988 resultados para Mexico - Politica e governo


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this paper is to discuss the quality of fiscal policy in Brazil and Mexico and investigate whether fiscal policy influence is favorable to reduce the unemployment rate. Public spending, which has a positive effect on the level of employment when results in additional aggregate demand, may cause a negative effect on employment, if its financing depends on persistent high interest rates. Brazil and Mexico have engaged in a long effort to control public spending and to reduce the public deficit to zero. Does this policy bring a positive result to the economic activity no matter how actual public deficit has been financed? We select variables related to public budget as public sector borrowing requirements, taxes, public debt and others to form a data base. The fiscal institutional arrangement and the data allow us to evaluate the fiscal policy as a whole and to discuss the importance of credibility and reputation of the government.


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Brazilian constitution says that all Brazilians have basic survival rights such as education, sanitation and food, but these basic rights are luxury for some. So, thinking about this, this paper aims to develop a critical analysis about the (re)production of the discourse on poverty, and consequently on the poor, given by the federal government, through the official website of the program Brazil Without Poverty (Brasil Sem Pobreza), the media, represented by Veja magazine, and by those who affirm to be representatives of the poor; like the Single Central Slums (Central Única das Favelas CUFA). Our aim is to present a critical reflection on the discourses about the poverty in the voices of the government, Veja magazine (media representative) and CUFA (poor representative) and their contribution to the development of the meanings of the theme in Brazilian society. In order to do so, we have identified categories based upon Bajoit (2006a) to classify which the author calls faces of poverty . We have used the Sociological and Communicational Discourse Approach (ASCD) as developed by Pedrosa (2012a, 2012b, 2012c), within the Critical Discourse Analysis as theoretical apparatus, and also the studies in which the ASCD is built upon such as Sociology for Social Change (BAJOIT, 2006), the Cultural Studies (HALL, 2005), and the Functional Systemic Linguistic, especially the Evaluating System (MARTHIN & WHITE, 2005, VIAN JR et al, 2011). Thus, the discourse on poverty or on fighting poverty, extracted from news, chronicles and other genres of the mentioned vehicles, are taken as object of study to understand identities that are created and renewed on poverty and on the Brazilian poor, as their dependence on the government and civil society, their exploitation by the economy, and even the media that sometimes features them as delinquent


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Le présent texte vise à analiser la apropriation de l'espace par le pouvoir publique. Entre les années 1956 et 1964, la ville brésilien de Natal a été administré par le maire Djalma Maranhao, dirigeants politiques marquées par des idées nationalistes, comme la lutte contre l'impérialisme et l'émancipation du peuple a travers de ce que l'on appelle « culture populaire ». Le terme a acquis une connotation politique, en même temps dans ce qui était considéré comme la plus pure manifestation du peuple brésilien. La dynamique politique signifie aussi un nouveau regard sur la ville, enquant que le désir de progrès, de industrialisation et de réformes sociales propagée dans la politique nationale brésilienne, directement traduit par des changements dans son espace physique. Dans cette orientation nationaliste, la ville a entrepris des actions systématiques à l'encontre des nouveaux besoins urbains qui se posent en même temps que tourné certains places de la ville à espaces culturelles, appelée « places de la culture ». Ces espaces sont destinés à la promotion de la culture populaire en même temps il a été un domaine stratégique de la production et la réception des valeurs défendues par Djalma Maranhao. En ce sens, nous avons demandé répondre quelle a été la position du maire face à la besoins urbaines qu'ils se posaient et comme les places de la culture sont intégré à la vie quotidienne de la ville de Natal, donnant une nouvelle signification à la place publique. Pour la construction de ce travail, nous utilisons les sources orales et de revues, de journaux et de A República et Folha da Tarde, comme le principal ressources méthodologiques


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From the 1980s, with technological development, globalization, and in a context of increasingly urgent demands, there is an international movement to modernize the state structures. Being driven by the victory of conservative governments in Britain and the U.S., this speech reform comes only to Brazil in the 1990s, the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Thus, in view of the recent movement of states to implement this reform agenda in their structures this research was to identify the elements that made it possible to attempt to modernize the administrative structure of the state of Piauí in 2003, in view of the political and administrative career in which the state was entered. Seeking to clarify the problem studied here, through a case study carried out a descriptive and exploratory, using a technique of gathering data to document research and interviews semi-structured. As the lens of analysis for this study used the neo-historical and sociological institutionalism, through which it sought to identify the critical moment in which they gave the Administrative Reform of Piaui, the process of breaking with the political and administrative career that previously had being followed, and the isomorphic mechanisms that enabled this speech reform comes up to this state, mechanisms that allow the homogenization of the organizational field. In general it appears that the search for new patterns and new technologies for management by the states in Brazil is due to the context of fiscal crisis in which the states were entered, forcing them to seek alternative models of management . The process of diffusion of New Public Management agenda for the states became possible, among other factors, due to the new scenario in which was inserted into the Brazilian federal system in the second half of the 1990s, characterized by a greater articulation between the horizontalstates, where through the mechanisms of isomorphic institutional change was made possible by the absorption of the speech states reformer of the 1990s. However, due to the specificities of each region is given the experiences state unevenly. In the case of Piauí Administrative Reform only became possible due to the rearrangement of political forces in the state and the mechanisms of isomorphic institutional change, which allowed, in 2003, the state government to absorb the speech reformer


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Cet article a l'objectif de détailler les diverses initiatives du gouvernement Lula (2003-2010) par rapport à la mise en forme d'une politique de ressources humaines et, de cette façon, vérifier s'il y a eu une amélioration des conditions et relations de travail dans le secteur public brésilien. À partir des années 1990, et dans le sens contraire de la grande croissance de l'emploi public dans les six décennies précédentes, l'adhésion des gouvernements brésiliens aux principes du « Consensus de Washington » souligne le fonctionnalisme comme point fondamental dans l'agenda des réformes nécessaires à la reprise de la croissance économique. Ces gouvernements là se sont penchés sur le traitement de l'emploi public comme étant un problème fiscal et ont agi pour restreindre sa dimension. Simultanément, les conditions et relations de travail se sont présentées plus fragilisées (rendues évidentes par l'absence de réajustement de salaire; la croissance de formes variables de rémunération ; l'élargissement du cadre de travailleurs temporaires et externes, e avec l'attitude autoritaire devant la représentation syndicale). Avec une recherche documentaire et bibliographique, on pourra remarquer que la restructuration de nombreuses carrières, la reprise des concours, la création de la « Réunion Nationale de Négotiation Permanente », la réforme de la sécurité sociale et les réajustements selectifs des rémunérations manifestent l'ambiguïté comme une marque fondamentale des politiques de ressources humaines. Cela parce que, au même temps, les progrès des conditions de travail du serviteur public ont toujours été accompagnés par l'entretien d'une partie de l'agenda conservatrice des années 1990, surtout par rapport à la reproduction de limites fiscaux rigoureux.


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Ao inventariarmos as grandes celebrações da monarquia portuguesa, encontraremos algumas que são cerimoniais eminentemente religiosos. Dentre eles, há a procissão do Anjo da Guarda do Reino de Portugal (no terceiro domingo de julho), instituída no século XVI como celebração da realeza, das quais toda a Corte participava e eram realizadas por todo o reino português. Também as aclamações de Da. Maria I (1777) e D. João VI (1818) utilizam elementos de caráter religioso (símbolos e idéias). Estas celebrações colocam-nos a hipótese de uma série de articulações entre os procedimentos religiosos e o poder real. em função do exame daquelas procissões e destes cerimoniais, procuramos esboçar uma imagem do rei português: um rei-protetor, detentor de um poder de salvação.


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Eighteen collections of red-coloured Audouinella from Central Mexico and southeastern Brazil detected three species. The most common species, A. eugenea, is characterized by macroscopic thalli, the erect system consisting of filaments with cylindrical cells, undifferentiated into proximal and distal parts, and relatively large monosporangia (greater than or equal to 12.0 mum long). Spermatangia. and possible propagules were observed in some Mexican populations. This is the third Audouinella species observed to have gametangia and the first member of the Acrochaetiales with putative propagules. The second species, from Central Mexico, was characterized by the following features: macroscopic thalli, the erect system differentiated into proximal parts with cylindrical cells, unbranched or rarely branched, and distal parts with barrel-shaped cells, abundantly branched to form dense fascicles, with alternate or dichotomous branching, some at right-angles to the axis, and relatively large monosporangia (greater than or equal to 12.0 mum long). The morphologically distinct proximal and distal portions of the erect system, the latter forming dense fascicles, was a consistent character so far unknown in Audouinella; thus, we propose a new species, A. huastecana sp. nov. The third species is a microscopic epiphyte, A. meiospora, with a well-developed prostrate system composed of creeping and loosely aggregated filaments, and a short homogeneous erect system (less than or equal to 15 cells) of filaments with cylindrical or barrel-shaped cells and small monosporangia (less than or equal to 13.0 mum long). A. eugenea and A. meiospora are characterized for the first time from the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, respectively, both occurring mostly in areas of tropical or subtropical rainforests. A. meiospora is reported from new macroalgal hosts. A. eugenea and A. huastecana tended to occur in warm, alkaline waters with a high ion content that were moderate to fast flowing, whereas A. meiospora was not associated with particular habitats.


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The stable oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of caliche in fluvial and supratidal rocks of the Abo Formation (Permian), south-central New Mexico, is controlled by palecoclimate and depositional environment. Fluvial caliche consists of low-Mg calcite nodules and vertically oriented tubules that display stage II texture. Micrite matrix support, brecciation, ooids/pisoliths, aveolar-septal texture, and peloids are common in the fluvial caliche and, along with red color and slickensides in the host shale, indicate pedogenesis in a well-oxidized vadose zone. In contrast, periodic waterlogging of the supratidal paleosols, probably due to high water table, is indicated by drab colors, carbonaceous flecks, horizontal rhizoliths, and the paucity of vadose textures in the stage II caliche nodules.Stable oxygen isotopes are similar in the fluvial and supratidal caliches and range from 21.6 to 30.5 parts per thousand (SMOW). The data exhibit a crude bimodality and delta-O-18 enrichment with a decrease in age (higher in the section). Consideration of these data in the context of delta-temperature relations suggests that 1) surface waters responsible for caliche formation increased in delta-O-18 (from roughly -8 to + 1 parts per thousand) over the 18 m.y. time interval that separated the lowest stratigraphic nodule horizon from the highest, 2) the increasing delta-O-18 values also reflect a warming trend (approximately 15-degrees to nearly 30-degrees-C) in the mean monthly temperature over this same time period, with perhaps an associated increase in Permian ocean temperatures, and 3) the significant variation in delta-O-18 from oldest to youngest caliche was probably enhanced by the amount effect, such that as the temperature increased, the amount of precipitation decreased, resulting in high delta-O-18 values.Caliches in the Abo are enriched in heavy carbon (-7.2 to -1.5 part per thousand PDB) compared to that of soil carbonate derived exclusively from C3 plants (-12 part per thousand PDB), and the supratidal caliches contain somewhat heavier carbon compared to the fluvial caliche. The delta-C-13 values for both environments increase with a decrease in caliche age. These results indicate that as the temperature increased and rainfall decreased with time, the level of C3 plant productivity apparently declined, allowing a greater influx of atmospheric CO2 into the soil. This can only occur when soil respiration rates are quite low or at very shallow depths (less than 10 cm), or both. Atmospheric CO2 seems to have invaded the supratidal soils to a somewhat greater extent than the fluvial soils.


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Through the analysis of Mexican livestock statistics and Sonora and Chihuahua regional census, this work discusses the condition of livestock farming in Northern Mexico during the first decades of the twentieth century, specially after the Revolution. There is no doubt that during this period, the absolute number of livestock heads diminished throughout Mexico, but "estate depredations" did vary geographically. In Nortehrn Mexico, livestock farming suffered more in Chihuahua than in Sonora, and herd recovery was also faster in Sonora. This analysis also allows us to underscore the role of postrevolutionary elites in rebuilding regional economies during the 1920's.


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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the challenges to Political Sciences at the moment when many authors emphasize the usage of democratic paradigm as the only way to the rational building of speech in pluralist societies. At the end of one century of the consolidation of modern liberal thought, both in right and left versions (Wallerstein, 1995), the democracy as research tradition(Ball, 1987) fades away its ethical meaning, based upon equality and freedom, and lacks room for discussions about rules for implementing it. The analytical method seeks to historically rebuild the different levels of modern state-nation upbringing and the consolidation of competitive party democracy in the 20th century, which is the explanation key for the political organizational phenomenon of globalized societies. The result of this analysis opens new perspectives to Political Sciences advance in discussing the nature of democratic paradigm since it needs to face challenges to survive, such as: the fight against the structural violence of our society; the fight against despotism; and the adjustment to the meaning of the word freedom. The facing of the mentioned challenges may open explanation keys that will lead to a change in Political Sciences ways.