997 resultados para Morbidity survey


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OBJECTIVE: To assess and compare the training needs in adolescent medicine of doctors within 6 specialties as a basis for the development of pre/postgraduate and continuing medical education (CME) training curricula. DESIGN: Cross-sectional postal survey. SETTING: Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: National, representative, random sample of 1857 practising doctors in 6 disciplines (general practitioners, paediatricians, gynaecologists, internists, psychiatrists, child psychiatrists) registered with the Swiss Medical Association. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Perceived importance of and training interest in 35 topics related to adolescent medicine listed in a self-administered, anonymous questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 1367 questionnaires were returned, representing a response rate of 73.9%. Clear interest in adolescent medicine was reported by 62.1% of respondents. Topics perceived to be the most important in everyday practice were functional symptoms (71.4%), acne (67.1%), obesity (64.6%), depression-anxiety (68.1%) and communication with adolescents (61.7%). Differences between disciplines were especially marked for gynaecologists, who expressed interest almost exclusively in medical topics specific to their field. In contrast, other disciplines commonly reported a keen interest in psychosocial problems. Accordingly, interest in further training was expressed mostly for functional symptoms (62.4%), eating disorders (56.3%), depression-anxiety (53.7%) and obesity (52.6%). Issues related to injury prevention, chronic disease and confidentiality were rated as low priorities. CONCLUSIONS: Regardless of discipline, Swiss primary care doctors expressed a strong interest in adolescent medicine. Continuing medical education courses should include both interdisciplinary courses and discipline-specific sessions. Further training should address epidemiological and legal/ethical issues (e.g. injury prevention, confidentiality, impact of chronic conditions).


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Työn tarkoituksena on tarkastella Euroopan siirtymätalousalueelta kotimaisen biopoltto-ainevoimalaitoksen kilpailukykyä potentiaalisimmiksi markkinakohteiksi arvioitujen nykyisten Eu-valtioiden osalta. Työ tehdään osana kokoluokaltaan 3,5 MWth/1,0 MWe pienvoimalaitoksen tuotekehityshanketta, joka on käynnistynyt Varkaudessa tämän vuoden maaliskuussa. Potentiaalisimpien siirtymätalousmaiden valintakriteereinä on käytetty aiempia tutkimuksia ja raportteja. Huomio keskitetään kiinteän biopolttoaineen resursseihin ja biopolttoaineisiin pohjautuvalle energiantuotannolle asetettuihin tavoitteisiin. Edellä mainittujen kriteerien pohjalta tarkasteltaviksi valittujen valtioiden osalta tehtiin tarkemmat kilpailukykyanalyysit, otettiin yhteyttä markkina-alueeltaalan ammattilaisiin ja kartoitettiin potentiaalisimmat markkinakohteet. Tavoitteena on arvioida varteenotettavin kilpailija kiinteisiin biopolttoaineisiin pohjautuvalle sähkön ja lämmön yhteistuotannolle, jonka perusteella laaditaan mallivoimalaitoksen kilpailukykyisen hinnan määrittämiseksi tiettyyn takaisinmaksuaikaan ja korkotekijään perustuen. Lopulta tehdään maakohtaisesti yhteenveto merkittävimmistä markkinapotentiaaliin vaikuttavista kilpailutekijöistä, arvioidaan potentiaalisin kohdemaa sekä esitetään mahdollinen investoinnin rahoitusvaihtoehto ja keinoja markkinoida tuotetta potentiaalisille asiakkaille.


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INTRODUCTION: Preoperative scores are widely used predictors of complications after major surgery. These scores, however, are not widely used in transurethral procedures. The aim of this study was to assess the value of the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI), the age-adjusted CCI, the American Society of Anesthesiologist score (ASA) and the Nutritional Risk Score (NRS) in predicting early morbidity after transurethral urological procedures. METHODS: Consecutive patients undergoing transurethral resection of the bladder or the prostate were prospectively enrolled. The scores were calculated preoperatively; 30-day complications were prospectively recorded according to the Dindo-Clavien classification. Univariate logistic regression was performed to investigate the value of each score and of other factors (i.e., age, sex, body mass index, anemia, smoking habit, type of operation and anaesthesia) as predictors of complications. A multivariate model was then calculated using these predictors. RESULTS: Overall, 197 patients were included. The mean age was 72 (standard deviation ± 10). In total, 26.9% patients had at least 1 complication. Using univariate analysis, we found that each score significantly predicted complications. In multivariate analysis, only the ASA (odds ration [OR] 2.11; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01-4.43) and the NRS (OR 2.42; 95% CI 1.56-3.74) remained independent predictors. The best model incorporated ASA, NRS and gender, and predicted morbidity with an area under the curve of 76%. Our study's main limitations are population heterogeneity and limited sample size. CONCLUSION: The ASA and the NRS are important and independent determinants of early morbidity after transurethral procedures. The use of these indices may assist clinicians in the decision-making process to balance the possible benefits of transurethral procedures with the potential risks.


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HIV-positive adolescents face a number of challenges in dealing with their disease and its treatment. In this qualitative study, twenty-nine HIV-positive adolescents aged 13 to 20 years (22 girls), who live in Switzerland, were asked, in a semi-structured interview (duration of 40-110 minutes), to describe their perceptions and experiences with the disease itself and with therapeutic adherence. While younger adolescents most often thought of their disease as fate, older adolescents usually knew that they had received it through vertical transmission, although the topic appeared to be particularly difficult to discuss for those living with their HIV-positive mothers. Based on their attending physician's assessment, 18 subjects were judged highly adherent, 4 fairly and 7 poorly adherent. High adherence appeared linked with adequate psychological adjustment and effective coping mechanisms, as well as with the discussion and adoption of explicit medication-taking strategies. The setting and organisation of health care teams should allow for ongoing discussions with HIV-positive adolescents that focus on their perceptions of their disease, how they cope with it and with the treatment, and how they could improve their adherence.


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Epidemiological studies demonstrate an association between insulin resistance, hypertension and cardiovascular morbidity. In addition to its metabolic effects, insulin also has important cardiovascular actions. The sympathetic nervous system and the nitric oxide-l-arginine pathway have emerged as central players in the mediation of these actions. Over the past decade, the underlying mechanisms and the factors that may govern the interaction between insulin and these two major cardiovascular regulatory systems have been studied extensively in healthy people and insulin-resistant individuals. Here we summarize the current understanding and gaps in knowledge on these interactions. We propose that a genetic and/or acquired defect of nitric oxide synthesis could represent a central defect triggering many of the metabolic, vascular and sympathetic abnormalities characteristic of insulin-resistant states, all of which may predispose to cardiovascular disease.


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Résumé Contexte: Bon nombre d'études épidémiologiques concernant les premières crises comitiales ont été effectuées principalement sur des populations générales. Cependant, les patients admis dans un hôpital peuvent présenter des éléments cliniques différents. Nous avons donc mené une étude prospective auprès de sujets dans une population hospitalière ayant subi une première crise d'épilepsie, afin d'étudier leur pronostic et le rôle des examens complémentaires (examen neurologique, imagerie cérébrale, examens sanguins, EEG) dans le choix de l'administration d'une médication antiépileptique. Méthodes : Sur une période d'une année, nous avons suivi 177 patients adultes, admis consécutivement, ayant présenté une crise d'épilepsie dont l'évaluation aiguë a été effectuée dans notre hôpital. Pendant 6 mois, nous avons pratiqué pour chaque patient un suivi du traitement antiépileptique, des récidives de crises et d'un éventuel décès. Résultats : L'examen neurologique était anormal dans 72.3% des cas, l'imagerie cérébrale dans 54.8% et les examens sanguins dans 57.1%. L'EEG a montré des éléments épileptiformes dans 33.9% des cas. L'étiologie la plus fréquemment représentée était constituée par des intoxications. Un traitement antiépileptique a été prescrit chez 51% des patients. 31.6% des sujets suivis à six mois ont subi une récidive ; la mortalité s'est élevée à 17.8%. Statistiquement, l'imagerie cérébrale, l'EEG et l'examen neurologique étaient des facteurs prédictifs indépendants pour l'administration d'antiépileptiques, et l'imagerie cérébrale le seul facteur associé au pronostic. Conclusions : Les patients évalués en aigu dans un hôpital pour une première crise comitiale présentent un profil médical sous-jacent, qui explique probablement leur mauvais pronostic. L'imagerie cérébrale s'est avérée être le test paraclinique le plus important dans la prévention du traitement et du pronostic. Mots-clés : première crise d'épilepsie, étiologie, pronostic, récidive, médication antiépileptique, population hospitalière Summary Background: Epidemiological studies focusing on first-ever seizures have been carried out mainly on community based populations. However, since hospital populations may display varying clinical features, we prospectively analysed patients with first-ever seizure in a hospital based community to evaluate prognosis and the role of complementary investigations in the decision to administer antiepileptic drugs (AED). Methods: Over one year, we recruited 177 consecutive adult patients with a first seizure acutely evaluated in our hospital. During six months' follow-up data relating to AED treatment, recurrence of seizures and death were collected for each patient. Results:. Neurological examination was abnormal in 72.3%, neuroimaging in 54.8% and biochemical tests in 57.1%. Electroencephalogram (EEG) showed epileptiform features in 33.9%. Toxicity represented the most common aetiology. AED was prescribed in 51% of patients. Seizure recurrence at six months involved 31.6% of patients completing the follow-up; mortality was 17.8%. Statistical analysis showed that brain CT, EEG and neurological examination are independent predictive factors for AED administration, but only CT scan is associated with outcome. Conclusions: Patients evaluated acutely for first- ever seizure in a hospital setting have severe underlying clinical conditions apparently related to their relatively poor prognosis. Neuroimaging represents the most important paraclinical test in predicting both treatment administration and outcome.


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A comparative survey was done in leafhopper populations captured in apricot orchards in two areas of Valencia, one with considerable natural spread of apricot chlorotic leaf roll (ACLR), and the other where such natural spread is virtually nonexistent. An identification of the leafhopper species found in the first and in the second area suggest that Neoaliturus haematoceps and/or Neoaliturus fertestratus are the potential vectors of ACLR, at least under the conditions of Valencia province. Psammotettix striatus and Austroagallia sinuata are potential secondary vextors of ACLR.


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Especially in panel surveys, respondent attrition, respondent learning, and interviewer experience effects play a crucial role with respect to data quality. We examine three interview survey quality indicators in the same survey in a cross sectional as well as in a longitudinal way. In the cross sectional analysis we compare data quality in the mature original sample with that in a refreshment sample, surveyed in the same wave. Because in the same wave an interviewer survey was conducted, collecting attitudes on their socio demography, survey attitudes and burden measures, we are able to consider interviewer fixed effects as well. The longitudinal analysis gives more insight in the respondent learning effects with respect to the quality indicators considered by considering the very same respondents across waves. The Swiss Household Panel, a CATI survey representative of the Swiss residential population, forms an ideal modelling database: the interviewer - respondent assignment is random, both within and across waves. This design avoids possible confusion with other effects stemming from a non-random assignment of interviewers, e.g. area effects or effects from assigning the best interviewers to the hard cases. In order to separate interviewer, respondent and wave effects, we build cross-classified multilevel models.


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Nursing workforce data are scarce in Switzerland, with no active national registry of nurses. The worldwide nursing shortage is also affecting Switzerland, so that evidence-based results of the nurses at work project on career paths and retention are needed as part of the health care system stewardship; nurses at work is a retrospective cohort study of nurses who graduated in Swiss nursing schools in the last 30 years. Results of the pilot study are presented here (process and feasibility). The objectives are (1) to determine the size and structure of the potential target population by approaching two test-cohorts of nursing graduates (1988 and 1998); (2) to test methods of identifying and reaching them 14 and 24 years after graduation; (3) to compute participation rates, and identify recruitment and participation biases.


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BACKGROUND: Predicting outcome of breast cancer (BC) patients based on sentinel lymph node (SLN) status without axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) is an area of uncertainty. It influences the decision-making for regional nodal irradiation (RNI). The aim of the NORA (NOdal RAdiotherapy) survey was to examine the patterns of RNI. METHODS: A web-questionnaire, including several clinical scenarios, was distributed to 88 EORTC-affiliated centers. Responses were received between July 2013 and January 2014. RESULTS: A total of 84 responses were analyzed. While three-dimensional (3D) radiotherapy (RT) planning is carried out in 81 (96%) centers, nodal areas are delineated in only 51 (61%) centers. Only 14 (17%) centers routinely link internal mammary chain (IMC) and supraclavicular node (SCN) RT indications. In patients undergoing total mastectomy (TM) with ALND, SCN-RT is recommend by 5 (6%), 53 (63%) and 51 (61%) centers for patients with pN0(i+), pN(mi) and pN1, respectively. Extra-capsular extension (ECE) is the main factor influencing decision-making RNI after breast conserving surgery (BCS) and TM. After primary systemic therapy (PST), 49 (58%) centers take into account nodal fibrotic changes in ypN0 patients for RNI indications. In ypN0 patients with inner/central tumors, 23 (27%) centers indicate SCN-RT and IMC-RT. In ypN1 patients, SCN-RT is delivered by less than half of the centers in patients with ypN(i+) and ypN(mi). Twenty-one (25%) of the centers recommend ALN-RT in patients with ypN(mi) or 1-2N+ after ALND. Seventy-five (90%) centers state that age is not considered a limiting factor for RNI. CONCLUSION: The NORA survey is unique in evaluating the impact of SLNB/ALND status on adjuvant RNI decision-making and volumes after BCS/TM with or without PST. ALN-RT is often indicated in pN1 patients, particularly in the case of ECE. Besides the ongoing NSABP-B51/RTOG and ALLIANCE trials, NORA could help to design future specific RNI trials in the SLNB era without ALND in patients receiving or not PST.


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Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a disease of early onset which can lead to significant morbidity. In 2012, Single Hub and Access point for pediatric Rheumatology in Europe (SHARE) was launched with the aim of optimising and disseminating diagnostic and management regimens for children and young adults with rheumatic diseases. The objective was to establish recommendations for FMF focusing on provision of diagnostic tools for inexperienced clinicians particularly regarding interpretation of MEFV mutations. Evidence-based recommendations were developed using the European League against Rheumatism standard operating procedure. An expert committee of paediatric rheumatologists defined search terms for the systematic literature review. Two independent experts scored articles for validity and level of evidence. Recommendations derived from the literature were evaluated by an online survey and statements with less than 80% agreement were reformulated. Subsequently, all recommendations were discussed at a consensus meeting using the nominal group technique and were accepted if more than 80% agreement was reached. The literature search yielded 3386 articles, of which 25 were considered relevant and scored for validity and level of evidence. In total, 17 articles were scored valid and used to formulate the recommendations. Eight recommendations were accepted with 100% agreement after the consensus meeting. Topics covered were clinical versus genetic diagnosis of FMF, genotype-phenotype correlation, genotype-age at onset correlation, silent carriers and risk of amyloid A (AA) amyloidosis, and role of the specialist in FMF diagnosis. The SHARE initiative provides recommendations for diagnosing FMF aimed at facilitating improved and uniform care throughout Europe.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to survey current practices in European epilepsy monitoring units (EMUs) with emphasis on safety issues. METHODS: A 37-item questionnaire investigating characteristics and organization of EMUs, including measures for prevention and management of seizure-related serious adverse events (SAEs), was distributed to all identified European EMUs plus one located in Israel (N=150). RESULTS: Forty-eight (32%) EMUs, located in 18 countries, completed the questionnaire. Epilepsy monitoring unit beds are 1-2 in 43%, 3-4 in 34%, and 5-6 in 19% of EMUs; staff physicians are 1-2 in 32%, 3-4 in 34%, and 5-6 in 19% of EMUs. Personnel operating in EMUs include epileptologists (in 69% of EMUs), clinical neurophysiologists trained in epilepsy (in 46% of EMUs), child neurologists (in 35% of EMUs), neurology and clinical neurophysiology residents (in 46% and in 8% of EMUs, respectively), and neurologists not trained in epilepsy (in 27% of EMUs). In 20% of EMUs, patients' observation is only intermittent or during the daytime and primarily carried out by neurophysiology technicians and/or nurses (in 71% of EMUs) or by patients' relatives (in 40% of EMUs). Automatic detection systems for seizures are used in 15%, for body movements in 8%, for oxygen desaturation in 33%, and for ECG abnormalities in 17% of EMUs. Protocols for management of acute seizures are lacking in 27%, of status epilepticus in 21%, and of postictal psychoses in 87% of EMUs. Injury prevention consists of bed protections in 96% of EMUs, whereas antisuffocation pillows are employed in 21%, and environmental protections in monitoring rooms and in bathrooms are implemented in 38% and in 25% of EMUs, respectively. The most common SAEs were status epilepticus reported by 79%, injuries by 73%, and postictal psychoses by 67% of EMUs. CONCLUSIONS: All EMUs have faced different types of SAEs. Wide variation in practice patterns and lack of protocols and of precautions to ensure patients' safety might promote the occurrence and severity of SAEs. Our findings highlight the need for standardized and shared protocols for an effective and safe management of patients in EMUs.


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Objectifs En EHPAD, selon les recommandations de la Haute Autorité de santé (HAS), la prise en charge non médicamenteuse des troubles psychocomportementaux associés à la maladie d'Alzheimer ou aux syndromes apparentés, implique une réorganisation, une formation spécifique du personnel et du temps. Se pose ici la question du rôle des bénévoles dans cette prise en charge. Matériels et méthodes Enquête descriptive à partir de questionnaires distribués aux différents intervenants (bénévoles, professionnels de santé et aidants familiaux) d'une unité protégée de l'EHPAD de la clinique du Diaconat (Colmar, France) et spécifiquement élaborés pour évaluer leur vécu de l'expérience de bénévolat dans la prise en charge des résidents souffrant d'une maladie d'Alzheimer ou d'un syndrome apparenté. Résultats Sur les 101 questionnaires qui ont été remplis, 85,7 % des aidants, 60 % des bénévoles et 42,1 % des professionnels constataient des bénéfices pour eux-mêmes. Les professionnels et les aidants avaient confiance dans l'intervention des bénévoles. Cependant, les bénévoles semblaient manquer de compétence pour le soutien des aidants et dans les techniques de communication avec les résidents. Les points essentiels pour permettre un fonctionnement harmonieux entre les différents intervenants étaient de bien définir préalablement le rôle de bénévoles et d'en informer les autres intervenants, de former les bénévoles à ce rôle et de favoriser la communication entre les bénévoles et les professionnels. Conclusion Cette enquête montre que les bénévoles ont une place aux côtés des équipes soignantes pour participer à la prise en charge non médicamenteuse des personnes atteintes de maladie d'Alzheimer ou syndromes apparentés. Ils ont une position singulière et jouent un rôle complémentaire de celui des soignants et des aidants. Objectives According to the recommendation of the French High Authority of Health (HAS), the non-pharmaceutical management of psycho-behavioural disorders associated with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders in a nursing home, involves reorganization an specific training for staff members and time. This raises the question of the role of volunteering in this approach. Materials and methods A descriptive survey using questionnaires distributed to various stakeholders (volunteers, healthcare professionals and caregivers) of a protected unit of the nursing home of the Diaconat clinic (Colmar, France) and specifically designed to assess their experience of the volunteering in supporting residents suffering from Alzheimer's diseases or related disorders. Results Of the 101 questionnaires that were filled in, 85.7% of caregivers, 60% of volunteers and 42.1% of professionals recorded benefits for themselves. Professionals and informal carers had confidence in the intervention of volunteers. However, volunteers seemed to lack skills to support informal caregivers and specific knowledge about the technique of communicating with residents. The key points to favor harmonious collaborations between the different stakeholders were: to properly define the role of volunteers and to inform other stakeholders about this role previously, and to specifically educate themselves in this task and to promote communication between volunteers and all other professionals. Conclusion This study shows that volunteers have a place alongside medical teams to participate in the non-pharmaceutical treatment for people with Alzheimer's disease or related syndromes. They have a unique position and play a complementary role to that of carers and informal caregivers.