998 resultados para M2
L’objectiu del projecte és determinar la viabilitat i el rendiment de la instauració d’una explotació bovina d’aptitud càrnia en règim extensiu, aconseguint uns bons nivells de producció i qualitat de la carn. Així mateix i com a complement a l’activitat prevista, es projecta la construcció d’un cobert agrícola de 300 m2 per a emmagatzemar palla i farratges. La finca “Mas Gummà” es troba situada dins terme municipal de Cabanelles, comarca de l’ Alt Empordà, província de Girona. Actualment es dedica a l’agricultura i a la producció ramadera. Pel que fa a la producció agrícola es dedica a la sembra de colza, blat i ordi amb l’objectiu de comercialitzar el gra. Referent a part ramadera es dedica a l’engreix de pocs i a la recria de gallines, en ambdós casos de forma integrada. La finca disposa de 111,23 hectàrees de bosc i de 88,34 hectàrees de terra, incloent la pròpia i l’arrendada
El projecte se situa en una explotació agrícola de 20 ha, 18 de les quals estan destinades al cultiu d’ametllers de la varietat Vairo. L’explotació pertany al municipi de l’Albi, a la comarca de Les Garrigues, província de Lleida. Actualment a la finca existeix una nau industrial sense instal•lació elèctrica ni hidràulica i sense cap partició a l’interior que es fa servir com a magatzem d’eines. Les ametlles recollides a l’explotació són comercialitzades a una cooperativa de Reus. Els serveis dels que disposa la finca actualment són: - Escomesa elèctrica a l’entrada de la finca. - Aigua del canal Segarra-Garrigues pressuritzada. Escomesa a l’entrada de la finca. - Fossa sèptica de 50 m3. Es troba a 20 m del col•lector general pel qual s’evacuaran les aigües residuals. Es tracta d’una antiga bassa soterrada que ja existia i que se’n reconvertirà el seu ús. L’objectiu del projecte és descriure i dissenyar l’adequació de la nau industrial de dimensions 10 m x 12 m (120 m2) per implantar una indústria de processat primari d’ametlla. El processat primari consisteix en el desclovat de l’ametlla (separació del gra de la closca), assecat del gra obtingut per aconseguir una humitat inferior al 6 % i finalment l’envasat d’aquest gra. Com a procés secundari s’envasarà i es comercialitzarà la closca obtinguda en el procés de descolvat
El poblat ibèric del Castellot de la Roca Roja és un petit assentament fortificat, amb una superfície d’uns 900 m2, situat sobre un turó rocallós a la riba esquerra de l’Ebre. Ocupa l’extrem d’un abrupte esperó allargassat, i és totalment inaccessible pels vessants sud i nord, de manera que només s’hi pot arribar per l’extrem nord-est, on es va construir una muralla que fa de barrera. Té una ocupació entre finals del segle VI aC i el segle II-I aC, si bé la major part de les restes visibles se situen entre el segle V i finals del III aC. Correspon a un model d’assentament fortificat molt característic i ben documentat a les terres de l’Ebre en època ibèrica, i destaca per l’excepcional bon estat de conservació de les restes arquitectòniques, en especial l’estructura defensiva. S’hi han realitzat excavacions des del 1998. Actualment el jaciment està museïtzat i és visitable. El llibre, escrit en to divulgatiu, consisteix en una explicació del jaciment. Presenta el resultat de les intervencions realitzades i facilita al públic la comprensió de les restes i del seu context.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar capacidades de combinação por meio de análise multivariada de genótipos de maracujazeiro-doce, de modo a orientar as melhores combinações para cruzamentos. Foram cruzados 12 genótipos, 6 genitores femininos e 6 genitores masculinos, na forma de dialelo parcial, e as populações segregantes foram conduzidas em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições sem a inclusão dos genitores. Os caracteres aferidos foram: peso do fruto, peso da polpa, espessura da casca, teor de sólidos solúveis totais e rendimento de polpa. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de variância, análise dialélica parcial e análise de variância multivariada dialélica. Posteriormente, foi utilizado o índice de seleção da distância ao ideótipo para seleção dos genitores. Os melhores genitores femininos foram M4 e M2 e os masculinos foram P5 e P6 e as melhores combinações de genitores são M4 x P6 e M2 x P2. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que a utilização conjunta da análise dialélica e análise multivariada pode ser útil a programas de melhoramento genético, em especial na orientação das melhores combinações para cruzamentos, quando o objetivo é obter ganho genético em vários caracteres simultaneamente.
Objective: Previous studies reported on the association of left ventricular mass index (LVMI) with urinary sodium or with circulating or urinary aldosterone.We investigated the independent associations of LVMI with the urinary excretion of both sodium and aldosterone. Design and method: We randomly recruited 317 untreated subjects from a White population (45.1%women; mean age 48.2 years).Measurements included echocardiographic left ventricular (LV) properties, the 24 h urinary excretion of sodium and aldosterone, plasma renin activity (PRA), and proximal (RNaprox) and distal (RNadist) renal sodium reabsorption, assessed fromthe endogenous lithium clearance. Inmultivariable-adjusted models,we expressed changes in LVMI per 1 SD increase in the explanatory variables, while accounting for sex, age, systolic blood pressure and the waist-to-hip ratio. Results: LVMI increased independentlywith the urinary excretion of both sodium (+2.48 g/m2; P=0.005) and aldosterone (+2.63 g/m2; P=0.004). Higher sodium excretion was associated with increased mean wall thickness (MWT: +0.126 mm, P=0.054), but with no change in LV end-diastolic diameter (LVID: +0.12mm, P=0.64). In contrast, higher aldosterone excretion was associated with higher LVID (+0.54 mm; P=0.017), but with no change in MWT (+0.070mm; P=0.28).Higher RNadistwas associatedwith lower relativewall thickness (−0.81×10−2, P=0.017), because of opposite trends in LVID(+0.33 mm; P=0.13) and MWT (−0.130mm; P=0.040). LVMI was not associated with PRA or RNaprox. Conclusions: LVMI independently increased with both urinary sodium and aldosterone excretion. IncreasedMWT explained the association of LVMI with urinary sodium and increased LVID the association of LVMI with urinary aldosterone.
RESUME OBJECTIF: Outre la stimulation de la sécrétion d'hormone de croissance, la ghréline cause une prise pondérale par augmentation de l'assimilation d'aliments et réduction de la consommation lipidique. Il a été décrit que les taux de ghréline augmentent durant la phase pré-prandiale et diminuent juste après un repas, ceci suggérant qu'elle puisse jouer un rôle d'initiateur de la prise du repas. Cependant, la sécrétion de ghréline chez des sujets à jeun n'a pas encore été étudiée en détail. DESSIN: Les profils de sécrétion de ghréline pendant 24 heures ont été étudiés chez six sujets volontaires sains (3 femmes, 3 hommes; 25.5 ans; BMI 22.8 kg/m2) et comparés aux profils plasmatiques de l'hormone de croissance, de l'insuline et du glucose. METHODE: Des échantillons sanguins ont été prélevés toutes les 20 minutes pendant 24 heures et les taux de ghréline ont été mesurés par radio-immuno essai, utilisant un anticorps polyclonal de lapin. Le profil circadien de la sécrétion de ghréline (cluster analysis) a été évalué. RESULTATS: Une augmentation puis une diminution spontanée des taux de ghréline ont été observées aux moments où les sujets auraient habituellement mangé. La ghréline a été sécrétée de façon pulsatile avec approximativement 8 pics par 24 heures. Une diminution générale des taux de ghréline a également été observée durant la période d'étude. Aucune corrélation n'a pu être observée entre les taux de ghréline, d'homione de croissance, d'insuline et de glucose. CONCLUSIONS: Cette étude montre que pendant une période de jeûne les taux de ghréline suivent un profil similaire à ceux décrits chez des sujets mangeant 3 fois par jour. Durant le jeûne, l'hormone de croissance, l'insuline et le glucose ne semblent pas être impliqués dans la régulation de la sécrétion de ghréline. En outre, nous avons observé que la sécrétion de ghréline est pulsatile. La variation des taux de ghréline, indépendamment des repas, chez des sujets à jeun, renforce les observations préalables selon lesquelles le système nerveux central est primairement impliqué dans la régulation de la prise alimentaire. ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: Ghrelin stimulates GH release and causes weight gain through increased food intake and reduced fat utiIization. Ghrelin levels were shown to rise in the preprandial period and decrease shortly after meal consumption, suggesting a role as a possible meal initiator. However, ghrelin secretion in fasting subjects has not yet been studied in detail. DESIGN: 24-h ghrelin profiles were studied in six healthy volunteers (three females; 25.5 years; body mass index 22.8 kg/m2) and compared with GH, insulin and glucose levels. METHODS: Blood samples were taken every 20 min during a 24-h fasting period and total ghrelin levels were measured by RIA using a polyclonal rabbit antibody. The circadian pattern of ghrelin secretion and pulsatility (Cluster analysis) were evaluated. RESULTS: An increase and spontaneous decrease in ghrelin were seen at the timepoints of customary meals. Ghrelin was secreted in a pulsatile manner with approximately 8 peaks/24 h. An overall decrease in ghrelin levels was observed during the study period. There was no correlation of ghrelin with GH, insulin or blood glucose levels. CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study indicates that fasting ghrelin profiles display a circadian pattern similar to that described in people eating three times per day. In a fasting condition. GH, insulin and glucose do not appear to be involved in ghrelin regulation. In addition, we round that ghrelin is secreted in a pulsatile pattern. The variation in ghrelin independently of meals in fasting subjects supports previous observations that it is the brain that is primarily involved in the regulation of meal initiation.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the performance of 45F vs. 36F smartcanula in CPB with gravity drainage alone. METHODS: Twenty patients were randomly assigned to two groups receiving for venous drainage a smartcanula which is collapsed over a mandrel for trans-atrial insertion into the inferior vena cava and expanded in situ to either 45F or 36F. RESULTS: Valve replacement/repair was realized in 7/10 and/or CABG in 6/10 for 36F (69+/-13 years) vs. 5/10 and 5/10, respectively, for 45F (63+/-11 years: NS). Body weight and surface area (BSA) were 83+/-9 kg (1.9+/-0.2 m2, max 2.2 m2) for 36F vs. 79+/-6 kg: NS (1.9+/-0.1 m2 (NS), max 2.1 m2) for 45F. Insertion and access orifice diameter (area) was 6 mm and 10 mm (78.5 mm2) for the 36F vs. 6 mm and 13 mm (132 mm2) for the 45F (+69%). Calculated target pump flow (2.4 l/min/m2) was 4.7+/-0.4 l/min for 36F vs. 4.5+/-0.3 l/min for 45F. Achieved pump flow accounted for 5.0+/-0.3 l/min for 36F (8% above target) vs. 4.8+/-0.3 l/min for 45F (8% above target): NS. The water balance during the pump run (clear volume added minus hemofilter and urine output) was 2.2+/-0.3 l for 36F vs. 2.0 l for 45F: NS. CONCLUSION: Due to its 'open' wall (the vena cava provides the seal), its reduced wall thickness (range: 0.0-0.4 mm), and its self-expanding design, the 36F smartcanula requiring a 30F access orifice has sufficient drainage capacity by gravity alone for full CPB in adults with a BSA up to 2.2 mm2.
Advanced soft-tissue sarcomas are usually resistant to cytotoxic agents such as doxorubicin and ifosfamide. Antitumor activity has been observed for gemcitabine and docetaxel combination. We conducted a retrospective study on 133 patients (58 males/75 females) with unresectable or metastatic soft-tissue sarcoma. The median age at diagnosis was 51.7 (18-82), with 76 patients with leiomoyosarcoma and 57 patients with other histological subtypes. The initial localizations were limb (44), uterine (32), retroperitoneal (23) and organs or bone (34). Patients received 900 mg/m2 of gemcitabine (days 1 and 8) over 90 min plus 100 mg/m2 of docetaxel (day 8), intravenously every 21 days. Gemcitabine/docetaxel combination was well tolerated with an overall response of 18.4% and with no clear statistical difference between leiomyosarcomas and other histological subtypes (24.2% versus 10.4% (p=0.06)). No difference was found between uterine soft-tissue sarcomas versus others. The median overall survival was 12.1 months (1-28). Better overall survival was correlated with leiomyosarcoma (p=0.01) and with the quality of the response, even for patients with stable disease (p<10(-4)). No statistical difference was found for the initial localization. Response to treatment and overall survival were better for patients in World Health Organization (WHO) performance status classification (PS) 0 at baseline versus patients in WHO PS-1, 2 or 3 (p=0.023 and p<10(-4), respectively). Gemcitabine/docetaxel combination was tolerable and demonstrated better response and survival for leiomyosarcoma, especially for patients in WHO PS-0 at baseline. For the other histological subtypes, the response was not encouraging, but the survival for patients in response or stable suggests further investigation.
Descripció del projecte. S’han de destacar les innovacions i aportacions a l’avanç del coneixement que incorpora el projecte. Es poden incorporar memòries, plànols, fotografies, esbossos, etc. També l’adreça web si s’ha penjat més informació sobre el projecte a la web.Barcelona. Jordi Badia . proyecto 2001 | construcción 2002 | 3000 m2 | 240.404.040 € constructor Peñarroya | promotor FUNERÀRIA EGARENSE Ayto. de Terrassa. El edificio se concibe como una caja suavemente depositada en el lugar, levitando a medio camino entre la tierra y el cielo. La pendiente del terreno permite ubicar las piezas de administración bajo el edificio con un acceso directo desde el paseo.El programa se articula a partir de un patio con agua que separa las tres piezas principales, las salas de vigilia, la cafetería y el oratorio. La pieza se abre completamente al paisaje en un gran porche acristalado, en contraste con las imágenes herméticas habituales de este tipo de edificios El oratorio se levanta en un gesto expresivo que lo cualifica y que permite la visión del cielo desde el interior.
RESUME L'obésité et l'hypertension atteignent des niveaux épidémiques aussi bien dans les pays industrialisés que dans ceux en voie de développement. La coexistence de ces deux pathologies est associée à un risque cardiovasculaire augmenté. Traditionnellement on mesure la pression artérielle (PA) au bras au moyen d'un brassard qui détermine la pression systolique et diastolique en utilisant soit la méthode auscultatoire ou oscillométrique. L'utilisation d'un brassard de taille standard chez le patient avec un tour de bras augmenté peut surestimer la pression artérielle. Il semble même qu'il existe un rapport idéal entre le tour de bras, et la taille du brassard La mesure à domicile de la pression artérielle avec des appareils validés donne des valeurs de la PA valables. Plusieurs appareils existent sur le marché et depuis quelques années les appareils de mesure de la PA au poignet font leur apparition sur le marché. Cette étude vise à comparer chez des sujets sains et obèses les valeurs de PA obtenues au poignet avec celles obtenues au bras en utilisant deux appareils validés l'OMRON HEM 705-CP et l'OMRON R6. L'OMRON HEM 705-CP permet l'utilisation soit d'un brassard standard (13x30 cm) ou d'un brassard large (16x38 cm), et l'OMRON R6 mesure la PA au poignet. Nous avons comparé un groupe de sujets obèses [Body Mass Index (BMI) >35kg/m2] avec un groupe de sujets sains (BMI <25kg/m2). Ont été exclues de l'étudé les personnes prenant un traitement antihypertenseur ainsi que celles souffrant d'arythmies. La PA a été mesurée en position assise avec le bras gauche sur une table à hauteur du coeur. Un brassard large a été employé pour les sujets obèses et un brassard standard pour les sujets sains. Trois mesures ont été effectuées, la première après une pause de 5 min et chacune des suivantes avec un intervalle de 2 min. La pression d'inflation maximale a été fixée à 170 mmHg. Nous avons utilisé la formule proposée par Marks LA et al pour déterminer si le rapport entre la taille des brassards fournis avec l'OMRON .HEM 705-CP et le tour de bras de nos sujets était optimal (taille du brassard = 9.34 x log10 taille du bras). Nos résultats ne montrent pas de différence statistiquement significative de la PA diastolique entre les deux groupes, qu'elle soit mesurée au bras ou au poignet. La PA systolique mesurée au bras s'est par contre avérée significativement plus basse chez les sujets obèses que chez les sujets sains. Aucune différence n'a été trouvée lorsque la mesure est effectuée au poignet. En utilisant la formule fournie par Marks le rapport entre taille du brassard (large chez les obèses) et tour de bras a été de 10.30±30 chez les sujets obèses et 9.630.45 chez les sujets sains (p<0.001). Le rapport entre tour de bras et brassard chez les sujets obèses est nettement au-dessus de la valeur optimale, ce qui suggère une possible sous-estimation de la PA systolique chez ces sujets. Ces résultats suggèrent qu'il existe un risque de sous-estimer la PA chez le patient obèse lors de l'utilisation d'un brassard large. Cette erreur pourrait être réduite par l'utilisation d'appareils de mesure au poignet. validés chez le sujet obèse.
Background: There is little information regarding cardiovascular risk factor (CV RF) trends in Switzerland. We aimed at assessing generation differences in CV RFs by comparing CV RFs levels within selected age groups separated by a 20 year time lag. Design: Two population-based surveys. Methods: Data from the Monica (1984-1986) and Colaus (2004-2006) surveys were used. Analyses were stratified by sex and age groups (35-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65-75 years). Results: No changes were found for BMI levels and status between surveys: in men, 26}3, 26}3, 27}4 and 27}4 kg/m2 for age groups 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65-74, respectively, in MONICA, vs. 26}4, 26}4, 27}4 and 28}4 kg/m2 in COLAUS, p=NS, in women: 24}4, 26}4, 26}4 and 26}5 kg/m2 in MONICA, vs. 24}5, 25}5, 26}5 and 26}5 kg/m2 in COLAUS, p=NS. Similar results were found after adjusting for education. Smoking prevalence increased in men: 28, 30, 22 and 15% for age groups 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65-74, respectively, in MONICA, vs. 35, 29, 28 and 21% in COLAUS. In women, changes differed according to age: 39, 26, 16 and 18%, in MONICA vs. 28, 30, 22 and 15% in COLAUS. Blood pressure decreased in the younger age groups and remained constant in the older ones: in men, systolic blood pressure was 129}15, 133}16, 138}18 and 143}21 mm Hg in MONICA, vs. 125}12, 129}15, 137}16 and 144}19 mm Hg in COLAUS, p<0.01. Similar findings were obtained after adjusting for education. Prevalence of hypertension increased, due to an increase in the prevalence of treated subjects, in men : 4, 8, 16 and 19% for age groups 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65-74, respectively, in MONICA, vs. 5, 14, 31 and 46% in COLAUS, p<0.05; in women: 2, 10, 16, and 24% in MONICA, vs. 4, 12, 24, and 34% in COLAUS, p<0.05. This increase was stronger in men: 14, 17, 23 and 31% for age groups 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 and 65-74, respectively, in MONICA vs. 10, 21, 41 and 55% in COLAUS, p<0.01 and smaller in women: 6, 15, 24 and 44% in MONICA vs. 6, 16, 30 and 42% in COLAUS, p=NS. Similar findings were obtained after adjusting for education. Conclusion: With the exception of BMI, the newer Swiss generations appear to have a worse CV profile than the older generations. This is especially true regarding smoking and hypertension.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The relationship between body mass index (BMI) and socioeconomic status (SES) tends to change over time and across populations. In this study, we examined, separately in men and women, whether the association between BMI and SES changed over successive birth cohorts in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean, African region). METHODS: We used data from all participants in three surveys conducted in 1989, 1994 and 2004 in independent random samples of the population aged 25-64 years in the Seychelles (N= 3'403). We used linear regression to model mean BMI according to age, cohort, SES and smoking status, allowing for a quadratic term for age to account for a curvilinear relation between BMI and age and interactions between SES and age and between SES and cohorts to test whether the relation between SES and BMI changed across subsequent cohorts. All analyses were performed separately in men and women. RESULTS: BMI increased with age in all birth cohorts. BMI was lower in men of low SES than high SES but was higher in women of low SES than high SES. In all SES categories, BMI increased over successive cohorts (1.24 kg/m2 in men and 1.51 kg/m2 for a 10-year increase in birth cohorts, p <0.001). The difference in BMI between men or women of high vs. low SES did not change significantly across successive cohorts (the interaction between SES and year of birth of cohort was statistically not significant). Smoking was associated with lower BMI in men and women (respectively -1.55 kg/m2 and 2.46 kg/m2, p <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Although large differences exist between men and women, social patterning of BMI did not change significantly over successive cohorts in this population of a middle-income country in the African region.
PURPOSE: We conducted a phase I multicenter trial in naïve metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer patients with escalating inecalcitol dosages, combined with docetaxel-based chemotherapy. Inecalcitol is a novel vitamin D receptor agonist with higher antiproliferative effects and a 100-fold lower hypercalcemic activity than calcitriol. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Safety and efficacy were evaluated in groups of three to six patients receiving inecalcitol during a 21-day cycle in combination with docetaxel (75 mg/m2 every 3 weeks) and oral prednisone (5 mg twice a day) up to six cycles. Primary endpoint was dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) defined as grade 3 hypercalcemia within the first cycle. Efficacy endpoint was ≥30% PSA decline within 3 months. RESULTS: Eight dose levels (40-8,000 μg) were evaluated in 54 patients. DLT occurred in two of four patients receiving 8,000 μg/day after one and two weeks of inecalcitol. Calcemia normalized a few days after interruption of inecalcitol. Two other patients reached grade 2, and the dose level was reduced to 4,000 μg. After dose reduction, calcemia remained within normal range and grade 1 hypercalcemia. The maximum tolerated dose was 4,000 μg daily. Respectively, 85% and 76% of the patients had ≥30% PSA decline within 3 months and ≥50% PSA decline at any time during the study. Median time to PSA progression was 169 days. CONCLUSION: High antiproliferative daily inecalcitol dose has been safely used in combination with docetaxel and shows encouraging PSA response (≥30% PSA response: 85%; ≥50% PSA response: 76%). A randomized phase II study is planned.
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: A smoking law was passed by the Spanish Parliament in December 2005 and was enforced by 1 January 2006. The law bans smoking in all indoor workplaces but only in some hospitality venues, because owners are allowed to establish a smoking zone (venues>100 m2) or to allow smoking without restrictions (venues<100 m2). The objective of the study is to assess the impact of the Spanish smoking law on exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) in enclosed workplaces, including hospitality venues. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study design is a before-and-after evaluation. We studied workplaces and hospitality venues from eight different regions of Spain. We took repeated samples of vapor-phase nicotine concentration in 398 premises, including private offices (162), public administration offices (90), university premises (43), bars and restaurants (79), and discotheques and pubs (24). RESULTS: In the follow-up period, SHS levels were markedly reduced in indoor offices. The median decrease in nicotine concentration ranged from 60.0% in public premises to 97.4% in private areas. Nicotine concentrations were also markedly reduced in bars and restaurants that became smoke-free (96.7%) and in the no-smoking zones of venues with separate spaces for smokers (88.9%). We found no significant changes in smoking zones or in premises allowing smoking, including discotheques and pubs. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, this study shows the positive impact of the law on reducing SHS in indoor workplaces. However, SHS was substantially reduced only in bars and restaurants that became smoke-free. Most hospitality workers continue to be exposed to very high levels of SHS. Therefore, a 100% smoke-free policy for all hospitality venues is required.
OBJECTIVE: Body mass index does not discriminate body fat from fat-free mass or determine changes in these parameters with physical activity and aging. Body fat mass index (BFMI) and fat-free mass index (FFMI) permit comparisons of subjects with different heights. This study evaluated differences in body mass index, BFMI, and FFMI in physically active and sedentary subjects younger and older than 60 y and determined the association between physical activity, age, and body composition parameters in a healthy white population between ages 18 and 98 y. METHODS: Body fat and fat-free mass were determined in healthy white men (n = 3549) and women (n = 3184), between ages 18 and 98 y, by bioelectrical impedance analysis. BFMI and FFMI (kg/m2) were calculated. Physical activity was defined as at least 3 h/wk of endurance-type activity for at least 2 mo. RESULTS: Physically active as opposed to sedentary subjects were more likely to have a low BFMI (men: odds ratio [OR], 1.4; confidence interval [CI], 0.7-2.5; women: OR 1.9, CI 1.6-2.2) and less likely to have very high BFMI (men: OR, 0.2; CI, 0.1-0.2; women: OR, 0.1; CI, 0.02-0.2), low FFMI (men: OR, 0.5; CI, 0.3-0.9; women: OR, 0.7; CI, 0.6-0.9), or very high FFMI (men: OR, 0.6; CI, 0.4-0.8; women: OR, 0.7; CI, 0.5-1.0). Compared with subjects younger than 60 y, those older than 60 y were more like to have very high BFMI (men: OR, 6.5; CI, 4.5-9.3; women: OR, 14.0; CI, 9.6-20.5), and women 60 y and older were less likely to have a low BFMI (OR, 0.4; CI, 0.2-0.5). CONCLUSIONS: A clear association was found between low physical activity or age and height-normalized body composition parameters (BFMI and FFMI) derived from bioelectrical impedance analysis. Physically active subjects were more likely to have high or very high or low FFMI. Older subjects had higher body weights and BFMI.