994 resultados para Moses (Biblical leader)


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My thesis explores the formation of the subject in the novels of Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses, Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon, and Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day. I attach the concept of property in terms of how male protagonists are obsessed with materialistic ownership and with the subordination of women who, as properties, consolidate their manhood. The three novelists despite their racial, gendered, and literary differences share the view that identity and truth are mere social and cultural constructs. I incorporate the work of Judith Butler and other poststructuralist figures, who see identity as a matter of performance rather than a natural entity. My thesis explores the theme of freedom, which I attached to the ways characters use their bodies either to confine or to emancipate themselves from the restricting world of race, class, and gender. The three novelists deconstruct any system of belief that promulgates the objectivity of truth in historical documents. History in the three novels, as with the protagonists, perception of identity, remains a social construct laden with distortions to serve particular political or ideological agendas. My thesis gives voice to African American female characters who are associated with love and racial and gender resistance. They become the reservoirs of the African American legacy in terms of their association with the oral and intuitionist mode of knowing, which subverts the male characters’ obsession with property and with the mainstream empiricist world. In this dissertation, I use the concept of hybridity as a literary and theoretical devise that African-American writers employ. In effect, I embark on the postcolonial studies of Henry Louise Gates, Paul Gilroy, W. E. B Du Bois, James Clifford, and Arjun Appadurai in order to reflect upon the fluidity of Morrison’s and Naylor’s works. I show how these two novelists subvert Faulkner’s essentialist perception of truth, and of racial and gendered identity. They associate the myth of the Flying African with the notion of hybridity by making their male protagonists criss-cross Northern and Southern regions. I refer to Mae Gwendolyn Henderson’s article on “Speaking in Tongues” in my analysis of how Naylor subverts the patriarchal text of both Faulkner and Morrison in embarking on a more feminine version of the flying African, which she relates to an ex-slave, Sapphira Wade, a volatile female character who resists fixed claim over her story and identity. In dealing with the concept of hybridity, I show that Naylor rewrites both authors’ South by making Willow Springs a more fluid space, an assumption that unsettles the scores of critics who associate the island with authenticity and exclusive rootedness.


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[Excerpt] Cornell University and the Baker Program in Real Estate are pleased to announce the 2016 Real Estate Industry Leader Award recipient: MaryAnne Gilmartin, President & CEO of Forest City Ratner Companies. MaryAnne’s leadership in the real estate industry has made a powerful and positive impact on society as a driving force behind several of the highest-profile, largest-scale additions to the urban landscape of New York City.


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This article introduces the concept of error recovery performance, followed by the development and validation of an instrument to measure it. The first objective of this article is to broaden the current concept of service recovery to be relevant to the back-of-house operations. The second objective is to examine the influence of leader behavioral integrity (BI) on error recovery performance. Moreover, the study examines the mediating effect of job satisfaction between BI and error recovery performance. Finally, the study links error management performance with work-unit effectiveness. Data for Study 1 were collected from 369 hotel employees in Turkey. The same relationships were tested again in Study 2 to validate the findings of Study 1 with a different sample. Data for Study 2 were collected from 33 departmental managers from the same hotels. Linear regression analysis was used to test the direct effects. The mediating effects were tested using the mediation test suggested by Preacher and Hayes. In addition, in Study 2, general managers of the hotels were asked to rate the effectiveness of each manager and their respective department. Results from Study 1 indicate that BI drives error recovery performance, and this impact is mediated by employee job satisfaction. Results of Study 2 confirm this model and finds further that managers’ self-rated error recovery performance was associated with their general managers’ assessment of their deliverables and of their department’s overall performance.


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There are numerous studies that have focused on the qualities and attributes of an effective organisational leader, and these identified characteristics such as, charisma, confidence, persuasiveness and courage. What if these qualities however, were a mere façade, underpinned by a more sinister side? The result might be far from an effective leader, but instead reveal... a psychopath!


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The article published in the Times Educational Supplement (TES) features research by Professor Dhillon from the University of Worcester.


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Is there a concept of nationhood in the Bible that can provide us with a framework for cross-cultural Christian mission? This thesis argues that current evangelical missiology has accepted too willingly the categories of the secular Enlightenment understanding of ethnicity and nationhood, and that it needs to rethink its understanding of nations from a biblical standpoint. While the pressures of globalisation are seen by some as rapidly eclipsing the nation-state, this thesis will argue that we need to move beyond the narrower secular categories of citizenship, political power and the boundaries of the state to recover a more biblical understanding of nationhood. By reference to Genesis 10-11, Acts 2:1-11 and those passages in the Book of Revelation that discuss the destiny of the nations, it will show that the biblical understanding of nations includes deeper ideas of shared history, culture and language as the essential components of nationhood. It will explain how nations are part of the created order, and explore the impact of the Babel narrative on our understanding of nations in relation to God. It will demonstrate that Pentecost did not reverse the curse of Babel, but served rather to honour the dignity and value of nations and their languages. It will also argue that nations have a destiny in the New Creation according to the Book of Revelation. This biblical concept of nationhood has significant implications in several areas: the development of a public theology; a Christian response to nationalism; the question of how urban mission fits within mission to the nations; and the importance of indigenous languages in cross-cultural mission, especially in the multicultural cities of Europe.


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In this work a system of autonomous agents engaged in cyclic pursuit (under constant bearing (CB) strategy) is considered, for which one informed agent (the leader) also senses and responds to a stationary beacon. Building on the framework proposed in a previous work on beacon-referenced cyclic pursuit, necessary and suffi- cient conditions for the existence of circling equilibria in a system with one informed agent are derived, with discussion of stability and performance. In a physical testbed, the leader (robot) is equipped with a sound sensing apparatus composed of a real time embedded system, estimating direction of arrival of sound by an Interaural Level and Phase Difference Algorithm, using empirically determined phase and level signatures, and breaking front-back ambiguity with appropriate sensor placement. Furthermore a simple framework for implementing and evaluating the performance of control laws with the Robot Operating System (ROS) is proposed, demonstrated, and discussed.


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My thesis explores the formation of the subject in the novels of Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses, Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon, and Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day. I attach the concept of property in terms of how male protagonists are obsessed with materialistic ownership and with the subordination of women who, as properties, consolidate their manhood. The three novelists despite their racial, gendered, and literary differences share the view that identity and truth are mere social and cultural constructs. I incorporate the work of Judith Butler and other poststructuralist figures, who see identity as a matter of performance rather than a natural entity. My thesis explores the theme of freedom, which I attached to the ways characters use their bodies either to confine or to emancipate themselves from the restricting world of race, class, and gender. The three novelists deconstruct any system of belief that promulgates the objectivity of truth in historical documents. History in the three novels, as with the protagonists, perception of identity, remains a social construct laden with distortions to serve particular political or ideological agendas. My thesis gives voice to African American female characters who are associated with love and racial and gender resistance. They become the reservoirs of the African American legacy in terms of their association with the oral and intuitionist mode of knowing, which subverts the male characters’ obsession with property and with the mainstream empiricist world. In this dissertation, I use the concept of hybridity as a literary and theoretical devise that African-American writers employ. In effect, I embark on the postcolonial studies of Henry Louise Gates, Paul Gilroy, W. E. B Du Bois, James Clifford, and Arjun Appadurai in order to reflect upon the fluidity of Morrison’s and Naylor’s works. I show how these two novelists subvert Faulkner’s essentialist perception of truth, and of racial and gendered identity. They associate the myth of the Flying African with the notion of hybridity by making their male protagonists criss-cross Northern and Southern regions. I refer to Mae Gwendolyn Henderson’s article on “Speaking in Tongues” in my analysis of how Naylor subverts the patriarchal text of both Faulkner and Morrison in embarking on a more feminine version of the flying African, which she relates to an ex-slave, Sapphira Wade, a volatile female character who resists fixed claim over her story and identity. In dealing with the concept of hybridity, I show that Naylor rewrites both authors’ South by making Willow Springs a more fluid space, an assumption that unsettles the scores of critics who associate the island with authenticity and exclusive rootedness.


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La elaboración del presente trabajo de investigación consiste en hacer uso de la presupuestación como herramienta de planificación y control de los recursos financieros de una empresa distribuidora de electrodomésticos de San Salvador, denominada Almacenes Leader S.A. de C.V. ya que en la actualidad esta herramienta brinda beneficios de carácter económicos, tales como aumentar la utilidad y disminuir los excesos de asignación de recursos financieros en áreas improductivas contribuyendo con la administración de la misma, además brindan apoyo para el cumplimiento de las diferentes operaciones permitiendo con esto que se logren los objetivos planteados. Así mismo los presupuestos contribuyen a mantener una liquidez financiera estable, por lo que se realizó un diagnóstico en la empresa con el objeto de conocer la forma de administrar los recursos financieros, dicho diagnóstico se llevó a cabo utilizando el método científico ya que éste, por ser un proceso sistemático, permite abordar el problema, recopilando, analizando y aplicando dicha información. A la vez se hace uso de la observación directa, la entrevista realizada a los propietarios de la empresa y la encuesta dirigida al personal del área contable y los jefes de tienda, en donde se encontró que dicha empresa no utiliza la presupuestación como herramienta de planificación y control de los recursos financieros, para lo cual se ha elaborado una propuesta de la aplicación e implementación de algunos de los presupuesto que sean apropiados al tipo de empresa. Para elaborar de dichos presupuestos se tomó en cuenta los datos históricos, la información obtenida de la entrevista y de la encuesta, también se hizo uso de algunos supuestos que permitieron elaborar los presupuesto, ya que no se tuvo acceso a toda la información necesaria por parte del Contador General. Se propone de igual manera un plan de implementación y control que permita conocer cómo se van a desarrollar los presupuestos, determinando si se está cumpliendo lo proyecto en comparación a los datos reales que se irán obteniendo. Por otro lado, se realizó un análisis financiero de dos años anteriores al actual, utilizando algunas de las razones financieras que brindan información sobre la situación financiera, aportando datos sobre la liquidez, rentabilidad, administración de activos y el nivel de deuda de la empresa, que contribuyan a tomar decisiones financieras y adaptarlas a los presupuestos para obtener mejores resultados. Es por ello que se concluye que: Almacenes Leader, no utilizan la presupuestación como herramienta de planificación y control de los recursos financieros, debido a que la determinación de sus operaciones se elaboran con base a la experiencia de los propietarios y el comportamiento del mercado, así mismo no hace uso de las razones financieras, lo que impide que se conozcan aspectos financieros importantes y por ende tomar buenas decisiones, que determinen el rumbo a seguir.


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Introducción La puesta en marcha de una política de desarrollo rural por parte de la Unión Europea fue, en buena medida, la consecuencia de la coincidencia,  a finales de la década de los ochenta, de dos factores. Por un lado, la crisis de la Política Agraria Común (PAC) “clásica” y la necesidad de reorientar las medidas y recursos financieros de la misma, lo que llevó a prestar una creciente atención al “mundo rural”, en detrimento de la “modernización agraria” y, por lo tanto, a “ruralizar” una parte del PAC. De otro lado, la creciente atención ´prestada a la llamada “cohecion económica y social” en un momento en que la Unión se había ampliado (España y Portugal entraron en 1986), la integración se estaba reforzando (el “mercado único”para 1992) y se estaba en vísperas de la unificación monetaria. En este contexto, los territorios rurales debían ser objeto de atención, pues muchos de ellos continuaban perdiendo población y presentaban estructuras productivas poco diversificadas.


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Setareki Tuilovoni was made the first Indigenous president of the Fijian Methodist church in 1964. This paper gives a biographical account with particular focus on his experiences overseas and how these shaped his approach to creating a united Methodist church at home, and a united Christian fellowship throughout the Pacific by means of regional church bodies. Because Tuilovoni had been present in America and Africa at pivotal points in the struggles for civil rights and decolonisation, his ideas were shaped by his mobility, and this in turn influenced his work to redefine the church in a decolonising Pacific, paving the way for moderate voices in the postcolonial church.


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Ian Jacobs BAppSc (WAIT), DipEd (Murd), PhD (WAust), RN, FRCNA, FACAP, FERC, Chairman of the Australian Resuscitation Council and co-chair of the International Liaison Committee On Resuscitation died suddenly on the 19th October 2014. He collapsed due to a cerebral haemorrhage while on the job, having delivered a critically ill patient to the Emergency Department of the Royal Perth Hospital, sadly he did not recover. This article reveals something of his enormous influence on and contributions to nursing, pre-hospital and emergency medicine, critical care and resuscitation on a national, and international scale.