997 resultados para Libraries newsletter, articles, professional
A bi-weekly newsletter for those involved in the fields of homeland security and/or emergency management
Monthly newsletter of State Library
Study of the publication models and the means of accessing scientific literature in the current environment of digital communication and the web. The text introduces the concept of journal article as a well-defined and stable unit within the publishing world, and as a nucleus on which professional and scholarly communication has been based since its beginnings in the 17th century. The transformation of scientific communication that the digital world has enabled is analysed. Descriptions are provided of some of the practices undertaken by authors, research organisations, publishers and library-related institutions as a response to the new possibilities being unveiled for articles, both as products as well as for their creation and distribution processes. These transformations affect the very nature of articles as a minimal unit -both unique and stable- of scientific communication. The article concludes by noting that under varying documentary forms of publisher aggregation and bibliographic control -sometimes simultaneously and, even, apparently contradictory- there flourishes a more pluralistic type of scientific communication. This pluralism offers: more possibilities for communication among authors; fewer levels of intermediaries such as agents that intervene and provide added value to the products; greater availability for users both economically speaking and from the point of view of access; and greater interaction and wealth of contents, thanks to the new hypertext and multimedia possibilities.
A bi-weekly newsletter for those involved in the fields of homeland security and/or emergency management
Monthly newsletter for the Iowa Department of Public Health
Quarterly update for State Library patrons.
Quarterly update for State Library patrons.
A listing of electronic resources containing ethical or deontological codes. They include references of prominent declarations, professional codes at the national and international levels, thematic guides, and links to resources about the issue, with a calendar of upcoming conferences.
Anàlisi de citacions en tesis doctorals d'informàtica de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), presentades entre 1996-1998, per determinar l'ús d'informació segons la tipologia i el suport documental. Com a punt de partida per al disseny del projecte desenvolupat, s'analitzen els fonaments del mètode emprat en vista d'una revisió de la bibliografia sobre desenvolupament de col·leccions i estudis d'usuaris. Les dades obtingudes entre els doctorands de la UPC són consistents amb les característiques apuntades en la bibliografia sobre els investigadors de l'àrea de ciències de la computació: una elevada obsolescència de la bibliografia professional, el control de la bibliografia mitjançant les citacions en les lectures efectuades, la prioritat per les fonts més pròximes i accessibles, la consulta de cercadors de recursos web, la visita a llocs web d'investigadors i institucions de solvència en el seu terreny, i el contacte amb els col·legues mitjançant la comunicació electrònica, configuren un ús per tipus de documents que fa prevaler els congressos i la literatura grisa en més gran mesura que en altres àrees cientificotècniques.
The recent surge in scientific electronic journals began when libraries began having access to the WWW in the mid-1990s. The shift from paper to digital has affected the traditional alignment and role of the primary "stakeholders" -mainly authors, publishers, universities and libraries. The author offers a brief review of the history of the scholarly journal followed by the evolution of e-journals in during the past two decades. The article then focuses on the implications that these have had on traditional library processes and services such as selection, acquisitions, cataloguing, storage, preservation and user services. In the conclusion the author speculates on the long term effect of Web-based publishing on the format of the traditional scholarly journal as it has existed for over 300 years.
The offer of new products and services is the main way to enhance the image of public libraries in public opinion and to attract the media attention that they deserve. Presented here for professional consideration and comment are fifty surprising, simple and realistic ideas that can be carried out by public libraries, with the aim of reaching unknown user groups and of maintaining the fidelity of current users.
The offer of new products and services is the main way to enhance the image of public libraries in public opinion and to attract the media attention that they deserve. Presented here for professional consideration and comment are fifty surprising, simple and realistic ideas that can be carried out by public libraries, with the aim of reaching unknown user groups and of maintaining the fidelity of current users.
The aim of this paper is to expand on previous quantitative and qualitative research into the use of electronic information resources and its impact on the information behaviour of academics at Catalan universities.
Quarterly update for State Library patrons.