996 resultados para Judicial corruption


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Los modelos de calidad son empleados para medir la evaluación, de las organizaciones o instituciones, bien por su personal interno o externo, llegando a conocer cuál es la situación de esta, respecto al ideal de excelencia así como las oportunidades de mejora. En el orden de las ideas anteriores, la presente investigación se elaboró con el objetivo de diseñar un modelo de calidad que contribuya al eficiente servicio al cliente, en el Departamento Representación de la División de la Defensa de los Intereses del Estado de la Fiscalìa General de la República de El Salvador. Para el diseño del modelo de calidad, se realizó previamente un diagnóstico en el Departamento de Representación Judicial, con el objetivo de conocer la situación actual de dicho ente, este diagnóstico es resultado de la investigación de campo, cuyo método utilizado fue el inductivo; razonamiento que aborda un problema partiendo de lo particular a lo general,analizando las variables que influyen en el objeto a investigar, empleando como técnicas la entrevista, encuestas y la observación. La entrevistas fueron realizadas a los directivos del Departamento de Representación Judicial, mediante el instrumento denominado guía de preguntas, en lo concerniente a las encuestas se efectuaron por medio de cuestionarios dirigidos a usuarios y empleados del Departamento de Representación Judicial y como técnica final se utilizó la observación directa auxiliándose del instrumento hoja de observación, todo esto permitió obtener información del estado actual del objeto a investigar, pudiendo así diagnosticar una serie de carencias que obstaculizan el buen y eficiente servicio, como por ejemplo la inexistencia de un modelo orientado a servicio al cliente, retraso en la resolución de trámites, deficiencias a la hora de canalizar las insatisfacciones o quejas de los usuarios. En consecuencia a la situación anteriormente planteada, se propone el diseño del modelo de calidad que contribuya al eficiente servicio al cliente en el Departamento de Representación Judicial, el cual consta de catorce pasos lógicos de cómo establecer una cultura de calidad orientada hacia el servicio, el tiempo de ejecución de este modelo es de doce meses en concordancia al periodo laboral presupuestado por las instituciones públicas, como lo es la Fiscalía General de la República, con la implementación de este modelo, se pretende alcanzar la satisfacción de los usuarios en sus necesidades y exigencias al solicitar los servicios que ofrece el Departamento de Representación Judicial.


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El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el análisis del castigo supremo por el cual se lleva a cabo la privación del derecho fundamental por antonomasia, como es, el derecho a la vida; todo ello por parte del Estado y de una forma premeditada. Pena que actualmente han abolido, para todos los delitos, 140 países, es decir, dos tercios del total mundial. Se ha llevado a cabo un trabajo multidisciplinar en el que se ponen de manifiesto aspectos de índole jurídico pero teniendo siempre muy presente aspectos de carácter social, ético y de derechos humanos; queriendo con ello presentar la relación existente entre la pena de muerte y el derecho a la vida y dignidad humana; todo ello al analizar, entre otros, el riesgo que supone para las personas inocentes, la discriminación y arbitrariedad a la hora de hacerla efectiva, su aplicación únicamente por los delitos considerados “más graves”, así como los límites y restricciones en su aplicación.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2016.


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Research suggests that there is a link between the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) and violence, though this link may be moderated by other substance use such as alcohol. Violent acts in the nighttime economy in recent times has led to governments adopting a law enforcement approach. This study sought to investigate whether the judicial system considers that there is a link between AAS use and violence. Sentencing decisions in Victoria, Australia, were identified using three publically available case law databases. Of the six cases identified, three cases had some mention of a potential link between AAS use and violent offending; however, it appears that evidence of AAS use had neither an aggravating nor mitigating effect on sentencing. In all six cases, a history of other substance use had more of an impacting upon sentencing. Harm reduction approaches should be adopted to reduce violence related to any substance use, including AAS.


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We examine, for the first time, the effects of corruption on income using household survey data from a developing country. Estimating the effects of corruption on income is challenging because of the simultaneous relationship between the two variables. We use a two-step instrumental variable approach to identify the effects of corruption on income. We find that after adjusting for simultaneity bias the act of bribery reduces income and that higher bribes have a negative effect on income. Taken together, our results provide a possible explanation why a vicious cycle between corruption and income inequality does not exist in the land sector in Bangladesh.


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In this article, we compare a government's optimal choice of whether to engage in corruption by capturing the media outlets through bribery in two alternative media market structures: monopoly versus duopoly. While there is an extra bribe claimant in a media duopoly relative to monopoly, it may also be harder for each firm to individually expose corruption when the rival co-opts with the government. We find that when the latter effect is stronger than the former, media is captured at lower bribes under duopoly relative to monopoly and in such instances media competition facilitates rather than hindering corruption.


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In Australia, statutory construction adjudication is a fast payment dispute resolution process designed to keep the cash flowing down the hierarchical contractual chain in construction projects. Its rapid, highly regulatory and temporarily binding nature have led to it being often described as a ‘quick and dirty’ process that delivers ‘rough and ready’ justice. Adjudicators often have to grapple with complex legal issues related to jurisdictional facts and interpretation of contract provisions, though the majority of them are not legally trained. This has often led to a poor quality of adjudication outcome for large and complex payment claims which has, in turn, led to a mounting dissatisfaction due to the many judicial challenges to adjudicators’ determinations seen in recent years. The evolving tension between the object of the security of payment legislation and excessive involvement of the courts has often been the subject of comment by the judiciary. This paper aims to examine the legislative and judicial approaches to support the object of the security of payment legislation to ease cash flow. The paper adopts a desktop study approach whereby evidence is gathered from three primary sources – judicial decisions, academic publications and governmental reports. The paper concludes that there is a need to adopt other measures which can provide more convenient relief to aggrieved parties to an adjudication process, such that the adjudication process is kept away from the courts as far as is possible. Specifically, it is proposed that a well-designed expanded legislative review scheme of allegedly flawed adjudication, based on that provided in the Western Australian legislation, might stand as a promising remedy to eliminate the evolving tension.


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The decision of the High Court of Australia in Gambotto v WCP Ltd wasboth controversial and widely debated. Some saw the decision as radically altering the balance of power in corporate law by granting minority shareholders extensive new powers to prevent the compulsory acquisition of their shares and thereby impeding commercial transactions that would benefit companies. There was also concern that the principles developed by the High Court for compulsory acquisition of shares undertaken by way of amendment of the corporate constitution would apply to other forms of compulsory acquisition, and corporate law more generally, again impeding many types of corporate transactions.We analyse the responses to the High Court decision. The decision had the potential to have a significant influence on Australian corporate law and the way corporate transactions involving compulsory share acquisitions are conducted. In particular, Gambotto was considered in more than 50 subsequent judgments giving many judges the opportunity to extend the Gambotto principles into new areas.We show that the responses to Gambotto were largely negative. Initial commentary in themedia and subsequent academic commentary was mostly critical. Almost uniformly, courts decided that the principles should not be extended.Parliament responded by enacting new provisions in the corporationslegislation facilitating the compulsory acquisition of shares and limiting the application of Gambotto. We document how courts and Parliamentresponded to a decision they did not like — a decision that had the potential to have major implications for corporate law and commercial transactions.We also analyse Gambotto by placing it in the broader political context ofthe role of the High Court at the time of the decision. Gambotto was decided when the High Court was in a period of unprecedented judicial activism.Subsequently, the High Court retreated from this judicial activism and weobserve similarities in how other courts restricted the application ofGambotto.


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Statutory adjudication was introduced into the Security of Payment (SOP) legislation as a fast-track payment dispute resolution process aiming to achieve the object of the legislation to facilitate cash flow within the construction contractual chain. As such, adjudication determinations were usually released and enforced on a "pay now, argue later" 1 basis in order to protect a vulnerable class of smaller businesses within the building and construction industry. The SOP legislation was extremely successful in attaining the stated object in the context of small adjudicated payment claims where both parties used to comply with the adjudication determination.


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Dans les dernières années, la corruption municipale a constitué un enjeu d’importance au Québec, posant des questions majeures sur la qualité de la gouvernance municipale. Ce mémoire vise à comprendre comment fonctionnait le système de corruption découvert au niveau des municipalités. En premier lieu, l’aspect historique de la corruption municipale sera examiné pour identifier l’héritage ayant influencé les pratiques actuelles. Surtout, ce phénomène sera abordé pour décrire la structure de gouvernance informelle qui s’est développée au sein des institutions municipales, plus spécifiquement dans les cas de Laval et Montréal. Le modèle théorique de Della Porta et Vannucci (2012) permettra d’illustrer la façon dont les acteurs internalisent les normes de la corruption, comment ils développent des relations de confiance entre eux et, enfin, comment l’action de régulateurs vient cimenter l’institutionnalisation de réseaux de corruption. Enfin, le mémoire vise à déceler quels aspects inhérents aux institutions municipales québécoises les ont rendues vulnérables à la corruption. La faiblesse et la capacité limitée des institutions formelles à structurer avec succès les incitatifs sera mise de l’avant. On examinera les limites des institutions visant à établir une surveillance externe des municipalités, pour ensuite se pencher sur les institutions internes pouvant prévenir la corruption, soit la bureaucratie et la démocratie municipale. En bref, le mémoire vise à identifier les structures de gouvernance des réseaux de corruption à Laval et Montréal, puis à en expliquer la provenance par la faiblesse d’institutions qui auraient pu l’endiguer.


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Dans les dernières années, la corruption municipale a constitué un enjeu d’importance au Québec, posant des questions majeures sur la qualité de la gouvernance municipale. Ce mémoire vise à comprendre comment fonctionnait le système de corruption découvert au niveau des municipalités. En premier lieu, l’aspect historique de la corruption municipale sera examiné pour identifier l’héritage ayant influencé les pratiques actuelles. Surtout, ce phénomène sera abordé pour décrire la structure de gouvernance informelle qui s’est développée au sein des institutions municipales, plus spécifiquement dans les cas de Laval et Montréal. Le modèle théorique de Della Porta et Vannucci (2012) permettra d’illustrer la façon dont les acteurs internalisent les normes de la corruption, comment ils développent des relations de confiance entre eux et, enfin, comment l’action de régulateurs vient cimenter l’institutionnalisation de réseaux de corruption. Enfin, le mémoire vise à déceler quels aspects inhérents aux institutions municipales québécoises les ont rendues vulnérables à la corruption. La faiblesse et la capacité limitée des institutions formelles à structurer avec succès les incitatifs sera mise de l’avant. On examinera les limites des institutions visant à établir une surveillance externe des municipalités, pour ensuite se pencher sur les institutions internes pouvant prévenir la corruption, soit la bureaucratie et la démocratie municipale. En bref, le mémoire vise à identifier les structures de gouvernance des réseaux de corruption à Laval et Montréal, puis à en expliquer la provenance par la faiblesse d’institutions qui auraient pu l’endiguer.


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The alarming proliferation of ‘campi nomadi’ (nomad camps) in Italy intensifies the urgency of analysing their internal mechanism and the complex relation between all the parties [1]; ‘camp dwellers’, government agencies and Civil Society organisations [CSOs][2], involved in their production and reification. To arrive at an adequate appreciation of this nexus, the three components of what has been termed the ‘camps system’ have been analysed separately. This approach helped to pinpoint how they have combined to produce a hegemonic perspective on Romani issues, which yields a simplistic binary interpretation of a complex and dynamic phenomenon: Romanies are generally viewed as either victims or threats, narrowing the range of responses to charity or hostility. Only in recent years a growing awareness regarding the agency of camp inhabitants has re-emerged more consistently after a period in which an ‘encamped life’ was at times associated to Agamben’s (1998) ‘bare life’ and Foucault’s (1977) ‘biopolitics’. Nevertheless, scholars are still hesitant in developing a current of study looking specifically at camps, not only as ‘resistance sites’, but more broadly as ‘all-inclusive systems’, where interacting and interdependent agents form an integrated whole. Through in-depth analysis of this specific socio-political context I was able to observe the existence of a democratic deficit in the way these actors operate and co-operate with each other: competition and antagonisms, corruption, lack of transparency and accountability, and inefficiencies have all contributed over the years to producing and maintaining the present living situation of the Romani peoples.