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This paper presents a study about the operation of the major system’s components of a linear particle acclerator (Linac). It addresses the components mainly responsible for the formation of the beam, through the inclusion of several block diagrams showing the details of the structure. Among the systems discussed may be mentioned the system modulator, automatic frequency control, dosimetry and auxiliary systems. The main objective is the dissemination of basic technology applied in linear accelerators and create literature about this subject in national language. Despite the high complexity and large number of devices that comprise a linear accelerator, it has been developed an easy to understand text that adresses the most relevant issues to the operation of the linear accelerator from the point of view of electrical engineering
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From the informations collected on the Commercial Football Club, the city of Ribeirao Preto, there was a case study in order to identify and describe the management model adopted by the club, to overcome the financial and administrative crisis. It was used as reference to analyze the concepts of social capital and historic capital, considered decisive for the choice of the management model adopted. In addition, we also used the proposals contained in sports management studies to identify the business model chosen by the Commercial Club Football Club. In the final considerations argued that the adopted model already includes some results, as the club qualified to participate the Series A-1 League football Paulista, one of the targets set by the new management of the club
This work aimed to investigate the possible contributions of the use of digital resources in the teaching and learning process of Commercial and Financial Mathematics concepts to high school students. Its development has included a survey of some researches on the topic as well as an experimental study of a qualitative type, in which the Webquest was used as methodology. It uses the computer, more precisely the internet resources, to assist students in building up knowledge. Eight meetings were held, in the after-school period, with a group of students of the second year of high school at a state public school in the city of Guaratinguetá. Aiming to evaluate the knowledge that students had about the theme, it was applied a diagnosis at first glance for further analysis and development of activities and interventions according to the students’ answers. Once the research data was analyzed, it was noted that the students had little knowledge regarding the basic contents of Commercial and Financial Mathematics, in addition to presenting difficulties in handling some of the digital resources used in the meetings. Nonetheless, from the students’ works, it was seen significant advances in understanding and building up knowledge on concepts such as percentage, simple and compound interest, savings, and sales involving prompt payment or in arrears
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This paper work has as objective the study and forecasting of the demand behavior for the European commercial aviation industry. Once economy and demand has a straight relationship, the tool chosen to perform this forecast was the Econometry. In order to get a more efficient forecast, a complete analysis of the environment in which the aviation sector is, to understand all factors with influence over the market as a whole. Only then, the variables which would be tested for the correlation with the demand were picked. The final results of this study has achieved all objectives set and has given a better view over the European Commercial Aviation Market
This work aims to determine the stresses acting on the main beam of a crane to transport steel coils of up to twelve tons. To determine the stress it was made a revision of the knowledge of the mechanics of materials to apply the analytical method. Following a review of the finite element method is made to understand the same. To complete the study it was used the commercial software ANSYS to determine the stresses by finite element method, the program provides images that help to better understand the results obtained. With the results a comparison of the values of the tensions between the two methods (analytical and finite element) was made. To assist in the calculations it was used the NBR 8400, 1984 (Calculation of Lifting Equipment Load)
A solução HTK (histidina, triptofano e cetoglutarato) foi especialmente desenvolvida para preservar a heterogeneidade morfológica e bioquímica dos órgãos destinados ao transplante. Contém exclusivamente substâncias existentes no organismo tais como cloretos de sódio, potássio e magnésio, histidina, triptofano, manitol e cetoglutarato de potássio. Sua composição promove a inibição de todos os processos de ativação muscular, nervosa ou endócrina nas estruturas estimuláveis das membranas. Nos compêndios oficiais encontram-se métodos de análise qualitativa e quantitativa para matérias primas. Análises das matérias primas foram realizadas nos Laboratórios de Controle de Qualidade da faculdade de Farmácia e Laboratório de Eletroanalitica (NDcom) do Instituto de Química aplicando os métodos preconizados nos códigos oficiais. Os resultados obtidos com as matérias primas foram satisfatórios e confiáveis. Os mesmos métodos não possibilitaram a análise da Solução HTK acabada como proposto inicialmente. Esses métodos não apresentaram sensibilidade suficiente para a determinação das matérias primas empregadas no preparo desta solução, pois estas se encontram em concentrações bastante reduzidas, necessitando métodos mais sensíveis que realizem análise de traços de eletrólitos.
In Brazil, The power generation has always depended on the rivers, in other words, there are moments that the power generation can vary, which can cause variations in energy supply and even blackout according to the level of water in the reservoirs of the hydroelectric plants. For this reason, many options has been studied, like our example, which is about a combined cycle power plant in Canas. The use of combined cycle is interesting from the point o view of energy, because its efficiency is between 50 and 60%, and from the point of view of environment, because it can burn natural gas, which is cleaner than coal, it reduces the emission of gases that influence on the greenhouse effect. This work aims to perform a technical analysis of a case study of a power plant proposed to be built in Canas by the AES/AES Tietê Group. For the analysis will be used the commercial software GateCycle 6.0.0 from GE, this software has the power of simulating power generation cycles (nuclear, combined, etc.). The energy department of UNESP has the license, which makes possible the academic use of this tool. Two combined cycles were simulated, one using one pressure level HRSG, and another one closer to the real power plant, which is a combined cycle with a three pressure level HRSG. The results were close to expected, for the combined cycle with one pressure HRSG the power was 513,9 MW and a efficiency of 53,27%, in the case with the three pressure level HRSG the power was 517,1 MW and a efficiency of 53,5%. We conclude that the software requires that the user must have the knowledge about the subjects involved in the use of GateCycle in problems resolutions
The development of medium-sized cities in recent decade, caused, partly, by the industrial deconcentration process generated, beyond benefits, several problems for these cities population. The unplanned rapid growth of these cities, together with the capitalist model of production collaborated for the increase of socioeconomics questions in these locations. The urban mobility became one of these problems, embarrassing citizen’s lives, especially in downtown area. Therefore, the State began looking for solutions to improve urban mobility of the population, contributing to their quality of life and also to adapt the city to new market demand. In these work, we analyzed the situation of Brazilian medium-sized cities downtown area, as well as its growth process, tanking as an example the case of the city of Rio Claro – SP and it´s Public Administration proposal to improve the flow and urban mobility in a particular street in the town´s commercial centre
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Recently, some countries outside the Triad (Japan, Europe and the United States) have assumed an important role in the pharmaceutical scenario, as large producers, among them stand out Brazil. In the 90s, there were major institutional transformations and the pharmaceutical industry has undergone a reverse specialization process, because liberalization has discouraged production of pharmaceutical chemicals and dependence of imports increased. The law of generics medicines in 1999 emerged as an attempt to increase the population's access to medicines equivalent to ones with brand, with more affordable prices. As a result of this law there was a strengthening of the national capital and a major attraction for foreign companies to brazilian market. This study aims to assess the development trajectory of the country, showing how path-dependence has culminated in greater empowerment of national pharmaceutical industries after the Generics Law in 1999