999 resultados para Mineral Waters
The impact of a recycled mineral wool filler on the various properties of wood plastic composites was studied and the critical factors affecting the formation of the properties were determined. An estimation of the volume of mineral wool fiber waste generated in the European Union between the years 2010-2020 was presented. Furthermore, the effect of fiber pre-treatment on the properties of the wood plastic composites were studied, and the environmental performance of a wood plastic composite containing recycled mineral fibers was assessed. The results showed that the volumes of construction and demolition waste and new mineral wool produced in the European Union are growing annually, and therefore also the volumes of recycled mineral wool waste generated are increasing. The study showed that the addition of recycled mineral wool into composites can enhance some of the mechanical properties and increase the moisture resistance properties of the composites notably. Recycled mineral wool as a filler in wood plastic composites can also improve the fire resistance properties of composites, but it does not protect the polymer matrix from pyrolysis. Fiber pre-treatment with silane solution improved some of the mechanical properties, but generally the use of maleated polypropylene as the coupling agent led to better mechanical and moisture resistance properties. The environmental performance of recycled mineral wool as the filler in wood plastic composites was superior compared to glass fibers. According to the findings, recycled mineral wool fibers can provide a technically and environmentally viable alternative to the traditional inorganic filler materials used in wood plastic composites.
Os cogumelos do gênero Pleurotus são cultivados em diversos substratos lignocelulósicos, dada a atividade decompositora desses organismos proveniente de seu metabolismo enzimático. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a composição mineral de Pleurotus ostreatus e dos substratos de cultivo preparados à base de resíduos madeireiros e agroindustriais da região amazônica. Foram analisados macro (P, K, Ca e Mg) e micronutrientes (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn e Na) dos cogumelos e dos substratos. Os substratos foram formulados a partir da serragem de Simarouba amara Aubl. (marupá), Ochroma piramidale Cav. ex. Lam. (pau de balsa) e de bagaços de Bactris gasipaes Kunth (pupunheira) e de Saccharum officinarum (cana-de-açúcar). As amostras foram solubilizadas mediante digestão ácida (nítrico-peridrol). Os elementos Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn e Mn foram determinados por espectrometria de absorção atômica; o Na e K, por emissão atômica e o P, por colorimetria. A composição mineral do cogumelo variou com o substrato de cultivo. Os diferentes substratos possibilitaram a produção de um cogumelo rico em K, P, Mg e Fe, essenciais à nutrição e à saúde humana. O potássio foi o mineral de maior teor no cogumelo em todos os substratos testados (36,83-42,18 g.kg-1), seguido de fósforo (6,95-10,60 g.kg-1) e do magnésio (1,57-2,50 g.kg-1).
This study evaluated the physicochemical properties and protein and mineral content of honey samples from Ceará State, Northeastern Brazil, one of the major honey exporters in the country. Nutritional importance of the minerals detected was also analyzed. Physicochemical properties were examined according to the AOAC and CAC official methods; the protein content was determined using the Bradford method, and the minerals were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry. All analyses were performed in triplicate. The levels of macrominerals sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) varied from 1.80-47.20, 21.30-1513.30, 14.58-304.82, and 2.48-28.33 mg/kg, respectively, and the trace elements iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), selenium (Se), and chromium (Cr) varied from 0.12-8.76, 0.07-1.29, 0.06-1.96, 0.07-1.85 mg/kg, 0.36 × 10-3-62.00 × 10-3 and 22.50 × 10-3-170.33 × 10-3 µg/kg, respectively. Myracrodruon urundeuva honey sample had high contents of macrominerals (Na, K, Ca, and Mg). Protein content of the Anacardium occidentale honey sample was the highest (1121.00 µg/g) among the samples analyzed. Among the minerals detected in the honey samples, K showed the highest concentration, followed by Ca, Na, and Mg. The presence of trace elements can show environmental contamination. The honey samples studied were free of trace elements contamination, except for Mn; the Piptadenia moniliformis was the only honey sample that was in compliance with the law requirements. The variations of the chemical constituents in the honey samples are probably related to differences in the floral origin and mineral and protein contents and confirm the nutritional importance of Ceará State honey.
The aim of this study was to analyze the proximate and mineral composition of 21 types of biscuits. All biscuits showed high fat contents, significantly different (P < 0.05) from those described on the labels, except for three brands. Insoluble fiber fractions were predominant in the analyzed samples. Among the 21 biscuits analyzed, 16 showed food label values 20% higher than those allowed by law, according to RDC 360, for fat, protein, total fiber, calcium, and sodium levels. This difference reached 273% for the sodium content. The calcium content was included only on the label of three samples analyzed, and the values described were significantly lower than those obtained analytically. Considering that biscuits are consumed by people of all age groups and of different socioeconomic levels, the results can contribute to the plans for health policies, such as surveillance of nutritional labeling, ensuring the reliability of the information provided by the food industry and enabling the identification of the relationship between dietary factors and the occurrence of non-transmissible chronic diseases.
Although the greatest variety of Brazilian flora is in the Amazon region, the Southern region of Brazil also has an estimated number of at least 5,000 species of vascular native plants. These species have been neglected as potential food sources, remaining unknown and under-utilized and limiting the potential variety in the diet of Brazilians and other peoples. Therefore the aim of this study was to characterize the mineral composition and content present in seven native fruit species of Southern Brazil using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The essential element concentrations in the fruit samples were higher or similar to the values reported for traditional fruits. The araticum-do-mato fruit samples had high concentrations of the elements Ca, K, and Cu, and trace elements such as Pb and Sr. Mandacaru-de-três-quinas had predominance of Ba, Bi, and Ga, and the essential elements Mg and Mn. Uvaia and guabiroba had the highest levels of Al and Cr, but uvaia had high levels of Fe and Zn. The pindo palm had high amounts of Cd and Ni, and the yellow guava had high concentrations of Na, while red guava had high levels of Co.
No dia 14 de novembro de 2009, a Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia promoveu um fórum de discussão das novas diretrizes do KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes). O objetivo desse encontro, onde estiveram presentes 64 participantes, foi discutir estas novas diretrizes diante da realidade brasileira. Esse encontro teve o patrocínio da Empresa de Biotecnologia Genzyme, que não teve acesso à sala de discussão e tampouco aos temas tratados durante o evento. Este artigo traz um resumo das diretrizes do KDIGO e das discussões realizadas pelos participantes.
Calcificações vasculares têm sido associadas aos distúrbios minerais e ósseos. As alterações nas concentrações séricas de cálcio e fosfato são fatores importantes implicados no processo da calcificação arterial na doença renal crônica. A patogênese da calcificação vascular é um mecanismo complexo e não completamente claro, podendo corresponder a um processo ativo de transformação celular e ossificação heterotópica. Além da hipercalcemia e hiperfosfatemia, estão envolvidos neste processo alterações no metabolismo de substâncias inibidoras e promotoras de calcificação como a fetuína A, osteopontina, osteoprotegerina e proteína de matriz gla. Para o diagnóstico da lesão arterial calcificada, estão disponíveis diversos métodos, um método de estimativa do risco cardiovascular baseado em radiografias simples de coluna lombar e outro método baseado em radiografias simples da pelve e das mãos. Apresentamos, a seguir, uma revisão abordando a relação entre calcificações vasculares e os distúrbios minerais.
Global warming is one of the most alarming problems of this century. Initial scepticism concerning its validity is currently dwarfed by the intensification of extreme weather events whilst the gradual arising level of anthropogenic CO2 is pointed out as its main driver. Most of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from large point sources (heat and power production and industrial processes) and the continued use of fossil fuels requires quick and effective measures to meet the world’s energy demand whilst (at least) stabilizing CO2 atmospheric levels. The framework known as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) – or Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) – comprises a portfolio of technologies applicable to large‐scale GHG sources for preventing CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Amongst them, CO2 capture and mineralisation (CCM) presents the highest potential for CO2 sequestration as the predicted carbon storage capacity (as mineral carbonates) far exceeds the estimated levels of the worldwide identified fossil fuel reserves. The work presented in this thesis aims at taking a step forward to the deployment of an energy/cost effective process for simultaneous capture and storage of CO2 in the form of thermodynamically stable and environmentally friendly solid carbonates. R&D work on the process considered here began in 2007 at Åbo Akademi University in Finland. It involves the processing of magnesium silicate minerals with recyclable ammonium salts for extraction of magnesium at ambient pressure and 400‐440⁰C, followed by aqueous precipitation of magnesium in the form of hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, and finally Mg(OH)2 carbonation in a pressurised fluidized bed reactor at ~510⁰C and ~20 bar PCO2 to produce high purity MgCO3. Rock material taken from the Hitura nickel mine, Finland, and serpentinite collected from Bragança, Portugal, were tested for magnesium extraction with both ammonium sulphate and bisulphate (AS and ABS) for determination of optimal operation parameters, primarily: reaction time, reactor type and presence of moisture. Typical efficiencies range from 50 to 80% of magnesium extraction at 350‐450⁰C. In general ABS performs better than AS showing comparable efficiencies at lower temperature and reaction times. The best experimental results so far obtained include 80% magnesium extraction with ABS at 450⁰C in a laboratory scale rotary kiln and 70% Mg(OH)2 carbonation in the PFB at 500⁰C, 20 bar CO2 pressure for 15 minutes. The extraction reaction with ammonium salts is not at all selective towards magnesium. Other elements like iron, nickel, chromium, copper, etc., are also co‐extracted. Their separation, recovery and valorisation are addressed as well and found to be of great importance. The assessment of the exergetic performance of the process was carried out using Aspen Plus® software and pinch analysis technology. The choice of fluxing agent and its recovery method have a decisive sway in the performance of the process: AS is recovered by crystallisation and in general the whole process requires more exergy (2.48–5.09 GJ/tCO2sequestered) than ABS (2.48–4.47 GJ/tCO2sequestered) when ABS is recovered by thermal decomposition. However, the corrosive nature of molten ABS and operational problems inherent to thermal regeneration of ABS prohibit this route. Regeneration of ABS through addition of H2SO4 to AS (followed by crystallisation) results in an overall negative exergy balance (mainly at the expense of low grade heat) but will flood the system with sulphates. Although the ÅA route is still energy intensive, its performance is comparable to conventional CO2 capture methods using alkanolamine solvents. An energy‐neutral process is dependent on the availability and quality of nearby waste heat and economic viability might be achieved with: magnesium extraction and carbonation levels ≥ 90%, the processing of CO2‐containing flue gases (eliminating the expensive capture step) and production of marketable products.
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência de doses de matéria orgânica sob a forma de esterco bovino, na presença e ausência de adubação mineral, sobre o rendimento e qualidade fisiológica de sementes de coentro. Para tanto, foram conduzidos dois experimentos, um sob condições de campo e outro, no Laboratório de Análise de Sementes pertencente ao Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, no período de outubro/2001 a fevereiro/2002. O experimento de campo foi instalado para avaliar o rendimento de sementes de coentro (Coriandrum sativum L.), cultivar verdão, cujos tratamentos consistiram em cinco doses de esterco bovino (0; 2,0; 4,0; 6,0 e 8kg m-2), na presença e na ausência de adubo mineral, em blocos casualizados, com os tratamentos distribuídos em arranjos fatorial 5 x 2, com quatro repetições. No experimento de laboratório, conduzido para a avaliação da qualidade das sementes através de testes de germinação e de vigor (índice de velocidade de germinação), os tratamentos também foram distribuídos em arranjos fatorial 5x2, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições. O rendimento de sementes de coentro atinge, na presença de adubo mineral, valor máximo estimado (3t ha-1) na dose de 5kg m-2 de matéria orgânica (esterco bovino). Na ausência de adubo mineral, o rendimento aumenta com a elevação das doses de esterco bovino, com rendimento máximo de sementes (3t ha-1) na dose de 8kg m-2. A germinação e o índice de velocidade de germinação, na ausência de adubo mineral (NPK) aumentam linearmente com elevação das doses de matéria orgânica (esterco bovino), apresentando valores máximos de 90% e 5,0, respectivamente, na dose máxima (8kg m-2). Na presença de adubação mineral, as doses de esterco bovino proporcionam germinação média de 82% e índice de velocidade de germinação de 4,5, com a dose de 8kg m-2. A qualidade fisiológica das sementes de coentro é influenciada pelas doses de esterco bovino, sendo a dose de 8kg m-2 mais adequada para aumentar a qualidade das sementes.
Este estudo teve o objetivo de verificar os efeitos da adubação orgânica e mineral sobre os componentes do rendimento e potencial produtivo de sementes de Cucurbita pepo L. var melopepo cv. Caserta. A pesquisa foi conduzida no Centro Agrícola Demonstrativo da Prefeitura de Porto Alegre durante os anos de 2002/03. Os tratamentos consistiram em T1 = testemunha, T2 = adubação mineral e do T3 ao T6 em adubação orgânica (cama de aviário), nas doses de 63, 125, 187 e 250g.cova-1, respectivamente. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com três repetições. Foram determinados número de flores.planta-1, número de frutos.planta-1, peso médio de frutos, peso de sementes.fruto-1, número de sementes.fruto-1, peso de 1000 sementes e rendimento de sementes.área-1. A aplicação de cama de aviário aumentou o rendimento de sementes de abobrinha. A dose de cama de aviário que proporcionou maior rendimento de sementes (3,12t.ha-1) foi de 250g.cova-1.