985 resultados para Lycopersicon esculentum mill


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Browse through this guide and you’ll find the distinct flavor of what is available along each byway. Discover recreational, historic, cultural and scenic attractions using the maps and lists provided in the guide. You’ll find numbered attractions for each byway in or near the town listed. For a comprehensive list of byway features, visit www.iowabyways.org. Friendly local contacts are provided to help you along the way. Iowa Transportation Maps clearly tracking all the Iowa byways with red dotted lines are available at Iowa’s official welcome centers. Traveling Iowa’s byways you will experience small town America, while enjoying diverse landscapes and unique landforms that have been shaped over thousands of years. Iowa’s cultural heritage also plays a major role across all 11 byways, boasting hundreds of historic sites, national landmarks and interpretive centers, each telling Iowa’s stories from the first Native Americans through European immigrants to modern times. Glaciers once covered much of Iowa, shaping the broad flat plains of the prairie. These massive sheets of ice missed the northeast corner of the state, leaving the land along the Driftless Area Byway rugged and hilly with rock outcroppings, springs and cold water trout streams. Rivers coursed their way through the land, carving deep furrows in some places and leaving gently rolling hills in others. In western Iowa, wind has shaped fine sand into the impressive Loess Hills, a rare land form found in only one other place on earth. Iowa’s two national scenic byways and nine state byways offer unique varieties of scenic features, and more for you to see and do. View three states from atop a Mississippi River bluff, stop at a modern art museum and then tour a working farm. Explore a historic mill, visit a national aquarium, take a boat ride in a cave, purchase locally crafted pottery and wares from local artisans or trace the footsteps of Lewis and Clark. Experience the actual wagon ruts of the Mormon Trail, ride your bike 13 stories high, canoe a water trail, star gaze under Iowa’s darkest sky, and marvel at mounds built by prehistoric cultures. Agriculture wraps Iowa’s byways with an abundance of farmland vistas and fills Iowa lands with ever-changing crops and activities for you to “harvest.” You’ll see croplands on the vast flat plains and farmsteads sprinkled across rolling hills reminiscent of a Grant Wood painting. Along the way, you might wander in a corn maze, rest at a bed and breakfast, study farming in museums, discover the Iowa barn quilt collection or visit a working Amish farm. When you are ready to step outside your vehicle, you’ll find much more to do and see. Prairie, forests, rivers and public lands are abundant along Iowa’s byways; providing opportunities for you to stop and play in the outdoors with hiking, biking, kayaking and trout fishing. Classic hometowns with pride for their unique lore and offerings are found all along the byways. They invite you to taste local food, enjoy their architecture, and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture that defines them. Why not plan your next journey off the beaten path? No matter how you choose to make the most of every moment, we know that time spent along Iowa’s byways is sure to grow your love for Iowa’s diverse, beautiful vistas and authentic communities. Happy driving!


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Tämä työ käsittelee tarinateatteria teatterin ja taiteen tekemisen muotona. Pohdin työssä näyttelemistä sekä tarina- että perinteisessä teatterissa ja käsittelen tarinateatterin taiteellisia ja terapeuttisia ulottuvuuksia. Kerron työssäni, mistä tarinateatterissa on kyse ja käyn läpi miten tarinateatterin tekeminen on vaikuttanut minuun teatterintekijänä. Tarkastelen myös, mitä kyseinen teatterin tekemisen muoto on antanut minulle näyttelijänä. Pohdin millä tavoin se on kehittänyt muun muassa kuuntelu- ja improvisaatiokykyäni ja rohkaissut minua menemään teatterin tekemisessä kohti ihmistä ja ihmisyyttä. Lisäksi pohdin nykypäivää ja aikamme ihmisten suurta tarvetta tulla kuulluksi, kun tiiviitä yhteisöjä ei enää ympärillämme aina ole. Aluksi käyn läpi tarinateatterin historiaa ja valotan suomalaisen tarinateatterin vaiheita. Tämän jälkeen pohdin roolinkäyttöä ja näyttelijäntyötä sekä tarina- että perinteisessä teatterissa ja vertailen niitä keskenään. Kuvailen ja pohdin myös tarinateatterin eri tasoja sekä kerron, kuinka joskus tarinateatteria tehtäessä saa huomata jonkin ihmisissä ja maailmassa näkymättömissä olevan tulevan näkyväksi lavalle. Sen jälkeen esittelen ja kuvailen kaksi tarinateatteriesitystä, joista toinen toteutettiin Hämeenlinnan Kaupunginteatteriin ja toinen Lammille kehitysvammaisten hoitajille. Mietin, mitä nämä toisistaan monella tavalla poikkeavat tarinateatteriesitykset antoivat minulle teatterintekijänä, ihmisenä ja näyttelijänä ja minkälaisia ajatuksia ja näkymiä ne avasivat minulle tarinateatterin tekijänä. Pohdin myös, mitä nämä kaksi esitystä antoivat kokijoilleen ja mitä tarinateatterin olennaisimmista ytimistä näissä esityksissä toteutui.


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Experience has shown that milling machines with carbide tipped teeth have the capability of profiling most asphalt concrete (ac) and portland cement concrete (pcc) pavements. Most standard milling operations today leave a very coarse, generally objectionable surface texture. This research utilized a Cedarapids Wirtgen 1900C mill modified by adding additional teeth. There were 411 teeth at a 5 millimeter transverse spacing (standard spacing is 15 mm) on a 6 ft. 4 in. long drum. The mill was used to profile and texture the surface of one ac and two pcc pavements. One year after the milling operation there is still some noticeable change in tire noise but the general appearance is good. The milling operation with the additional teeth provides an acceptable surface texture with improved Friction Numbers when compared to a nonmilled surface.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) through the Highway Division is responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of roadways that will provide a high level of serviceability to the motorist. First, the motorist expects to be able to get where he wants to go, but now he also demands a minimum level of comfort. In the construction of new roadways, the public is quick to express dissatisfaction with rough pavements. The Highway Division of the Iowa DOT (formerly Iowa State Highway Commission) has a specification which requires a "smooth-riding surface". For over 40 years, new portland cement concrete (pcc) pavement has been checked with a 10-foot rolling straightedge. The contractor is required to grind, saw or mill off all high spots that deviate more than 1/8" from the 10-foot straight line. Unfortunately, there are instances where a roadway that will meet the above criteria does not provide a "smooth-riding surface". The roadway may have monger undulations (swales) that result in an undesirable ride. The objective of this project was to develop a repeatable, reliable time stable, lightweight test unit to measure the riding quality of pcc pavement at normal highway speed the day after construction.


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Emergence and stand establishment of tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) (Karsten ex Farw) and pepper (Capsicum annus L.) seeds are often slow and erratic, particularly under stress conditions. Field emergence trials sometimes have not responded to priming in pepper. This study examined the combined effects of matriconditioning and gibberellin application on the germination and stand establishment of pepper and tomato seeds. Pepper and tomato seeds were conditioned with a solid carrier, Micro Cel E, in the presence of gibberellic acid (GA) for 1, 2 , 3 and 4 days at 15 and 25ºC. The results showed that, in all cases, even under stress conditions, the combination of matriconditioning with GA was effective in improving germination and emergence of pepper and tomato. The germination time was, in average, reduced by 2 to 3 days by primed seeds. Thus, matriconditioning, during which germination is suspended, provides an unique means to rapidly and efficiently digest the endosperm by GA-induced enzymes and reduce the mechanical restraints of endosperm thus providing energy to start and sustain embryo growth.


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Este trabalho foi realizado na zona semi-árida de Pernambuco e teve como objetivo investigar o efeito de espaçamento, e a freqüência e intensidade de colheitas da palma-forrageira (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill.) consorciada com sorgo granífero (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas, sendo os espaçamentos alocados nas parcelas principais, e as freqüências e intensidades de colheitas, nas subparcelas. Os resultados são de um período de 12 anos, e as produções de matéria seca de palma, de grãos e restolhos de sorgo foram: 5,23, 1,65 e 2,07; 4,51, 1,30 e 2,10; 2,75, 1,97 e 3,51 t/ha/ano, em espaçamentos de 2,0 m x 1,0 m; 3,0 m x 1,0 m x 0,50 m e 7,0 m x 1,0 m x 0,50 m, respectivamente. A produção de matéria seca foi diferente entre as freqüências de corte, quando foram conservados os artículos primários: 4,08 t/ha/ano na freqüência de quatro anos, e de 3,43 t/ha/ano na freqüência de dois anos. A produção de palma aumentou com o período de crescimento da planta, nas duas intensidades de corte estudadas. A composição química dos artículos de palma e dos restolhos de sorgo foi pouco afetada pelos tratamentos.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a contaminação do solo, sedimentos, água e plantas por metais pesados, decorrente do uso de agroquímicos, na microbacia de Caetés em Paty do Alferes, RJ, amostras de solo foram analisadas, em 1996, para obter os teores totais de Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn de duas áreas com diferentes declividades (25% e 45%) tendo, ambas, como cobertura vegetal, capoeira, pasto e olericultura. Os resultados referentes aos solos sob pastagem (antiga área de olericultura) mostraram maiores teores de metais pesados do que a área de capoeira. Entretanto, esses valores não atingiram níveis críticos no solo, e esses elementos estavam presentes em formas químicas pouco disponíveis para absorção pelas plantas, como foi constatado na análise de metais pesados em tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum L.), pimentão (Capsicum annuum L.), repolho (Brassica oleracea L.) e pepino (Cucumis sativus L.), que apresentaram níveis baixíssimos desses elementos. Nas amostras de sedimentos, o comportamento dos metais pesados foi semelhante ao obtido nos solos, estando esses elementos distribuídos em maior porcentagem nas frações residual, ligadas a óxidos de Mn e Fe e ligadas à matéria orgânica. As amostras de água do córrego e do açude que cortam a microbacia apresentaram valores acima dos padrões internacionais com relação a Cd, Pb e Mn.


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O abacaxi (Ananas comosus Mill.) está sujeito a danos causados pelo frio durante o armazenamento refrigerado. A aplicação, pós-colheita, de Ca pode contribuir para reduzir vários tipos de desordens fisiológicas. Neste trabalho, verificou-se a influência da aplicação, pós-colheita, de CaCl2 a 2%, associada ao tratamento hidrotérmico (38ºC e 40ºC) por 10 e 20 minutos de imersão, na composição química (fenólicos e enzimas), e na suscetibilidade ao escurecimento interno do abacaxi (Ananas comosus Mill.) cultivar Smooth Cayenne. Os frutos foram armazenados a 9ºC e umidade relativa de 90% por um período de 15 dias. As avaliações foram efetuadas sete dias após a retirada dos frutos das condições de refrigeração. O tratamento dos frutos com CaCl2 reduziu o índice de escurecimento interno, conferindo menor atividade das enzimas polifenoloxidase, peroxidase e fenilalanina amônio liase e reduzindo o teor de compostos fenólicos na polpa quando associado ao tratamento hidrotérmico, independentemente do tempo de imersão.


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Two goals were pursued in this research: first, to evaluate statistically some effects of sample preparation and instrument geometry on reproducibility of X-ray diffraction intensity data; and second, to develop a procedure for finding minimum peak and background counting times for a desired level of accuracy. The ratio of calcite to dolomite in limestones was determined in trials. Ultra-fine wet grinding of the limestone in porcelain impact type ball mill gave most consistent X-ray results, but caused considerable line broadening, and peaks were best measured on an area count basis. Sample spinning reduced variance about one third, and a coarse beam-medium detector slit arrangement was found to be best. An equation is developed relating coefficient of variation of a count ratio to peak and background counts. By use of the equation or graphs the minimum coefficient of variation is predicted from one fast scan, and the number and optimum arrangement of additional counting periods to reduce variation to a desired limit may be obtained. The calculated coefficient is the maximum which may be attributed to the counting statistic but does not include experimental deviations.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da predação de Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) por ninfas e adultos de Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) na reprodução desse predador, em casa telada (30±5ºC, 61±23% de UR e fotoperíodo natural) e em laboratório (28±1°C, 53±5% de UR e fotoperíodo de 14L:10E). Ninfas de P. nigrispinus, a partir do segundo ínstar e os adultos originados dessas ninfas, foram confinados em folhas de tomate industrial var. IPA5, com dez lagartas de terceiro ou quarto ínstares de T. absoluta. A taxa de predação do segundo ao quinto ínstar de P. nigrispinus foi de 6,2, 6,6, 8,6 e 15,5 lagartas em casa telada e de 9,1, 11,1, 8,7 e 12,9 lagartas em laboratório, respectivamente. P. nigrispinus predou, durante sua fase ninfal, um número semelhante de lagartas de T. absoluta em casa telada (38,2±1,78) e laboratório (43,1±2,19), alimentandose, em média, de 2,3 e 2,5 lagartas por dia, respectivamente, nesses dois ambientes. Fêmeas de P. nigrispinus predaram, em média, 50,8±6,1 e 50,3±10,6 lagartas no laboratório e casa telada. A conversão do alimento por fêmea de P. nigrispinus foi semelhante nos dois ambientes, tendo produzido 0,31 ovos/lagarta de T. absoluta consumida em casa telada e 0,41 ovos/lagarta em laboratório.