1000 resultados para Mündliche Literatur
With regards to the teaching of German in Sweden this literature study looks into the Swedish curriculum and the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) to compare today’s common interpretation of the goals in language learning to the educational goals in the documents. Critics mean that the CEFR and in extension the curricula in the associated countries focus mainly on measurable practical language skills. This leads to impoverishment of the concept of language learning, which should include broad cultural aspects, encourage the students to develop their personalities and curiosity and foster a livelong desire to study. This work will try to show that blaming the CEFR for the kind of lopsided development towards practical, measurable skills in language teaching does not origin in the document or in the national curriculum. It appears to be the interpretation of the documents that oversees some essential requirements, not only for successful language teaching but also for the use of German as a tool for conversation and understanding. The real understanding of a language is, according to the research referred to in this work, connected to the understanding of culture. This literature study will show that reading older literature in language classes will favour the students´ understanding of culture. Furthermore, this work will try to point out other educational benefits besides the gain of cultural knowledge in working with literature. Students learn to argue and gain understanding of their own world by comparing to the new reality they meet in the literature. In addition, students will, with the help of the text, acquire new vocabulary and get an understanding of the structure of the language. In essence the use of literature in teaching German on one hand meets and fulfils the requirements in the curriculum and on the other hand supports the development of language skills and personals skills.
La présente contribution vise à analyser les capacités langagières d’enfants bilingues espagnol-suisse allemand à l’occasion de la production orale de récits d’expériences personnelles. En se focalisant sur la production orale en espagnol avant le début de l’école primaire, cette étude explore le développement précoce des capacités narratives considérées comme un important précurseur de l’alphabétisation initiale des enfants (Dickinson & Tabors, 2001, entre autres). Notre étude se base sur un échantillon de textes produits par 24 enfants répartis en deux groupes d’âge, 3 et 5 ans. Nous analysons également un questionnaire soumis aux familles des enfants participants, questionnaire qui interroge les pratiques linguistiques à la maison et la biographie langagière de ces enfants. L’étude menée révèle des différences entre les deux groups d’âge ainsi qu’un lien entre la performance discursive des enfants et les pratiques langagières familiales. Elle a en outre permis de repérer des capacités en espagnol qui potentiellement pourraient favoriser les capacités narratives dans la langue de l’entourage – le suisse-allemand, d’abord, et ensuite l’allemand standard. Enfin, ces résultats nous amènent à réfléchir aux conditions qui favorisent la conservation de la langue de la migration et ses apports potentiels à la scolarisation. (DIPF/Orig.)
"Einführung in die philosophische literatur": p. [128]-137.
Bevor man „Europa― als politisches Konzept in zahlreichen theoretischen Texten erörterte, ist in der deutschen Literatur der Gedanke eines vereinten Europas schon seit dem 16. Jahrhundert thematisiert worden. Im folgenden Aufsatz sollen Texte der Essayisten Ernst Jünger, Frank Thiess, Werner Bergengruen und Klaus Mann (20. Jahrhundert), in denen ihr Standpunkt bezüglich des Europa-Gedanken, d.h. ein vereintes Europa zur Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zum Ausdruck gebracht wird. Dabei sind hauptsächlich Gemeinsamkeiten und Differenzen zwischen den Autoren unter geistigen und historischen Gesichtspunkten zu ziehen.
Childhood is a central period for career and social-emotional development. However, the literature covering childhood career development and the role of emotions in careers is scarce. In this article, we advocate for the consideration of emotions in childhood career development. Emotional aspects of children’s career exploration, key-figures and interests, as well as of childhood antecedents of lifelong career processes are presented. Relations between childhood emotion, behavior, functioning and learning are also presented. Conclusions center on a call for focused study of the role of emotion in childhood career development and how such an agenda will advance the literature.