1000 resultados para Materials de construcció -- Aspectes ambientals
In the Alps, debris flow deposits generally contain < 5% clay-size particles, and the role of the surface-charged < 2 mu m particles is often neglected, although these particles may have a significant impact on the rheological properties of the interstitial fluid. The objective of this study was to compare debris flow deposits and parent materials from two neighbouring catchments of the Swiss Alps, with special emphasis on the colloidal constituents. The catchments are small in area (4 km(2)), 2.5 km long, similar in morphology, but different in geology. The average slopes are 35-40%. The catchments were monitored for debris flow events and mapped for surface aspect and erosion activity. Debris flow deposits and parent materials were sampled, the clay and silt fractions extracted and the bulk density, < 2 mm fraction bulk density, particle size distribution, chemical composition, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and mineralogy analysed. The results show that the deposits are similar to the parent screes in terms of chemical composition, but differ in terms of: (i) particle size distribution; and (ii) mineralogy, reactivity and density of the < 2 mm fraction. In this fraction, compared with the parent materials the deposits show dense materials enriched in coarse monocrystalline particles, of which the smallest and more reactive particles were leached. The results suggest that deposit samples should not be considered as representative of source or flow materials, particularly with respect to their physical properties.
Ethnopedological studies have mainly focused on agricultural land uses and associated practices. Nevertheless, peasant and indigenous populations use soil and land resources for a number of additional purposes, including pottery. In the present study, we describe and analyze folk knowledge related to the use of soils in non-industrial pottery making by peasant potters, in the municipality of Altinho, Pernambuco State, semiarid region at Brazil. Ethnoscientific techniques were used to record local knowledge, with an emphasis on describing the soil materials recognized by the potters, the properties they used to identify those soil materials, and the criteria employed by them to differentiate and relate such materials. The potters recognized three categories of soil materials: “terra” (earth), “barro” (clay) and, “piçarro” (soft rock). The multi-layered arrangement of these materials within the soil profiles was similar to the arrangement of the soil horizon described by formal pedologists. “Barro vermelho” (red clay) was considered by potters as the principal ceramic resource. The potters followed morphological and utilitarian criteria in distinguishing the different soil materials. Soils from all of these sites were sodium-affected Alfisols and correspond to Typic Albaqualf and Typic Natraqualf in the Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 2010).
This bibliography was compiled by two reference librarians, Patricia Dawson and David Hudson with the goal of making it easier of tracking down material on Iowa history and culture. This supplements the Iowa History Reference Guide published in 1952 by William Petersen.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to submit the same materials that were tested in the round robin wear test of 2002/2003 to the Alabama wear method. METHODS: Nine restorative materials, seven composites (belleGlass, Chromasit, Estenia, Heliomolar, SureFil, Targis, Tetric Ceram) an amalgam (Amalcap) and a ceramic (IPS Empress) have been submitted to the Alabama wear method for localized and generalized wear. The test centre did not know which brand they were testing. Both volumetric and vertical loss had been determined with an optical sensor. After completion of the wear test, the raw data were sent to IVOCLAR for further analysis. The statistical analysis of the data included logarithmic transformation of the data, the calculation of relative ranks of each material within each test centre, measures of agreement between methods, the discrimination power and coefficient of variation of each method as well as measures of the consistency and global performance for each material. RESULTS: Relative ranks of the materials varied tremendously between the test centres. When all materials were taken into account and the test methods compared with each other, only ACTA agreed reasonably well with two other methods, i.e. OHSU and ZURICH. On the other hand, MUNICH did not agree with the other methods at all. The ZURICH method showed the lowest discrimination power, ACTA, IVOCLAR and ALABAMA localized the highest. Material-wise, the best global performance was achieved by the leucite reinforced ceramic material Empress, which was clearly ahead of belleGlass, SureFil and Estenia. In contrast, Heliomolar, Tetric Ceram and especially Chromasit demonstrated a poor global performance. The best consistency was achieved by SureFil, Tetric Ceram and Chromasit, whereas the consistency of Amalcap and Heliomolar was poor. When comparing the laboratory data with clinical data, a significant agreement was found for the IVOCLAR and ALABAMA generalized wear method. SIGNIFICANCE: As the different wear simulator settings measure different wear mechanisms, it seems reasonable to combine at least two different wear settings to assess the wear resistance of a new material.
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)Materials in Chemistry and English following the principles of CLIL / Content-based Instruction and Task-based Learning
The present research project was designed to determine thermal properties, such as coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and thermal conductivity, of Iowa concrete pavement materials. These properties are required as input values by the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG). In this project, a literature review was conducted to determine the factors that affect thermal properties of concrete and the existing prediction equations for CTE and thermal conductivity of concrete. CTE tests were performed on various lab and field samples of portland cement concrete (PCC) at the Iowa Department of Transportation and Iowa State University. The variations due to the test procedure, the equipment used, and the consistency of field batch materials were evaluated. The test results showed that the CTE variations due to test procedure and batch consistency were less than 5%, and the variation due to the different equipment was less than 15%. Concrete CTE values were significantly affected by different types of coarse aggregate. The CTE values of Iowa concrete made with limestone+graval, quartzite, dolomite, limestone+dolomite, and limestone were 7.27, 6.86, 6.68, 5.83, and 5.69 microstrain/oF (13.08, 12.35, 12.03, 10.50, and 10.25 microstrain/oC), respectively, which were all higher than the default value of 5.50 microstrain/oF in the MEPDG program. The thermal conductivity of a typical Iowa PCC mix and an asphalt cement concrete (ACC) mix (both with limestone as coarse aggregate) were tested at Concrete Technology Laboratory in Skokie, Illinois. The thermal conductivity was 0.77 Btu/hr•ft•oF (1.33 W/m•K) for PCC and 1.21 Btu/hr•ft•oF (2.09 W/m•K) for ACC, which are different from the default values (1.25 Btu/hr•ft•oF or 2.16 W/m•K for PCC and 0.67 Btu/hr•ft•oF or 1.16 W/m•K for ACC) in the MEPDG program. The investigations onto the CTE of ACC and the effects of concrete materials (such as cementitious material and aggregate types) and mix proportions on concrete thermal conductivity are recommended to be considered in future studies.
The thermal properties of concrete materials, such as coeffi cient of thermal expansion (CTE), thermal conductivity, and heat capacity, are required by the MEPDG program as the material inputs for pavement design. However, a limited amount of test data is available on the thermal properties of concrete in Iowa. The default values provided by the MEPDG program may not be suitable for Iowa concrete, since aggregate characteristics have signifi cant infl uence on concrete thermal properties.
Més enllà d'extraure dels grans fons arxivístics dades sobre grans epidèmies i figures rellevants de la medicina, aquesta tesi explora també arxius locals, parroquials, notarials, etc, en aquest treball concretament, l'arxiu de la parròquia de Sant Joan de Lleida. D'aquí en treu dades sobre la vida quotidiana dels professionals de la medicina, des de cirurgians a apotecaris i adroguers.
Aquest estudi s'emmarca en la tradició iniciada pels doctors Camps i que consisteix en l'estudi de la medicina a partir de les fonts més directes, provinents sobretot d'arxius parroquials i notarials.En aquesta tesi concretament s'estudia la mortalitat-natalitat així com les epidèmies durant els segles XVI a XVIII a la ciutat de Terrassa. D'aquest estudi s'extreuen també conclusions per a una millor comprensió de les crisis demogràfiques a Catalunya i de la diferent incidència de les diverses epidèmies depenent del territori afectat.
Aquest treball és el primer volum de la tesi presentada pel doctor Camps i Clemente, publicada pel Seminari Pere Mata per tal de donar-li major difusió. En aquesta tesi, l'autor estudia d'una forma extensa i profunda els episodis de mort violenta reportats a Lleida entre els anys 1308 i 1516. Els 342 procediments estudiats es guarden a la Paeria de Lleida i aporten dades sobre la realitat mèdico-sanitària i social de l'època baix-medieval.
Aquí tenim el segon volum de la tesi del doctor Camps i Clemente sobre la mort violenta en el territori lleidatà durant els segles XIV i XV
L'autor exposa aquí el seu treball fruit de l'estudi dels arxius parroquials de dites localitats del Maresme. En concret, el seu estudi està fet sobre els llibres de Naixements, Òbits i Matrimonis. D'aquí n'extreu la informació de caràcter sanitari però també informació sobre la societat de l'època, la demografia i dades estadístiques.
L'article analitza la situació en el mercat laboral dels treballadors immigrants en els sectors del servei domèstic, la construcció i l'hostaleria a Catalunya, i posa l'èmfasi en el seu nivell de qualificació i en les necessitats de formació que se'n deriven. Des de mitjan anys noranta fins a final de 2007, el cicle expansiu de l'economia catalana va requerir mà d'obra estrangera per tal de sostenir un creixement molt intensiu en ocupació. Les dificultats del sistema educatiu en proveir la mà d'obra qualificada que requeria el sistema productiu i l'escassa exigència de qualificació de les empreses dels sectors més intensius en treball han generat un alentiment en el procés de consolidació del model qualificat de gestió de la mà d'obra. Aquesta situació pot ser superada amb un gran acord social i econòmic que impulsi la formació de la població activa i una major exigència de qualificació per part del sistema productiu.
Aquest treball s’inclou dins la línia de recerca de la Secció de Conservació-Restauració delPatrimoni que es centra en l’estudi tècnic dels suports de fusta de frontals i retaules percaracteritzar-los i aportar noves informacions sobre els materials constitutius, els seussistemes de construcció i el seu origen. En aquest cas, l’estudi es centra en pintura sobretaula catalana del segle XII.La selecció de peces i l’acotació del tema van sorgir arrel d’un treball fi nal de màster (setembre2009) en el que ja es van estudiar els suports d’un conjunt de taules de fusta policromades dels segles XI, XIII i XIV custodiades al Museu Episcopal de Vic (MEV)...
Els objectius de partida d’aquesta recerca han estat l’estudi de les tècniques i dels materials dela pintura mural medieval a Catalunya, tot i establint paraŀlelismes amb el coneixement que ensaporten els tractats tècnics d’època medieval. S’ha revisat també l’estat actual del coneixement sobre les tècniques d’alguns conjunts de pintura mural aragonesos i d’àmbit europeu.