998 resultados para Lower third molar
Stochastic learning processes for a specific feature detector are studied. This technique is applied to nonsmooth multilayer neural networks requested to perform a discrimination task of order 3 based on the ssT-block¿ssC-block problem. Our system proves to be capable of achieving perfect generalization, after presenting finite numbers of examples, by undergoing a phase transition. The corresponding annealed theory, which involves the Ising model under external field, shows good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations.
RÉSUMÉ En combinant la perspective du parcours de vie à la théorie du stress et selon une approche psychosociale, cette thèse montre comment les expériences individuelles et collectives de victimisation ont marqué les parcours de vie, les croyances et le bien-être d'une cohorte de jeunes adultes ayant traversé les guerres en ex-Yougoslavie. Le premier article applique des analyses de courbes de croissance à classes latentes et dégage différentes trajectoires d'exclusion entre 1990 et 2006. L'analyse de ces trajectoires met en évidence les intersections entre vies individuelles, contexte et temps socio-historique et démontre que les expériences de guerre et les périodes d'exclusion socio-économique laissent des traces sur le bien-être à long terme. Les deuxième et troisième articles montrent que la croyance en un monde juste est ébranlée suite à des expériences de précarité socio-économique et de victimisation dues à la guerre au niveau individuel et contextuel. Un effet curvilinéaire et des interactions entre les niveaux indiquent que ces relations varient en fonction de l'intensité de la victimisation au niveau contextuel. Des effets de récence sont aussi relevés. Le quatrième article démontre que l'impact négatif de la victimisation sur le bien-être est en partie expliqué par un effritement de la croyance en un monde juste. De plus, si les individus qui croient davantage en un monde juste sont plus satisfaits de leur vie, la force de ce lien varie en fonction du niveau de victimisation dans certains contextes. Cette thèse présente un modèle multiniveaux dynamique dans lequel la croyance en un monde juste n'exerce plus le rôle de ressource personnelle stable mais s'érode face à la victimisation, entraînant ainsi un bien-être moindre. Ce travail souligne l'importance d'articuler les niveaux individuels et contextuels et de considérer la dimension temporelle pour expliquer les liens entre victimisation, croyance en un monde juste et bien-être. ABSTRACT By combining a life course perspective to stress theory and according to a psychosocial approach, this thesis shows how individual and collective victimisation experiences marked the life course, beliefs and well-being of a cohort of young adults who lived through the wars in former Yugoslavia. In the first article, latent class growth analyses were applied to identify different exclusion trajectories between 1990 and 2006. The analysis of these trajectories highlighted the intersections between individual lives, socio-historical context and time and demonstrated that experiences of war and socio-economic exclusion leave traces on well-being in the long term. The second and third articles showed that the belief in a just world was shattered due to socio-economic precariousness and war victimisation at individual and contextual levels. A curvilinear effect and cross-level interactions indicated that these relations varied according to the intensity of victimisation at the contextual level. Time effects were also noted. The fourth article showed that the negative impact of victimisation on well-being was partly explained by an erosion of the belief in a just world. Furthermore, if high believers were more satisfied with their lives, the strength of this relation varied depending on the level of victimisation in particular contexts. This thesis presents a multilevel dynamic model in which the belief in a just world no longer exercises the role of a stable personal resource but erodes in the face of victimisation, leading to a lower well-being. This work stresses the importance of articulating individual and contextual levels as well as considering the temporal dimension to explain the links between victimisation, belief in a just world and well-being.
AbstractObjective:To evaluate the prevalence of exclusive lower extremity metastases, specifically in the femur and below the knee, observed at 18F-NaF PET/CT.Materials and Methods:One thousand consecutive PET/CT studies were retrospectively evaluated for the presence of exclusive uptake in lower extremities suggesting metastatic involvement. The presumptive diagnoses based on such uptakes were subsequently obtained by evaluation of other imaging studies.Results:No exclusive uptake suggestive of metastasis below the femur was observed in the present series. Exclusive uptake was observed in the proximal femur with a presumptive diagnosis of metastasis in two patients.Conclusion:The prevalence of exclusive metastasis below the femur is low and scanning from head to knees is appropriate in most cases.
Water withdrawal from Mediterranean reservoirs in summer is usually very high. Because of this, stratification is often continuous and far from the typical two-layered structure, favoring the excitation of higher vertical modes. The analysis of wind, temperature, and current data from Sau reservoir (Spain) shows that the third vertical mode of the internal seiche (baroclinic mode) dominated the internal wave field at the beginning of September 2003. We used a continuous stratification two-dimensional model to calculate the period and velocity distribution of the various modes of the internal seiche, and we calculated that the period of the third vertical mode is ;24 h, which coincides with the period of the dominating winds. As a result of the resonance between the third mode and the wind, the other oscillation modes were not excited during this period
The aim of this investigation was to analyze the dental occlusion in the deciduous dentition, and the effects of orthodontic treatment carried out in the early mixed dentition with the eruption guidance appliance. The deciduous occlusion and craniofacial morphology of 486 children (244 girls and 242 boys) were investigated at the onset of the mixed dentition period (mean age 5.1 years, range 4.0-7.8 years). Treatment in the treatment group and follow-up in the control group were started when the first deciduous incisor was exfoliated (T1) and ended when all permanent incisors and first molars were fully erupted (T2). The mean age of the children was 5.1 years (SD 0.5) at T1 and 8.4 years (SD 0.5) at T2. Treatment was carried out with the eruption guidance appliance. Occlusal changes that took place in 167 children were compared with those of 104 untreated control children. Pre- and post-treatment cephalometric radiographs were taken, and the craniofacial morphology of 115 consecutively treated children was compared with that of 104 control children. The prevalence of malocclusion in the deciduous dentition was 68% or 93% depending on how the cut-off value between the acceptable and non-acceptable occlusal characteristic was defined. The early dentofacial features of children with distal occlusion, large overjet and deepbite differed from those with normal occlusion. However, the skeletal pattern of these three malocclusions showed considerable similarity each being characterized by a retrusive mandible, small maxillo-mandibular difference, convex profile, retrusive lower incisors, and large interincisal angle. In the treatment group, overjet and overbite decreased significantly from T1 to T2. Following treatment, a tooth-to-tooth contact was found in 99% of the treated children but only in 24% of the controls. A Class I molar relationship was observed in 90% of the children in the treatment group, and in 48% in the control group. Good alignment of the incisors was observed in 98% of the treated children, whereas upper crowding was found in 32% and lower crowding in 47% of the controls. A significant difference between the groups was found in the mandibular length, midfacial length and maxillo-mandibular differential. The occlusal correction, brought about by the eruption guidance appliance, was achieved mainly through changes in the dentoalveolar region of the mandible. In addition, the appliance seemed to enhance the growth of the mandible. Treatment in the early mixed dentition using the eruption guidance appliance is an effective method to normalize occlusion and reduce further need of orthodontic treatment. Only few spontaneous corrective changes can be expected without active intervention.
Background: Actions of others may have immediate consequences for oneself. We probed the neural responses associated with the observation of another person"s action using event-related potentials in a modified gambling task. In this task a"performer" bet either a higher or lower number and could win or lose this amount. Three different groups of"observers" were also studied. The first (neutral) group simply observed the performer"s action, which had no consequences for the observers. In the second (parallel) group, wins/losses of the performer were paralleled by similar wins and losses by the observer. In the third (reverse) group, wins of the performer led to a loss of the observer and vice versa. Results: ERPs of the performers showed a mediofrontal feedback related negativity (FRN) to losses. The neutral and parallel observer groups did similarly show an FRN response to the performer"s losses with a topography indistinguishable from that seen in the performers. In the reverse group, however, the FRN occurred for wins of the performer which translated to losses for the observer. Conclusions: Taking into account previous experiments, we suggest that the FRN response in observers is driven by two evaluative processes (a) related to the benefit/loss for oneself and (b) related to the benefit/loss of another person
The recognition of homosexual rights is a controversial issue in many countries. Spain was the third country in the world (after Netherlands and Belgium) to introduce a law recognizing homosexual marriage and adoption of children. In this paper, we examine for the first time whether schools are more hesitant to give feedback to homosexual parents during children's pre-registration period in Spain. In order to do that, we designed an internet field experiment to be conducted in schools. We created three types of fictitious couples; one heterosexual, one male homosexual and one female homosexual, and send emails to schools making sexual orientation explicit. Our results show that men homosexual couples had a significant lower probability to receive and answer than heterosexual couples (22.5 percentage points less). No statistically significant differences in the response rate were found between female homosexual and heterosexual couples. This result suggests that male homosexual couples might be penalized because of the lack of a maternal figure. Keywords: Discrimination, field experiment, schools, homosexual rights. JEL codes: H41, I20, K36
We intend to divulge an easy experiment that permits the determination of molar masses of various compounds by cryoscopy. The major advantage of this is the use of the tert-butyl alcohol as a solvent, which requires simple apparatus and easy procedures. The melting point of this alcohol is around 25 ºC, which makes it easy to freeze and then melt the solutions. This solvent has a high cryoscopic constant and is miscible with both polar and non-polar compounds. The molar masses of acetone, water, chloroform, dichloro-methane, ethanol, hexane, carbon tetrachloride and toluene were determined. The results were good except for water. Even though there are reliable techniques of molar mass determination nowadays, this method is still frequently taught in undergraduate courses.
Herein, we report the formation of organized mesoporous silica materials prepared from a novel nonionic gemini surfactant, myristoyl-end capped Jeffamine, synthesized from a polyoxyalkyleneamine (ED900). The behavior of the modified Jeffamine in water was first investigated. A direct micellar phase (L1) and a hexagonal (H1) liquid crystal were found. The structure of the micelles was investigated from the SAXS and the analysis by Generalized Indirect Fourier Transformation (GIFT), which show that the particles are globular of coreshell type. The myristoyl chains, located at the ends of the amphiphile molecule are assembled to form the core of the micelles and, as a consequence, the molecules are folded over on themselves. Mesoporous materials were then synthesized from the self-assembly mechanism. The recovered materials were characterized by SAXS measurements, nitrogen adsorptiondesorption analysis, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The results clearly evidence that by modifying the synthesis parameters, such as the surfactant/silica precursor molar ratio and the hydrothermal conditions, one can control the size and the nanostructuring of the resulting material. It was observed that, the lower the temperature of the hydrothermal treatment, the better the mesopore ordering.
The objective of this study consists, firstly, of quantifying differences between Spanish universities’ output (in terms of publications and citations), and secondly, analysing its determinants. The results obtained show that there are factors which have a positive influence on these indicators, such as having a third-cycle programme, with public financing obtained in competitive selection procedures, having a large number of full-time researchers or involvement in collaborations with international institutions. However, other factors which appear to have the opposite effect were also noted. These include a higher number of students per lecturer or a lower proportion of lecturers with recognised six-year periods.
This thesis includes several thermal hydraulic analyses related to the Loviisa WER 440 nuclear power plant units. The work consists of experimental studies, analysis of the experiments, analysis of some plant transits and development of a calculational model for calculation of boric acid concentrations in the reactor. In the first part of the thesis, in the case of won of boric acid solution behaviour during long term cooling period of LOCAs, experiments were performed in scaled down test facilities. The experimental data together with the results of RELAPS/MOD3 simulations were used to develop a model for calculations of boric acid concentrations in the reactor during LOCAs. The results of calculations showed that margins to critical concentrations that would lead to boric acid crystallization were large, both in the reactor core and in the lower plenum. This was mainly caused by the fact that water in the primary cooling circuit includes borax (Na)BsO,.IOHZO), which enters the reactor when ECC water is taken from the sump and greatly increases boric acid solubility in water. In the second part, in the case of simulation of horizontal steam generators, experiments were performed with PACTEL integral test loop to simulate loss of feedwater transients. The PACTEL experiments, as well as earlier REWET III natural circulation tests, were analyzed with RELAPS/MOD3 Version Sm5 code. The analysis showed that the code was capable of simulating the main events during the experiments. However, in the case of loss of secondary side feedwater the code was not completely capable to simulate steam superheating in the secondary side of the steam generators. The third part of the work consists of simulations of Loviisa VVER reactor pump trip transients with RELAPSlMODI Eur, RELAPS/MOD3 and CATHARE codes. All three codes were capable to simulate the two selected pump trip transients and no significant differences were found between the results of different codes. Comparison of the calculated results with the data measured in the Loviisa plant also showed good agreement.
The objective of this study consists, firstly, of quantifying differences between Spanish universities' output (in terms of publications and citations), and secondly, analysing its determinants. The results obtained show that there are factors which have a positive influence on these indicators, such as having a third-cycle programme, with public financing obtained in competitive selection procedures, having a large number of full-time researchers or involvement in collaborations with international institutions. However, other factors which appear to have the opposite effect were also noted. These include a higher number of students per lecturer or a lower proportion of lecturers with recognised six-year periods.
An improved defoamer dosage procedure and a more efficient dosing point to the approach system were studied in this thesis. Their influence on paper machine wet end operations was investigated. The improved defoamer dosing procedure was examined at UMP-Kymmene Tervasaari PM8. Air content and its controlling methods at the paper machine were studied in the literature survey. Also the influence of dissolved gases and entrained air in the papermaking furnish were introduced. Feeding methods – a TrumpJet chemical mixer and traditional feeding devices – were reviewed. The defoamer’s functioning methods were studied. The influence of the use of defoamers was estimated based on the main selected wet end operations. In the experimental part, defoamer mixing with a traditional feeding method and two improved mixing stages were compared based on the air content profiles in PM8’s approach system. The reference dosage procedure was PM8’s old dosing system. The first dosage procedure in the comparison involved two TrumpJet chemical mixers installed on the bottom wire trays. The second element of comparison involved the improvement brought by a third TrumpJet chemical mixer installed on the top wire tray. This second comparison of the efficient defoamer feeding concept was made at a higher production speed of PM8. The air content control situation was also studied at the higher production speed. In addition the connection between the defoamer and air content was observed and a mill-scale system was studied. The economical benefits of the new dosing procedure were also reviewed. Air content profiles of short circulation were measured in the reference situation and the two comparison points of the study. These air content measurements proved the main gas load is introduced to PM8's paper furnish from the white water tray. Thick stock air content was not essential when the air volume flow was considered. The improved defoamer dosing procedure made lower dosage amounts possible. Compared with the traditional feeding system, the new defoamer feeding concept made only few direct improvements to the wet end operations and the produced paper itself. The lower defoamer need was noticed to have a positive influence on hydrophobic sizing and paper defects. The surfaces of the white water tanks and the operation of pumps were assessed based on the density variations of the suspension. The temperature in the white water silo was stated to have a significant influence on the air content measured in the first centrifugal cleaning stage.