996 resultados para Mots-clés : argumentation
My presupposition, that learning at some level deals with life praxis, is expressed in four metaphors: space, time, fable and figure. Relations between learning,knowledge building and meaning making are linked to the concept of personal knowledge. I present a two part study of learning as text in a drama pedagogical rooted reading where learning is framed as the ongoing event, and knowledge, as the product of previous processes, is framed as culturally formed utterances. A frame analysis model is constructed as a topological guide for relations between the two concepts learning and knowledge. It visualises an aesthetic understanding, rooted in drama pedagogical comprehension. Insight and perception are linked in an inner relationship that is neither external nor identical. This understanding expresses the movement "in between" connecting asymmetrical and nonlinear features of human endeavour and societal issues. The performability of bodily and oral participation in the learning event in a socio-cultural setting is analysed as a dialogised text. In an ethnographical case study I have gathered material with an interest for the particular. The empirical material is based on three problem based learning situations in a Polytechnic setting. The act of transformation in the polyphony of the event is considered as a turning point in the narrative employment. Negotiation and figuration in the situation form patterns of the space for improvisation (flow) and tensions at the boundaries (thresholds) which imply the logical structure of transformation. Learning as a dialogised text of "yes" and "no", of structure and play for the improvised, interrelate in that movement. It is related to both the syntagmic and the paradigmatic forms of thinking. In the philosophical study, forms of understanding are linked to the logical structure of transformation as a cultural issue. The classical rhetorical concepts of Logos, Pathos, Ethos and Mythos are connected to the multidimensional rationality of the human being. In the Aristotelian form of knowledge, phronesis,a logic structure of inquiry is recognised. The shifting of perspectives between approaches, the construction of knowledge as context and the human project of meaning making as a subtext, illuminates multiple layers of the learning text. In an argumentation that post-modern apprehension of knowledge, emphasising contextual and situational values, has an empowering impact on learning, I find pedagogical benefits. The dialogical perspective has opened lenses that manage to hold in aesthetic doubling the individual action of inquiry and the stage with its cultural tools in a three dimensional reading.
The aim of this thesis is to gain new understanding of health based on the work Penses (Thoughts) by Blaise Pascal. The research interest originates from the motive of the heart for the greatness of man in conjunction with his baseness. The study is hermeneutic and the purpose is to describe health formulated as new abductive theses based on the assumption that caring science and caring theology can be conjoined in the same ontology. The work Penses is, in Gadamers sense, alive since the text is constantly being made use of and is in this occurence interpreted through the requirements made by caring science. Pascals arguments continue through the historically effected consciousness while the interpretation is confronted with the ontological model of health. In the initial horizon we find the understanding of the motion of health and the extension towards text materials which is undertaken by Pascals Penses. to open up the perspective and be able to project the horizon of the text. In the encounter with the text, the core content will first be discussed in an interpretative part after which the understanding gained will be summarized into new abductive assumptions. On the basis of Gadamers emphasis on the applications of the interpretations, the merging of the horizons will identify health as something desired by man, what he is and what he wants to accomplish. The creation of health is the reason of the heart, and on the basis of what man wants to confide in, the rise of health will be established. The totality of greatness and baseness of man is achieved by the accomplishment of health. That man owns spiritual devotedness means health whereas unhealthy means that he is insecure of his character and leads a life with ill-considered amusements. When according to Pascal, mans desires and thoughts are joined in the heart, a connecting relation will arise. Hence the spiritual edification that man will fail to secure if he puts too much of his confidence in transient reason is included, something that is insufficient when it comes to understand the meaning of health.
The Department of French Studies of the University of Turku (Finland) organized an International Bilingual Conference on Crosscultural and Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Academic Discourse from 2022 May 2005. The event hosted specialists on Academic Discourse from Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, and the USA. This book is the first volume in our series of publications on Academic Discourse (AD hereafter). The following pages are composed of selected papers from the conference and focus on different aspects and analytical frameworks of Academic Discourse. One of the motivations behind organizing the conference was to examine and expand research on AD in different languages. Another one was to question to what extent academic genres are culturebound and language specific or primarily field or domain specific. The research carried out on AD has been mainly concerned with the use of English in different academic settings for a long time now mainly written contexts and at the expense of other languages. Alternatively the academic genre conventions of English and English speaking world have served as a basis for comparison with other languages and cultures. We consider this first volume to be a strong contribution to the spreading out of researches based on other languages than English in AD, namely Finnish, French, Italian, Norwegian and Romanian in this book. All the following articles have a strong link with the French language: either French is constitutive of the AD corpora under examination or the article was written in French. The structure of the book suggests and provides evidence that the concept of AD is understood and tackled to varying degrees by different scholars. Our first volume opens up the discussion on what AD is and backs dissemination, overlapping and expansion of current research questions and methodologies. The book is divided into three parts and contains four articles in English and six articles in French. The papers in part one and part two cover what we call the prototypical genre of written AD, i.e. the research article. Part one follows up on issues linked to the 13 Research Article (RA hereafter). Kjersti Flttum asks wether a typical RA exists and concentrates on authors voices in RA (self and other dimensions), whereas Didriksen and Gjesdals article focuses on individual variation of the authors voice in RA. The last article in this section is by Nadine Rentel and deals with evaluation in the writing of RA. Part two concentrates on the teaching and learning of AD within foreign language learning, another more or less canonical genre of AD. Two aspects of writing are covered in the first two articles: foreign students representations on rhetorical traditions (Hidden) and a contrastive assessment of written exercices in French and Finnish in Higher Education (Suzanne). The last contribution in this section on AD moves away from traditional written forms and looks at how argumentation is constructed in students oral presentations (Dervin and Fauveau). The last part of the book continues the extension by featuring four articles written in French exploring institutional and scientific discourses. Institutional discourses under scrutiny include the European Bologna Process (Galatanu) and Romanian reform texts (Moilanen). As for scientific discourses, the next paper in this section deconstructs an ideological discourse on the didactics of French as a foreign language (Pescheux). Finally, the last paper in part three reflects on varied forms of AD at university (Defays). We hope that this book will add some fuel to continue discussing diverse forms of and approches to AD in different languages and voices! No need to say that with the current upsurge in academic mobility, reflecting on crosscultural and crosslinguistic AD has just but started.
Since its introduction by Evans (1982), the generality constraint (GC) has been invoked by various philosophers for different purposes. Our purpose here is, first, to clarify what precisely the GC states by way of an interpretive framework, the GC Schema, and second, to demonstrate in terms of this framework some problems that arise if one invokes the GC (or systematicity) without clearly specifying an appropriate interpretation. By utilizing the GC Schema these sorts of problems can be avoided, and we thus propose it as a tool to facilitate argumentation that appeals to the GC.
Tmn tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvitt myyntivalmennuksen ja tyympristn tuen vaikutuksia asiakaslhtisen myyntityn kyttmiseen. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin mys, minklainen on asiakaslhtinen myyntiprosessi. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa lydettiin useita tutkimusaukkoja avainksitteiden tutkimuskentst, joihin tm tutkielma osaltaan vastasi. Tutkielman kohdeyrityksen kytettiin jlleenmyyntialalla toimivaa kodinkoneketjua, jonka noin 30 myymlst valittiin kolme myyml tarkempaa tutkimusta varten. Empiirinen osa suoritettiin haastattelemalla kuutta myyj ja kolmea esimiest nist kolmesta myymlst, ja suorittamalla lyhennetty versio SOCO-kyselyst 11 myyjlle, kolmelle esimiehelle ja 78 asiakkaalle. Tutkimuksessa kytettiin hydyksi sek kvalitatiivisia, ett kvantitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmi. Johtoptksin voidaan todeta, ett myyntivalmennus ja tyympristst saatu tuki vaikuttaa myyjiin sek asiakas-, ett myyntilhtisell tavalla. Myyntiprosessitaitojen ja mukautuvan myyntityn harjoitteleminen valmennuksessa lis myyjien asiakaslhtisyytt, mutta tuotekoulutuksen puuttuminen osana valmennusta ei kehit myyjien argumentointitaitoja, jolloin myyjien myyntilhtisyys lisntyy. Tyympristst saadun tuen tulisi olla johdonmukaista, jotta myyjille asetetut kyttytymisvaatimukset ja palkitsemismenetelmt eivt olisi ristiriidassa keskenn. Kohdeyrityksen myyjt arvioitiin olevan sek myyjien, esimiesten ett asiakkaiden mielest enemmn asiakas-, kuin myyntilhtisi.
This study focuses on work commitment creation on rhetorical level, that is to say, the rhetorical and linguistic means that are used to construct or elicit worker commitment. The commitment of the worker is one of the most important objectives of all business communication. There is a strong demand for commitment, identification, or adherence to work in various walks of life, although the actual circumstances are often somewhat insecure and shortsighted. The analysis demonstrates that the actual object of commitment may vary from work itself or work organization to ones career or professional development. The ideal pattern for commitment appears as comprehensive: it contains affective and rational as well as ideological dimensions. This thesis is a rhetorical discourse analysis, or rhetorical analysis with discourse-analytic influences. Primarily it is a rhetorical analysis in which discourses are observed mainly as tools of a rhetorician. The study also draws on various findings of sociology of work and organizational studies. Research material consists of magazines from three and web pages from six different companies. This study explores repeated discourses in commitment rhetoric, mainly through pointing core concepts and recurrent patterns of argumentation. In this analysis section, a semantic and concept-analytic approach is also employed. Companies talk about ideas, values, feelings and attitudes thus constructing a united and unanimous group and an ideal model of commitment. Probably the most important domain of commitment rhetoric is the construction of group and community. Collective identity is constructed through shared meanings, values and goals, and these rhetorical group constructs that can be used and modified in various ways. Every now and then business communication also focuses on the individual, employing different speakers, positions and discourses associated to them. Constructing and using these positions also paints the picture of an ideal worker and ideal work orientation. For example, the so called entrepreneurship model is frequently used here. Commitment talk and the rhetorical situation it constructs are full of tensions and contradictions; the presence of seemingly contradictory values, goals or identities is constant. This study demonstrates tensions like self-fulfilment and individuality versus conformity, and constant change and development versus dependable establishment, and analyses how they are used, processed and dealt with. An important dimension in commitment rhetoric is the way companies define themselves in respect of current social issues, and how they define themselves as responsible social actors, and how they, in this sense, seek to appear as attractive workplaces. This point of view gives rise to problematic questions as companies process the tensions between, for example, rhetoric and action, ethical ideals and business conditions and so on. For its part, the commitment talk also defines the meaning of waged work in human life. Changing society, changing working life, and changing business environments set new claims and standards for workers and contents of work. In this point of view this research contributes to the study of working life and takes part in current public discussion concerning the meaning, role and future of waged work.
The central theme of this thesis is the emancipation and further development of learning activity in higher education in the context of the ongoing digital transformation of our societies. It was developed in response to the highly problematic mainstream approach to digital re-instrumentation of teaching and studying practises in contemporary higher education. The mainstream approach is largely based on centralisation, standardisation, commoditisation, and commercialisation, while re-producing the general patterns of control, responsibility, and dependence that are characteristic for activity systems of schooling. Whereas much of educational research and development focuses on the optimisation and fine-tuning of schooling, the overall inquiry that is underlying this thesis has been carried out from an explicitly critical position and within a framework of action science. It thus conceptualises learning activity in higher education not only as an object of inquiry but also as an object to engage with and to intervene into from a perspective of intentional change. The knowledge-constituting interest of this type of inquiry can be tentatively described as a combination of heuristic-instrumental (guidelines for contextualised action and intervention), practical-phronetic (deliberation of value-rational aspects of means and ends), and developmental-emancipatory (deliberation of issues of power, self-determination, and growth) aspects. Its goal is the production of orientation knowledge for educational practise. The thesis provides an analysis, argumentation, and normative claim on why the development of learning activity should be turned into an object of individual|collective inquiry and intentional change in higher education, and why the current state of affairs in higher education actually impedes such a development. It argues for a decisive shift of attention to the intentional emancipation and further development of learning activity as an important cultural instrument for human (self-)production within the digital transformation. The thesis also attempts an in-depth exploration of what type of methodological rationale can actually be applied to an object of inquiry (developing learning activity) that is at the same time conceptualised as an object of intentional change within the ongoing digital transformation. The result of this retrospective reflection is the formulation of optimally incomplete guidelines for educational R&D practise that shares the practicalphronetic (value related) and developmental-emancipatory (power related) orientations that had been driving the overall inquiry. In addition, the thesis formulates the instrumental-heuristic knowledge claim that the conceptual instruments that were adapted and validated in the context of a series of intervention studies provide means to effectively intervene into existing practise in higher education to support the necessary development of (increasingly emancipated) networked learning activity. It suggests that digital networked instruments (tools and services) generally should be considered and treated as transient elements within critical systemic intervention research in higher education. It further argues for the predominant use of loosely-coupled, digital networked instruments that allow for individual|collective ownership, control, (co-)production, and re-use in other contexts and for other purposes. Since the range of digital instrumentation options is continuously expanding and currently shows no signs of an imminent slow-down or consolidation, individual and collective exploration and experimentation of this realm needs to be systematically incorporated into higher education practise.
As this is a dissertation, an academic thesis, it is important to define the objectives of my research, even if ex post facto, explicitly: - To define, develop and study the concept of business and leadership ethics. - To empirically study the phenomena associated with business and leadership from an ethical perspective. - To create a new framework for the development of responsible business. - To create an acid test for my body of works, i.e. a test and an evaluation on how well my research and ideas hold up under academic philosophical reflection. The utilitarian reasoning had the most support when the actors justified their actions regarding economic benefit. (=instrumental good). Duty and benefit were often mixed up in peoples speech. Their meaning contents were blurred and the argumentation lines created by the actors were broken. This can be interpreted in a way that supports Frankenas mixed deontological philosophy as a frame of reference. Deontologica reasoning was used e.g. in describing the personnel management processes of a company. Virtue ethics is a favourable starting point for studying management and leadership ethics. All the actors studied could name virtues for their operations, towards which to aspire to. They also named professional practices already in use that they considered to be virtuous. Finally, I wish to state that normative ethics is an important branch of philosophical ethics, if also very important in applied ethics especially. From the normative standpoint, the results of this dissertation want to lead nations, communities and individuals towards the virtues of democratic leadership and sustainable economic development.
Nos ltimos anos cresce a preocupao dos consumidores quanto qualidade do leite e s condies de produo e bem-estar dos animais. Simultaneamente, aumenta o interesse e o consumo de produtos e subprodutos de origem animal produzidos no sistema orgnico, com destaque para o leite e derivados. O presente estudo investigou a presena de microrganismos patognicos, a sensibilidade e a multi-resistncia dos isolados aos antimicrobianos, a celularidade e a presena de resduos de drogas no leite de vacas, com e sem mastite, produzido no sistema orgnico. Foram amostradas 148 vacas no perodo mdio de lactao, das quais duas com mastite clnica, 72 com mastite subclnica e 74 sem mastite (controles), provenientes de quatro pequenas propriedades do interior do Estado de So Paulo, certificadas como orgnicas. Staphylococcusaureus (25,7%), Streptococcus spp. (21,4%), Corynebacterium bovis (12,9%), Streptococcus agalactiae (4,3%) e Staphylococcus spp. (4,3%) foram os microrganismos mais frequentemente isolados nos animais com mastite. Aspergillus spp. foi isolado de um animal. Ceftiofur (95,2%), oxacilina (84,2%), gentamicina (76,3%) e cefoperazona (70,3%) foram os antimicrobianos mais efetivos frente aos isolados. As maiores taxas de resistncia das linhagens foram constatadas para penicilina (53,5%), ampicilina (41,6%) e neomicina (38,6%). Multi-resistncia a trs ou mais frmacos foi encontrada em 40 (39,6%) linhagens. A mdia da contagem de clulas somticas das propriedades para animais com mastite foi 175.742,67 cls/mL, enquanto que para os animais controles foi 58.227,6 cls/mL. A presena de resduos de antimicrobianos foi observada no leite de quatro (2,7%) animais. Os resultados revelaram baixa celularidade mdia nos animais, indicativo de boa qualidade do leite. Entretanto, apontam para a necessidade da adoo de medidas de controle para microrganismos contagiosos e maior rigor na proibio do uso de antimicrobianos em fazendas de leite orgnico.
The report describes those factors of the future that are related to the growth and needs of Russia, China, and India and that may provide significant internationalisation potential for Uusimaa companies. The report examines the emerging trends and market-entry challenges for each country separately. Additionally, it evaluates the training needs of Uusimaa companies in terms of the current offerings available for education on topics related to Russia, China, and India. The report was created via the Delphi method: experts were interviewed, and both Trendwiki material and the latest literature were used to create a summary of experts views, statements, and reasons behind recent developments. This summary of views was sent back to the experts with the objective of reaching consensus synthesising the differing views or, at least, of providing argumentation for the various alternative lines of development. In addition to a number of outside experts and business leaders, all heads of Finpros Finland Trade Centers participated in the initial interviews. The summary was commented upon by all Finpro consultants and analysts for Russia, China, and India, with each focusing on his or her own area of expertise. The literature used consisted of reports, listed for each country, and an extensive selection of the most recent newspaper articles. The report was created in January-April 2010. On 22 April 2010 its results were reviewed at the final report presentation in cooperation with the Uusimaa ELY Centre.
Strikes provide a current, fresh but also a seldom-addressed issue to study from economic sciences perspective. This study provides to filling this research gap by trying to identify attitudes towards strikes that can be found inside organizations. The research problem this study then sets out to answer is: What kinds of attitudes exist inside organizations towards industrial actions and how attitudes vary between labour, management and human resources? This study has been planned with a view to test how qualitative attitudinal research, as a method, is suited to studying a phenomenon such as strike. At the heart of this research approach lies an assumption linked to rhetoric social psychology, that attitude is a phenomenon that can be identified in argumentation. For this research 10 semi-structured interviews in 4 organizations were conducted utilizing statements and pictures as stimulants for discussion. The material was transcribed and analysed following the two levels, categorical and interpretive, demanded by the chosen method. Altogether five attitudes were discovered; three of them negative, one indifferent and one positive by nature. The negative attitudes of unfairness, failure and personification towards strikes represented the side of strikes that was perhaps the most anticipated, portraying the contradictions between employees and employer. The attitude of ordinariness, which portrayed indifference, and the positive attitude of change however, were more unanticipated findings. They reflect shared understanding and trust between conflict parties. The utilization of qualitative attitudinal approach to study strikes was deemed successful. The results of this study support prior literature on workplace conflicts for example in regards of the definition of conflict and typologies conflicts. In addition the multifaceted nature of strikes can be perceived as one statement supported by this study. It arises in the nature of the attitudes, the diversity of discussion themes during the interviews as well as in the extent of possible theories to apply.
Tyn tavoitteena on soveltaa yrityksen perustamiseen, innovaation diffuusioon ja strategiseen suunnitteluun liittyv teoriaa Delitaz Oy:n kehitykseen liiketoimintamahdollisuuden havaitsemisesta uudeksi yritykseksi. Tyss etsitn keinoja yrityksen kehittmn innovatiivisen tuotteen saamiseksi nopeammin markkinoille ja lhtkohtia tulevaa liiketoimintasuunnitelman pivityst varten. Tyss kootaan yhteen uuden yrityksen perustamisen vaiheisiin, selviytymiseen ja menestymiseen liittyv teoriaa liiketoimintamahdollisuuden havaitsemisesta uuden inno-vatiivisen tuotteen markkinoille tuomiseen ja yrityksen strategiseen suunnitteluun. Tapaus-osiossa perehdytn kohdeyrityksen perustamisen vaiheisiin, toimintaympristn, tuotteeseen ja liiketoimintaan. Tyn menetelmn on tapaus- kehittmis- ja toimintatutkimuksen yhdistelm. Kehittmis- tai toimintatutkimuksen varsinainen kytnnn testaamisvaihe j tyn ulkopuolelle, sill haluttuja muutoksia lhdetn vasta toteuttamaan. Johtoptksin kuvataan yhden liiketoimintamahdollisuuden kehittyminen ideasta tuotteeksi ja teknologiayritykseksi yrityksen perustamisen teoriaan verrattuna ja esitetn keinoja tuotteen markkinoille saamisen nopeuttamiseksi ja mahdollisia strategisia vaihtoehtoja liiketoimintasuunnitelman pivittmiseksi.
Att det frflutna spelar en avgrande roll vid svl individers som kollektivs identitetsformering r snarast ett axiom inom historiefacket. Drfr r det ingen verraskning att det frflutna brukas av grupper och deras ledare i syfte att befsta och vidmakthlla den egna identiteten. Forskningen kring detta den s kallade historiebruksforskningen har under de senaste decennierna upplevt ett starkt uppsving inom flera discipliner i Norden, framfr allt inom historia och historiedidaktik. Historiebruksforskningen har nd frsummat att i ngon hgre grad ta i beaktande religisa och teologiska aspekter, liksom ocks de teologiska mnena har varit dliga p att visa intresse fr historiebruksfrgor. Avhandlingen kan drfr ses som ett svar p denna msesidiga frsummelse, och som ett bidrag till det aktuella och framvxande forskningsfltet kring historiebruk och kulturellt minne. Med utgngspunkt i den sterbottniske mngsysslaren Anders Svedberg (18321889) undersks mer konkret begreppet religist historiebruk. Anders Svedberg vxte upp, levde och verkade i det av vckelsen starkt prglade Munsala i svenska sterbotten. Han var en man av folket som knde till dess seder, bruk och historia. Drfr kunde han sa ur dess historia nr han skrev sina tidningsartiklar och nr han i lantdagen talade fr allmogens demokratisering. Genom anspelningar p och hnvisningar till det frflutna refererade han ofta till kyrkohistoriska hndelser i sin argumentation. Men vilka hndelser anvnde han sig av? Varfr hnvisade han till just de hndelserna? Hur gjorde han det och i vilket syfte? Utifrn dessa konkreta frgor ger underskningen frslag p vad som allmnt kan tnkas karakterisera ett religist historiebruk. Resultaten ger vid handen att ett religist historiebruk srskilt nr det bygger p en religis minnesgemenskaps kulturella texter har en frmga att fungera legitimerande, mobiliserande och inkluderande/exkluderande. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Menneisyydell on merkittv osa sek yksiln ett yhteisn identiteetin muotoutumisessa. Tm vittm on yleisesti tunnustettu. Siksi ei ole yllttv ett eri yhteist ja niiden johtajat hydyntvt menneisyytt vahvistaakseen ja suojellakseen omaa identiteettin. Niin kutsuttu historian kytn tutkimus on viime vuosikymmenill vahvistanut asemaansa monilla tieteenaloilla pohjoismaissa, erityisesti historiatieteess ja historian didaktiikassa. Historian kytn tutkimus ei kuitenkaan oleellisesti ole huomioinut uskonnollisia tai teologisia nkkulmia. Myskn teologiset oppiaineet eivt ole osoittaneet suurempaa kiinnostusta historian kytt kohtaan. Vitstutkimus vastaa siten nihin molempiin laiminlynteihin ja se voidaan nhd kirkkohistoriallisena panoksena historian kytn ja kulttuurisen muistin ajankohtaiseen ja kasvavaan tutkimusalaan. Tutkimus ottaa lhtkohdakseen pohjoismaalaisen monitaiturin Anders Svedbergin (18321889) ja tarkastelee hnen kautta ksitett uskonnollinen historiankytt. Anders Svedberg varttui, eli ja toimi Munsalassa aikaan jolloin hernnisyydell ja muilla hertysliikkeill oli vahva jalansija alueella. Svedberg tunsi pohjoismaalaisen maalaisvestn tavat ja tottumukset sek alueen historian. Tmn takia hn osasi hydynt kyseist historiaa kirjoittaessaan lehtiartikkeleita maalaisvestlle ja ajaessaan heidn etujaan styvaltiopivill. Kirjoituksissaan ja puheissaan hn viittasi usein historiallisiin ja kirkkohistoriallisiin tapahtumiin. Mutta mihin tapahtumiin hn viittasi? Miksi hn viittasi juuri nihin tapahtumiin, miten hn sen teki ja mill tavalla? Niden konkreettisten kysymysten avulla tutkimus pyrkii tarkastelemaan milt uskonnollinen historiankytt yleisell tasolla voi nytt. Tutkimustulos osoittaa ett uskonnollisella historiankytll varsinkin perustuessaan uskonnollisen muistiyhteisn kulttuuriseen tekstiin on kyky legitimoida, mobilisoida sek sisllytt ja sulkea pois ihmisi.
Att det frflutna spelar en avgrande roll vid svl individers som kollektivs identitetsformering r snarast ett axiom inom historiefacket. Drfr r det ingen verraskning att det frflutna brukas av grupper och deras ledare i syfte att befsta och vidmakthlla den egna identiteten. Forskningen kring detta den s kallade historiebruksforskningen har under de senaste decennierna upplevt ett starkt uppsving inom flera discipliner i Norden, framfr allt inom historia och historiedidaktik. Historiebruksforskningen har nd frsummat att i ngon hgre grad ta i beaktande religisa och teologiska aspekter, liksom ocks de teologiska mnena har varit dliga p att visa intresse fr historiebruksfrgor. Avhandlingen kan drfr ses som ett svar p denna msesidiga frsummelse, och som ett bidrag till det aktuella och framvxande forskningsfltet kring historiebruk och kulturellt minne. Med utgngspunkt i den sterbottniske mngsysslaren Anders Svedberg (18321889) undersks mer konkret begreppet religist historiebruk. Anders Svedberg vxte upp, levde och verkade i det av vckelsen starkt prglade Munsala i svenska sterbotten. Han var en man av folket som knde till dess seder, bruk och historia. Drfr kunde han sa ur dess historia nr han skrev sina tidningsartiklar och nr han i lantdagen talade fr allmogens demokratisering. Genom anspelningar p och hnvisningar till det frflutna refererade han ofta till kyrkohistoriska hndelser i sin argumentation. Men vilka hndelser anvnde han sig av? Varfr hnvisade han till just de hndelserna? Hur gjorde han det och i vilket syfte? Utifrn dessa konkreta frgor ger underskningen frslag p vad som allmnt kan tnkas karakterisera ett religist historiebruk. Resultaten ger vid handen att ett religist historiebruk srskilt nr det bygger p en religis minnesgemenskaps kulturella texter har en frmga att fungera legitimerande, mobiliserande och inkluderande/exkluderande. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Menneisyydell on merkittv osa sek yksiln ett yhteisn identiteetin muotoutumisessa. Tm vittm on yleisesti tunnustettu. Siksi ei ole yllttv ett eri yhteist ja niiden johtajat hydyntvt menneisyytt vahvistaakseen ja suojellakseen omaa identiteettin. Niin kutsuttu historian kytn tutkimus on viime vuosikymmenill vahvistanut asemaansa monilla tieteenaloilla pohjoismaissa, erityisesti historiatieteess ja historian didaktiikassa. Historian kytn tutkimus ei kuitenkaan oleellisesti ole huomioinut uskonnollisia tai teologisia nkkulmia. Myskn teologiset oppiaineet eivt ole osoittaneet suurempaa kiinnostusta historian kytt kohtaan. Vitstutkimus vastaa siten nihin molempiin laiminlynteihin ja se voidaan nhd kirkkohistoriallisena panoksena historian kytn ja kulttuurisen muistin ajankohtaiseen ja kasvavaan tutkimusalaan. Tutkimus ottaa lhtkohdakseen pohjoismaalaisen monitaiturin Anders Svedbergin (18321889) ja tarkastelee hnen kautta ksitett uskonnollinen historiankytt. Anders Svedberg varttui, eli ja toimi Munsalassa aikaan jolloin hernnisyydell ja muilla hertysliikkeill oli vahva jalansija alueella. Svedberg tunsi pohjoismaalaisen maalaisvestn tavat ja tottumukset sek alueen historian. Tmn takia hn osasi hydynt kyseist historiaa kirjoittaessaan lehtiartikkeleita maalaisvestlle ja ajaessaan heidn etujaan styvaltiopivill. Kirjoituksissaan ja puheissaan hn viittasi usein historiallisiin ja kirkkohistoriallisiin tapahtumiin. Mutta mihin tapahtumiin hn viittasi? Miksi hn viittasi juuri nihin tapahtumiin, miten hn sen teki ja mill tavalla? Niden konkreettisten kysymysten avulla tutkimus pyrkii tarkastelemaan milt uskonnollinen historiankytt yleisell tasolla voi nytt. Tutkimustulos osoittaa ett uskonnollisella historiankytll varsinkin perustuessaan uskonnollisen muistiyhteisn kulttuuriseen tekstiin on kyky legitimoida, mobilisoida sek sisllytt ja sulkea pois ihmisi.