999 resultados para Moras, Mlle de
Vårdrelaterade infektioner [VRI] skapar onödigt lidande för patienter, förlänger vårdtider och kostar samhället enorma summor varje år. Det är därför viktigt att öka personalens kunskaper och följsamhet till gällande föreskrifter angående basala hygienrutiner. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa vårdpersonalens följsamhet, synliggöra mindre uppmärksammade smittkällor och redogöra för de åtgärder med vilka man kan minska spridningen av VRI. Artiklar samt litteratur till denna systematiska litteraturstudie söktes främst via sökmotorn ELIN, tillgänglig vid Högskolan Dalarnas bibliotek samt Mora Lasaretts bibliotek och Orsa- och Moras kommunbibliotek. Artiklar som inkluderades var publicerade 2000-2009, tillgängliga i fulltext, ej avgiftsbelagda eller skrivna på andra språk än engelska och svenska. Resultatet visar att följsamheten hos vårdpersonalen var låg och att införandet av åtgärdsprogram i de flesta fall endast gav temporär förbättring av följsamheten och att vårdpersonalen efter kort tid återgick till ett felaktigt beteende. När personalens bristande kunskap ledde till felaktigt användande av skyddsutrustning såsom handskar och plastförkläden kunde detta vara en källa till spridning av VRI. Vårdpersonalens arbetskläder visade sig bära på flertalet potenta mikroorganismer som kan orsaka VRI. Även patientnära- och medicinsk utrustning visade sig bära på smittförande mikroorganismer. Slutsatserna av litteraturstudien visar att punktprevalensmätningar är en preventiv åtgärd som på sikt kan minska spridningen av dessa VRI. För att även på lång sikt förbättra vårdpersonalens följsamhet behövs kontinuerlig uppföljning av åtgärdsprogram och studier.
Prólogo de Alicia Bárcena
One of the most controversial issues in the history of Phonetics is the discussion about the typology of speech rhythm. Out of the Greek and Latin tradition on poetry versification, the notion of rhythm has been misunderstood as speech rate. In the early years of the 20th century, a dichotomy merged classifying the speech rhythm into stress-timed and syllable-timed languages, inspired by the old theory of poetic versification. Following the same old pattern, later on, a third type of language were proposed: the moraic languages, initially attributed only to Japanese. With the facilities to carry on acoustic research, in the second half of the 20th century, the typology of language rhythm came to a dead end. Different types of language were set out. This paper discusses these ideas, showing a great misunderstanding among researchers in relation to the characterization of a syllable-timed language. The notion of mora is revisited and its role in the study of speech rhythm is better defined.
This dissertation deals with the translations of seven books for children written by the Chicano author Pat Mora. I started to be interested in the Chicano world, a world suspended between Mexico and the United States, after reading a book by Sandra Cisneros. I decided to deepen my curiosity and for this reason, I discovered a hybrid reality full of history, culture and traditions. In this context, the language used is characterized by a continuous code switching between Spanish and English and I thought it was an interesting phenomenon from the literary and translation point of view. During my research in the Chicano culture, I ran across Pat Mora. Her books for children fascinated me because of their actual themes (the cultural diversity and the defense of identity) and their beautiful illustrations. For this reason, I chose to translate seven of her books because I believe they could be an enrichment for children literature in Italy. The work consists of five chapters. The first one deals with the identity of Chicano people, their history, their literature and their language. In the second chapter, I outline Pat Mora’s profile. I talk about her biography and I analyze her most famous works. In the third chapter, I introduce the seven books for children to be translated and I point out their plots and main themes. In the fourth chapter, I present the translation of the books. The fifth chapter is the translation comment. I deal with the linguistic analysis of the source texts and the analysis of the target texts focusing on the choices made during the translation process.
Con il presente lavoro si intende portare a termine una ricerca terminologica in italiano e tedesco nell'ambito degli Organismi Geneticamente Modificati. L'obiettivo finale della tesi è inoltre la realizzazione di un database terminologico bilingue, pensato per facilitare il lavoro di traduttori non necessariamente specializzati in tale ambito. L'idea della tesi nasce da uno stage svolto presso la Direzione Generale della Traduzione (DGT) di Lussemburgo, incentrato sulla revisione e l'aggiornamento di una parte della banca dati terminologica dell’Unione Europea (IATE) legata al dominio degli OGM. L'esperienza di tirocinio, in particolare, verrà descritta nella prima parte del lavoro, il quale si articolerà poi in altri 4 punti fondamentali. Nel secondo capitolo si effettuerà una panoramica generale sugli OGM, tematica di grande attualità che riscontra un ampio interesse anche tra la popolazione. Nel terzo capitolo si tratterà l'argomento delle lingue speciali e della terminologia da un punto di vista generale, per poi evidenziare più nel dettaglio le caratteristiche della lingua del dominio di indagine. Nel quarto capitolo, dopo una breve introduzione relativa alla linguistica dei corpora, si effettuerà una descrizione dettagliata delle varie fasi del lavoro terminologico, in cui sono comprese la creazione dei corpora, l'estrazione della terminologia e la realizzazione dei sistemi concettuali. Il quinto capitolo, infine, sarà incentrato sul database terminologico italiano-tedesco, il quale verrà riportato integralmente alla fine della tesi.
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G03300
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G03301
Los flavonoides, compuestos fenólicos, son los pigmentos responsables de la coloración de las flores, frutos y hojas, presentes en las uvas y en otros frutos como las moras, frambuesas, arándanos entre otros. Tienen actividad antioxidante comprobada. El daño tisular oxidativo y la apoptosis, pueden ser atenuados por las antocianinas, un subgrupo de los flavonoides, en células aisladas cultivadas de tejidos orales humanos. En este trabajo se describen las bases farmacológicas para la aplicación de las mismas en el tratamiento de las patologías orales donde está comprobado el stress oxidativo como vía patogénica de las mismas.
In developing instrumentation for the measurement of fruit quality, there is the need for fast and non-destructive devices, based on sensors, to be installed on-line. In the case of some fruits, like peaches, post-harvest ripeness, which is closely related to high quality for the consumer, is a priority. During ripening, external appearance (colour) and internal mechanical (firmness) and chemical (sugars and acids) quality are main features that evolve rapidly from and unripe to a ripe (high quality) stage. When considering the evolution of fruit quality in this scheme, external colour and firmness are shown to evolve in a parallel pattern, if monitored from the time of harvest to full consumer ripeness ( Rood, 1957; Crisosto et al, 1995; Kader, 1996). The visible (VIS) reflectance spectrum is a fast and easy reference that can be used to estimate quality of peaches, if we could show it to be reliably correlated with peach ripening rate during postharvest (Genard et al. 1994; Moras, 1995; Delwiche and Baumgartner, 1983; Delwiche et al. 1987; Slaughter, 1995; Lleo et al., 1998). Taste, described as an expert acceptance score, improves with ripeness (firmness and colour evolution), when considering the fruits on the tree, and also post-harvest.
Alcance y contenido: Executoria de hidalguía, iniciada en 1565, a favor de Antón Gallego, Alonso Gallego, Blas Mogollón [Blas Gallego Mogollón] y Miguel Gallego, y que resolvía el pleito que tenían estos con el Concejo de la villa de la Puebla de Alcocer (Badajoz), demostrándo su nobleza y limpieza de sangre y por tanto, declarándoles exentos de "pechar ni contribuir en los pechos y derramas reales y concejales ... de que eran libres y esemptos los hombres hijos dalgo"
The crystal structure of an enzyme–substrate complex with histidyl-tRNA synthetase from Escherichia coli, ATP, and the amino acid analog histidinol is described and compared with the previously obtained enzyme–product complex with histidyl-adenylate. An active site arginine, Arg-259, unique to all histidyl-tRNA synthetases, plays the role of the catalytic magnesium ion seen in seryl-tRNA synthetase. When Arg-259 is substituted with histidine, the apparent second order rate constant (kcat/Km) for the pyrophosphate exchange reaction and the aminoacylation reaction decreases 1,000-fold and 500-fold, respectively. Crystals soaked with MnCl2 reveal the existence of two metal binding sites between β- and γ-phosphates; these sites appear to stabilize the conformation of the pyrophosphate. The use of both conserved metal ions and arginine in phosphoryl transfer provides evidence of significant early functional divergence of class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.
The crystal structures of the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of the vitamin D receptor complexed to 1α,25(OH)2D3 and the 20-epi analogs, MC1288 and KH1060, show that the protein conformation is identical, conferring a general character to the observation first made for retinoic acid receptor (RAR) that, for a given LBD, the agonist conformation is unique, the ligands adapting to the binding pocket. In all complexes, the A- to D-ring moieties of the ligands adopt the same conformation and form identical contacts with the protein. Differences are observed only for the 17β-aliphatic chains that adapt their conformation to anchor the 25-hydroxyl group to His-305 and His-397. The inverted geometry of the C20 methyl group induces different paths of the aliphatic chains. The ligands exhibit a low-energy conformation for MC1288 and a more strained conformation for the two others. KH1060 compensates this energy cost by additional contacts. Based on the present data, the explanation of the superagonist effect is to be found in higher stability and longer half-life of the active complex, thereby excluding different conformations of the ligand binding domain.
Ideas de Mlle. de Scudery sobre la educación de las mujeres -- Importancia social del arte -- Cerventes -- Víctor Hugo como poeta satírico -- Dos teorías sobre el amor : Platón y Michelet -- Emerson.