995 resultados para Microwave nonlinear characteristics


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This paper presents a model of the Stokes emission vector from the ocean surface. The ocean surface is described as an ensemble of facets with Cox and Munk's (1954) Gram-Charlier slope distribution. The study discusses the impact of different up-wind and cross-wind rms slopes, skewness, peakedness, foam cover models and atmospheric effects on the azimuthal variation of the Stokes vector, as well as the limitations of the model. Simulation results compare favorably, both in mean value and azimuthal dependence, with SSM/I data at 53° incidence angle and with JPL's WINDRAD measurements at incidence angles from 30° to 65°, and at wind speeds from 2.5 to 11 m/s.


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The integration of electric motors and industrial appliances such as pumps, fans, and compressors is rapidly increasing. For instance, the integration of an electric motor and a centrifugal pump provides cost savings and improved performance characteristics. Material cost savings are achieved when an electric motor is integrated into the shaft of a centrifugal pump, and the motor utilizes the bearings of the pump. This arrangement leads to a smaller configuration that occupies less floor space. The performance characteristics of a pump drive can be improved by using the variable-speed technology. This enables the full speed control of the drive and the absence of a mechanical gearbox and couplers. When using rotational speeds higher than those that can be directly achieved by the network frequency the structure of the rotor has to be mechanically durable. In this thesis the performance characteristics of an axial-flux solid-rotor-core induction motor are determined. The motor studied is a one-rotor-one-stator axial-flux induction motor, and thus, there is only one air-gap between the rotor and the stator. The motor was designed for higher rotational speeds, and therefore a good mechanical strength of the solid-rotor-core rotor is required to withstand the mechanical stresses. The construction of the rotor and the high rotational speeds together produce a feature, which is not typical of traditional induction motors: the dominating loss component of the motor is the rotor eddy current loss. In the case of a typical industrial induction motor instead the dominating loss component is the stator copper loss. In this thesis, several methods to decrease the rotor eddy current losses in the case of axial-flux induction motors are presented. A prototype motor with 45 kW output power at 6000 min-1 was designed and constructed for ascertaining the results obtained from the numerical FEM calculations. In general, this thesis concentrates on the methods for improving the electromagnetic properties of an axial-flux solid-rotor-core induction motor and examines the methods for decreasing the harmonic eddy currents of the rotor. The target is to improve the efficiency of the motor and to reach the efficiency standard of the present-day industrial induction motors equipped with laminated rotors.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The Psychiatric arm of the population-based CoLaus study (PsyCoLaus) is designed to: 1) establish the prevalence of threshold and subthreshold psychiatric syndromes in the 35 to 66 year-old population of the city of Lausanne (Switzerland); 2) test the validity of postulated definitions for subthreshold mood and anxiety syndromes; 3) determine the associations between psychiatric disorders, personality traits and cardiovascular diseases (CVD), 4) identify genetic variants that can modify the risk for psychiatric disorders and determine whether genetic risk factors are shared between psychiatric disorders and CVD. This paper presents the method as well as somatic and sociodemographic characteristics of the sample. METHODS: All 35 to 66 year-old persons previously selected for the population-based CoLaus survey on risk factors for CVD were asked to participate in a substudy assessing psychiatric conditions. This investigation included the Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies to elicit diagnostic criteria for threshold disorders according to DSM-IV and algorithmically defined subthreshold syndromes. Complementary information was gathered on potential risk and protective factors for psychiatric disorders, migraine and on the morbidity of first-degree family members, whereas the collection of DNA and plasma samples was part of the original somatic study (CoLaus). RESULTS: A total of 3,691 individuals completed the psychiatric evaluation (67% participation). The gender distribution of the sample did not differ significantly from that of the general population in the same age range. Although the youngest 5-year band of the cohort was underrepresented and the oldest 5-year band overrepresented, participants of PsyCoLaus and individuals who refused to participate revealed comparable scores on the General Health Questionnaire, a self-rating instrument completed at the somatic exam. CONCLUSIONS: Despite limitations resulting from the relatively low participation in the context of a comprehensive and time-consuming investigation, the PsyCoLaus study should significantly contribute to the current understanding of psychiatric disorders and comorbid somatic conditions by: 1) establishing the clinical relevance of specific psychiatric syndromes below the DSM-IV threshold; 2) determining comorbidity between risk factors for CVD and psychiatric disorders; 3) assessing genetic variants associated with common psychiatric disorders and 4) identifying DNA markers shared between CVD and psychiatric disorders.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different combinations of grape cultivars and rootstocks on chemical characteristics of grape juices. Six treatments were evaluated, consisting of combinations between the Isabel Precoce and BRS Cora grape cultivars and the 'IAC 766', 'IAC 313', and 'IAC 572' rootstocks. Approximately 10 L of juice were obtained per treatment. Analyses of color, total soluble solids content, pH, anthocyanins, total phenolics, total sugars, and quantification and identification of biogenic amines by HPLC were performed. Biogenic amines, such as putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, and spermine, were found in all evaluated cultivars. By principal component analysis (PCA), treatments can be divided into two groups, according to the cultivar. Juices obtained from 'Isabel Precoce' are characterized by higher levels of total sugar content and soluble solids; however, juices from 'BRS Cora' are positively correlated with phenolic content, anthocyanins, and color and acidity parameters. The differences found by PCA for juices from the Isabel Precoce and BRS Cora cultivars indicate that, regardless of the rootstock used, the most important factor in the chemical characterization of juices is the grape cultivar.


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The aim of this study was to establish and compare the sperm characteristics in four shrew species in the context of the sperm competition hypothesis. As expected, the large relative testis size in promiscuous species was associated with a high number of cauda epididymal spermatozoa and a high concentration of circulating testosterone. In addition, in Sorex and Neomys, species with high intensity of sperm competition, the spermatozoa stored in cauda epididymis were characterized by high percentage of progressive motility whereas in Crocidura and Suncus, the cauda epididymal spermatozoa were motile but with very low percentage of progressive motility. This capability is achieved only following the passage through the vas gland, a specialized region for sperm storage located along the vas deferens in these shrew species. The hypothesis that sperm competition is positively correlated with spermatozoa length could not be confirmed. In Crocidura and Suncus, the total sperm length is increased by the large sperm head due to a big acrosome. This trait, specific to the subfamily Crocidurinae, may results from a selective pressure independent of the context of sperm competition, related to a specific, but as yet unclear role, for the acrosome during the fertilization.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia hyvän asiakasreferenssin ominaisuuksia suodatinvalmistaja Laroxin myynnin ja huollon sekä yrityksen asiakkaiden näkökulmasta. Larox voi käyttää saatua tietoa referenssien tehokkaampaan valintaan ja hyödyntämiseen. Kaksi internet-kyselyä toteutettiin, välineenä Webropol. Alustava kysely sunnattiin Laroxin myynnille ja huollolle. Kysely koostui viidestä kategoriasta asiakasreferenssejä, joiden tärkeyttä arvioitiin, sekä vapaista vastauksista. Tunnistettuja hyvän asiakasreferenssin ominaisuuksia ovat hyvä suhde referenssiasiakkaaseen, positiiviset jarehelliset suosittelut asiakkaalta, referenssilaitteen hyvä toimintakyky ja asiakas joka ymmärtää huollon tärkeyden. Pääkysely suunnattiin Laroxin asiakkaille. Tilastollisilla analyyseilla tutkittiin koetun riskin mallinmuuttujien välisiä yhteyksiä. Analyysit eivät paljastaneet merkittäviä riippuvuuksia asiakasreferenssin ominaisuuksien tärkeydessä eritaustaisten vastaajien tai tilannetekijöiden välillä, mutta asiakasreferenssin ominaisuuksien faktorit tukevat mallia. Referenssilaitteiden toimintakyky vaikuttaa tärkeimmältä ja huollon tärkeys on myös merkittävä.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Vitamin+mineral supplement (VMS) and dietary supplement (DS) use is widespread in the general population, but the motivations for such use are poorly known. The prevalence and characteristics of VMS and DS users in Lausanne, Switzerland, were thus assessed. METHOD: Cross-sectional study was performed including 3249 women and 2937 men (CoLaus study). VMS were defined as single or multivitamin-multimineral preparations. DS included omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids, herbal teas, plant or animal extracts and bacterial (Lactobacillus) preparations. Calcium and iron supplements were assessed separately. RESULTS: Twenty-six percent of the subjects reported using VMS or DS. VMS were the most frequently consumed item (16.8%), followed by DS (10%), calcium (6.6%) and iron (1.8%). Women reported a higher consumption than men. In women, VMS, DS and calcium use increased and iron use decreased with age, whereas in men only VMS and calcium intake increased with age. Multivariate analysis showed female gender, being born in Switzerland, increased age, higher education and increased physical activity to be positively related with VMS and DS. On bivariate analysis, VMS and DS users presented more frequently with arthritis, anxiety, depression and osteoporosis, but on multivariate analysis only positive relationships between DS use and anxiety/depression (odds ratio (OR)=1.40; 95% confidence interval (CI): [1.16-1.70]) and calcium and osteoporosis (OR=10.6; 95% CI [7.77-14.4]) were found. CONCLUSION: VMS and DS use is common in the population of Lausanne and associated with a better health profile. Calcium supplements are taken to prevent osteoporosis, whereas the rationale for taking other VMS and DS is unclear.


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Yksi keskeisimmistä tehtävistä matemaattisten mallien tilastollisessa analyysissä on mallien tuntemattomien parametrien estimointi. Tässä diplomityössä ollaan kiinnostuneita tuntemattomien parametrien jakaumista ja niiden muodostamiseen sopivista numeerisista menetelmistä, etenkin tapauksissa, joissa malli on epälineaarinen parametrien suhteen. Erilaisten numeeristen menetelmien osalta pääpaino on Markovin ketju Monte Carlo -menetelmissä (MCMC). Nämä laskentaintensiiviset menetelmät ovat viime aikoina kasvattaneet suosiotaan lähinnä kasvaneen laskentatehon vuoksi. Sekä Markovin ketjujen että Monte Carlo -simuloinnin teoriaa on esitelty työssä siinä määrin, että menetelmien toimivuus saadaan perusteltua. Viime aikoina kehitetyistä menetelmistä tarkastellaan etenkin adaptiivisia MCMC menetelmiä. Työn lähestymistapa on käytännönläheinen ja erilaisia MCMC -menetelmien toteutukseen liittyviä asioita korostetaan. Työn empiirisessä osuudessa tarkastellaan viiden esimerkkimallin tuntemattomien parametrien jakaumaa käyttäen hyväksi teoriaosassa esitettyjä menetelmiä. Mallit kuvaavat kemiallisia reaktioita ja kuvataan tavallisina differentiaaliyhtälöryhminä. Mallit on kerätty kemisteiltä Lappeenrannan teknillisestä yliopistosta ja Åbo Akademista, Turusta.


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The aimed of this work was to investigate the effects of maturity stages on the physicochemical characteristics of bilimbi (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) which were cultivated in Recife-PE. During one year, the fruits were harvested from five different trees (unidentified variety) in mature and half-mature stages. They were analysed on total soluble solids (TSS), oxalic acid and vitamin C. Ripe fruits had the highest levels of TSS and vitamin C and lowest levels of oxalic acid, independently of weather conditions. The results showed that maturity stage influenced on physicochemical characteristics of bilimbi fruits.


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Päästöjen vähentäminen on ollut viime vuosina tärkeässä osassa polttomoottoreita kehitettäessä.Monet viralliset tahot asettavat uusia tiukempia päästörajoituksia. Päästörajatovat tyypillisesti olleet tiukimmat autoteollisuuden valmistamille pienille nopeakäyntisille diesel-moottoreille, mutta viime aikoina paineita on kohdistunut myös suurempiin keskinopeisiin ja hidaskäyntisiin diesel-moottoreihin. Päästörajat ovat erilaisia riippuen moottorin tyypistä, käytetystä polttoaineesta ja paikasta missä moottoria käytetään johtuen erilaisista paikallisista laeista ja asetuksista. Eniten huomiota diesel-moottorin päästöissä täytyy kohdistaa typen oksideihin, savun muodostukseen sekä partikkeleihin. Laskennallisen virtausmekaniikan (CFD) avulla on hyvät mahdollisuudet tutkia diesel-moottorin sylinterissä tapahtuvia ilmiöitä palamisen aikana. CFD on hyödyllinen työkalu arvioitaessa moottorin suorituskykyä ja päästöjen muodostumista. CFD:llä on mahdollista testata erilaisten parametrien ja geometrioiden vaikutusta ilman kalliita moottorinkoeajoja. CFD:tä voidaan käyttää myös opetustarkoituksessa lisäämään paloprosessin tuntemusta. Tulevaisuudessa palamissimuloinnit CFD:llä tulevat epäilemättä olemaan tärkeä osa moottorin kehityksessä. Tässä diplomityössä on tehty palamissimuloinnit kahteen erilaisilla poittoaineenruiskutuslaitteistoilla varustettuun Wärtsilän keskinopeaan diesel-moottoriin. W46 moottorin ruiskutuslaitteisto on perinteinen mekaanisesti ohjattu pumppusuutin ja W46-CR moottorissa on elektronisesti ohjattu 'common rail' ruiskutuslaitteisto. Näiden moottorien ja käytössä olevien ruiskutusprofiilien lisäksi on simuloinneilla testattu erilaisia uusia ruiskutusprofiileja, jotta erityyppisten profiilien hyvät ja huonot ominaisuudet tulisivat selville. Matalalla kuormalla kiinnostuksen kohteena on nokipäästöjen muodostus ja täydellä kuormalla NOx-päästöjen muodostus ja polttoaineen kulutus. Simulointien tulokset osoittivat, että noen muodostusta matalalla kuormalla voidaan selvästi vähentää monivaiheisella ruiskutuksella, jossa yksi ruiskutusjakso jaetaan kahteen tai useampaan jaksoon. Erityisen tehokas noen vähentämisessä vaikuttaa olevan ns. jälkiruiskutus (post injection). Matalat NOx-päästöt ja hyvä polttoaineen kulutus täydellä kuormalla on mahdollista saavuttaaasteittain nostettavalla ruiskutusnopeudella.


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In this research, was used four papaya (Carica papaya L.) genotypes: three from the 'Solo ( Sunrise Solo TJ, Sunrise Solo 72/12 and Baixinho de Santa Amália) group and one from the 'Formosa' group (Know-You 01). They were grown in plastic pots containing a sandy-clay-loam soil subjected to pH correction and fertilization, under greenhouse conditions. Throughout the experimental period plants were subjected to periodic irrigation to maintain the soil humitidy around field capacity. The experiment was conducted 73 days after sowing. In all genotypes, leaf gas exchange characteristics were determined. The net photosynthetic rate (A, mumol m-2 s-1 ), stomatal conductance (g s mol m-2 s-1), leaf temperature (T I, 0C) and intercellular carbon dioxide concentration (ci, muL L-1) on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th leaves from the plant apex were determined. No significant differences were observed for A, g s, c i, or Tl either among the leaves sampled from any of the genotypes. A was positively correlated with g s and in the other hand T I and g s were negatively correlated. The results suggest that, for 73 DAP, all the sampled papaya leaves functioned as sources of organs.


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INTRODUCTION: To assess the impact of duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) on baseline and 18-month follow-up characteristics controlling for relevant confounders in an epidemiological first-episode psychosis (FEP) cohort. METHOD: The Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC) in Australia admitted 786 FEP patients from January 1998 to December 2000. Data were collected from medical files using a standardized questionnaire. Data from 636 patients were analyzed. RESULTS: Median DUP was 8.7 weeks. Longer DUP was associated with worse premorbid functioning (p<0.001), higher rate of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders (p<0.001), and younger age at onset of psychosis (p=0.004). Longer DUP was not associated with baseline variables but with a lower rate of remission of positive symptoms (p<0.001) and employment/occupation (p<0.001), a higher rate of persistent substance use (p=0.015), worse illness severity (p<0.001) and global functioning (p<0.001) at follow-up after controlling for relevant confounders, explaining approximately 5% of variance of remission of positive symptoms (p<0.001) in the total sample and 3% in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders excluding bipolar I disorder (p=0.002). Outcome was significantly worse when DUP exceeded 1-3 months. CONCLUSION: Avoiding pitfalls of non-epidemiological studies, DUP appears to be a modest independent predictor of prognosis in the medium-term. Results support the need for assertive early detection strategies.


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The Murcott tangor represent 20% of the tangerines trees in São Paulo State being the second more grown. Their fruits have good acceptance in the market cause of the good characteristics presented as: size, attractive internal and external color, transport resistance, high juice rate and industry potential. It is necessary to study the behavior of others varieties, in order to amplify the diversity of tangerine industry, which show suitable characteristics to the fresh fruit market and that make possible different harvest season. Many tangerine varieties, selected from the Citrus Germplasm Bank of the do Centro Avançado de Pesquisa Tecnológica do Agronegócio de Citros "Sylvio Moreira"/IAC, belong to trials carried out in 15 places in São Paulo State. The Capão Bonito area, south-west of the state, is one of this places where the Nova tangelo, the Ortanique and the Murcott tangors are showing quite good results about their fruit qualities. This paper had as an objective to compare the fruit characteristics of the Nova tangelo, the Murcott and the Ortanique tangors grafted on two rootstocks: Rangpur lime and Cleopatra mandarin. Accordingly to the gotten results, is possible to conclude that Nova and Ortanique had shown weight, width, fruit shape and juice percent, similar to the Murcott. In compliance with the harvest season, the Nova present suitable conditions to fresh fruit market in May and June. By the other hand the Murcott fruits can be harvested in July to August and the Ortanique in August to September. For this reason, is possible extend the harvest season of this mandarin-like, from two to five month, occurring inclusive in a period out of the crop at the north hemisphere.


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(1) Surpoids chez les enfants suisses et associations avec certaines caractéristiques chez les enfants et leurs parents Le but de cette étude était de mesurer la prévalence du surpoids et de l?obésité chez les enfants de sixième année du canton de Vaud (âge moyen de 12 ans) et les facteurs associés au surpoids. Les données ont été récoltées lors d?une étude menée par l?Institut universitaire de médecine sociale et préventive. Tous les enfants scolarisés en 6ème année à l?école publique du canton de Vaud entre septembre 2005 et mai 2006 étaient éligibles à participer à cette étude. Le taux de participation a atteint 76% (soit 5207 enfants de 12,3 ans en moyenne). Le poids et la taille des enfants ont été mesurés à l?école par des assistants de recherche et les enfants ont rempli, en classe, un questionnaire structuré sur leur mode de vie (notamment : temps quotidien passé à regarder la télévision, à jouer à des jeux sur écran; fréquence de la pratique de diverses activités physiques; fréquence de la consommation de fruits ou de légumes). Des informations sur les parents (niveau d?éducation, nationalité, poids et taille) ont été récoltées au moyen d?un questionnaire structuré envoyé par courrier à ceux-ci. Nous avons utilisé les critères de l?International Obesity Task Force, qui définit les valeurs-seuils de l'indice de masse corporelle pour le surpoids et pour l?obésité, par age et par sexe. La prévalence du surpoids (obésité incluse) dans la population était de 15% chez les garçons et de 12% chez les filles, et la prévalence de l?obésité était de 2% dans les deux sexes. Nous avons trouvé que le surpoids était associé de façon indépendante avec le temps passé à regarder la télévision, ainsi qu?avec certaines caractéristiques des parents, comme le surpoids, un bas niveau d?éducation et une nationalité étrangère. En conclusion, un enfant sur sept est en surpoids ou obèse dans le canton de Vaud. Ces chiffres indiquent un important défi de santé publique, même si cette prévalence dans le canton de Vaud est, actuellement, moindre que dans beaucoup d?autres pays d?Europe, et bien moindre qu?en Amérique du Nord. Les associations entre le surpoids infantile et le temps passé à regarder la télévision, ainsi que les associations avec des variables liées au milieu socio-culturel des parents indiquent plusieurs pistes d?intervention pour prévenir le surpoids chez les enfants. Il est probable que les mesures de prévention ne devraient pas se limiter aux approches individuelles, mais devraient aussi inclure des mesures structurelles sur l?environnement social, physique et économique visant à réduire les facteurs obésogènes dans la société.<br/><br/>Objective: The objective was to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children in a canton of Switzerland and the association with various characteristics of the parents and the children. Research Methods and Procedures: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in all children of the sixth school grade of the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. Weight and height were measured, and selected lifestyle variables were assessed with a self-administered semiquantitative questionnaire. Information on children?s parents was gathered through a mailed structured questionnaire. Overweight and obesity were based on the International Obesity Task Force criteria. Results: Of 6873 eligible children, 5207 (76%) participated (2621 boys, 2586 girls; mean age, 12.3 years; standard deviation, 0.5 year). The prevalence of overweight (including obesity) was 15.0% (95% confidence interval, 13.7% to 16.4%) in boys and 12.4% (11.1% to 13.7%) in girls, and the prevalence of obesity was 1.8% (1.3% to 2.3%) and 1.7% (1.2% to 2.2%), respectively. In both univariate and multivariate analyses, overweight was strongly associated with high television viewing time and selected characteristics of the parents (overweight, low educational level, and foreign nationality). Discussion: The prevalence of pediatric overweight and obesity was lower in this region of Switzerland than in several European countries. The correlates of overweight found in this region suggest areas for potential interventions.


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The improvement of the dynamics of flexible manipulators like log cranes often requires advanced control methods. This thesis discusses the vibration problems in the cranes used in commercial forestry machines. Two control methods, adaptive filtering and semi-active damping, are presented. The adaptive filter uses a part of the lowest natural frequency of the crane as a filtering frequency. The payload estimation algorithm, filtering of control signal and algorithm for calculation of the lowest natural frequency of the crane are presented. The semi-active damping method is basedon pressure feedback. The pressure vibration, scaled with suitable gain, is added to the control signal of the valve of the lift cylinder to suppress vibrations. The adaptive filter cuts off high frequency impulses coming from the operatorand semi-active damping suppresses the crane?s oscillation, which is often caused by some external disturbance. In field tests performed on the crane, a correctly tuned (25 % tuning) adaptive filter reduced pressure vibration by 14-17 % and semi-active damping correspondingly by 21-43%. Applying of these methods require auxiliary transducers, installed in specific points in the crane, and electronically controlled directional control valves.