopene tomato (hp1.ogc.Y) was 30 and 38°, respectively, while flesh values were similar at 31 and 32°, respectively. Removal of naringenin chalcone from the epidermis appeared to improve the visibility of underlying lycopene, such that fruit outer colour became a subsequent indicator of underlying flesh colour. The removal of epidermal pigmentation means that high-lycopene fruit can now be differentiated from standard tomato fruit in the market place without the need to cut fruit open.


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A recently acknowledged morphological pathway to colorectal cancer originates from precursor polyps with a serrated appearance due to branching and folding of the colon epithelium. This serrated origin accounts for up to 30% of all colorectal tumors but these are heterogeneous regarding molecular characteristics and patient outcome. Here we review the current knowledge about the classification of this tumor subtype and its association with five key features: mutation status of the BRAF or KRAS genes, the CpG island methylation phenotype, microsatellite instability, immune cell infiltration, and overexpression of GTPase RAC1b. Subsequently, available therapeutic approaches for targeting these molecular characteristics are presented and critically discussed.


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Noonan syndrome is a relatively common and heterogeneous genetic disorder, associated with congenital heart defect in about 50% of the cases. If the defect is not severe, life expectancy is normal. We report a case of Noonan syndrome in a preterm infant with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and lethal outcome associated to acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by Adenovirus pneumonia. A novel mutation in the RAF1 gene was identified: c.782C>G (p.Pro261Arg) in heterozygosity, not described previously in the literature. Consequently, the common clinical course in this mutation and its respective contribution to the early fatal outcome is unknown. No conclusion can be established regarding genotype/phenotype correlation.


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Systemic hereditary amyloidoses are autosomal dominant diseases associated with mutations in genes encoding ten different proteins. The clinical phenotype has implications on therapeutic approach, but it is commonly variable and largely dependent on the type of mutation. Except for rare cases involving gelsolin or transthyretin, patients are heterozygous for the amyloidogenic variants. Here we describe the first patient identified worldwide as homozygous for a nephropathic amyloidosis, involving the fibrinogen variant associated with the fibrinogen alpha-chain E526V (p.Glu545Val) mutation. In 1989, a 44-year-old woman presented with hypertension, hepatosplenomegaly, nephrotic syndrome, and renal failure. She started hemodialysis in 1990 and 6 years later underwent isolated kidney transplantation from a deceased donor. Graft function and clinical status were unremarkable for 16 years, despite progressively increased left ventricular mass on echocardiography. In 2012, 4 months before death, she deteriorated rapidly with severe heart failure, precipitated by Clostridium difficile colitis and urosepsis. Affected family members developed nephropathy, on average, nearly three decades later, which may be explained by the gene dosage effects on the phenotype of E526V (p.Glu545Val) fibrinogen A alpha-chain amyloidosis.


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Les actinomycètes filamenteux du sol appartenant au genre Frankia peuvent vivre librement en tant que saprophytes, ou encore s'associer aux racines de plantes pour former une symbiose. Malgré leur importance écologique et l'intérêt biologique qu'ils suscitent, plusieurs aspects de la biologie des Frankiaceae demeurent mal compris. Ceci est dû, entre autres, à leur faible taux de génération et à la difficulté de maintenir des cultures en croissance active, mais surtout, à l’absence d’outils génétiques fonctionnels et efficaces pour les étudier. En raison de l’importance environnementale de Frankia, la mise au point d’un système de modification génétique chez cette actinobactérie est devenue essentielle pour procéder à l’analyse fonctionnelle des gènes d’intérêt et étudier plus efficacement la physiologie et les interactions de ce symbiote actinorhizien avec ses plantes hôtes. Parmi les différentes méthodes de modification génétique, la conjugaison bactérienne semble un moyen efficace pour permettre l’échange de matériel génétique chez plusieurs actinomycètes. Ainsi, la souche Escherichia coli ET12567, fréquemment utilisée lors des conjugaisons intergénériques avec diverses actinobactéries, dont Streptomyces, Amycolatopsis, Kitasatospora et Micromonospora, semble une bonne candidate pour servir de bactérie donneuse lors des conjugaisons intergénériques. Comme l'utilisation d'une souche donneuse auxotrophe permet de faciliter l'étape de contre-sélection, la mutation dapA, codant pour la synthèse de l'acide diaminopimélique (DAP), sera introduite chez E. coli ET12567/pUZ8002. Étant donné que le DAP est un constituant essentiel de la paroi de peptidoglycane et un précurseur de la lysine, cette souche sera totalement dépendante de l'ajout de DAP exogène dans le milieu de culture. Ainsi, la contre-sélection se fera simplement en cessant l'ajout de DAP, rendant cette étape non seulement plus facile et efficace, mais aussi permettant d'éviter l'utilisation d'antibiotique. La croissance des exconjugants peut ainsi se faire dans des conditions optimales, ce qui est particulièrement intéressant pour les actinomycètes présentant une croissance lente comme c'est le cas pour Frankia. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l'utilisation de l'acide nalidixique est moins efficace que la déplétion en DAP pour contre-sélectionner la souche donneuse après conjugaison. L'utilisation d'un mutant ΔdapA comme alternative à l'utilisation d'antibiotique rend la conjugaison bactérienne accessible à un plus large spectre de microorganismes potentiellement sensibles à l'acide nalidixique. Il est clair que les stratégies de clonage qui seront développées auront un impact significatif sur la recherche fondamentale et appliquée chez les actinomycètes, permettant des analyses fonctionnelles des gènes d’intérêts, que ce soit par interruption ou remplacement de gènes ou encore par complémentation génique.


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Rett syndrome is one of the most common causes of complex disability in girls. It is characterized by early neurological regression that severely affects motor, cognitive and communication skills, by autonomic dysfunction and often a seizure disorder. It is a monogenic X-linked dominant neurodevelopmental disorder related to mutation in MECP2, which encodes the methyl-CpG-binding protein MeCP2. There are several mouse models either based on conditional knocking out of the Mecp2 gene or on a truncating mutation. We discuss the clinical aspects with special emphasis on the behavioral phenotype and we review current perspectives in clinical management alongside with perspectives in altering gene expression. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Le syndrome de Leigh version canadienne-française (LSFC) est une maladie autosomale récessive causée par une mutation du gène LRPPRC, encodant une protéine du même nom. LRPPRC est impliquée dans la traduction des gènes mitochondriaux qui encodent certains complexes de la chaine respiratoire. Les répercussions biochimiques incluent un déficit tissu spécifique de la cytochrome c oxydase (COX), principalement dans le foie et le cerveau, et la survenue de crises d’acidose fatales chez 80 % des enfants atteints avant l’âge de 3-4 ans. L’identification d’options thérapeutiques demeure encore un défi de taille et ceci est en partie relié au manque de connaissances des fonctions biologiques de LRPPRC et des mécanismes impliqués dans la pathogenèse du LSFC, au niveau des dysfonctions mitochondriales résultantes. Afin d’étudier ces mécanismes, le consortium de l’acidose lactique, dont fait partie notre laboratoire, a récemment développé un modèle murin portant une ablation de LRPPRC spécifique au foie (souris H-Lrpprc-/-). L’objectif principal est de déterminer si ce modèle reproduit le phénotype pathologique observé dans les cultures de fibroblastes humains issus de biopsies de peau de patients LSFC. Dans le cadre des travaux de ce mémoire, nous avons amorcé la caractérisation de ce nouveau modèle, en examinant le phénotype général, l’histopathologie hépatique et les fonctions mitochondriales, et en nous focalisant principalement sur les fonctions respiratoires et la capacité à oxyder divers types de substrats. Nous avons observé un retard de croissance, une hépatomégalie ainsi que plusieurs anomalies histologiques du foie chez la souris HLrpprc-/-. De plus, l’ablation de LRPPRC induit un déficit du complexe IV, mais aussi de l’ATP synthase, et affecte l’oxydation des acides gras à longues chaines. À la lumière de ces résultats, nous croyons que le modèle murin H-Lrpprc-/- contribuera à l’avancement des connaissances générales sur LRPPRC, nous permettant de mieux comprendre l’influence de la protéine sur les fonctions mitochondriales.