987 resultados para Maça Galaxy
We present a photometric and spectroscopic study of a reddened type Ic supernova (SN) 2005at. We report our results based on the available data of SN 2005at, including late-time observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope. In particular, late-time mid-infrared observations are something rare for type Ib/c SNe. In our study we find SN 2005at to be very similar photometrically and spectroscopically to another nearby type Ic SN 2007gr, underlining the prototypical nature of this well-followed type Ic event. The spectroscopy of both events shows similar narrow spectral line features. The radio observations of SN 2005at are consistent with fast evolution and low luminosity at radio wavelengths. The late-time Spitzer data suggest the presence of an unresolved light echo from interstellar dust and dust formation in the ejecta, both of which are unique observations for a type Ic SN. The late-time Hubble observations reveal a faint point source coincident with SN 2005at, which is very likely either a declining light echo of the SN or a compact cluster. For completeness we study ground-based pre-explosion archival images of the explosion site of SN 2005at, however this only yielded very shallow upper limits for the SN progenitor star. We derive a host galaxy extinction of AV ∼ 1.9 mag for SN 2005at, which is relatively high for a SN in a normal spiral galaxy not viewed edge-on.
Aims. The large and small-scale (pc) structure of the Galactic interstellar medium can be investigated by utilising spectra of early-type stellar probes of known distances in the same region of the sky. This paper determines the variation in line strength of Ca ii at 3933.661 Å as a function of probe separation for a large sample of stars, including a number of sightlines in the Magellanic Clouds.
Methods. FLAMES-GIRAFFE data taken with the Very Large Telescope towards early-type stars in 3 Galactic and 4 Magellanic open clusters in Ca ii are used to obtain the velocity, equivalent width, column density, and line width of interstellar Galactic calcium for a total of 657 stars, of which 443 are Magellanic Cloud sightlines. In each cluster there are between 43 and 111 stars observed. Additionally, FEROS and UVES Ca ii K and Na i D spectra of 21 Galactic and 154 Magellanic early-type stars are presented and combined with data from the literature to study the calcium column density - parallax relationship.
Results. For the four Magellanic clusters studied with FLAMES, the strength of the Galactic interstellar Ca ii K equivalent width on transverse scales from ∼0.05-9 pc is found to vary by factors of ∼1.8-3.0, corresponding to column density variations of ∼0.3-0.5 dex in the optically-thin approximation. Using FLAMES, FEROS, and UVES archive spectra, the minimum and maximum reduced equivalent widths for Milky Way gas are found to lie in the range ∼35-125 mÅ and ∼30-160 mÅ for Ca ii K and Na i D, respectively. The range is consistent with a previously published simple model of the interstellar medium consisting of spherical cloudlets of filling factor ∼0.3, although other geometries are not ruled out. Finally, the derived functional form for parallax (π) and Ca ii column density (NCaII) is found to be π(mas) = 1 / (2.39 × 10-13 × NCaII (cm-2) + 0.11). Our derived parallax is ∼25 per cent lower than predicted by Megier et al. (2009, A&A, 507, 833) at a distance of ∼100 pc and ∼15 percent lower at a distance of ∼200 pc, reflecting inhomogeneity in the Ca ii distribution in the different sightlines studied.
We analyze four extreme AGN transients to explore the possibility that they are caused by rare, high-amplitude microlensing events. These previously unknown type-I AGN are located in the redshift range 0.6-1.1 and show changes of > 1.5 magnitudes in the g-band on a timescale of ~years. Multi-epoch optical spectroscopy, from the William Herschel Telescope, shows clear differential variability in the broad line fluxes with respect to the continuum changes and also evolution in the line profiles. In two cases a simple point-source, point-lens microlensing model provides an excellent match to the long-term variability seen in these objects. For both models the parameter constraints are consistent with the microlensing being due to an intervening stellar mass object but as yet there is no confirmation of the presence of an intervening galaxy. The models predict a peak amplification of 10.3/13.5 and an Einstein timescale of 7.5/10.8 years respectively. In one case the data also allow constraints on the size of the CIII] emitting region, with some simplifying assumptions, to to be ~1.0-6.5 light-days and a lower limit on the size of the MgII emitting region to be > 9 light-days (half-light radii). This CIII] radius is perhaps surprisingly small. In the remaining two objects there is spectroscopic evidence for an intervening absorber but the extra structure seen in the lightcurves requires a more complex lensing scenario to adequately explain.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
La galaxie spirale barrée NGC 5430 est particulière en ce sens qu’elle présente un noeud Wolf-Rayet très lumineux et des bras asymétriques. Des spectres longue-fente le long de la barre et dans le bras déformé ainsi que des données SpIOMM couvrant l’ensemble de la galaxie ont été analysées. L’absorption stellaire sous-jacente a été soustraite des spectres longue-fente à l’aide d’un ajustement de modèles théoriques de populations stellaires fait avec le programme GANDALF. L’absorption a un impact très important sur le calcul de l’extinction ainsi que sur les différents diagnostics propres aux régions HII et aux populations stellaires jeunes. Enfin, cette étude montre que NGC 5430 comporte une composante gazeuse ionisée diffuse sur toute son étendue et qu’il est important d’en tenir compte afin d’appliquer correctement les diagnostics. Un des scénarios évolutifs proposés au terme de cette étude est que le noeud Wolf-Rayet constitue le restant d’une petite galaxie ou d’un nuage intergalactique qui serait entré en collision avec NGC 5430. Une structure englobant le noeud Wolf-Rayet se déplace à une vitesse considérablement inférieure (50 - 70 km s-1) à celle attendue à une telle distance du centre de la galaxie (200 - 220 km s-1). De plus, le noeud Wolf-Rayet semble très massif puisque l’intensité maximale du continu stellaire de cette région est semblable à celle du noyau et est de loin supérieure à celle de l’autre côté de la barre. Le nombre d’étoiles Wolf-Rayet (2150) est aussi considérable. Il n’est toutefois pas exclu que la différence de vitesses observée témoigne d’un écoulement de gaz le long de la barre, qui alimenterait la formation stellaire du noeud Wolf-Rayet ou du noyau.
Uusiutuvan energian käytön lisääntyminen lisää sähkön varastoinnin tarvetta. Litiumioniakku-jen on todettu olevan oivallisia keinoja varastoida sähköä esimerkiksi sähköautojen energian-lähteeksi. Tästä syystä akkujen kysyntä kasvaa nopeaa tahtia, jolloin nykyiset litiumlähteet ei-vät enää riitä tuottamaan tarpeeksi litiumia kasvavaan tarpeeseen. Tämän vuoksi litiumin tal-teenottoon tulee valjastaa uusia litiumin lähteitä, joiden hyödynnettävyys nykyisellä tekniikalla on pienen litiumkonsentraation ja muiden alkali- ja maa-alkalimetallien läsnäolon takia vaikeaa. Tällä hetkellä litiumia otetaan talteen eniten korkean litiumpitoisuuden luonnon suolajärvistä. Nykyisin käytössä oleva litiumin erotusprosessi on hidas ja sen käyttö pienten litiumkonsent-raatioiden suola-altailla on kannattamatonta. Tehokkaampana talteenottomenetelmänä luonnon suolajärvillä nähdään litiumin selektiivinen uutto ionisilla nesteillä. Menetelmä on todettu toi-mivaksi suolajärvillä, joilla on matala litiumkonsentraatio. Uusien suolajärvien käyttöönotto ei ratkaise kaikkia litiumin talteenottoon liittyviä ongelmia, sillä suolajärvet ovat alttiita ilmastonmuutokselle, eikä niiden litiumvarannot ole ehtymättömät. Merien litiumvarantoja sen sijaan pidetään lähes ehtymättöminä. Litiumin talteenotto meristä on mahdollista ionisia nesteitä ja membraaneja hyödyntävällä elektrodialyysilaitteistolla, jolla litiumia voidaan ottaa talteen myös hyvin pienistä pitoisuuksista. Lisäksi on mahdollista, että litiumin talteenottoon yhdistetään juomaveden valmistus. Tällainen vedenpuhdistusprosessi olisi myös hyvä kestävän kehityksen näkökulmasta.
L’arrivée du spectromètre imageur à transformée de Fourier SITELLE au télescope Canada-France-Hawaï souligne la nécessité d’un calculateur de temps d’exposition permettant aux utilisateurs de l’instrument de planifier leurs observations et leurs demandes de temps de télescope. Une grande partie de mon projet est ainsi le développement d’un code de simulation capable de reproduire les résultats de SITELLE et de son prédecesseur SpIOMM, installé à l’Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic. La précision des simulations est confirmée par une comparaison avec des données SpIOMM et les premières observations de SITELLE. La seconde partie de mon projet consiste en une analyse spectrale de données observationelles. Prenant avantage du grand champ de vue de SpIOMM, les caractéristiques du gaz ionisé (vitesse radiale et intensité) sont étudiées pour l’ensemble de la paire de galaxies en interaction Arp 72. La courbe de rotation dans le visible ainsi que le gradient de métallicité de NGC 5996, la galaxie principale d’Arp 72, sont obtenues ici pour la première fois. La galaxie spirale NGC 7320 est également étudiée à partir d’observations faites à la fois avec SpIOMM et SITELLE.
Abstract : Wastepaper sludge ash (WSA) is generated by a cogeneration station by burning wastepaper sludge. It mainly consists of amorphous aluminosilicate phase, anhydrite, gehlenite, calcite, lime, C2S, C3A, quartz, anorthite, traces of mayenite. Because of its free lime content (~10%), WSA suspension has a high pH (13). Previous researchers have found that the WSA composition has poor robustness and the variations lead to some unsoundness for Portland cement (PC) blended WSA concrete. This thesis focused on the use of WSA in different types of concrete mixes to avoid the deleterious effect of the expansion due to the WSA hydration. As a result, WSA were used in making alkali-activated materials (AAMs) as a precursor source and as a potential activator in consideration of its amorphous content and the high alkaline nature. Moreover, the autogenous shrinkage behavior of PC concrete at low w/b ratio was used in order to compensate the expansion effect due to WSA. The concrete properties as well as the volume change were investigated for the modified WSA blended concrete. The reaction mechanism and microstructure of newly formed binder were evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). When WSA was used as precursor, the results showed incompatible reaction between WSA and alkaline solution. The mixtures were not workable and provided very low compressive strength no matter what kinds of chemical activators were used. This was due to the metallic aluminum in WSA, which releases abundant hydrogen gas when WSA reacts with strong alkaline solution. Besides, the results of this thesis showed that WSA can activate the glassy phase contained in slag, glass powder (GP) and class F fly ash (FFA) with an optimum blended ratio of 50:50. The WSA/slag (mass ratio of 50:50) mortar (w/b of 0.47) attained 46 MPa at 28 days without heat curing assistance. A significant fast setting was noticed for the WSA-activated binder due to the C3A phase, free lime and metallic aluminum contained in the WSA. Adding 5% of gypsum can delay the fast setting, but this greatly increased the potential risk of intern sulfate attack. The XRD, TGA and calorimetry analyses demonstrated the formation of ettringite, C-S-H, portlandite, hydrogarnet and calcium carboaluminate in the hydrated binder. The mechanical performance of different binder was closely related to the microstructure of corresponding binder which was proved by the SEM observation. The hydrated WSA/slag and WSA/FFA binder formed a C-A-S-H type of gel with lower Ca/Si ratio (0.47~1.6). A hybrid gel (i.e. C-N-A-S-H) was observed for the WSA/GP binder with a very low Ca/Si ratio (0.26) and Na/Si ratio (0.03). The SEM/EDX analyses displayed the formation of expansive gel (ettringite and thaumasite) in the gypsum added WSA/slag concrete. The gradual emission of hydrogen gas due to the reaction of WSA with alkaline environment significantly increased the porosity and degraded the microstructure of hydrated matrix after the setting. In the last phase of this research WSA-PC blended binder was tailored to form a high autogenous shrinkage concrete in order to compensate the initial expansion. Different binders were proportioned with PC, WSA, silica fume or slag. The microstructure and mechanical properties of concrete can be improved by decreasing w/b ratios and by incorporating silica fume or slag. The 28-day compressive strength of WSA-blended concrete was above 22 MPa and reached 45 MPa when silica fume was added. The PC concrete incorporating silica fume or slag tended to develop higher autogenous shrinkage at low w/b ratios, and thus the ternary binder with the addition of WSA inhibited the long term shrinkage due to the initial expansion property to WSA. In the restrained shrinkage test, the concrete ring incorporating the ternary binder (PC/WSA/slag) revealed negligible potential to cracking up to 96 days as a result of the offset effect by WSA expansion. The WSA blended regular concrete could be produced for potential applications with reduced expansion, good mechanical property and lower permeability.
Résumé: Le développement de l’industrie des polymères fourni de plus en plus de choix pour la formulation de matériaux pour les couvre-planchers. Les caoutchoucs, le PVC et le linoleum sont les polymères habituellement utilisés dans l’industrie des couvre-planchers. Ce projet répond à un problème de facilité de nettoyage des couvre-planchers de caoutchouc qui sont reconnus pour être mous, collants et ayant une surface rugueuse. L’INTRODUCTION couvrira l’état actuel de la recherche sur les couvre-planchers, surtout en regard au problème de la «nettoyabilité». La théorie pertinente et les informations générales sur les polymères, les composites polymériques et la science des surfaces seront introduites au CHAPITRE 1. Ensuite, le CHAPITRE 2 couvrira la méthode utilisée pour déterminer la nettoyabilité, l’évaluation des résultats ainsi que l’équipement utilise. Le CHAPITRE 3, discutera des premières expériences sur l’effet de la mouillabilité, la rugosité et la dureté sur la facilité de nettoyage des polymères purs. Plusieurs polymères ayant des surfaces plus ou moins hydrophobes seront investigués afin d’observer leur effet sur la nettoyabilité. L’effet de la rugosité sur la nettoyabilité sera investigué en imprimant une rugosité définie lors du moulage des échantillons; l’influence de la dureté sera également étudiée. Ensuite, un modèle de salissage/nettoyage sera établi à partir de nos résultats et observations afin de rationaliser les facteurs, ou « règles », qui détrminent la facilité de nettoyage des surfaces. Finalement, la réticulation au peroxyde sera étudiée comme une méthode de modification des polymères dans le but d’améliorer leur nettoyabilité; un mécanisme découlant des résultats de ces études sera présenté. Le CHAPITRE 4 étendra cette recherche aux mélanges de polymères; ces derniers servent habituellement à optimiser la performance des polymères purs. Dans ce chapitre, les mêmes tests discutés dans le CHAPITRE 3 seront utilisés pour vérifier le modèle de nettoyabilité établi ci-haut. De plus, l’influence de la non-miscibilité des mélanges de polymères sera discutée du point de vue de la thermodynamique (DSC) et de la morphologie (MEB). L’utilisation de la réticulation par peroxyde sera étudié dans les mélanges EPDM/ (E-ran-MAA(Zn)-ran-BuMA) afin d’améliorer la compatibilité de ces polymères. Les effets du dosage en agent de réticulation et du temps de cuisson seront également examinés. Finalement, un compatibilisant pré-réticulé a été développé pour les mélanges ternaires EPDM/ (E-ran-MAA(Zn)-ran-BuMA)/ HSR; son effet sur la nettoyabilité et sur la morphologie du mélange sera exposé.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
The work presented in my thesis addresses the two cornerstones of modern astronomy: Observation and Instrumentation. Part I deals with the observation of two nearby active galaxies, the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1433 and the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 1566, both at a distance of $\sim10$ Mpc, which are part of the Nuclei of Galaxies (NUGA) sample. It is well established that every galaxy harbors a super massive black hole (SMBH) at its center. Furthermore, there seems to be a fundamental correlation between the stellar bulge and SMBH masses. Simulations show that massive feedback, e.g., powerful outflows, in Quasi Stellar Objects (QSOs) has an impact on the mutual growth of bulge and SMBH. Nearby galaxies follow this relation but accrete mass at much lower rates. This gives rise to the following questions: Which mechanisms allow feeding of nearby Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)? Is this feeding triggered by events, e.g., star formation, nuclear spirals, outflows, on $\sim500$ pc scales around the AGN? Does feedback on these scales play a role in quenching the feeding process? Does it have an effect on the star formation close to the nucleus? To answer these questions I have carried out observations with the Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observation in the Near Infrared (SINFONI) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) situated on Cerro Paranal in Chile. I have reduced and analyzed the recorded data, which contain spatial and spectral information in the H-band ($1.45 \mic-1.85 \mic$) and K-band ($1.95 \mic-2.45 \mic$) on the central $10\arcsec\times10\arcsec$ of the observed galaxies. Additionally, Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) data at $350$ GHz ($\sim0.87$ mm) as well as optical high resolution Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images are used for the analysis. For NGC 1433 I deduce from comparison of the distributions of gas, dust, and intensity of highly ionized emission lines that the galaxy center lies $\sim70$ pc north-northwest of the prior estimate. A velocity gradient is observed at the new center, which I interpret as a bipolar outflow, a circum nuclear disk, or a combination of both. At least one dust and gas arm leads from a $r\sim200$ pc ring towards the nucleus and might feed the SMBH. Two bright warm H$_2$ gas spots are detected that indicate hidden star formation or a spiral arm-arm interaction. From the stellar velocity dispersion (SVD) I estimate a SMBH mass of $\sim1.74\times10^7$ \msol. For NGC 1566 I observe a nuclear gas disk of $\sim150$ pc in radius with a spiral structure. I estimate the total mass of this disk to be $\sim5.4\times10^7$ \msol. What mechanisms excite the gas in the disk is not clear. Neither can the existence of outflows be proven nor is star formation detected over the whole disk. On one side of the spiral structure I detect a star forming region with an estimated star formation rate of $\sim2.6\times10^{-3}$ \msol\ yr$^{-1}$. From broad Br$\gamma$ emission and SVD I estimate a mean SMBH mass of $\sim5.3\times10^6$ \msol\ with an Eddington ratio of $\sim2\times10^{-3}$. Part II deals with the final tests of the Fringe and Flexure Tracker (FFTS) for LBT INterferometric Camera and the NIR/Visible Adaptive iNterferometer for Astronomy (LINC-NIRVANA) at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) in Arizona, USA, which I conducted. The FFTS is the subsystem that combines the two separate beams of the LBT and enables near-infrared interferometry with a significantly large field of view. The FFTS has a cryogenic system and an ambient temperature system which are separated by the baffle system. I redesigned this baffle to guarantee the functionality of the system after the final tests in the Cologne cryostat. The redesign did not affect any scientific performance of LINC-NIRVANA. I show in the final cooldown tests that the baffle fulfills the temperature requirement and stays $<110$ K whereas the moving stages in the ambient system stay $>273$ K, which was not given for the old baffle design. Additionally, I test the tilting flexure of the whole FFTS and show that accurate positioning of the detector and the tracking during observation can be guaranteed.